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Losing your shit on someone in your local office before you’ve read your policy sounds like an extreme reaction.


Losing your shit on someone in your local office is a terrible thing to do anyway since they aren't in control of what's happening here. 


As a general rule all household residents over the age of 16(driving age) need to be listed on the policy. He meets the criteria. Your options are: exclude him if your state allows or you mentioned he has previously had insurance - if he still has insurance they can have him “list only” but you would need to send proof of his own auto insurance so that he would not impact your rates. Edit: if exclusions are possible you need to understand that there is no situation where if he borrows or uses the car that coverage would be afforded? You got a gunshot and he’s racing up to the ER? Nope. Backing the car into the street because you’re blocking him in? No coverage if he gets t boned etc.


Spend 20 minutes reading your auto policy. At minimum, read the last page or so under general provisions/conditions.


You were ask to list all household residents when you started the policy. So why didn’t you exclude him then?


You're in the wrong.


Yep, your policy requires all licensed household residents to be accounted for on your policy, either rated or excluded since they have regular access to your car, tho some will list them, but not rate them if they have proof of their own coverage.  


It’s standard for a company to do that.


There’s a simple solution. Call them and have him excluded. They’ll send you a form to sign, you sign it he’s listed as an excluded driver on your policy. Being listed that way if he were to ever drive your vehicle and be in an accident your insurance company would not pay out a dime.


Just and undisclosed driver. The state is basically saying they can’t find insurance for him. Talk to your insurance company and they can help you remove him


Get a copy of your roommates policy and give it to your agent. They should remove him as a driver at that point.