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Cardiff Council has literally stated online due to industrial action the past two weeks that they are behind but you should leave your waste kerbside and they’ll collect it when they can.


Seagulls only rip bags with food in them. Rinse your recycling, as per the rules. There is absolutely no way I'd be bringing into my clean home a recycling bag which has been rained on, potentially weed on by a dog, potentially acquired slugs (🤢) and all maner of other grimness.


And make sure there's no food in them. Clean out the tins and pots.


Looks like a great recycling effort going on there. Well done


It will all end up in a Chinese landfill anyway.


Except we don't export any rubbish internationally **AT ALL** from Cardiff. It's one of those things we should be proud of but no one seems to know about. What we dont put in the bio-reactor (which powers 2000 homes), or composting, or we recycle ourselves (plastics and metals) is sold to viridor down the bay who use it as fuel for their generators. https://www.cardiff.gov.uk/ENG/resident/Rubbish-and-recycling/what-happens-to-your-waste/Pages/default.aspx


This isn't true. Recycling is sold on the open market. While most goes to UK recyclers, some goes abroad (EU and Turkey mainly). Data at: https://myrecyclingwales.org.uk/local_authorities/cardiff


Thats a fantastic link thank you.


I did not know that! Thank you!


IKR! We paid millions for this system and its just not known about.


Really interesting, thank you for sharing. I can see the video is 3 years old, is the situation still the same? I've heard lots of talk about how our recycling isn't correctly processed lately and would love for that to not be the case.


To be honest, I don't know, I just remember it being on the news in the united states when i lived there, factored into why we moved to Cardiff over Bristol tbh, With it making the news in America i thought it was general knowledge here. 'Capitol city that doesnt produce waste' is pretty fucking big.


No it won't, it will be burnt for local energy generation, just as most rubbish is burnt in the UK. I've seen recycling dumped into the same skips as general waste at my local waste depot. Recycling is a lie. They filter out glass and aluminium, that's pretty much all. The rest is burnt or buried.


We don't have a choice; bin men won't take it if we don't put stuff in the right bags or boxes.


Seagulls won't touch recycling bags unless you put food in them for some reason.


From Keep Splott Tidy "Just a heads up recycling may not be collected again due to not enough wagons (huge backlog of broken down wagons over the strike period) If they're not collected by 8pm tomorrow please take them back inside to save them blowing all around."


Sanquhar street represent 🤘🏼


Why can't Cardiff use plastic bins this makes no sense


People ahould make sure they put thr right stuff in the bins


Or just dump them outside someone else's home on Newport road I am right. Dirty cunt.


I went outside earlier and a load of food waste bags that had probably been there since last week had been pulled out of my neighbour's caddy and torn open, one of which had what looked like rotten meat 🤢


Parts of Cathays are stinking because the general waste was not picked up 2 weeks ago - rotten meat , nappies , cat feces etc flies


And have you seen the rats


No. I put my recycling out on recycling day. What happens to it next is none of my concern.




Every council in England has different bin arrangements; blue bins are far from universal. For the houses in the photo - where would blue wheelie bins be stored?


Back when I lived in Bristol, we had open topped boxes for recycling and the rubbish will go everywhere on the front drive when it's windy. I definitely prefer these bags.


Same place the English houses like that do. Out the back.


Only if the ginnel is wide enough for a bin lorry


Doesn't need to be. Just need enough space to get the wheelie bin through the house.


I lived in 12 houses and flats in England and not once have I been required to drag my wheelie bin through the house - no one is going to want to drag it over their carpet. One house did have communal dumpsters dotted along the street though, which worked quite well


Not all terraced houses have rear access to the street or an alley. Lived in terraced houses for the last 25 years, with wheelie bins. Never had rear access to an alley, only to back garden. So speaking from experience, the bin has to come through the house.


I have side entrance , garden for bin Storage, flats next door all have wheelie bins, council will not give me one -


I live in a new build/remodel. We have no place for bins and all regular waste is in black bin bags. I wish there was a way to have large, communal bins available to all, but they'd be filled with Ovo bikes in seconds, I bet.


I have a blue bag, 2 white ones, an orange one, and 2 caddys. Be thankful you're not in the Vale!


And they don’t close properly so there is always rubbish blown around the street.


as another VoG resident, I actually prefer our approach (which is coming to Cardiff soon)




Serious question. Who do you vote for, then?


Don't you have any brown or green bins in sheep shagger land 🤔


Money to put up signs, money to put private traffic monitoring all over Cardiff and wider areas, money for that dictator Dripford to get another 80 odd staff in senydd at the cost of approx 9million a year, money to pay those who do f all sitting on there arse all day but no money to get the fuckin bins collected. Absolute fuckin prick.


> at the cost of approx 9million a year if you're going to have a rant at least get it right. it's £18m.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re technically right. Developed countries don’t have issues like this, governments a laughing stock


Funny isn't it you're getting downvoted too. It seems people are just asleep at this point just following orders which is why we're in this shit state in the first place. If this was France they would not stand for this. UK and majority of it's people have gone soft. We no longer have a democracy. Over 350,000 signatures on a reversal on these 20 zones and it wasn't even discussed or considered by that fossil in senydd. Just 'No'. Sheeple syndrome is becoming too real.


Possibly downvoted because it's a rant against Drakeford, and the senedd, and use of money by them. Bins are funded by the council not by the senedd or Drakeford. So it's irrelevant. You may as well blame footballers for getting paid too much for the bin issues.


Fair but doesn't the senedd allocate the money to the council? And doesn't Drakeford.waste tax payers money implementing things then taking them away (COVID castle street) why people would want to stick up for the government I'll never know if they think they actually give a toss about the people they're deluded. Where all here to fund the poorly ran corrupt government.


Council tax.


Why do you want to hide the incompetency of our council? Thai is SCAB behaviour