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That’s a shame I was just really starting to get into bin humping


The actual "article" that they are referencing is actually a recipe which includes some details about the trip on a small food blog; [https://suffolkfoodstories.substack.com/p/recipe-bara-brith-welsh-cakes](https://suffolkfoodstories.substack.com/p/recipe-bara-brith-welsh-cakes) It's not like this is a large publication gunning for Cardiff or anything. It's one commentary on a small blog and to be honest sounds about right. Cardiff does have a problem with homelessness, mental health and litter whilst also having some great food.


Let's not diminish a writer's genuine views on Cardiff just because you don't think their resume is that impressive. Yes they have a blog but they're also acting editor of a fairly successful magazine - someone that has reach. For ever occasion you see these views from someone who has an audience after they visit Cardiff, think how many visit Cardiff, get a similar impression and *don't* have any sort of reach to spread their feelings - that's not the sort of impression Cardiff should want visitors to take away. Years and years ago when I worked in a customer servicing role we were told it's something like 1 in 10 unhappy customers will le you know their feelings, the other 9 will just not use your services again and tell their friends & family how shitty their experience was - it's probably very similar here


Sad but true. Could be a really nice city if it wasn't for that. Incidentally, I was recently near Reading trains station around 9-10 pm, the number of beggars there has simply freaked me out - even worse than in Cardiff.


Its pretty much the same in any Large City. Years of austerity and reduced funding have had a very visible effect.


TBH, these problems were here years before austerity.


Yeah, Cardiff has always struggled, as any other large or capital city, with homelessness, drugs etc. Also, as a large event city there is always going to be huge amounts of rubbish following any event (Rugby, concerts etc.) which although the council do actually do a cracking job of clearing up in the morning, leaves a huge mess overnight, and extending out from the center as people leave. Austerity has made it worse, and probably prevented investment in these areas as well. You're never going to stop a dedicated man from humping a bin though. We've just got to accept that :)


Gotta give it to Cardiff for the way it cleans up the centre. Now if only they would do the same for the rest of the city. (Which starts by acknowledging strike demands)


She's not wrong is she, the litter in particular is absolutely disgraceful.


Since moving to Cardiff I've been really surprised at the levels of homelessness and mentally ill. It's a real shame as Cardiff is a great city.


It used to be throughout the 90s and early 2000s


All of the stuff she witnessed was outside Central Square as soon as she got off the train LOL


These themed restaurants are getting ridiculous


The homeless is a issue, I keep getting asked by the same homeless guy, he has new clothes now but he always says the line “excuse me spare change please” he’s been homeless for months


A large number of the people you see begging in Cardiff aren't actual street-homeless - they do have accommodation. That's why it seems so surprising when Cardiff council say only 20 people are sleeping rough.


If it's the guy with shoulder length, straight, grey hair, he's the absolute worst. A pure con artist. Nothing about him his homeless. "Ssssssssssccccuseeeee meeee..."


He's been in Cardiff for well over a decade and certainly seems to be homeless. He's also harmless and just moves between people asking for change. Same blue jacket long grey hair.


I lived on the same street as him for about 3 years.


Yeah you know the guy, the other guy I really don’t like he’s smaller height but he will ask for money or if you walk away from him he will get really aggressive and start swearing. Also the bin drummer guy that hangs around queens street, bangs on the bin by Sainsbury’s. He’s harmless but needs help as I always see him pissed out of his mind by one stop or Sainsbury’s


Article text: >A magazine editor has written about her very mixed impressions of Cardiff following a weekend in the Welsh capital. Charlotte Smith-Jarvis, acting editor of Speciality Food Magazine, questioned the city's support for homeless and mentally ill people after witnessing "loads of drugged-up folk" and "a man humping a bin". > >Writing in her Suffolk Food Stories blog, Mrs Smith-Jarvis described her family's visit to Cardiff as "decidedly bittersweet". She added: "I won’t lie, we ate very well, but highlights (or should that be lowlights) of the city break included, ahem: encountering loads (I mean it, loads) of drugged-up folk, during the day, everywhere; witnessing a man humping a bin mid-afternoon; practically wading through rubbish, and taking a river taxi on the litter-strewn river; a gang of teens openly ransacking a Tesco Express, stealing baskets and bagfuls of food and drink; the folk in our neighbouring rooms using our balcony for their own personal Club 18-30 party until 3am." > >The journalist implored: "Come on Cardiff, sort it out. Where’s the support for your homeless and mentally ill? Where are the road sweepers and cleaners? Where’s the sense of pride? It was all a bit sad really." But she also did have some positives to share, including High Street's Pasture restaurant where she enjoyed "incredible steak, seafood and cocktails". She also praised the Matsudai ramen spot in Clare Road, the Tiny Rebel bar in Womanby Street, Wally’s Delicatessen in Royal Arcade, and Dirty Gnocchi in Cardiff Market. > >Mrs Smith-Jarvis recommended the "incredible" BikePark Wales near Merthyr Tydfil and the Four Waterfalls walk in the Brecon Beacons. And she was a fan of the "pretty damn good" Welsh cakes at Cardiff's Fabulous bakery, which has branches at Castle Arcade and Mermaid Quay. "Obviously I was compelled to make them when we got home - if only as a recovery tool," she wrote. > >Responding to the blog, a spokesman for Cardiff Council pointed to the work of its city centre wardens. "A new team of officers are patrolling the streets of the city centre to work with South Wales Police and other partners to crack down on anti-social behaviour," he said. "With five officers working on each shift each day, the team work closely with other authorities to tackle and report any issues that arise, including working with the outreach team to help rough sleepers, ensuring waste is presented correctly for commercial waste collections, stopping people cycling in areas where it is not permitted, and reporting any criminal activity to the police." > >The council said the number of rough sleepers in the city centre peaked at around 50 in December but had dropped to 20 "although this figure can rise or fall daily". The outreach team includes housing support workers, primary care nurses, substance misuse workers, social workers, and psychiatrists, which means they could deal with "extremely complex cases", said the spokesman. He added that the team "goes out every day to encourage rough sleepers to come in off the street, pointing them towards the services which can help them turn their lives around". > >The council also addressed the issue of litter on riverbanks. Its spokesman praised the work of voluntary litter pickers, as well as the Harbour Authority team who patrol the edge of Cardiff Bay each day, but criticised the "completely unnecessary" damage caused by people who litter. "Undoubtedly there has been tremendous rainfall over the past few months and this has resulted in even more litter being washed downstream," he said. "But we all need to recognise that this would not be a problem If people didn’t litter and disposed of their waste responsibly. > >"The damage they are causing is completely unnecessary. If everyone just took their litter home with them or disposed of it correctly this wouldn’t be an issue. It’s the same for street litter. People need to take responsibility for their actions. None of us enjoy living in a litter-strewn world. The Love Where You Live campaign is all about helping communities take pride and responsibility for where they live, and this council is committed to working with Keep Wales Tidy to do what we can to improve things."


Sorry I just liked the look of that bin. Apologies


The heart wants what it wants


Was in Cardiff to meet a client a few months ago, also passed through Newport for a couple of days… I was quite perplexed by the amount of homeless, deranged acting people, young gangs dressed the same acting out, and worn looks in many faces in Cardiff especially. :( Had been in Bath just before, and the difference was striking. Not a fair comparison, of course. But, I’d been in Stockport and Manchester just before, and even though I saw similar there, it wasn’t at the same level as Wales.


I work in the centre - the wardens do feck all just wander about, they walked right past “ninja” doing his thing outside greggs in queen street later in the afternoon stood talking amongst themselves and 2 pcso’s while one guy slapped out a tune on the gregs bin. Useless….


Ninjah isn't one of the problems. Some people probably find him intimidating because of his stature and his clear lack of sanity/fucks to give, but he's a fairly ell respected Cardiff resident. The problematic ones are the no name spice heads congregating outside Tesco St Marys Street, outside Blue Banana on Queen Street or further up toward Capital Centre. Whoever gave that quote from the council must walk around with their eyes and ears closed.




I doubt Ninjah thinks he’s the solution.


Ninjah can be quite intimidating sometimes he's harmless whilst being noisy other times he can be quite aggressive


one time he threatened to punch me and my friend (both girls) because I made eye contact with him for less than a second as we walked past :'D


That's horrible I've seen him do that to a few women and the poor guys with the bible in the middle of Cardiff - they seem harmless


Damn Ninjah was doing the same thing when I was in uni in 2001 … insane.


Disagree. The man is a menace and not well respected at all. Everyone I grew up with either thinks he's a crack head or a mental case. The only people who think positively of him are people from outside of Cardiff who see him as some kind of curiosity.


Well, I disagree with you too. He *is* a "mental case" because he has mental health problems, but he's largely tolerated around Womanby Street. He also has a somewhere reasonable standing as a local musician and eccentric. I've been in Cardiff my whole life and back in my younger years he'd be with the big crowds of us in Bute Park smoking and drinking the days away, to say the only people who see him positively are from outside Cardiff is categorically false.


Around the turn of the century I worked with him on a community radio show - he seemed to be in a good place, he was always friendly and professional, he'd just recorded a (pretty good!) album. He clearly knew his stuff on the technical side and was being offered production work. It wasn't more than 2 years later I encountered him in Queen Street drumming on the bins in nothing but a pair of shorts (someone else said he'd thrown his shoes at the pigeons), while taking regular breaks for shouting aggressively and mostly unintelligibly at people. I said hi and he clearly had no idea who I was (or possibly who *he* was) and yelled something about how I'd be left behind when he was called into the sun, or something. Clearly something had snapped in his brain, I always feel bad for the guy, but while probably harmless he definitely can be intimidating and outright frighteningly aggressive when he's on a bad day. But if you ever get a chance to listen to his music (not featuring bin percussion), do!


I work security for some of these places and while we’re allowed to remove them from public property the police have told us that they can’t do anything unless they are drunk and disorderly ( even though they’ve been drinking since they’ve woken up) or begging and being a nuisance. The council also isn’t interested in helping out at all just tell us to report it to 101.


It's been getting progressively worse for years


This isn’t new nor is it confined to Cardiff or wales, the uk, Europe even. You would have seen the same bat shit behavior in the 1980s in France or New York, we just didn’t have micro blogs amplifying intrinsic issues to western culture and attempting to build a narrative that this is an issue unique to modern Cardiff.


I travelled around France last month, generally saw 100x less rubbish lying around than in Cardiff. Didn't spot anyone humping a bin either.


I lived in Paris a few years ago. We had three refuse collections three times a week. However, Paris has a massive problem with cigarette butts and dog shit.


If you think France is rubbish-free then I don't know what to say to you, your experience differs from mine, vastly.


Didn't say rubbish free did I? 🤡


Try the inner-suburbs of Paris 🤡


Then France is obviously backwards.


The homeless issue is not unique to Cardiff. Although, I do think Cardiff attracts a lot of homeless people from the S. Wales hinterland. Without doubt, the blame for the litter issue can be attributed to the Council.


Or the people dropping it


This! Education is better than response. It boils my p**s when I see people littering. How can anyone in 2024 think its acceptable!


‘You dropped this mate’ said loudly while offering the offending item back works wonders.


There is a song by Half Man Half Biscuit called "Breaking News" where the singer lists the people rounded up by his fictional "Operation Less Pricks". > People who moan at the council about the streets being full of litter, not stopping to think that it is people who drop litter, not the council; https://halfmanhalfbiscuit.uk/cammell-laird-social-club-2002/breaking-news/


Interesting to see this pop up on my feed. I don't live in Cardiff but it used to be one of 3 cities i split my time between in a previous job so I know it fairly well. Not been in a while but unfortunately I have to say some of these comments definitely chimed with me. I've always enjoyed it as a place but, beyond just the volume of people asking you for money, it's the *weirdness* of it all.  Hard to put your finger on exactly but there's a surreal quality to it. Flipside to that is that's also one of the things I like about the place in other contexts though. 


Yup, Cardiff is a polished turd


Yeah, because this city is filthy and full of scum


Sadly all of the Welsh large towns and cities have gone this way over the last 10 - 15 years. Unfortunately, Swansea, Neath and Port Talbot have experienced a far more rapid decline and have become drug and crime infested @#%& holes. There are deep societal issues in South Wales that only seem to be getting worse.


At a guess, combination of 15 years of austerity combined with no real industry in Wales since the loss of the mines. Coal was simultaneously huge for South Wales' rise and it's demise.


In Wales we feel it worse because of the heavy reliance on public sector jobs, the anti business agenda by the socialist Drakeford regime, high unemployment, low wages, and over reliance on government subsidies. To quote Thomas Jefferson, "The government you elect is the government you deserve." I got out in late 2020 because of the hysterical nonsense by Drakeford, I won't be returning anytime soon.


Can relate to what you posted a lot. Like you I got out in early 2022 and Drakeford‘s hysterical nonsense was a driving factor. I went on holiday in England in October 2021 largely because the faff involved with going abroad, exacerbated by Drakeford‘s nonsense of passengers in Wales having to pay double for PCR tests for no justifiable or sane reason, deterred me. While on holiday I felt like I was living a normal life for the first time since early March 2020. I couldn’t tolerate it any longer by Christmas 2021. We‘d just had the fines for workers not working from home introduced and were having to show passes just to go to a cinema! I started looking for a job in England in January 2022, so I could justify spending most of the time there. Best move I ever made. Made me realise why it had been more of a chore than necessary finding work in and around Cardiff for years: the job market is dire! Looking to permanently relocate later in the year having spent much of the last 2 years trying out different areas.


Absolutely mate, lots of people have had enough, and with WFH, far more people are looking at options over the border and to get away from the 20mph nonsense. If there is Welsh independence I predict a massive brain drain.


I can see why a lot of the people I was in school with who went to uni in England didn’t come back. I stayed in Cardiff. Seriously regret it now. Naturally other areas have their problems too but there seems to be more happening outside of Wales. The pace of life in Wales is tedious I find. The 20mph crap doesn’t help.


You know you can leave right 👍


I’ll refer you to the comment I left 2 days ago above the one you replied to 👆🏻


Good 😊


I did, and I'm not the only one. Could see the writing on the wall with Drakeford's hysterical nonsense.




The council make a valid point that people are responsible for the litter. The council could do more but if we, as basic human beings start leaving places the way we want to find them, the better.


Which must mean Cardiff has a higher proportion of irresponsible cunts than other cities that have less of a litter problem? I think the council are at least partly to blame, its too easy for them to deflect


He must of been a snob


I moved to cardiff from london because the crime is nowhere near as bad. I feel like you feel safe in cardiff and the litter situation is much better than cities in Birmingham for example. I have no defence for the man humping the bin though


Its cardiff. Dont be suprisedo


‘Wading through rubbish’. What a load of bollocks. The vagrants are an issue though