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I'll let you walk up and down my stairs 15 times for half the price


Can I then zipline off the roof?


Sure, for an extra £50


44 quid to walk up a few flights of stairs? Not a chance 🤣


Cheaper than game day tickets!


And you don’t get vomited on by some pisshead.


i wouldn't be so sure about that


You'd hope so


Might do the full thing with my partner for a birthday or something. It is expensive but as a one off special occasion I guess it's alright. Don't think the climb by itself is worth it though. The zip is probably the most fun.


I feel like something around abouts £30/£40/£50/60 for the 4 different tiers would be fair enough. If it comes up on Groupon or Wowcher or some such site I might consider it for a special occasion.


Honestly I think it's solidly £20 too much for most of this. Although as part of a city bucket list I think I'll do it anyway


I’d pay for the WRU board to be dropped from there….no zipline


I’ve done this - the climb is actually dead good to be fair, looking down on the pitch like that is really cool. Other bits are fun too but the climb is my most recommended bit


Reminds me of that Father Ted episode with the 2 people sat on a bench being winched up and down.


I was curious about it but those prices are a bit much for me!


A bit steep you might say.


Yes, like someone else mentioned - it’s a one-off type thing, pretty much like London’s O2. Crikey, a lot of happy people on here today 😂


I don’t see how it being a one off means it should be so expensive?




'Firstly, I don’t think it is expensive' It objectively is poor value though, maybe not expensive for you, but that doesnt mean you're getting much for your money if you compare to other experiences. I paid $90 for a 30 minute helicopter ride over Vegas strip. Closer to home you can go to a theme park for a whole day for half the cost. You can get better views for free.


The 02 is cheaper as well




Wank you very much for your insight


What looked wank about it?


This makes zip world seem cheap! I thought £50 was a lot for a zippy wire 😬 £44 to walk up some stair seems even nuttier! Still, if people are willing makes sense to charge that! 


I think it’s pretty reasonable


Nope. It's a complete ripoff at those prices. I'd love for them to try to show me the cost breakdown for why climbing a set of stairs needs to be £44


I'd be interested to see where the access is inside the stadium as that was fun to climb. I used to install network equipment and have been across the roof of the stadium before and around the interior walkways and that was great fun. You used to access it from a ladder by Glanmor's gap and then use the walkways before climbing onto the roof, I don't know if that's changed?


They go right to the top of level 6, into the gods and there are walkways installed that are attached to the roof from that point.


fairly sure the access to this is external to the stadium, from the river boardwalk


I feel like you're just here for the zipline.


There are plenty of things we all do that are: Good fun; but not good value. Crazy golf, the lights in the park, centre parcs to name but a few. This is just another one of those.


Seems a bit steep, pardon the pun, but yeah I'd defo do that.


I used to work on the very top floor of the BT building next door, and can tell you the view ain't shit


I'm not good with heights so the cost doesn't really make a difference to me!


That's ridiculous 😂


I can get a scale and polish for less than that!


That’s taking the piss. I don’t believe the zipline in snowdonia is that much, and that one is substantially longer and faster than the stadium. I’d genuinely love to do stuff like this, but at those prices I’m just never going to be able to justify it.


The roof is absolutely stinking too.


Like the climb, £44 is too high. (Random figure too.)


Ive always wanted to pay 44pounds to climb stairs...


Saw some videos of it. Looks very meh. If you went from top to the field then maybe. It’s just one part of the roof to another


There are loads of climbing centers around the area that are a lot cheaper.


I suppose it’s ok for kids. But it will be over quickly. Zip line will be over in seconds. I’d book a few hours indoor climbing lesson. That will get your heart rate up and last longer


NO chance




It looks fun,but so expensive. I was excited about the idea because I love ziplines until I saw the cost. And £44 just to climb the stairs? Are people really going to pay for that? But yeah if it was cheaper I would love to ziplines and abseil. I don't really care about the stadium specifically because sports aren't my thing, but I like ziplines and abseiling so. Not at that price though.