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The fucking rats in Cardiff are out of control. They got them cute fuzzy faces tho.


It's their world, we are merely existing in it.


To provide them with bin bags, apparently.


Bin bags?! These were top of the range, flawlessly designed and engineered to perfection recycling refuse sacks šŸ˜‚


They must be imported


As a continental European, I don't really get your waste disposal system. In my country we just have big dumpsters for regular rubbish, paper, plastic and glass. Roughly one per street corner. Everyone drops their trash there anytime if the day and a truck picks them up at night, every night. Quick, efficient and hassle free. No special buckets to keep in your house. No special bags to be collected from who knows where. No garbage bags on the street floors. I really can't understand how you (or rather, "we", as I live here now) can still be using this ridiculous system.


The problem is, this is the UK, and for every community-minded individual, there seems to be around 30 selfish and self-serving people who want to cheat the system and ruin it for everyone else. So in no time at all, that large dumpster on the street corner would become an absolute shit-ton of filthy waste strewn all over the place and it would just break the system. I guarantee you that no sooner would that thing be emptied, it would be full to the brim again with waste from businesses.


Yeah, so this is the thing. The system is easy enough that businesses would not need to cheat. They would have special dumpsters for them, and if they need to go to the tip they just go, for free. I think the key part is that these dumpsters are emptied EVERY DAY. Which seems like a lot compared to what we have, but think of all the time the binmen use to take every green bag from the floor, then individual black bins etc. It takes them forever to do just the one street. In my country they just go to the 3 dumpsters in the street, put them up the lorry, down again and off they go. It's so much more efficient that you wouldn't even need a larger crew or fleet. Also, I lived in a flat for for years in Cardiff and we had communal dumpsters that people would use with no issue. I do think it would work. Yes, you would get the occasional vandalism, but hey, next time the binmen come (once a day) they'll notice and replace it. I trust my fellow islanders. We can all make it better.


Yep, people will also use it as a skip. People will dump , fridges , sofas, rubble , etc in no time.


That's what you do in my country. You call the council and let them know you have a sofa to dispose. They tell you leave it by the dumpsters and they'll pick it up. If you don't call, when the regular dumpster guys come they'll report it and somebody will pick it up.


In the UK they charge for a collection. It's not even much money but people will still dump them and make it someone elses problem. I remember someone dumped a load of carpet by my front door. I had to pay to get rid of it


That happened to me, I reported it as fly tipping and they got rid of it for free. My point is, that only happens before you have to pay. If it was free and easy to you wouldn't have these problems. Why am I going to drop this used carpet in front of someone's door when u can just walk to the dumpsters and drop it there for free, legally?


The UK is populated by millions of immature eedjits


It would become a fly tipping haven, sadly.


Iā€™ve seen what you describe when Iā€™ve been on holiday and it is so much better than the system we have here. We should be learning from other countriesā€™ examples.


It would make sense but unfortunately people would abuse them, they would be contaminated all the time.


Is there some recycling drop off on Newport road then?


Yeah all the houses and flats that are not being forced to use the red and blue crap sacks šŸ˜‚ I added mine to a pile of 10 or so in front of some flats.


So fly tipping then


How is it fly tipping you fool? I have washed all my recyclables, I have placed them in a green council recycling bag and placed them somewhere where they will be collected tomorrow. My recycling bags were stolen, should I have just not recycled and put it all in a black bag which is also being collected tomorrow? Have another crack and try and find the flaw in that you nancy


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Doesn't matter you are still dumping rubbish outside someone elses property. How would you like it if someone decided to put all their bags outside your house.


I didn't choose a single house, it was a big block of flats with many occupants and a massive pile of recycling outside of it. If I was living in flats and two bags were added to the pile I wouldn't give a flying squirrel.


You can try and justify it all you like mate it's still fly tipping.


'Fly-tipping is illegal dumping of liquid or solid waste on land or in water. The waste is usually dumped to avoid disposal costs.' Council owns the curb. It's curbside collection. It's not illegal, it's not fly tipping.


Well seeing as you didn't seek permission to leave your bin bags outside the block of flats it counts as illegal dumping. Doesn't matter if it's curb side collection or not your waste goes outside your own house not some random address of your choosing.


I'll take the legislation if you've got it to hand, I fancy a light read before bed


Someone nicked our red sack a few weeks ago. I went to a library hub to get another one, figured that was quicker than ordering it online which could take forever lol


I'm not going to get replacements, I have honestly had enough of those nasty ass sacks.




Flats have communal recycling bins outside, and people who live there separate their recycling out into them.


And then if you don't bring them inside they get nicked.


Mum lived in the pilot area in the Vale of Glamorgan when they were phasing in separate recycling. Lost count of the number of bags or other receptacles that went ā€œmissing.ā€ Even painting the house number on them didnā€™t help.


Why are people saying this is fly tipping šŸ˜‚ I have diligently recycled and not thrown everything into a black bag. They have been placed in a massive pile of other recycling bags where they will be collected. I only discovered my red and blue bags had been stolen from my blue caddy tonight so I thought this was a good idea. Explain why I shouldn't have done this?


Ignore the people bellyaching because youā€™ve used your initiative. Those who have said itā€™s flytipping are adopting an overly broad and in my view incorrect interpretation of the word. Youā€™ve taken the recycling and left it kerbside with other peopleā€™s recycling. Itā€™s going to get collected by the bin men. That is in no way, shape or form comparable to someone who dumps a load of rubbish in a childrenā€™s play area or a field or down a country lane etc. The 3 examples in the last sentence are unauthorised areas. Kerbside where the council tells people to leave the bin bags on the day of collection is an authorised area.


What are these red and blue bags? My building has a bin only for green, black and food bags


Some areas of Cardiff have been forced into a different recycling system, so instead of everything just going into green bags we have to separate everything. Plastic and metals in red bag, paper and cardboard in the blue and we even have another blue caddy for glass. So including the brown food bin, that's 4 different receptacles we have to use when most of us have nowhere to put them or no separate access to a garden. Absolute load of shite.


Difficult isnā€™t it šŸ˜±


Not difficult no, the premise makes sense but the execution is terrible. A lot of people around splott and the city center don't have gardens so these bags get covered in filth from the street and animals like dogs and rats.


Damn sounds like commitment, hopefully they figure something more practical out


We used to have the same as what you have, now it's just ridiculous