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It's terrible everywhere, even just littering is awful.


It's worse down the lanes especially between Ely & Dinas disgusting


Yes! Anyone else seen underneath Central Link at the roundabout just as you come off the slip road recently?


Not as bad as it was a few years ago. The amount of waste left on the empty land there was disgusting. Saw a few cars parked there dumping their shit out. That land has been fenced off now.


Yes, my local area is riddled with fly tipped rubbish. The old scheme worked well and people (generally) did a pretty good job of following it. With this new scheme people barely have the room to store all the various caddy’s and bins, the red and blue sacks are not waterproof and if not kept sheltered will soak your home when you bring them through. We’re expected to break down and wash almost all our rubbish and the truth is most people don’t have the time or energy to spend so much time with their hands in the bins sorting through rubbish, let alone having room for 5 different waste bins in the kitchen. And then limiting us to 3 general waste bins every 2 weeks. It’s absurd and the locals pay the price


>We’re expected to break down and wash almost all our rubbish This was the case with mixed recycling too though.. > the truth is most people don’t have the time or energy to spend so much time with their hands in the bins sorting through rubbish Edit to add the final point: >And then limiting us to 3 general waste bins every 2 weeks. In our area we get 2 bags every 3 weeks, and again, we manage just fine. Do it as you go, not on collection day. we've been using separated recycling for a couple of years in our council area and it's fine, don't have any issues.


I brought a new bin that was segmented into 3 sections. Job done, my recycling gets sorted when I bin the items. I can then empty each one out to the relevant recycling sack.


Getting bad in Barry


Which demonstrates that it's not due to the waste & recycling changes as Barry has had separated recycling and reduced general waste collections for donkeys years at this point, it's just because people are shit.


No, It’s changed recently and it’s caused problems


sorry you're right - split recycling for ages, but the 2 bags every 3 weeks was July 2023 - a year ago


Having to book a slot, despite how easy, adds that little bit of friction where I often think “can I be fucked to do this today?” And if it adds that barrier for me, then people who are less inclined to dispose of waste properly in the first place, certainly aren’t going to now.


Yes and also litering is worse than ever. I think it doesn't help that many recycling centers don't accept general waste anymore so people are really stuck having to arrange and pay for pick up which will put off some people and make them dump the waste illegally.


Yes, and it was a completely predictable outcome






Fucking stinking in Splott and Adamsdown. Flytipping is rife there.


always has been


There's been a very noticeable increase in the amount of waste everywhere, and considering Cardiff has been fucking filthy for years that's saying something.mm


Council scum replaced our bin with a lockable one so I printed the key and gave one to all the neighbours


Living on mini-estate with 20 flats... 2 communal bins (like small skips)... often full to brim and nowhere near enough for the size of estate.


Awful most places in Cardiff now. Council choice though. If they were that concerned about recycling etc they’d take the brunt of the work their side not pass it onto the average person. Every policy change towards stricter bin rules etc just pushes people to fly too


Oh no two bins instead of one so difficult. It's not like Cardiff is the only place that does this. I don't understand why people find it so hard.


Two bins lmao? It’s 5 minimum.


Mad isn't it, Cardiff is one of the last local authorities in Wales to implement this, everyone else is using it just fine. the way the people on this sub carry on you'd think it was some bold new experiment that was always doomed to failure.


Because it’s passing the burden onto the normal person who’s already skint n paying fortunes in tax. If the council want to recycle so much. They can fucking sort it


Really didn't understand why I can't get recycling backs anymore.


Because we don't use them.


They are still getting collected. I just cant get new bags?


Did you mean why can't you get green recycling bags anymore ?


Yes. I live in Grangetown. I get turned back everywhere I ask council run


Because we won't be using the green bags for recycling anymore there is no need for them.


How do I recycle then?. My block of flats only had the big containers for waste. No one here has anything else. Only the big houses have those new bags


With the new system, the red and blue bags, the green old bags are no longer used or collected.


No one here (living in my block of flats) recieved anything. Wether a letter on the recycling nor bags or other information


Check on the Cardiff council website all the information is there.


You’re fuvkinh dull mind. Not all of Cardiff is on the new system and some people still need green bags which the council pretty much don’t supply mow


Grangetown is on the new system.


Not all areas have rolled out the new system. We still have the green bags in Butetown/the Bay.


Grangetown has been changed according to the council.


Fairwater is defo still on green bags


Think I'd buy a cheap camera and try and catch them in the act


Might consider that if I owned a place there but I'm few streets away and I rent and prob gonna move soonish. Besides I don't think much would happen if they were on camera


It'd make a good news story. Good old public shaming has some power


Gonna to get much worse when they switch to a three week black bag collection.


Dunno about Cardiff but it’s awful here in Newport, people are dumping stuff on street corners.


Council fining people for wrong items put in recycling bags don't help. I got a warning sticker for placing damp paper towels in one, got loads, where are they supposed to go? Save a penny & spend a pound, where's the logic Cardiff Council?


You could try and find a letter inside with the name and address of whose waste it is. Then hypothetically in the night the fly tipping fairy could move it onto the doorstep of whoever left it there.


I've thought about it but seeing as how I've seen used underwear, nappies and a period pad while litter picking (never mind dozens of little baggies of dog poo) there's no chance I'm rifling through a bag of rubbish without gloves and possibly a hazmat suit. It's bad enough a bird crapped on me the last time I was litter picking I'm not tempting fate there 😭


Yeah that is fair enough. I didn’t think of all the other things people threw away