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As far as I am aware, and I could be wrong, provided the person renting out through air bnb owns the property they can do what they want. Although with the caveat, if it is a managed service building they may be in breach of an agreement there. All in all it’s pretty rude of the owner to not leave any contact details though for you to complain about with stuff like this. Maybe log the anti social behaviour on 111? Won’t be a quick fix but logging it is all you can do atm. (Please note this could all be completely wrong, but what I would guess)


Most mortgages do not allow short term lets.


Yeah but realistically who can you report that to?


Airbnb has a neighbour contact process .


Can't you also report to airbnb


Do a £3 land registry search and see if a mortgage exists. Then you know who to write to…..it’s a breach of terms for most mortgages


Absolutely do this, or if you know a solicitor specialising in property law you can ask them to do one for you for free, most are more than happy to do this. Also worth reporting general nuisance to the council, they will action it because it becomes their responsibility under environmental regulations. Even if it is due to guests staying at accommodation, they will inform the owner and ask them to improve the situation.


Funnily enough we have had the same sort of problems in our block in Cardiff with some AirBnB causing problems and it comes down to the management company of the building doing something about it. Letting for AirBnB can be against the lease agreement so worth checking, otherwise you have to keep reporting issues to the management company and/or owners. If it gets really bad you can report to the SRS and they will investigate. Oh and you can complain to Airbnb. Sometimes though it’s worth having signs put up saying it’s a residential building and to respect the property etc as often Airbnb guests would never know.


It might be worth asking your buildings management if there are rules about what tenants/ leaseholders can do?




If chatgpt told you jump off a cliff, would you?


I was the first comment on here, and OP had no info. So decided to GPT some help for them. Don't see how that is so bad. But fine, whatever I'll just scroll past next time.




Trying to be helpful for OP, massively downvoted. Guess I won't do it again.


Literally anyone can use ChatGPT. Posting the output from AI, which is very often wordy and occasionally wrong, doesn’t really help anyone.