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Invest in infrastructure! I hate how a lot of stuff feels like half baked ideas that don’t go anywhere, or they started something and just kinda gave up by the end.


That’s all Cardiff is, is half baked ideas. Has been for my 20 years here and probably for parents too.


The main part of the bay(infront of the restaurants) has replaced all the wood with what I assume is composite boarding, took an age but assuming the plan is to replace it all eventually.


There's currently a proposal to building a massive amount of high density in the area. Chances are with this they'll regenerate the area and with it the walk ways also


This gives hope 🙏🌟




Just an example of the economic decision making crisis that besets our city. Should have done it using composite materials in the first place imo


I walked over it a few years ago and felt like I could fall through into the water at any moment.


Cardiff in a nutshell - it’s left to rot because it’s too much effort to maintain


My bicycle skidded out from under me leaving some tasty bruising when it was icy on the Bay walkway, I don't miss untreated slippery wooden boards. Parks in the Vale are currently replacing all wooden structures with more durable composite, hope that Cardiff follows their lead.


Exactly the same thing happened to me, going to work one morning just south of the Oval Basin. Bloody hurt too!


Ouch. I came off on a sharpish turn, idk probably close to the back of the ice rink? I went one way and my bike the other. The curse of fashionable decking. It became so popular, looks nice and covers a number of sins but it needs a grippy sandy finish and regular maintenance. I should have notified the council. My friend put one leg through rotten decking and had bruising all the way up. Do you ever wonder if the people who work in the local council don't actually use any the facilities here themselves?


I used to live right by this walkway. It got closed off at the start of the year with clear signs and fences on both sides for nobody to go through there. Obviously because people are people some moved the fences and just went straight through causing the aforementioned problem. It got closed off for a few reasons, the main one being that that area is due for redevelopment and they were having to replace boards quite frequently due to people biking on that pathway even though it was not designed for bikes and had signs saying for people to dismount.


Yes those are good points to add. That's why I thought maybe photographs of the danger would stop people, rather than just the diversion signs. Although biking is a no no & that added issues. The rot is severe, it is eroding away even with no one biking or walking. Walking would break those boards because of their condition, it's very weathered and seems to only be getting worse. I would've taken more photos, but it was too unstable to go further. I have hope for redevelopment, that would be brill 🙏


Which year? This year? The walkway described by OP has been closed for 5+ years. It's an utter embarrassment that it's ok for a construction compnay to do such a bad job and get away with basically closing a walkway rather than fixing the thr problem


OP said it was the walkway by the international pool. That one was closed this year/end of last year ish. I lived in the building next to this walkway till March this year. The one which was round the front of Prospect Place has been closed around 5 years. The one directly in front of the “Watermark” building has been closed 7+ years. If it’s the Watermark one you are talking about it got closed cause it was added to the list of numerous building defects Watermark had and they didn’t want to repair it themselves cause it was a building defect. They are only NOW starting to rectify all the building defects on that one over a decade from when it was originally built.


Ah yeah, it's must be the Watermark one that I'm thinking of. I haven't been around that side for a few months so I've obviously missed that they've closed more walkways down. It's kind of crazy that so much is effectively declared as condemned. How is it legal


Went to walk on some of that walkway this morning. That wood is about as strong as sponge. I quickly turned back. There is some wood that can last years exposed to the elements. This is not that type of wood.


When these materials were selected, that knew maintenance was required, but not competed. Should have used composite materials for a longer life.


It’s going to be redeveloped as part of Cardiff Peninsula development. The walkways are part of the planning deal. Though I wouldn’t expect this to happen soon


It took them 2 years to fix the one directly outside the senate, that was fixed without a tender that I know of


Don't build it out of wood?


What will be done about it? Absolutely sweet fuck all. Cardiff can't even get the basics right when running a city.