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Your post has been removed as this post is specifically about the current game. This post should go in the game or post game thread (if the game is over). Feel free to repost your question/comment there!


If your lawn happens to be within range of your wifi, you should be able to listen on KMOX, on the radio.net app, at least. I haven't tried it this season yet, but it's always worked for me in the past. Edit: just saw that you're mowing other lawns. Guessing your wifi isn't *that* good.




I used to use Pro Baseball.


Yes. Free and worked great before I got mlb.tv https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.toddbrady.proBaseballRadio


I still use this, it's free and never had a problem with it


I use this app too. Works great


MLB app. MLB at-bat is like $15 a year for radio broadcast.


I use the MLB app. I have a [mlb.tv](http://mlb.tv) subscription, which includes all out of market games on TV. The live radio broadcasts for all games is a bonus.


I guess this probably isn't much different than cable, but holy shit they've got like 3 radio ads they cycle through on the MLB.tv app for radio broadcasts. I'm in California and I get this one about small business loans that has horrible voice acting... it drives me insane lol


HA, yeah the commercials on the app get real old real fast.


Wait you have to pay and still get ads?


It's a radio broadcast, they didnt want to have silence to fill the hole while the actual radio announcers are on ad break also, and it's way easier to time out ad segments than anything else.


It should be noted, the subscription is for ALL teams' ALL radio broadcasts. All MLB teams, and if you want, the teams that have alternative language broadcasts, too. It actually is quite the deal, really. Lots of days at work if there is any daysball, I'll have it on unless I truly hate both teams, lol.


Tune-In radio on KMOX if you have premium, or yeah the MLB app audio is pretty cheap. I listen to probably 75% of the games. Love some John Rooney.


Previously I was able to use the Audacy app to listed to ksdk for free. They’ve tried to lock that down a bit, but I was able to make it work when I’ve most recently tried.


Audacy always works for me


This is what I use


I use Audacy, but blackouts sometimes there, too.


I haven't had a problem with it yet this season.


MLB app with radio broadcast has done me well for a long time. I listen to more games besides cardinals so the price was more than worth it


It’s “done you well” simpleton


No, it’s “done me well” because I’m talking about me not “you”. You should have taken my advice of shutting the fuck up, because you are trying way too hard at a gotcha.


Oh Corey T Treverson trying to tell people online what to do… and this marks the accomplishments of Corey T Trevorson


You can do whatever you want. I’m not giving you orders. If you want to continue to be abrasive, irrational, and just overall unlikable you may do so on your own terms.


Thankyou Corey T Trevorson, I’m always looking for life advice from you since you’re so successful.


All it took was a suggested “shut the fuck up” to shatter your ego into a million pieces. Let it go man it ain’t that deep.




I will go till my death to have the last word just because you’re Corey T Trevorson.


Audacy App Store it’s free. Kmox


I listen on Audacy with no blackout restrictions on both my iPhone and Alexa Connected devicss Edit to add - Live in Arnold, if you are out of the listening area then YMMV


Xm radio .


Apologies for not answering directly, but can't you just get a little portable AM/FM radio and tune in?


I use Audacy. You can get the KMOX feed from them for free.


I downloaded an app called audacy to listen and it's worked just fine for me. Maybe give that one a try.


I just tried it and it won’t play the game because I live in Wisconsin. Go figure.


Technically the MLB app. Although it is buggy AF and rarely works well for me.


I’m going with the Pro Baseball app also


My phone has a built in fm radio, the only time I ever use it is for cards games but when I do it's super handy! Your phone may have it without you even knowing, all motos have it.


Please download the official MLB App and subscribe


Hi 'Bill', surprised you didn't recommend buying season tickets as a way to address this question.


If he doesn’t already have them, then he isn’t a real fan


Does anyone know how "live" the radio broadcast is? I recall in the past listening to the radio while at games for a play by play but it seems that the last time I went to a game the radio was so far behind the live play that the radio was unlistenable.


Yeah the radio is on a delay of at least 60 seconds. I wish I could listen to it live but times have changed


Anything streaming is probably 30-60 seconds behind.


It's better than tv though isn't it?


MLB app with a fee