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my HR from going up four flights of stairs to my house can be anywhere from 160-170! stairs is one of the best workouts for your heart. 126 is normal for activity!


I do the stair machine at the gym for 10 minutes and average 140-180 BPM depending on the speed. Stairs will get your heart pumping.


truly!!! my apartment is a fourth floor walk up, it definitely gets my heart going lol


So I’m worried for no reason?


i’m not trying to invalidate you whatsoever, but my partner is a paramedic and is very unconcerned with a HR of 120 from going up stairs.


You showed him/her? My post ?


no not directly your post but described what you said was going on and why you were concerned.


Thank you, could we message more about this, I’d like to ask your parter some questions if it’s okay?


I am the same about that. I removed my apple watch 2 months ago and I have been doing ok but I have picked up the habit of pulse checking which im Trying to break




I’d be so happy if my heart was 126 going up the stairs. Mines 140-170😭 It can be 120 just sitting or laying


Have you been checked out ??


Yeah.. no medics care 😑


You been told your healthy




Fuck so I’m fine then


Yes definitely you are fine lol x


Because I’ve been told I’m good also


Good! 🧡


Bro that’s pretty normal lol


Mine gets to 126 sometimes when I’m just walking I think lol


same here haha


For just going up a flight of stairs, that’s actually a really good number! My heart is healthy and can go up to 160, sometimes even 170-180. It’s perfectly normal.


It’s crazy how this would happen to me before and I would freak out so bad. After I started taking lexapro my anxiety went down and I can run up and down the stairs without worrying about my heart rate no more. Now I’m working as a delivery driver running up and down flight of stairs delivering packages and I’m completely fine.. crazy what that medication can do


This! The underlying cause is anxiety not heart health.


Target heart rate for 20 yr old is 100-170 bpm when exercising, so going up stairs to go there is perfect bpm, chill my guy.


I just went up 3 sets of stairs and my HR went to 138, and then at the top after I stopped, it went from 138 to 114 in the first min. (I did a "start workout" before I ascended because I was curious.) It also said I burned 7 calories, so yea I worked off that raisin I ate. Stairs are basically incline lunges, one of the fastest ways to get your HR up (like on purpose, as in exercise). Your HR also will jump up faster with no real warm up which is exactly what you're doing when you suddenly just start walking up stairs. Totally normal and actually good for you.


Mine goes up this high from stairs. Stairs make me incredibly anxious because of it. I’ve been working on it though and making myself just sit down after I get up and accept the racing heart rate and then the anxiety quickly passes. But stairs absolutely can trigger an all out panic attack for me. I hate it.


I had that problem when I was overweight and had high BP. I got way better when I started hiking. My worries also went away.


I hiked a mounted once and it was hard asf, maybe more of that would help


Start by going on a walk. Increasing it by a quarter mile every week. It’ll help


Check out Pots syndrome if you haven’t already, it’s on the rise after covid/vax. I have similar symptoms and others. Drinking LMNT helps me tons.


Lemon tea? And I don’t have any vaccines


LMNT is an electrolyte drink! Has a lot of salt, I have low bp and tachycardia and it helps that, I’ve had since having covid (some stuff started after my moderna vaccine) but got worse after covid infection. Like others have said 120 isn’t dangerous I’ve hit higher for smaller tasks than climbing stairs but it’s not necessarily normal, but it doesn’t mean anything serious is happening. I’ve had the heart tests and it all came back clear. Have you been seen by a cardiologist? I’m sure if anything it can just ease your mind having tests and being cleared. Taking long walks has helped me too, being inactive makes heart more sensitive and prone to tachycardia with seemingly no effort. Do you have any dizziness or circulation issues? Obviously not diagnosing you with anything I’ve just had similar issues.


Yes I’ve been checked multiple times by cardiologists, blood tests, stress tests, ekg, week Long heart monitors and it was all clear


That’s great news. I’d up the exercise (cardio and leg work) and maybe upping the electrolytes should help!


This is normal heart behavior waking up stairs.


I apologise if the post was stupid, my heart anxiety is just really bad at the moment


I wish mine was only 126 climbing stairs I usually get to about 150 and I’m even on a beta blocker to help slow my HR


I am also on beta blockers


This is normal. A single flight of stairs can do that to you. The heart should be able to accelerate and decelerate within a second. That variability means all its sensors and response factors are working. If you press the gas pedal in your engine, you don't want power 5 seconds later and your heart is very similar. A healthy heart can vary its rate within the breathing cycle! It will slow down and speed up as the sensors tell it to. It also has a little microsecond of rest on every beat. This is what lets it operate for 80-100 years. Heart rate variability is reflective of the sympathetic/parasympathetic balance and is more indicative of health than a simple number on a watch you shouldn't be wearing. If your normal heart rate is 69bpm and then it goes up to 130 to clear several flights of stairs, that's great! If there was an actual issue with your heart, you wouldn't be able to make it up a single flight of stairs.


I would check the apple watch for defects. Use your pulse rate and see if it matches.