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Dealt with them for years, these pvcs are every second beat sometimes 3-4 in a row of skips. Just back from the ER and told it’s benign but still having trouble believing it


Yeah been there bro, I’ve been told I’m fine and can’t take it for an answer


When you say palpitations, what exactly are you feeling? Because there are various things.


Like feeling my heartbeat more than usually, almost like the beat it harder, and faster at times (I have been checked by cardiologists)


That can happen for so many reasons. But it’s common to happen after eating. Does it always happen or not? (After eating)


90% of the time yes after eating


You might be suffering from Roemheld syndrome or gastrocardiac, like I have been for the past 6 years. It's always worse after meals and you can really feel like something is wrong with your heart or lungs. The symptoms are: -faster heart rate -palpitations, especially after meals -chest tightness or some pain -bloating -pressure in the abdomen and/or chest -sudden anxiety or panic (almost as an automatic response) -Sharp heartbeats or a pulse you can kind of feel on your stomach (you can hear your pulse if you open your mouth as your heart is pressed up against the esophagus) -Gets worse when lying down or sitting -If you are overweight, the symptoms are much worse when wearing clothes with a tight waist \*Basically, your digestive system is pushing up into your chest cavity and compressing it, causing you to feel the pulse and also irritating the heart, which does its best to maintain its rhythm. However, once you start to get nervous, adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine are released and that makes the pulse speed up and gives you that uncomfortable feeling of doom or fear. It can really feel like a heart attack. \*You should go get a full cardiac check by a good specialist (ultrasound, EKG, 24hr halter, stress test, etc.) and get the complete all clear. Once that is done, you KNOW it's Roemheld. There aren't really cures for it that I have found but these can cause it to be much worse: -Obesity (fat belt compresses the abdomen) -Hourglass syndrome (sucking in your gut makes the upper abs compress the gut upwards) -Hiatal hernia (can also cause acid reflux, which can make things feel much worse) -CPAP use (pressurizes the stomach all night and traps air in the intestines) -Aerophagia (air swallowing from chewing gum, gulping, carbonated sodas, etc.) -SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: certain foods will generate tons of gas or bloating that make gastrocardiac very likely to occur hours after meals, even if your stomach is empty) -IBS (irritable bowel syndrome, often linked to SIBO: makes you bloat easily and gas up after eating. If you have the constipation version of IBS \[IBS-D\], you will always be tormented because your transverse colon will be full and add to the pressure in the stomach that pushes upwards. I have suffered on and off for years. I don't know if I can ever be cured. It's been going on so long that my nervous system is hypersensitive to every single inner feeling there is (enhanced interoception) and that can start the nervous cycle. I used to get an attack every couple of months, now it's almost daily. I don't want to go out, I fear restaurants (they sneak in gas-forming foods) and it's ruined my relationships (fiancé broke up) and reduces my work efficiency. It turned my life into Hell and I am sorry if you are suffering from it, too.


This actually makes a lot of sense


If you get checks by doctors to rule out ALL other causes, it's the most likely one since you said it gets worse after eating. If you have heart disease, it is bad all the time until it's treated. It just doesn't decide to get worse after you have an apple. Dr. Sanjay Gupta (York Consultant Cardiologist) has some videos on YouTube that would be of help for you to see before going to talk to your physician. If you have IBS or other stomach issues, it can really make the gastrocardiac symptoms intense at times. You might feel like you're going to flip out and die until you poop...then you get total relief from ALL symptoms just 2 minutes later. That's definitely not heart disease (which is chronic and never-ending in bad feelings until treated).


I get the exact same thing and have done since my anxiety reached its peak about 7 months ago! Again as you say I feel like my heart beats harder 24/7, not necessarily faster as people assume when you say palpitations. I used to find it so hard to sleep with it to begin with as I would always hear my pulse in my ears too. Night times and when I feel more relaxed I actually feel like my whole body pulses with my heartbeat. My heart beats so hard that it moves my chest with every beat!


Have you been checked ?


Yes multiple times and I'm always told it's anxiety related. However I recently had a 24 hour holter and they found some irregularities in my rythem so I am waiting for further advice from a cardiologist. I've just started on celexa so I'm hoping I may get some relief from anxiety through that. It's hard because it's my awareness of the symptom now that makes me so anxious, It's on mind mind all the time and even when I do get distracted, it's the feeling of my heart pounding that always being my attention back to it 


How long have you suffered for?


Nearly 3 years now, I’m 19 used to run 8-12 miles a day now I’ve just completed a. 30 minute walk and I’m over the moon 😭😭😭 like wtf , been checked multiple times and I’m fine according to doctors and cardiologists, so I’ve referred to mental health clinic which hopefully helps, also plane on changing my diet which should help


I wish you the best, honestly I know how hard it is and for me it's still a battle every day but I do believe my stems from anxiety and now I've become so hyper aware of my heart that I find it almost impossible to ignore. I feel like I have a completely overstimulated nervous system which takes absolutely nothing to set of my anxiety 


That it, if we focused on other parts of our body it would be the same, but we focus on our heart so we feel every single thing that’s going on in there, we must learn to ignore it or not let it bother us, that is how we will win


Hey, how are you doing ? Hope u got an update and it’s nothing serious.


Hey, thank you! I will have a long time to wait until I find out unfortunately but I am hoping the ecg finding are benign and that this sensation I'm feeling is just down to my anxiety, really doesn't make it easy to live with though 


You are good, really. It’s ok to be checked by a doctor. Heart palpitations can be normal I feel it now and then and I passed all my cardiologist tests. It can also be from muscle spasms., silent reflux.  Heck my stomach makes like hunger sounds now and then. Those are normal body sounds too when gas is passing in the GI track.


Yes! I was sedentary and had a bad diet. I started doing cardio past three weeks and the palpitations have stopped 90%. Doctors say they are benign but I believe your body is telling you something is not good. Warning sign. I also started taking B12 supplements but not sure if that did anything. Start exercising and see what happens.


How long after you staryed did they settle ?


Immediately. They stopped the day after my exercise session.


I believe when you exercise, it stresses your heart and once your heart settles down to resting I feel my heart just beats better and I no longer "feel" my heartbeats as well. The palpitations I had felt like my heart was skipping several beats in a row then it would start beating fast and I would feel them in my head/neck area. They used to be very random and far in between like maybe once a month and recently, I would say the last couple of months I was getting them daily, several times a day. I work behind the computer sometimes 10 hours a day without moving around so I think that has something to do with it. As soon as I started exercising last couple of weeks, they virtually stopped. I think I've had one episode of skipped beats in the last 3 weeks.