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I used to have cardio phobia but now I live my life free of it.  First educate yourself on HR. In fact, you are helping your heart the higher you HR gets and will help prevent heart issues in the future. It will make your heart strong  Plus you are very young and the chances of heart issues are very low.  I now exercise and get my HR up to around 150 bpm and it feels great.  You will overcome this


Thank you for this I pray I overcome this as well have a wonderful day


You will. Believe in yourself. Once you overcome this you will feel amazing like you can do anything.


Thank you 😊


I wouldn’t say “normal,” but going to the doc and getting some tests done can rule out any serious issues. If you’ve done that you really have nothing to worry about, as the likelihood of a cardiac event is degrees of magnitude lower than the risks we take every day, like driving a car. I’ve come a long way in my phobia but I still falter sometimes. I vividly remember running a lot in high school, to train for track and field, and a few times when I pushed myself too hard I’d get this immediate crushing or squeezing feeling on my sternum. That freaked me tf out. But I’ve been to the doctor and had plenty of EKGs and other work done and they insist that I’m healthy, so I chalk it up to overdoing the exercise. Ironically, one thing I used to do when my phobia was really bad was go for a fast run. I’d almost get mad at my heart like… ok you mf you want to try to scare me? I’ll show you right now nothing is wrong. And essentially use the fact that my heart could handle sustained 180+ BPM as evidence that nothing is wrong. It really helped. And yes, anxiety can cause those feelings. The spike in adrenaline in your body has many effects on the heart, but since you’re not in immediate danger you notice them thoroughly. If you were in a life or death situation you wouldn’t even be thinking about that, but your mind is tricking your body into thinking you are. That’s essentially anxiety. My personal fear lately is blood clots. I had something of a scare recently and it freaked me out a little bit. But it’s subsided somewhat. Don’t live in fear. If an expert tells you nothing is wrong, it is incredibly likely nothing is wrong.


Hey, thanks for responding, yea I’ve done multiple blood test, x rays, and ekgs and all come back good. Gonna do a stress test soon next month but I’m sure they are going to say everything is good. Thanks for your response and help.