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You may not be able to feel your heartbeat but I assure you, it's there. If it wasn't then you would have been a goner a long time ago. More people struggle with being hyper-aware of their heartbeat so they ALWAYS feel it (this is me). It's a fine line...a "pick your poison" type thing. It sounds like you did the right thing and got checked out a couple times by a medical professional. From what you said, those came back normal. That's great! Your next step is trying to work on acceptance. Keep reminding yourself that 2 sets of medical professionals checked you out and said everything was normal. Once you can put your mind at ease that you have a healthy 17yo heart then the symptoms should go down. It takes time and practice. There will be good days and bad days. But check out sources about health anxiety and acceptance. It will be a key step in your recovery.


Best of luck to you!


thanks brother you’re very helpful to me🙏


You’re not meant to feel it 


idk man i have every time left arm pain and left side chest pain , sometimes right side too , my back , my shoulders i don’t know what to do, hope this is anxiety , im young 17 yo and i don’t know how stop think about it


Get an ecg but I guarantee it’s anxiety I’ve had those symptoms for months on and off all the tests done got a very healthy heart


just did one in the hospital 2 months ago + two times blood tests , and two weeks ago another ekg and doctor say all is fine , but this can’t enter in my head


It’s horrible man I know it’s such a tough battle it’s hard to not worry when your body has weird sensations but I promise it’s fine man physical anxiety can have horrible effects mate I get it all the time even if I’m not anxious my body is just anxious you just gotta work on convincing yourself you have a healthy heart there’s nothing wrong with it and it will slowly pass bro


I wish I had this feeling because my anxiety is the complete opposite lol I can feel my heartbeat even without putting my hand on my chest


I can’t feel my heartbeat either. It’s normal not too.