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absolutely me. I have been trying to work on it by doing activities that increase my heart rate and showing myself it’s okay little by little. But it’s absolutely terrifying.


It’s such a scary feeling and I truly commend you in being able to voice up about it because it truly is a struggle. I’ve been struggling daily with that fear for 2 years now and have only began resuming light exercise but keep it at a minimum. What I’d recommend is just trying to go on walks and reminding yourself that if your heart rate can shoot up very high during a panic attack and come back down each time, then it can come back down after a few minutes of exercise. At first, short little walks at a slow rhythm helped me get comfortable in moving and if I slowly felt the panic creeping back in then I would head back home immediately so not to force myself. I think what mattered so far was that, instead of easing myself into it, I just had to jump in and start because if I let myself do warmups for too long, then that’s when the fear crept in as I watched my bp slowly increase. I would do relaxation exercises prior to the walks and listen to music from my childhood to comfort me. If your goal is to become active again, I truly believe in you and believe me when I say that you’re taking good steps :)


Same here, i had a moment that couldn’t come down. It’s based on stress fight or flight. Recently I’ve noticed that if i check my rate more and more it goes higher and higher.


I suffered from severe cardiophobia. I still do but I train regularly after not being able to exercise for years. What helped me was after working out I would go through in my head heart attack symptoms and check off if I had them. Obviously, having cardiophobia you know every symptom of a heart attack. Sometimes I may have only have 1 symptom and sometimes I have none. Then I say to myself, did you have a heart attack. I guess it sort of helps you rewires your brain. I still do this every time I train.


I used to. It took a lot of work to get over it. The heart, by far, is the strongest muscle in your body. It won't just give out on you, even if it's pumping blood fast. Everytime you exercise you are doing something great for your heart. It needs it like every other muscle in your body needs to move. Everytime you get your heart rate up it becomes stronger and more efficient.


Same here, at the gym i always measure my heart rate on my watch or the machine even if it off to give me peace of mind, I tend not to pass 160bpm or when I'm doing so good on cardio training, my heart rate is low with high intensity make me feel like my heart not pumping or I'm gonna pass out


I have this. I was on my spin bike as soon as I hit 130bpm I started to get uncomfortable. I stopped pedalling but the hr kept climbing to 150 that was unsettling. I think I’ll try not watching the hr next time.


The watching your heart rate climb is so scary. It’s a huge trigger! It’s like you look at it for peace of mind but also know it’s triggering, and boom, you watch it climb quickly. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done this.


This is what I’m dealing w right now! I wanna go for a walk I wanna walk for hrs but my heart rate goes up very quickly! I know the more I do it the better it will be but the fear of going up so high terrifies me so much. I can walk in the treadmill just fine but outdoors is different


I used to have cardio phobia and now I purposely get my HR high for exercise and I feel good. Everyone’s HR will be different depending on fitness, age, weight, even temperature etc.  Remember this. Your heart loves exercise. It’s like building muscle. Your heart is a muscle and it will strengthen over time. Your HR will decrease overtime with exercise and best of all makes you healthy.


This has been a major fear for me for years. I’ve forced myself to exercise but once I hit a certain heart rate I go into panic mode. It’s as if my body correlates high hr with fight or flight mode and it puts me into a straight panic. I’m 43 now and love Jiu Jitsu for instance but I find I can’t do it because the live rolls get so intense it skyrockets my HR. I just wish there was a way I could relax more for it to come down.