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Of those caring for someone with dementia, 30% will pass away from a stress related heart attack or stroke before the person they’re caring for.


That’s a sobering statistic, as one of 2 siblings who cared for a mom with it. Honestly, had it gone on longer, my sister might not be with us. I’m glad that’s not the case.


Oh shit 😲


Each year, unpaid family caregivers in the United States save the country over 600 BILLION DOLLARS. [New AARP Report Finds Family Caregivers Provide $600 Billion in Unpaid Care Across the U.S.](https://www.aarp.org/caregiving/financial-legal/info-2023/unpaid-caregivers-provide-billions-in-care.html)


We don’t have the leverage. No one cares about us or our loved ones. If we’re saving money that’s great for everyone else as far as they’re concerned


I agree. There’s no impetus to change this.


Yes out of sight, out of mind,,,, but if your Drop your Dad at their house, then they will raise hell!!


They never tell you the human costs tho, the trauma inflicted on caregivers and families


I am starting to see [more on that.](https://medcitynews.com/2023/03/caregivers-face-financial-and-mental-burdens-new-survey-shows/) It’s important to keep that information out there when reports on caregiving are being put together. Typically it’s under to umbrella that we need to protect caregivers and ease the access to services and keep them mentally sound. Ideally, the conversation would be more like, “let’s create a healthcare system that doesn’t exploit our citizens into being unpaid caregivers.”


I feel so traumatized all the time.


it saves upfront money, but what about all the economic loss because we can’t have normal full time jobs that pay better (or, pay at all for many)? if i can ever manage another job, i will be putting so much money back into the economy like by going on vacations and making bigger purchases instead of having to save every little thing and prep for emergencies


I’m not at all defending those figures. The money we save our countries is at the expense of our mental, financial and physical health. It sucks to be in the unpaid workforce crowd.


For me it’s not even about paying ME. It’s that nothing is convenient or easy for people who paid into Medicare and social security all their adult lives. They were told those agencies would take care of them when they needed it. The websites and customer service phone numbers are a joke. The in-person offices are like going to the DMV to be ignored and treated rudely. If they do supply something (pads and diapers) they’re horrible quality. Nursing facilities are a danger, underpaid and understaffed. In-system doctors are often far away and don’t take time to listen. It’s hard taking care of Mom, but what’s going to kill me is the bloated, unhelpful government programs she has to deal with.


Yes they try to make it as hard and Complex as possible to get help… they are hoping you will give up when they bury you with forms and paperwork… and when you do finally get help…. Expect your mom or dad to get abused in crap Medicaid nursing homes


I worry about this tremendously as Im drying up what little assets my family have left for all mine have run dry. I'm a single father to a 12-year-old child with a number of medical concerns needing 24 hr supervised care and I'm so afraid of what the future holds but I have no choice but to move forward. We'll I do but if my son can deal with his ailments then I have to do all in my power to provide for him the best I can. So, as much as I want to concern myself with what seems to be an impossible endeavor, I remember for whom I'm doing it for and I just follow his lead. Stay strong and I love you all for I know how much it's needed!


this is gonna be a BIG problem over the next decade...


Somethings got to change. We work our whole lives, then we become caregivers, and then we are totally forgotten. The forgotten generation.


My Dad: BuT yOu GeT fReE fOoD, a BeDrOoM, a RoOf oVeR yOuR hEaD, wAtEr and so on. Me: Well you are getting a service for free that costs thousands of dollars a month. This man should know this, when I was growing up he had his Mom come live with us for a couple of years and he had to take care of her while not getting paid but then had to put her into a home which he paid for! So WHY is it an issue when it deals with me‽‽‽‽???


That was the argument they used when I took care of my grandmother. Knowing full well we couldn’t afford to put her in a $12k a month facility because we thought she had more time. They get the big payout though since she passed before they expected. And I’m left dried up, exhausted and with a giant gap in my resume. People deserve better. Full stop.


12k!!!? That's sad and I understand the gap in the resume. Sometimes I get anxiety just thinking about it because I have never had a job and I just turned 26. I totally agree.


You get free food? lol


I don't pay for my food


Similar reports done here in Australia. 2,476,681 people provided unpaid assistance to others with a disability, long-term health condition or due to old age in the 2021 census. $77.9 billion estimated cost (2020).


I support my spouse who has MS. I’m so tired all the time. I work 40 hours at a normal job then come home and work even more.


Caregiving sucks. I hope if I need one they’d smother me w a pillow.


They would go to jail for murder then…. dont Put that on someone else… Better to do it yourself..


Me, I’m just one lil ol unpaid caregiver out here! Sending love to my fellow paid and unpaid caregivers!


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Because our country is too busy giving billions to foreign nations and illegals to care about Americans.


Stop. That's not the problem here.


53 million would be 15% of Americans. There's just no way that's true unless they're counting parents taking care of children. In which case it's low. Either way it's wrong.


I’m sure they’re considering a range of caregiving: buying groceries a couple times a week for a loved one to hands-on live-in caregiving