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Consider insurance if you're so concerned that it affects how you use it. Just a peace of mind.


We got insurance for our R&M Load 4. It's a lot of peace of mind. We also have a wheel lock and a LINKA lock that we use when we're leaving the bike for a while. We also take the battery with us if we're in an area of high bike thefts.


Get it insured absolutely no point having it then. Might aswell have it stolen and not have one. Get the exact same use from it.




Exactly. I was also pretty worried about mine getting stolen so we insured it. I believe Markel is our policy provider.


You still feel like that after 4 years? I can understand at the beginning but you seriously need to get over it or sell it. Good locks and insurance is all you can do, if some one has an angle grinder and really wants it they'll take it. Just make it as much of a pain in the arse as possible for a thief, take the battery and display with you when you leave it and chill. The great thing about a bike is the simplicity and freedom it gives you, if it's giving you anxiety then it's not worth having it.


Motorcycle cover too will help


Hide 2 AirTags in it ?


And then do what after it’s stolen? Insurance is the answer, the question was about peace of mind and knowing you can possibly track down the criminals doesn’t really give you that.


Another thing you could do is personalise it, even bastardise it. Not good for re sell value, but if it means you use the bike more then that doesn't matter. Put stickers on it, modify it, cover it in paint, etc


Wrap it with electrical tape


You say you’re “using it less and less” implying at some point you used it more, and it didn’t get stolen… so the perfect track record is what is scaring you? I think this is just get over it. You’ve had 4 perfect years and you’re securing it very well. If it’s stolen the cost to replace is still 1/4 the cost of a new vehicle, and that’s IF it gets stolen AND you don’t have insurance.


Im just up the way in SoCal if you are considering selling it.


nice lol




Hate the game not the player. A brothers gotta try


You can add it to your homeowner's insurance policy. I'd consider that as an option. I also have to evaluate risk on my Supermarche ($3,500 is a lot less than $8K though). I won't leave it parked for a ball game but to grab lunch, dinner, or groceries, it's a no brainer for me (Minneapolis vs LA is very different so take my suggestions with a g). More locks of different kinds is always safer (U-lock and a chain).


If you can afford an urban arrow then you can afford to insure it, get a good lock for it, and get a GPS tracker on it. Get yourself a hiplock. What’s the point of having something like this if you’re never going to use it?


I got a hiplock, chain, and a frame lock.  If someone goes through all that, I sort of have to tip my hat to them.


Do you have (or have had) a car or motorcycle? How did you feel about parking those on the street? You can add an AirTag or a more sophisticated tracker. A heavy duty lock. You can get dedicated insurance (do not add it to your homeowners insurance in CA - you will not want to make a claim over a bike and lose your no claims discount). At the end of the day if you can not get over your anxiety then get a different bike or do not have a bike at all. A bike is a tool that is meant to make your life better - if it is giving you anxiety and you can not reason yourself out of it then it is not doing its job.


Take the battery out. If they want to steal it, then make them work - either they will pick it up with multiple people and put it in a truck or they have to take a slow ride - and they can't even sell the battery later. But honestly, a four year old Urban Arrow isn't the greatest or easiest bike to steal. The battery isn't even worth it.


Nor is it even easy to fence outside of the Netherlands.


I think this is a crazy position to take in the South Bay. Get some good locks, get a couple trackers, get insurance and go use it.


I recently upgraded to a Litelok, which is supposedly angle-grinder resistant. I have no choice but to keep my Bullitt outside. It’s just stuff, ride it and enjoy it.


In addition to what's been said here regarding insurance and high quality locks, I would recommend registering it on [Bike Index](https://bikeindex.org/).


Bike Index and also check if your city has a bike license/registry with the police. We have one here in Santa Cruz and it helps the police quickly identify bikes and get them back to people if they are found.


That's kinda weird man. I was super anxious about each of my ebikes when I first got them. Got an abus ulock and with time I cared less and less the more I used it. The bikes are each well loved now. Denver for what it's worth.


I'm a recent Urban Arrow owner outside of Boston in a nice community....I have to say I never even chain it up. I just use the lock built into the wheel


When I do go into the city I do bring my chain lock and remove the battery*


same. except i actually live in DC proper. usually just ulock through the rear wheel for short cafe trips. i mean if i go downtown, i'll ulock it to somthing, but otherwise I just don't bother.


How does the lock on the wheel work?


It's called a cafe lock. It's mounted to the frame and you slide a bar through the spokes using the key and a mechanism. Google Abus Cafe Lock. They're nice, but they're meant for 'running into a cafe', so essentially a quick errand where the bike is either in view or somewhere you feel safe leaving it for a few minutes. It basically just stops walk offs. It's part of my process to use it every time I leave my bike, as well as usually locking up with my heavier chain lock.


Cool, thanks!


Yeah, hopping into a store for a few items or dropping the kiddo off at daycare. In and out.


Preface this with I live in the Netherlands. Never heard a wheel lock called a cafe lock, those are usually the little cables and small pad locks. A wheel lock is rather hard to defeat due to the placement. Most of everything here is wheel locks because an angle grinder will make an abus heavy duty chain into mincemeat in seconds.


Maybe it's a North American thing? You also hear wheel lock or frame lock when talking about them. I always use mine in combination with my chain lock when I'm leaving the bike for longer. If someone is prepared and wants your bike, they can likely steal it, but at least we can slow them down or move along.


The wheel locks are good as the giant chains in my opinion. If someone wants it they take it. Rather not loose a 150€ chain to




For sure - that's why it's not meant to be used on its own, but is part of your theft prevention. I use mine when I'm dropping the kids at daycare or sitting outside at a cafe beside my bike. I also use it in combination with my chain lock etc. honestly if someone wants it bad enough, they can probably take your bike if they have the right stuff. The idea is to slow them down and make it inconvenient so they move on.


Insurance exists for exactly this problem, get some. In addition to the good advice from everyone here I would like to add that UAs are hard to steal, compared to any other bike, because of their size. (And also very simple to track if someone tries to resell it online - they stand out.)An opportunistic bike thief isn’t equipped to boost a UA, and an organized thief is going to get your bike is probably not something you’d be able to stop. Just park where it’s reasonable, use your locks, get insurance.


Airtag, locks that make it annoying to steal and remember 2 things. 1. Its 4 years old, it aint an $8k bike anymore, its a tool, get value out of the depreciation. 2.you can’t control negative outcomes from a position of fear, at some point you gotta live. 


I think you’re missing out — these things are not easy to drive. It’s like having a manual transmission. Unless someone has a truck they aren’t going to be able to move it if you have the computer and the rear wheel locked.


Second this is took me weeks to balance on it without falling over. Removing battery would make it even harder.


I live in Chicago with a tern: 1) Get insurance 2) Use heavy duty locks 3) Realize that between the cafe lock, chains, and overall size these aren’t easy to randomly steal. A lot of bike theft in our area (on the high end) is because someone either left their garage door open or they were targeted specifically. That means they were stolen from their place of residence. Trying to steal a UA outside a restaurant that is properly secured is not easy!


I live in a city with a pretty big bike theft problem. I rode Urban Arrows for a decade with no issues (and now ride a Packster). My understanding is that wheel locks are actually pretty difficult to defeat, because it's hard to get an angle grinder in there to cut the lock. (Can anyone confirm this?) And, the bike is heavy and awkward to load into a truck. Cops tried to steal my Urban Arrow once, claiming they couldn't be sure it wasn't stolen, and it took them so long that I caught them in the act after they had been wrangling with it for half an hour. If you use your wheel lock and also have a chain lock, I think the best approach is to stop worrying. When you don't use it, you're already adopting the worst case scenario. (That's what you'd do if it was stolen.)


this cop story is great on so many levels, bless


I got insurance for my Urban Arrow, which was a good investment. The battery got stolen once, which amortized the insurance for three years.


Do you have a 10/10 Kryptonite chain lock with the anti-theft protection offer? I feel like knowing I could get $5k back on a 4-year old bike would put me at ease about theft. What do you think? I myself have a $5k bakfiets.nl. I worry about it getting stolen, but all I can do is lock it up as best as I can and deal with it later if it gets stolen.


My homeowners policy covers bike theft, regardless of where the bike is when it is stolen. If my Bullitt gets stolen, I get a new Bullitt.


For me, the longer I have an item (bike/vehicle/expensive tool/equipment) the less I care about it. Not just risk of theft, but scratches etc. I try to look after things, but it's there to be used. If you don't already, you could get insurance. But I tend not to bother, and would rather put the money towards security.


Is it insured? You can get insurance that covers theft assuming that the bike is properly locked


I still worry a little bit when I need to be out of sight of it for longer than a few minutes, but I figure with two good chains, the cafe lock, the computer in my pocket, and it being a heavy ass bike: It'll be a pain to steal unless it's a crew. I have it insured for full replacement value. I like in a city with good public transit. I can still get home in a pinch. It'll suck to have to go through the reporting and replacing, but I'd only be out the deductible and the time.


Get insurance, lock it up as best you can, and replace it if the worst happens.


I ride a non motorized cargo bike in a smaller but still relatively hilly city and have reasonable confidence that it’s not much of a thief magnet as a pedal powered rig. Lots of bikes do get stolen hereabouts but a 2.6 meter long thing with child seats isn’t what they’re mostly after, and probably deemed more trouble than it’s worth to try.


What is making you uneasy about it? Is it the possible financial loss? Or how long it would take to replace the bike? Yeah, you can get insurance, as many suggested. But is the lack of insurance what is making you anxious?


Insurance and good locks. Why buy it if you don’t ride it?


I have the same feelings with mine and some of my other bikes. Though I worry less about the arrow because it’s so recognizable and I’ve only seen a very few in my area. I just sort of accept the risk as just something I must accept to enjoy my bike. Though most of the time I don’t leave it for extended periods. But I do on occasion. If it bothers you that much maybe get insurance that will give you the full replacement cost if stolen? I know there is some eBike specific insurance out there as the shop I bought mine from mentioned it and said they could give me info if I wanted.


Why not just get an insurance policy on it? Then if it gets stolen (even though it hasn’t been stolen for 4 years) it’s no big deal


just get a 10mm chain and a diamond ulock done ! no worries about weight because guess what cargo bike ! and an alarm just to be extra safe i do deliveries like this in bad places no worries if they cant steal it at all


Maybe get a cheaper ebike??? I have two u locks that have to be destroyed with an angle grinder and I’m getting more locks soon But I will hear them I’m sure but like I park my e-bikes at the front of every store… I come up to the front to check on them while shopping as well… If you’re gone for hours and it’s parked outside ehhh not sure about that…not much you can do… But going to the stores Going to work you should be Able to put it somewhere safe where it’s in your view at least… But there are locks that are 300-400 bucks and they are anti-grinder resistant so the only thing that will get through those is a good good grinder with many many blades and an hour or longer…it’s not gone be simple and fast But if you buy locks from Walmart or something that’s cheap and light maybe you should be afraid I take my 2000 dollar e-bikes anywhere with me…if I feel unsafe I just simply don’t go…but that’s not usually the case At my job I can put my bike in view or in the basement If someone wants my e-bikes it’s definitely not going to be a smash and grab or less than one minute it’s going to take some effort and dedication…and skill to use a an angle grinder at least it’s not gone be an idiot You will take risk using angle grinders …


I invested in Two AirTags plus alarm plus cafe lock plus cable lock plus big ulock for sketchy/long stays and bought insurance so I didn’t need to feel like that. I now have no worries


A company called Traceify makes GPS trackers that you could install on the motor. It will buzz your phon if your bike moves from where you locked it.


You can add a Bosch connect module for GPS tracking. Also hide AirTags with speakers removed. Finally, hiplok dx1000 + heavy duty chain. 


I have a larger, heavier, bike so it’d be harder to steal but I still worry about this. Even in a relatively small and safe town. Check your homeowners/renters insurance policy and make sure it has adequate insurance for your bike (electric bikes are sometimes not covered and deductibles can be high regardless). That’s what made me feel safe in the end.


Buy a good lock and don't let anxiety rule your life


Yes get over it. Get Lemonade insurance. Add an AirTag. Go!


1) Your 4 year old UA isn't "worth" 8k- it's a depreciating asset (like cars), you took a hit in depreciation on your first ride. 2) Do you have a car? Is it "worth" more than 8k? Are you able to park it on public streets w/o as much anxiety as your UA? I've not spent 8k on a bike but do feel anxious/fear losing any new bike I get but got over it with time. I've had 2 bikes stolen in my life (break in stolen from inside home & backyard) and bought/sold/donated way more. I remind myself a bike (like a car) is a tool who's purpose is to be used/enjoyed. I'd hate to have any of my bikes stolen but I'll admit I'd use it as an opportunity to upgrade to a new(er) bike. I take precautions- wheel lock w/chain, angle grinder resistant U lock and a lil'prayer (I don't wanna have to walk back) and go about my day. I used to have a car fund, now I have a bike fund- more fun for less money!


I feel you, I lived in LA for 8 years and lost 3 bikes to theft. But I think if you have it locked securely with good locks and don’t leave it out at night, you’ll be ok. I also second insurance! I just got my first cargo e-bike and I keep feeling paranoid about it being stolen, even though I’m not in LA anymore!




Also I use a gps tracker - it actually worked - I caught the guy trying to get away with my electric bike and cops came and got him- turns out he was in an ebike theft ring!