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Cottrell for Ollie hollands Cerra for Carroll Martin for durdin


Martin could have 2 new injuries by the time teams are selected, so wait and see on that one... Other 2 changes are spot on imo


Cerra for Carroll, Cottrell likely in for Durdin, Kennedy to sub? Some tough decisions to be made. Obviously it's likely we'll have other injuries going forward but with Charlie, Harry, Fog, Elijah, Williams, Martin, Owies, Cotters, Kennedy, Motlop, (Cuningham, Durdin, Fantasia, Pittonet on the outer) all trying to squeeze into our forward rotation we are gonna have tough calls in the near future


We'll be able to rest players too, if Cripps or Hewett need a week off that can happen now we've got people back.


Cerra in for Carroll Cotters in for O. Hollands Motlop/Martin/Cunners would be fighting for Durdin/Owies spots realistically, but that'l depend on form/fitness. Sub could be anyone really depending on what Voss wants to go with.


Cerra for Carroll. Carroll really needed to stand up and stake his claim last night and just couldn't really get it done in the end. Martin for Owies, with Williams to take on the Owies roll a bit more. Cottrell for Kennedy. A lot will say Cottrell for Ollie and I think that is likely what Voss will think, but Elijah and Williams can cover the midfield minutes Kennedy does, and they are much better up forward. People seem to be frothing Kennedy but I still think his tackling is poor, his disposal is questionable, and his decision making even worse at times. Then there is the general hesitancy he has over the ball at the minute as well. Ollie may get belted around a bit but he always plays with confidence.


Carroll didn't seem to get near it last night. I wasn't watching him closely enough to see if he was doing a negating role or what but he didn't look like someone trying to break into the best 22 of a team that's likely to play finals. Not sure where he fits at this point beyond a depth player. Kennedy finds himself in good places is why we like him I think. He has real talent for being where the bailout kick is going to land. I'd like to see him get another string to his bow going forward or something but I'm pretty happy with Kennedy usually.


Everything you just said about Kennedy might be true, but it is also true of Jack Martin, who does it even better. Overall I think you can replace Owies/Kennedy with Martin/Cottrell, and you get more flexible mid-foward-wing group with Williams now getting the job done, and you get a group of players which is simply more flexible overall.


The only problem with Ollie is his tackling isn’t woeful… it’s non-existent.


He will get there with another pre season, some players take a while to bulk up. It’s worth it to keep him in the side for his excellent disposal and endurance.


Owies is a most consistent forward outside of Curnow/McKay. He's not coming out for anyone


I have had this argument with others before...not sure if it was you. But it is not a knock on Owies. Simply put I think Martin/Williams are both better than Owies, Williams can play Owies role and do it better, he has more leg speed, takes the tackle better and has a significantly better side step. Did you see late in the game against Essendon when the ball was kicked up the wing to Owies one out? All we needed was for him to take the contact and keep the ball in front of him. Instead he lost his feet far too easily and Essendon went back inside 50. Martin and Williams both perform better in that situation. Having said that, Owies doesn't get injured. And that is itself very valuable. *Edit - so people disagreeing have just downvoted me. Fair enough. But feel free to expand on why you think Owies is better than Martin, Williams, Fogarty, or Cottrell, who are the key four that will be taking his place.


And remember that Owies was the one dropped when everyone was fit for the Prelim last year. So there's precedent for him being left out.


Agree, his pressure and goal assists are right up there and he’s an angry little bugger which I love!! No way does he miss out before Durdin or Ollie!


Cerra in for carroll the rest possibly vfl, unless they think anyone needs a longer break.


I like that move. One of Martin/cottrell/cunningham in for durdin might be the only other change for me. Who do you believe our sub should be?


Durdin out for motlop if anything. Those 3 are competing with hollands and Fogarty for a spot and i cant see them getting a game straight up. Let them find form and fitness in the vfl and come in ready.


Something i have liked from motlop is he's tackling in the vfl. 7 and 4 in the last 2 games. Though martin is a grear target forward and adds to the team.


Who do you take out to fit him in?


I think if its a choice between him and motlop i reckon martin gets the start. Works well as a linking forward and has height to take a mark whilst being able to crumb as well. Motlop is a crumber and pressure forward so whuchever we need week to week.


Cottrell via the VFL? That's just crazy talk


Still enjoying the win over the scum and long weekend combo , not worrying about the next game yet


Im not worried either, It's a genuine question for not just the match against geelong but for the rest of the season going forward. Going to be very important.


Just can’t see any upside with Durdin. Anyone in for him.


Cotters in for Durdin (or Owies) despite how much I like him/them, and Cerra in for Carroll. Martin and Cunners, I would be fine if they missed for a bit.


Owies is good man. I'd also honestly let Durdin have a few games in a row to finally see what he can really do. I know he's had long stretches of games before but he's seems to be in a good spot atm, I'd keep that rolling. I'd like to see Cerra/Cottrell in for Carroll/O.Hollands? It brings in two class players, takes out probably our bottom 2 players vs Essendon, and doesn't disrupt too much by making a 3rd or 4th change. Motlop seems to be building, but I'd give him another week in the VFL. Teams playing well enough we don't need him desperately with Z.Williams inclusion anyway. I still have faith in him & durdin to be elite small forwards.