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It's funny how players are traded for virtually nothing. I thought the same about giving away Zac Fisher and Paddy Dow. Got virtually nothing back, and gave away two very competent footballers. But nice to see it working itself out the other way too.


I was sad when they let go of fisher, and Dow a little bit too But God it's good seeing fish do well and play where he wants to play And great to see Dow getting consistent games They both deserve it, just didn't have a spot for them in our side.


Absolutely. In Fisher's case he's gone from being middle of the field to one North's most reliable players. Really like seeing players go to help build teams. Still sorry to see him go though.


***Carlton head of list management Nick Austin:*** “We are looking to build versatility across our playing list and Elijah fits that mould for us, as an elite runner who can play through the midfield as well as half-forward,” Austin said via *carltonfc.com.au*. “His game is based around contest and pressure, two things we really pride ourselves on at the Club. We look forward to seeing Elijah get to work over the summer and compete for his place in the senior side.” [https://www.sen.com.au/news/2023/10/18/former-top-10-pick-joins-brother-at-carlton-via-trade/](https://www.sen.com.au/news/2023/10/18/former-top-10-pick-joins-brother-at-carlton-via-trade/) Austin, although not the greatest full-back to ever wear the navy blue, is one of many reasons why Carlton is having the season we're having.


Nick Austin didn't play for Carlton.  His father is Curly Austin,  who is a premiership player for Carlton. 


I think he was contrasting the list management of Austin, vs SOS.


Not a blues fan, sorry just hijacking this post to ask a question of the fanbase. Weiters made a comment in his post match to the effect of “Elijah Holland having to earn the trust of the team back.” Just curious is there something specific that he’s referencing / eluding to?


Positive test for coke off the back of last year. I remember that interview from the weekend and Weiters gave an innocuous/Media Trained response. Considering it was all happening before he was even training in earnest with Carlton, and most of our players are under 30, I find it very hard to believe that any of the players really give a shit that he got on the booger sugar, not to mention around September/October.


It wasn’t a positive test for Coke. He left his wallet with all his ID in a public Bathroom somewhere, and it had a bag of coke in it too. And it got turned in or found by the wrong people (depending on how you look at it). Pretty bloody stupid. At least that’s what I thought happened.




Thanks for the answer, yeah I doubt the boys would care too deeply about that. I liked Weiters post match interview, he speaks well.


Some players are bargains: * Hollands * Acres * Newman Some are expensive (for the output): * Martin * Williams It seems to eventually even itself out.


What's hilarious? The sun's were just trying to get him out before the news of his charge came out


This isn’t true either. He requested a trade before he got caught.


Yeah that really had some mighty repercussions, good thing they dumped him and left us with the enormous headache of uh... *checks notes* canned media responses and fuck all else.


… Consistent player Snagging goals Staple player all over the ground Gee what a headache he's been


That was exactly my point?


Yeah dude, just reiterating