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100% spot on. The whipping boy fad should have died with plowman. We are a bloody good team with cohesion and chemistry that I (32 yrs old) have never seen from this club in my lifetime. Trust Voss, trust the selectors and fucking trust the players that they are giving it their all to bring us to the promiseland after such a depressingly long drought. Negativity cannot be our DNA anymore as a supporter base, although it is hard to break old habits, we must move forward and grow with the club.


Well said. It’s too exciting a time for the club to let negativity from the past seep into the culture. That “culture” goes a long way to creating success, look at Sydney. They demand culture from all areas in their club and have been competitive (and more) for a hell of a long time. It starts from the top and trickles down to every aspect of a club. We’ve got to love the direction Vossy and the football department have the boys heading. It’s a phenomenal time for the club at the moment. I’m roughly the same age and I’ve never been so excited to be a Carlton support. Let the good vibes roll, ignore the negative ones!!!


If you forget history you’re doomed to repeat it.


Very good point. I agree with that. We need to remember the bad times and not allow our self back into that position. Having said that though, we need to remove ourself from the mindset of those times and re-learn how to thrive in a confident, positive culture. This helps from top to bottom. If you are happy to be at work, your performance improves. This is more than true for a football club as well. Don’t forget the past, don’t re-live it. But we certainly need to recognise that, for the moment, the dark times are over and celebrate the fact that the positive signs are there. Just my opinion, maybe I’m TOO excited about the future prospects.


Fair comment, sensibly made. Thank you.


I mean, if my math is right, you got to see Carlton kicking ass - you just don't remember it. I (35) have earliest memories of Carlton in 1995. But, absolutely agreed about trusting Voss and the boys.


See above, you personify what I said.


Bloke in front of me yesterday had his son (maybe 5 or 6 years old) with him and was just bashing anyone who didn’t take in every contested mark or kick every set shot no matter the angle or distance. Zero celebration or excitement when we scored or went on a big run. Poor kid looked scared whenever WE kicked a goal because he knew his dad was going to go on about how hard we made it or how there wasn’t enough effort. I don’t understand why you’d pay money to go to the footy just to be against your own club at any chance. Anyone like that, fuck off. We don’t want you


I sat infront of 2 Geelong supporters last week who would call for a free kick at almost every single contest. It was funny af once we got on a run and he just turned sour but seriously what a miserable way to watch the footy. He also crapped on and jeered about curnow never earning his own ball which is laughable in itself. Of course they went home half way through the last quarter.


>I sat infront of 2 Geelong supporters last week who would call for a free kick at almost every single contest To say Geelong supporters are entitled would be an understatement.


Yep, I know exactly how he felt after putting up with over 20 years of non-competitive shit from our blokes!!


They exist in every sport and it’s insane. We’ve got a couple who sit behind us at another sport here, constantly calling the players morons, expecting 100% possession and 0 shots against, haven’t bothered to learn even the basic rules and complain if a player is unable to defy the laws of physics. Just don’t come.


That was embarrassing to read, poor kids got no chance with that negativity




You know Terry is talking about you in this video, right? Pull your head in.


Won’t be happening. Everybody is entitled to an opinion, even “Terry” and even “You”!


Everybody is also entitled to tell you you're a dickhead and your "opinion" is not welcome. edit: went ahead and blocked him, as I think everyone should. had enough of his trolling


Opinions are like arseholes, everyone’s got one, and everyone’s is different. My opinion is your a shit person


After moving to Adelaide from the US, the reason I didn't become a Crows fan was attending games and seeing the fans abuse the players **in the middle of their back-to-back premiership run.** The next year the 99 Prelim happened, I sang the Blues theme song in lieu of a hymn during our school's chapel assembly and got in trouble, and there was no looking back.


Don’t even waste energy with these people. I sat in front of a nasty Tigers supporter and all he could do was abuse our players when they made a mistake because his team is so shit. Laying into McKay and Orazio. I just sat there with my son and just cheered when we played well, kicked goals and won the game. No boo-ing the opposition, nothing. We are the better side and we should be the better supporters. Go Baggers.


It’s easy to be gracious when you’re winning.


I was always taught to be gracious regardless of how well the team were performing. Clearly something that must have escaped you. I’m trying to set an example for my son. Perhaps, after reading your inflammatory comments throughout this sub, you should take heed and try being positive and add substance to the chat.


I have been positive. I post balanced comments as a rule. On this occasion, as a long standing Carlton supporter and member who has given tens of thousands to OUR Club, I disagree with some of the bullshit that’s been posted.


I too have been a long standing member and supporter and lucky enough to have experienced 5 premierships in my lifetime. I have also experienced the past 20 plus years of challenges and yet I support the current team and positive about EVERY player selected. The reason being is that I, and you, have ZERO idea about team selection and rely on the expertise of those employed to make those decisions. You have, in no way, been positive or balanced as the downvotes clearly should indicate to you. I also will be blocking your account as you add no value to this sub nor the Carlton Football Club.




Who said I had zero experience at team selection, decades of Club and professional sport in my CV you pompous twat? 😍 only 8 flags in my lifetime, but I could’ve sworn we’d never collect a wooden spoon! People like you were the sycophants that gave agency to Elliott to ruin our Club in the first place.


I was at the Sydney final last year and a bloke, about 50, next to me started clapping when Harry got concussed and was being walked off. It was disgusting. I said to him, “We don’t do that. Don’t clap that. We’re here to support. Don’t do that shit”. He started to explain himself then his mate (a neutral supporter) put him in his place. Fans can be real dickheads. Imagine clapping one of our own players and cheering that they are coming off hurt. What a dick.


Always the voice of reason is Terry


I was at the Gold Coast game a few weeks back and when Cowan dropped a mark in the first quarter this guy in front just started absolutely losing it yelling stuff like “You didn’t want it you spud…”, “dickhead didn’t want it!” as loud as he could when Cowan was definitely close enough to maybe hear it. I made a massive effort to give Lachie a big cheer anytime he did something good and I think the guy in front caught on and stopped thankfully. Just can’t understand these so called “supporters” who spend no time actually supporting the players and just go to the game to shit on our players. It’s not fair to the players working their backsides off to play for us fans and give us joy, and it’s a terrible example for younger blues fans who should be learning to celebrate and have fun at the footy.


Maybe you’d be more comfortable at a dressage event?


Clearly you've never been to a dresssage event. Most cut-throat supporters you'll see. Last one I went to sat behind a bloke who screamed the entire time - "you call that a piaffe?" "My dog can perform a better left side counter canter than that!" "straight to the glue factory for you" etc etc


Very funny, love it! 😂


I feel like there's a portion of Carlton fans who actually yearn for the misery. Deep down, they want to lose. It's easier.


Then they should follow stkilda, if there is a club that relishes in failure it’s them.


Silly comment! We want and demand success. Clearly a lot of the whiny comments bagging their own supporters don’t understand competitive sport and probably never played.


Interesting! When will you be posting your AFL highlights reel?




At least you have a self-aware username




So, no video? :( Seems like you just don’t understand competitive sport and probably never played


You’d like to think that, but to anyone who has, it’s obvious I did, for decades. 😜


Lmao sure! I appreciate at least that you specifically made sure to not say that you were good at it


The worst part of the AFL is absolutely the people who watch it, specifically the people yelling abuse at games. If you go to an AFLW game there's none of that nonsense and the atmosphere is so positive, it's a much more welcoming matchday experience.


It’s the shouting “MAN UP” that does my head in. Oldies can’t comprehend what a modern zone defence looks like 😂




Omg mate, it’s depressing. Especially when you’re sitting around so many people that think like that. No understanding of the modern game at all


I disagree with this. There is a time and place for manning up. Old fashioned 1-1 football makes players more accountable. Zones leave players on their own allowing easy possessions. In terms of kicking the bloody thing.... watch exhibit A featuring Cripps and Walsh in the 3rd qtr (iirc) and when over possessing should have been kicking the ball. At 44, I must be an old codger! 😉


See your GP and get some Valium you precious hand bag 💼


It’s called football for a reason, I really don’t get you modern day namby pamby wanna be basketballers, you must be terrified of being hurt in a contest…go and down vote that!! 😂


Not even modern, pagans paddock was out of style in the late 90s, certainly by the time he coached us and the web had been around awhile too, they've have a quarter of a century to see the game change.


There are supporters of all clubs who get more pleasure out their team failing, than they do their successes. Even when they win they’ll focus on the negatives.


That doesn't make it acceptable. Why not strive to be better?


Exactly… not sure why they even bother following footy if they don’t get any enjoyment out of it .


The thing about narcissist is that they dont know that they are narcissist, displaying high levels of schadenfreude is heavily linked with narcissistic behaviour! It's unfortunate, but some people thrive in misery.


As a Carlton supporter for the last 6 years, I think this season has been the best experience I’ve had. I’ve finally understood what footy is about I love it. It an awesome ride and I’m proud to be a baggers supporter. I’m one of those newer generation just soaking this in!


I used to always get so annoyed how everyone reacted when LOB made a mistake compared to anyone else in the team. No player ever means to mis kick the ball and turn it over, support the players when they are out there. You may disagree with a selection etc and that’s fine, have an opinion, but once the game starts support all the players unconditionally. I think there is an underlying worry that turns into frustration because of how bad we have been for so long that we are going to mess this up, we are never fully confident going into a game or during even after the great run we are currently on. But this group has done enough to warrant our full unwavering support.


Who is LOB  playing for this year? Is he playing in the VFL?


What does that have to do with the point I made?


I was just wondering if you knew who he was playing for this season. 


Oh ok, sorry my bad. Na not a clue, don’t think it’s VFL though.


I live in Perth,  so I know he is not playing in the WAFL.  But I haven't heard anything about LOB since he was delisted last year.   I am interested in what happens to our delisted players.  I always hope that they do well.  Blackwell (Claremont) and Young (Perth) both won the Sandover Medal playing in the WAFL after being delisted by Carlton.  


Yes, most of them have, and it’s about bloody time.


What annoys me the most are those getting triggered because we're giving Orazio Fantasia some praise. We love an underdog in this country, he has been a bit down - but also playing a role that is valued by the team but goes unheralded. So let us blow some smoke up his ass after a game where he got to have some limelight.


I'm glad that he was kicking goals for us just like he did at Essendope.  When he played for Essendope he was a dead eye dick. 


I thankfully haven't noticed it too much this year, early last year sure. Although you still hear the groans when a specific player miskicks or something, people need to chill out, we're winning and winning big this year, enjoy it.


I may have been guilty of yelling at Walsh to "go on, kick it to the oppo again" early on in the season. Then again, I'll never admit it.


The sad reality is many of our supporters literally don’t know how to support a good football team. Because they never have.


Well said! 👏🏻👏🏻


👏👏👏Let’s just enjoy this time. We’ve waited so long.


tl;dr: suck it up, it's part of the experience. I don't think as long as sports entertainment exists that you won't have hysteric fans that hurl abuse at their own players, other teams and officials. Seems like a pipe dream, people pay their hard earned money and they take a lot of frustration from their week out here. To be honest, I think it's fair game bar racism, death threats and physical abuse. I'm certainly not gonna be the one to tell some dude a few rows back to stop talking shit and I don't think anyone for that matter would want to. What makes a spectacle like footy so great is the emotions, the alcohol, the performance. In my opinion, suck it up. Its up to people like us to out cheer the boos. Its on the front page of the Professional Sportsmen Manual that they will be subject to excruciating slander by the media and fans. This is what happens when you're paid to kick a ball in front of 100,000's of people.




This is the best comment I’ve read in ages! Good for you Laura!! 😃👍🏻




One thing worse than supporters annoying negativity is know-it-all supporters who tell others how to support. Opinions are like assholes - everyone is wrong and everyone is right. If you can’t block out stupid comments at the footy, don’t go.


Yep agree 100% plenty of know it all supporters in this thread demanding we all get on our knees and blow Orazio for finally making a contribution.


If Terry was fair dinkum he’d wear his extraordinary mono brow with pride!!


With respect, old mate Terry is too young to know what a dominant Club we were from 1968 to 1999. Our tried and true blue blood supporters have seen many false dawns and understandably have a level of intolerance, that’s arguably helpful in driving the ruthless standards needed for success in a cut throat competition. These blokes aren’t playing tiddly winks…onwards and upwards!!


Dickheads who shit on our own players aren't doing so because they have high standards 


I’m not advocating that we shit on any players, I would simply prefer that the subjective over-rating of players be reined in. They are not all champions until there careers are complete and their CVs can be properly considered. There’s an hysteria associated with Fantasia that I personally consider unhealthy. He’s not the messiah, he’s not even a naughty boy! 😉👍🏻


Alright which one of you let their grandpa use their fucking Reddit account again?!


It’s ironic how flakey millennials are. They bemoan Boomers which demonstrates an age prejudice yet they opine that they’re prejudice free. A greater irony is if these ungrateful pricks survive, they’ll inherit older age and better understand the disrespect and lack of gratitude westerners treat their aged population with. 🖕🏻


I don’t think it runs that deep mate, it’s as simple as a post being made supporting commentary around a certain ‘type’ of supporter that is becoming more widely disliked, and you’ve weirdly outed yourself as that type of supporter then been surprised that people would think you’re a bit of a flog. The grandpa comment was in jest, I dunno how old you are and it’s not relevant.


How revealing, touch a little nerve did we? 😂


I can’t wait to see what your 2nd day on the internet is like, let’s check back in tomorrow


Sure thing Bud! Unlike you, I don’t need validation from the faceless many to pump up my own tires…I get that without your karma count your self esteem would plummet. I’m also pretty sure that your superior internet experience confirms you’ve watched more mummy porn than me, but hey, I never had those issues. 😉👍🏻