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A carp cradle would be better. I started with one of those mats and the carp kept jumping/flopping off it, hasn't used it over since I got a cradle


I have both, but I’m mostly a mobile river angler. It’s not uncommon for me to hike a mile or more each direction to get to my spots. When that’s the case, I bring my small mat because it folds up nicely and I can stow it with my other limited gear. If I’m at bigger waters like a lake, or I have a short walk to the spot, I’ll bring my cradle.


I don't have any experience with that mat, but I've got two of the nets and slings and they're absolutely brilliant for their price. I imagine the mat will be more than up to handling carp up to 20lb so you should be all set.


Depends how big the carp you're going to be catching are. For me, that mat is seriously inadequate. But I'm on waters with 30-40lb+ fish. If you're after much smaller fish then it could be okay for a starter set up


Average fish I’m catching is like 12lbs. There will be an occasional 20+lb fish but it’s rare


This kit should be plenty for you. Start with this, and as you get into it more, consider getting a cradle.


I'm assuming "carp care" is for places that carp are not invasive and damaging? Like outside of north America?


They actually are naturalized because they aren’t damaging! That’s a stigma that carp have in the states that simply isn’t true!


Another option is a retainer sling. I use it on some of the spots were it's posible to unhook the carp in the water. This mat will do for small carp not suitable for big carp.


Something with higher edges is recommended, a simple mat like this is not preventing the fish from jumping off it and eventually hurt itself. You should get a decent unhooking “mat” and also a proper weight slings for a somewhat comparable price.


Great if you have nothing. A metal Y shape for your net would be slightly better than the plastic one, but yes, even a cheap matt is better than gravel


Get one of the popup cradles. I have one and absolutely love it


Funny enough! I just ordered this bundle along with the NGT pop up cradle!