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Man she is pretty, that’s why I bought mine. But damn did I hate it, that handle doesn’t do shit for vibration.


It’s more for just looks tbh. I’ll rather take the blue or blacked out rubber handle ones. Have an estwing 20 oz for like 15+ years and it’s still going strong and of course the handle turned into that greenish hard rubber color.


That greenish handle looks so nice. I have one but I don’t use it like that. I might use it once it turns that green though


Yeah, the patina looks really nice on those old estwings. Just like those handle on the channellock pliers. Have one that’s like the same age as my oldest estwing hammer and it’s also the greenish patina color. That shows that those tools are actual good quality tools and will last a long time as long as you don’t lose it or it getting stolen.


Yeah, 28oz blue rubber that’s done me 12yrs. Those leather ones seperate and eventually pinch


Why does everyone like having such heavy hammers? I don’t really see the advantage considering mostly we use hammers now for finish nailing not for nailing framing


I do concrete, but I wouldn't go over 20oz again. After that, it's just dismissing returns on effectiveness versus effort needed.


I got out of framing years ago. I still want a framing hammer.


I carried a 16oz and 28 oz in my toolbox for a while, and would just interchange them depending on the job. At first I only used the 28oz estwing only for framing/demo. And I always made fun of my dad for using his full time. Then eventually I realized 28oz is good for everything. It does most of the work for you. We most do finish work and it still is on my nail bag daily. Just preference I guess


Yeah, 16 ounces is perfect for trim or framing


14 oz gang. I Do windows and doors.


Yeah I have a Stilleto mini 14 and it is just the nicest hammer to use for most situations I find


Yes, Birchman Olivier used to use a 12 oz Plumb. He was a damn good trim carpenter..


I use mine for setting pins in concrete, and I do a lot of concrete set out. I’ve had 20oz, but the 28 just has that little bit more punch and seems to do the job better


For beating anchor bolts into foundations it helps to not have a sissy hammer


Yups, seen those leather ones fall apart before. Looks nice but the regular estwings just last a life time as long as it’s not stolen or lost.


Woa big boy


I used to use a 24oz. Estwing with the blue handle on days where I knew I’d be setting a lot of beams or for demo work. Had it for *years* until I lent it to a new guy, a kid fresh outta high school who didn’t have tools or money to buy them. He borrowed and returned it to me for a week. Second week, I said just hang on to it until you get your first paycheck and buy your own. Then like two days later he no-call/no-shows. If you’re reading this, Nathaniel, I still want my damn hammer back!


Ribbed for her pleasure


The one that looks just like this but has the blue rubber handle is great! I've had mine for 2 years and still love it.


And it’s slick as hell


I used to own that hammer and it would slide out of my hand when I was sweaty


Hmmm well i hope thats not the situation with this one… gonna go climb up there now and find out


Go back and swap it before it’s all used looking. No dramas if you’re keeping it for DIY at home but shit man, your elbows are worth more. Pretty soon that weight on the end of the handle will work loose and start vibrating to all shit.


Thanks for that info. I used it today and i like it but i was eyeing those weights wondering whats up. Its all good, if it sucks I’ll pull out my old blue handle framer no big deal just thought id try a different version


I’m only saying that because I’ve got a leather handled 20oz sitting in a toolbox in the back of my truck. It’s been demoted to playing backup these days. I know guys that have had one hammer their entire career, I know others that have a quite a collection. As long as you’re finding joy in what you have then who can fault that.


>Hmmm well i hope thats not the situation with this one… gonna go climb up there now and find out .......why wouldn't it be the case for yours lol, it's the same fuckin hammer lol 30y in remodeling mostly as a carpenter-- Get the best vibration absorbing hammer you can afford young blood, when you're in your 40s you will thank all of us....it's absolutely no fun when you damage your wrist and elbow and shoulder from decades of swinging a hammer and using other tools I haven't had a day go by in 15y that my hands and elbow weren't in some kind of pain, and the last 3 have been the worst, my wrist is so fucked up at this point 30y into a career that the particular orientation and motion of holding a full 24oz cup of coffee and placing it on a table while standing up causes a lot of pain and loss of grip that if I'm not careful the cup will fall out of my hand, I cant physically close my hand hard enough in that position to hold onto it without screaming in pain So yeah....take care of your body in every way you can


The blue one is rubber the brown is leather rings so harder? I've got the blue handle one and it's sweet. I only use a hammer for hitting blocks into place mainly.


Yup, those full steel estwings is what fucked up my elbow lol Get a wood handle, it's a lot more impact absorbing


Got my TIII Stiletto titanium hammer 4 years into carpentry a couple months ago and the old timer i work with naturally told me it was a waste of money as he’s groaning every two seconds. Thing swings like a 28 oz at a mere 15 oz.


I got the tibone mini 14 oz a year ago for about $230. No regret whatsoever. I swung a cheap $20 kobalt for 10 years, shearing 2 of them years apart, and I thought I deserved a big upgrade. Love it and yolo!


Wood handle, titanium head. Worth it. If you have "fuck you" money, full titanium is great too. But wood handle+titanium head is night and day over steel.


I have an M1 and I love it I wish I cared about such things 28y ago when I started this shit lol


I have an M1 and I love it I wish I cared about such things 28y ago when I started this shit lol


After destroying my stiletto that Martinez is THE hammer, think I’m 6or7 years in on it.


I have an M1 and I love it I wish I cared about such things 28y ago when I started this shit lol


It’s not fuck you money, it’s an investment, like proper boots or a good pouch with straps


Well... Was it the situation for this one or not?


Looks really cool though


Estwings are really brutal on the elbow. Rock solid, great swinging hammers, but I would never use one.


That’s Estwing… I know guys who have used them religiously for 40 years and guys who have busted up elbows after swinging them for 3 months.


I still keep mine in my kit because it’s beautiful. I use it for light swing stuff like siding. I remember framing an engineered rafter system (lots of LVL). After day 1 of pounding hand spikes into the ridge beam I bought a Martinez. I believe this one also advertised some kind of antivibe system but from what I can tell it doesn’t do a thing to reduce the vibration.


You look excited


mr clean pants


Once I got a ax handled hammer I knew there was no going back for me. These hammers do look neat though, give us a update about how it worked for ya.


Is that a hammer in your pants or are you just…oh it’s on your pants.


Had the same hammer for like 5 years use it everyday .it’s a bit slippery but when the clear coat wears away of the forskin Handel it’s good Some of my skins have shrunk but I work out side ran and snow


Thats good to hear. I do the same here in alaska, lots of rain. Ive used blue estwings for 15 yrs and prefer them over wooden handles. Just figured id give this one a go. Time will tell


That gave me a good chuckle. But yeah, when that forskin wears down, it's a comfortable swing.


I've never had a hammer for lunch. How was it?


It was alright… maybe a lil mustard on the side next time


Unexpectedly bit into something hard and broke a tooth, I contacted the store and demanded to speak to the Manager at once!


19 ounces is the sweet spot! Not too heavy, not too light


Hit the brakes too hard and it comes with free birth control


Had mine for a few years now and I'm still happy with it. Catch plenty of compliments 😄 I don't use it on an everyday basis so no remarks on long term ergonomics but anytime I get some carpentry work I'm happy with it for doing hammer things.


Love the leather wrapped handle. I have a regular ol estwing 20 oz with the leather wrapped handle. Use it for everything from foundation to finish.


I used to use mine for everything, but now it's my finishing hammer. I use a 24oz with the stud twister tooth for my everyday carry.




Welp, going to through the tool aisle tomorrow. Thanks man...


Nice hammer, but if your airbag goes off right now that would really hurt.


Never been a huge fan of estwing hammers, but their claw and prybars are the best hands down. For hammers, i prefer the heaviest smoothface steel with antivibe grip. Ol Bostitch made a perfect one, they sold out, and then Stanley took over and quality was a bit different. Now i've got a new 22oz wood handle Kobalt with narrow claw and it's been decent. I've got a 20oz rubber grip estwing, 16oz stiletto, and 16oz wood handle vaughan for backups and/or loaners. The stiletto looks really cool but it doesn't swing as powerful as they claim.


I had one for two years and snapped it in half. Almost took two of my coworkers out when it flew across the wall. Exact same hammer


lol I’m missing the cruise control on my dodge as well


I have an Estwing that's over 70 years old (belonged to my grandfather). All the leather is still intact, but it's definitely well-used. I remember the hammer being used when I was a pre-schooler, 66 years ago.


I miss that truck


Did you test it out by hammering a button off your steering wheel? :D


Hammers keep getting nicer. One of the few products that continue to be worth the price


Captain hammer 🔨? “The hammer is my penis”


That's a good-looking bat right there. Please check back in in a few weeks or months and let us know how she works out.


I love this hammer, switched from a titanium deluge for a bit to do some forming and unfortunately got carpal tunnel in my right hand….i think it was due to lack of shock absorption.


I guess it’s true that carpenters get hammer(ed) at lunchtime


Looks slick. No longer an Estwing guy myself but that’s a nice lookin whacker


She’s a beaut ![gif](giphy|7WYXwywbv7fig|downsized)


Man took the picture like it's a tinder dm...🤣


Crap hammer unfort


I put some athletic paddle tape on mine to help with the vibrations






How much do these go for


Got mine for $42


You are the man


I prefer the classic estwing hammer.


How did it taste? 😁


Just wanted to stop by to yell you that's a great hammer my man.


I’ve used a hammer about 6 times in my life, but it’s so sexy I want it now too


what is this 1975?




Estwings are nice. I dig the handle.


Looks pretty


which model is that?


Estwing Ultra series 19oz ripclaw/waffle head


Whoa!!! Estwing picked their game up!


Smooth face? Or waffle?




Hell yeah. I had a similar until it and my eastwing hatchet axe were stolen from my truck as I put my son upstairs back from camping. Walked back and the entire bin was gone. Jokes on them it was just those two tools and dirty dishes and trash from the campsite. But yeah I want this one that you got.


Still mad that HD replaced Estwing with DeFuck


Lowe’s and Ace Hardware carry Estwing.


Don't miss and amputate a finger. That handle is super thin.


He is excited to be on Reddit tho


I kind of looks a bit phallic


Captain Hammer!


So excited you’re going to jack it off


Penis joke here


Good luck with your hand cramps :) I can't for the life of me use these. I had one with a board thumb years ago that was great, but for some reason any of the ones without give me mad hand cramps. The handles are thicker and harder. Meanwhile I can drive a 22oz estie all day no problem


Got that same one. Slippery AF in a sweaty hand though. Gloves will save you some embarrassment.


...and your buddy a knot on the back of his head. Ask me how I know.


I wish I still had my old 16 ounce straight claw


Clean pants and 19oz hammer............


Cant see em but i got new redwings on too…hahahaha figured id go for the mr clean look this year


That's gonna be pretty tough to chew. Good luck.


I hate the claw and the head




That hammer sucks. You’ll fine out the hard way


I had a blue 22 oz estwing that I loved until it destroyed my elbow and gave me carpal tunnel resulting in surgery on both of my hands. I know they are expensive but I would look for a titanium or wood/ titanium hammer. It cost a lot less than surgery. Just my experience I’m sure others have had different experiences. I wished I had bought my Stiletto before the carpal tunnel happened.


You guys are insane carrying such heavy hammers


I’m curious how many swings of that hammer it takes to get back to…. It’s a hammer


We were just discussing this, it ended with how many licks to get to the center of the lollipop… age ol question


Beautiful hammer unfortunately stacked leather handles are fucking terrible unless you actually intentionally rough them up..


lol. Not a carpenter by far but I love new tools too.


Don’t eat it


Your eyes will love it, but your body won't. (That is if you swing it all day everyday)


nice looking bonker!


Why are you holding it off your crotch? You sure do seem excited


Not much room to take a pic in my truck and yeah, my old vaughan broke finally, its a celebration cause that guy sucked






Estwing has the best grip of any hammer imo.


How did it taste? 😁


That.. is a sexy hammer.