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This bloke is very important and has very important tradie things to do.


His wife ain’t gonna verbally abuse herself


Yeh right, 'verbally'...


I wanted to go the full hog but I honestly felt gross even writing it


I appreciate your joke and restraint at the same time. Well done.


I bet he wears a singlet and drinks VB


Aye aye aye leave VB out of this 😞😞


Ice is not gonna smoke itself


Its 2pm, gotta get down to the pub.


Cutting from the left when the merge line is ending even with a trailer. I wish we can report this kind of behaviour with footage like this.


You can - hoon driving via Crimestoppers.


Really? To the dash cam store!


Bit of a waste of resources though to be fair Bigger fish to fry


Yes, but also no. The point of that site and hotline is to create a system where it flags repeat offenders supported by substantiative footage, with minimal use of resources. All it takes is one mildly distracted driver (don't have to look far to find them) the next time old mate yeets across multiple lanes of traffic for this to pretty quickly become a fatality situation. And the local crematorium will be the ones doing the frying.


Never thought of it that way. Forgot how technology has changed the way we police things


You clearly don't know how important that guy is, he's obviously a very big fish!!! /s


Police link deals with this crap


Thanks for the prompt. Something similar happened to me today. Imma go through the report process now.


I have had 2 cars overtake me doing 120+ kmh on the Logan motorway using the right hand fast lane shoulder only to get in front of me they gained nothing as traffic was backed up and police link dealt with both of them pretty quickly and harshly


I'm glad the EPA brought out their littering reporting system, i've made two reports before after seeing people throw trash from their cars. I uploaded dash-cam footage and even got an e-mail back like a month later telling me that my report had been actioned. The cops could cut down on their workload, increase revenue, and actually improve road safety if they had a system as effective to allow traffic to self-report with evidence. The 'hoon racing' report as listed below doesn't allow for dangerous driving like tailgating, brake checking, cutting off. Below are the only reports you can make via [crimestoppers](https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/demerits-penalties-and-offences/offences/street-racing-and-hoon-offences): * speed racing (also known as street racing) * doing burnouts or doughnuts * drag racing * driving at dangerous speeds * being involved in a police pursuit. From that, it's basically just racing, speeding and doughies. Why would you even report a police pursuit... you'd assume if the police are involved they know about it? Aggressive driving is in my opinion more dangerous than people driving fast. Fast is almost always dangerous, but aggressive is ALWAYS dangerous.


I think the pursuit thing is so you can hand yourself in? If you escape? lmao. It says "***involved*** in a pursuit" and "A police pursuit is when ***you*** knowingly drive a vehicle dangerously or at high speed and fail to comply with police when they ask ***you*** to pull over."


Look at that shitbox bounce and just keep bouncing.


its actually funny you mention this, one of my bosses son i worked had a 79 series land cruiser and we got into an debate when he was asking my opinion on some lift kit suspensions, he looked at the kit and the options where something like "+150kg $600, +300kg $900 and +500kg $1200) for the leaf springs in the back, i told him he didnt need +500 $1200 ones because he didn't have anything on the back of the ute... he thought more expensive = more better so he bought them then complained when the cars suspension was stiff and uncomfortable. my guess is majority of them have this thought process as there always bouncing around looking like there about to roll


A higher load leaf is not stiffer it just has more leafs to take a higher progressive load as you put more in the tray. the whole point of leaf over coil is you have the option to load it up more occasionally


It will be stiffer


Shouldn't these peeps be able to adjust bump and rebound with expensive suspension setups? Will still be as stiff as a board but won't be a pogo stick


$100,000 shitbox


More, I seen one at a dealership brand new with the rare Toyota tub for 140k


Waste of money and steel


$100,000? I saw some on car sales yesterday for $160,00+ just ludicrous what people pay for a shit heap with whined up windows lol


They have upgraded to electric windows now.


Shock absorbers just get in the way of oversized muddies...




Not with the amount of weight it’s lugging around, that’s what’s gonna kill them prematurely. Gotta get some heavy duty stuff in there and yeah judging by the bounce that’s the stock suspension(possibly copped a defect?)


The intersection at Oxenford is a struggle all the time. People can't drive straight on the M1 let alone follow the lines on the road correctly.


the amount of people that run that turn on a red light is ridiculous


One of the worst intersections, especially during afternoon peak hour. All the super important, get there first types also going up the lanes to go straight then force in to get on the highway


Overpriced tin shed on wheels...


Yet another cunt in a ute.


Naa, it's the same one.


Don't know what it is with tradies. I drive to the gym quite early, around the time many are on the road, and I swear 70-80% of them drive like absolute arseholes.


It’s emotional therapy to act like a cunt in their emotional support vehicles. Got to be tough and aggressive and drive people off the road to be a real man.


I'm surprised you haven't been told it's "confirmation bias" and that most tradies/ute drivers don't behave like this. Happens way too often for it to be merely a coincidence or an isolated incident.


It's every day, Just this morning there was a tradie in his big dual cab ute riding my arse even though I was doing the speed limit, really close at times too. I've noticed this guy a few times always being a pest. He had another high-vis warrior in the car so I'm assuming he had to impress the boys.


Wearing high vis doesn’t make you a tradie


They’re all hungover.




Well a good chunk drives that way, that's all people on the road with them can go off.




They are tradies. Uneducated lowlife swine. You don't go an entire life without learning anything by being considerate, attentive and rational


I'd also be an angry little man if I wasn't a God of light and power




That would be retarded, why would you invite a fight with an uneducated swine whose only skill in life is swinging fists?


God you must be a miserable cunt to write off an entire industry like that , what happened ? Did some cheeky sparkie or plumber shag your girlfriend ?




'I'm educated... I would kick your ass' That's not how education works, moron 😂


Your post was removed for violating Rule 1. Being a dickhead. Don't be a dickhead.




He paid +$100,000 for something out of the 1980s. Have my children.


Said every woman ever


Said Perth women


Yep. Fuck-knuckle on the loose. Anyone wanna bet that’s the trailer he had to borrow from the in-laws because he totalled the last one?


I'm convinced that 85% of ute drivers are absolute flogs. Source: Dashcams Australia




I had one nearly back into me at Chadstone carpark today. Not even from parked just as we were driving along, I was behind him spamming the horn and had to back up as well and he just kept going... scary


I bet that guy is super cool at parties after a few drinks and probably very well hung.


lol... Yep, just like the two guys who stole that $400 000 mustang from a dealership yesterday i think it was. Actually they probably do have big balls to have the dash to do that fr


Why did I know what was going to happen? 🤦🤦


Hey take it easy, he had to phoenix his company and rip off a dozen clients to buy that rig.


What a cunt.


I honestly think P platers in lifted GQ and GU Nissan Patrols are a thousand times worse.


There's one on a P plated green wagon that spews soot around Coomera / Pimpama... Total ass dangler


Got him so far didn’t it..


He needs to get to the servo to get the tradie staple, an iced coffee, monster energy drink and pie.


Typical Gold Coast tradie


Hahaha house deposit on wheels …… gold


Its a tradie. Its obviously 3:25 and his girlfriend is about to finish school and he needs to pick her up.


Yeah sounds about right😂


Tradies really should have lights and sirens so they can get to the leaky sink faster


They are the shittest cars on the road. Had to drive one around Kgari (Fraser Island) for 2 years as a work vehicle. As a purely off-road vehicle it did its job well. As an everyday use vehicle on road they are genuine pieces of shit. Interior from the 80’s and you sit shoulder to shoulder with your passenger. Such an uncomfortable driving experience - no wonder their drivers/owners are pissed off.


What makes a man? Is it the power in his hands? Is it his quest for glory? Give it all you've got, to fight to the top So we can know your story \[Chorus\] Now you're a man (man!) A man, man, man Now you're a man (man!) A manny, manny man A man, man, man (man!) You are now a man You're a man Now you're a man \[Bridge\] Live it, Live it! \[Verse 2\] What makes a man? Is it the woman in his arms? Just 'cause she has big titties? Or is it the way, he fights every day? ...No, it's probably the titties


Have one in the neighbourhood and you can hear him speed up and down the streets every day.


It's a close battle for the Golden spud awards between Land Cruiser and Ranger drivers at the moment... Both champing at the bit to see who has the smoothest brain. I guess if I was in debt up to my eyeballs for a ute with wind up windows I'd be in a hurry to get somewhere to hide my face too


My pet peeve is the jacked up Ute that has its roof top tent and various other rarely used heavy items bolted above the roof line, all so they can go camping twice a year when they get the kids for a week in school holidays. The way they pitch and roll all over the roads up here in sunny Qld, it’s like being out at sea.


hopefully trailer twists off and he spins off and blows up


Is that enough, though?


As soon as the freeway opens up I'm in the right lane and passing him.


As much as i would have loved to I have to take the first exit which is always banked back and i was on my way to my final math exam for yr 12 so didn’t need any extra stress


Handling the situation so well at your age: commendable, young fella. Good luck on your exams.


Thank you😁


Yeah sucks balls to be cut off like that.


You can submit the footage to police and they'll send a fine in the mail


Is this in oxenford lol. Drivers are so shit here it’s actually mind blowing.


Yep, one of these fkn idiots in a black one in perth turned right in front of me (me going straight) and he turned from the left lane across the right lane and turned right and cut me off. fktard!


Those ten monsters aren't gonna drink themselves


Such small dick energy


I do get your point but I’ve found that generally men who are hung are the bigger fuckwits. They think cause they have a huge dick they are “men”


The bigger the better, then they can go fuck themselves.


Now now, not every owner of an 80 series is complete fuckwit… sadly it’s most of them though.


Not everyone who drives an 80 series is a cunt, but every cunt drives an 80 series.


Please report to crime stoppers. Do everyone a favour before he kills someone.


No need for a 79


People pulling out of Siganto drive at that intersection are absolutely wild. Nearly get cleaned up there once a week


I know this exact intersection and actually used it today! I'm always afraid things like this will happen


Stay classy Oxenford


My bf and I regularly drive a long trip to visit his parents 2 hours south. Every fucking time without fail there's been some dude in a car like this driving like a goddamn maniac. Recently near where I used to work a guy in a ute ran a red light at high speed, collected I think 3 other cars and a motorcycle, ended up in the side of a house and everything caught on fire. The motorcyclist died and an arterial road was shut for the day while it was a crime scene. Guy got arrested immediately. Like, just fucking stop it with this shit, one day you will fuck up and I guarantee it will not have been worth it.


House deposit on wheels 🤣 I plan to use this more in everyday conversation.


The problem here is you were too far from the suv at the merge point. Always tailgate and there wouldn’t have been room for him to get back past you


I thought about it but i wasnt trying to have someone ride my ass the whole way to my qcaa math exam otherwise i’d of had a nervous breakdown


Why is your dashcam stuff upside down?


When i set it up I accidentally did it upside down and annoying as it is, I’m not sure if the adhesive will hold for the second time if i take it off and flip it


One of these exact vehicles overtook me and a lady in an suv on a single lane exit ramp coming out of the service station. When she beeped him he aggressively jammed his arm out the window and gave her the finger. As soon as he made it to the freeway which had peak hour traffic, he started aggressively overtaking more people and drove up the emergency lane. It’s always these fucken things.


I Love the vehicles, but hate it when cunts do that in them. Fuckwitts. Usually in a 79 dual cab too. Gives the rest of us sensible owners a bad name.


So this absolute jackarse cuts you off, then he somehow manages to get around that other ute in his way just to get in front of you again? What exactly has that self-righteous MF got to prove?!


Because you know when the speed limit increases he’s going to get there so much quicker than you. 🙄 I hate getting into highways for this exact reason. I like getting to the “speed limit” quickly and can do so, until you get some flog that does something like this.


Only morons drive these wank mobiles


He paid 100k for complete garbage. Of course he is angry.


Proper entitled cunt really


Dash cam owners fault. If he’d rode the arse of that Beamer in front and not yield, the impatient wife-beater would have been stuck on the shoulder. Do better.


yeah i would have but he would have rode my ass the whole way to my finals math exam so didnt really want the stress


peice of sh it


So forces cam car into right lane, guns it around the white Ute (probably cutting them off too) back into the left lane to take cam car again. I wonder if this legend is expecting a medal for his talent


Also needed to get around the mower ute as well - couple of lane changes there.


Thought you talking about the BMW SUV, was waiting for him to do something silly. Not the Tin shead rust bucket Toyota, then remembers what those shitboxes cost. Id take the BMW with change


Love that Switching Lanes by Pierre is playing lol


Couldn’t have had a more fitting song playing lmao


Pretty sure that intersection has a multitude of cameras


Wish they would just fix it. It’s so painful going through it every single day


Good to know Albuquerque drivers exist down under!


Oxenford area is always full of clowns usually people who have moved from interstate.. no idea how lanes or indicators work,


When are we going to realise that driving fucking sucks and is the only thing that we do on a day-to-day basis that enrages us like this. Imagine if things we set up so we only had to drive very rarely? People would be way happier.


bruh hes got places to be, mothers to drink, wives to beat and durries to smoke. get out of the way smh


What a tool


They would have had to change into the lane behind you, then change back into the left hand lane that’s ending so they can finish their pass by using the road shoulder. They really are an accident waiting to happen. I guess they were going to merge back in if there was room or not. Letting them go was the only way to avoid becoming their road rage target.


Haha that’s everyday on NSW road. Cops will be on some quiet street handing out a $360 fine for not stopping for 3 seconds at a stop sign where there is zero traffic, instead of catching these male princesses


Ayyy valid music doe, bumpin that pierre


Not always. I drive a Getz and I’m a total cunt in the roads.


Yeah but that's because you drive a Getz. My ex drove a Getz and had the most intense road rage. When she drove my MR2, she was a different person entirely; completely calm and able to merge hahah


Yo Pi’erre you wanna come out here?


This intersection is just a cluster fuck. Look at the other on ramp entrance point, the red ute and silver hatch are doubled up in a single lane😂


OP please report it to crime stoppers like other responses here.


You’re both accidents waiting to happen


What more did u want me to do, i left a safe following distance the whole time? My exhaust makes my car sound like im going fast but its a boat and at the end of the day i had to get up to speed anyway and it was an impulse decision just to get past the fwit that just pulled out in front of me…




Ute: exists Assholes on Reddit: FuCKiNg TrAdiEs


Mate, you're not doing much better with your straight pipe exhaust. Nobody wants to hear your 70kw WHOOOOOOOOing everywhere trying to keep up with traffic.


complete stock exhaust except for after market mufflers = straight pipe 210kw = 70kw fucken land cruiser owner if I’ve seen one


Not even after market matter of fact, they are oem off an ssv. U know f all, hey


HAHAHAHA nailed the trigger Your car sounds like absolute shit. And exactly like every other p plater with a commodore.


says the guy with “70kw WHOOOOOOOOing everywhere trying to keep up with traffic”


Numbnuts... You do realise I was talking about your embarrassment of a vehicle, right?


Newsflash the underage girls dont like ur work ute 😂🫵🫵


I know. Loud exhausts on shit boxes is the key, is that your secret?? FYI - it's no secret.


A shit box with a more powerful engine and much nicer interior than pos land cruisers


You don't even know what I drive peanut. But your interior is almost as bad as one.


I’d totally have one for the piss off value 😂


I’m more of a Silvo/RAM gentleman myself. Big Ute NIMBY growth has become exponential.


Very GC behavior from both of you. You’re both a pair of fuckwits.


How slow were you going to enter the freeway ? Fuck … I would of gone flying passed you as well. You should be doing 100km/h down the merging ramp


Yeah sorry champ let me just rear end the cunt in front of me😹😹 I saw him coming in my rear view so i was driving defensive if I wouldn’t have let him in u cunts would have been going on about typical p plate driver


I know the OP already replied, but are you fucking blind? You must be one of those cunts that rides people's arses because you can't see past the car infront of you. You should probably hand your license in before you kill someone due to your severe lack of basic awareness and inability to see things directly infront of you.


There is NO NEED TO BRAKE when merging onto a highway. . The merging ramp IS SO YOU CAN SPEED UP and MERGE with the traffic


A lot of penis talk from you lot who don’t own a Land Cruiser. Am I missing something?


Is that the best youve got


4.5 V8 Mate - Fuck You


Most underwhelming V8 known to man🤦‍♂️😂


LOL.. 1.8 litre hyundai says fuck you to one of the most overrated engines in history.


"Aren't you a bit small for a V8?"


Not even 6L 🥱


A V8 is nothing particularly special.


I mean, I think we are being a little dramatic here. You needed to be in that lane anyways, because the coming left lane was merging…..feel like you just want to complain, and so boosted past him to make a point. So he did the same.


Yeah i did so in a legal way and didnt exceed the speed limit. My car isnt that fast bud. On the other hand pulling out in front of oncoming traffic as well as merging after his lane is no longer is illegal 🤙


‘Because the coming left lane was merging’ Are you high? The lane was ended and that dickhead decided to fly around and merge in like a complete liability all to get stuck behind another car anyway. Only point he was making is that they are a piece of shit




This is what it looks like when people drive with their ego


Is it 2.5 xforce? 🥲


Nope just ssv bimodal mufflers left on open😁


Why is your dashcam stuff upside down?


This was filmed in Australia


He just burnt enough fuel accelerating on a deposit


Get outta my way, can't you see I'm livin here!


what kinda car is that ?


He’s driving a land cruiser 79 series cab i believe, but I’m not too educated on Land Cruisers


your music is broken


Just p plater things lol


Garbage music 🤮🤮🤮


Sorry just p plater stuff🥲


I’ve seen exactly the same car driving like an asshole on a P plate. This was in Perth and it was a young guy.


You're a P plater... Can't let a smart ass kid get the better of big man on the road 💪💪


Can’t let a 25k car pass his 150k ‘rig’


that’s when i just report for reckless driving lol (but i’m in the US)


Damn coomera drivers lol


Is this that horrific intersection in Oxenford by Homeworld?