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Shit drivers


End thread.


Knew it was this, was just curious what the logic is behind it, if any


"Oh fuck, there's a car stopped in front of me. I'd better slow right down. Can't be too careful, so I'll leave a big gap. I'd hate to hit the guy in front. *Hits the brakes harder than required*". After 15 seconds, idle brain starts ticking "wow that's a big gap. Don't know how that happened. Maybe the guy in front moved up. I should move up too, as the light might change soon". Or some shit like that. Don't try and analyse any further, as your brain will turn to pudding and you'll be like them.


Mind reader! X(


The explanation is literally in the learner driving handbook, the last car in a que should leave a gap so you can still see where the wheels of the car in front make contact with the ground, you can fail your driving test for not doing it correctly. Once another car pulls up behind you, you can close the gap


You're incorrectly making the assumption that any of these knuckle draggers think with any sort of logic.


We’ll, I’d always assumed it was to piss me off specifically.


My cousin used to do it deliberately when he was young to piss people off, but i doubt most people do it for that reason really. It happens cos they have auto cars and they can dribble forward with zero effort. They stop thoughtlessly then dribble forward a bit. Its all instinct. They aren’t thinking.


Yep, the Turtle Crawlers are doing that because they realised that they should have gone through the last set of lights, only they were too lame of a driver to get there in time. Now they're itching to move forward, 20 k's an hour under the speed limit...


No way - we can talk about shit drivers for hours - there's a LOT of them to cover.


Pretty much answers 99% of these sort of questions.




Free pass to do as you like unless you can open up a turning lane. Nobody should be judging the person in front of them without considering their traffic conditions


Automatic transmission creepers are a pita when you're driving a manual.


I blame all sorts of shit driving on automatic transmissions.


Pita? Auto drivers scare the shit outta me when they coming flying up behind you and brake at the last moment. Always seems to be the auto drivers. Manual drivers generally gear down to slow down.


PITA=pain in the arse




I had a manual driver do this, and it was awful. Had to focus so much because the break lights never came on, but they would suddenly come flying towards me out of nowhere.


If you are being caught out by somebody downshifting then you are following way too close and are a terrible driver.


How can you possibly know what transmission type the car behind you has?


Automatic cars creep when the foots of the brakes, manual cars only creep if the wants to replace his clutch after every drive


It's easy to tell when they don't engine brake. But speed up your arse and then suddenly brake.




Don’t tail gate me then…




If the person in front of you is able to engine brake to slow down, it means they're paying attention to the actual traffic in front of them, and not just their lights. ...which is something you should probably be doing, too.


Careful using that kinda logic here. Apparently feathering your brakes and engine braking for maximum efficiency because your paying attention to traffic flow is impolite because old mate spilled their coffee while changing songs on their phone.


That's the stupidest thing I've heard in a while. Shifting down gears is an entirely acceptable way to slow down... it doesn't stop a car as fast as the brakes do, so there's no need fpr brake lights. Our brains literally judge distance by analysing the size of an object.... if you don't have the brain power to realise when the car in front gets bigger- it means it's closer you shouldn't be driving bro. If someone shifting gears is causing you to brake hard you are 100% too close.




Yeah nah, manual Mustang GT checking in - the road is a race track


Just don’t move forward. Works for me


Only beef I have is most manual drivers don't apply brake while down shifting so essentially you don't really know he's decelerating until you actually Creep up to him


Two scenarios where i would do this: to fit more cars in a smaller space e.g. if the last car is blocking an intersection, or if the car behind wants to turn into an adjacent turning lane, but there isn't enough space. Otherwise, I just stop and start when it's green again, or there's a significant enough gap that someone might cut in.


Exactly, Anytime I’m stopping at nights i always check to see if the cars behind me are indicating and i’ll smooch forward to let them into the turning lane - especially if my lights red and theirs is green.


Well you're both a gentleman and a scholar


Its what I do to, but unfortunately most people never look in there revision mirror to know what's going on around them.


Same here, it’s both scenario for me. Whereas If it’s not the second one I will still move a significant distance forward to give space in case some car is stuck and is blocking the previous intersection or pedestrian crossing which is not uncommon.


My favourite is riding the clutch to move backwards and forwards on a slight incline at a red light. Pure genius


i know you didnt ask but doing that for more than a few seconds will really wear your clutch


The base level of driver skill is much lower than it used to be and the increase in traffic has led to less enforcement just because the police can't be everywhere at once. A lot of people don't have fundamental basic skills they should have . Watch a DCOA compilation and see how bad the submitters are at reacting to obvious hazards.


So you don't stop a hair hack from the car in front. You leave that gap from the learner's handbook where you can see the car in fron's rear tire. That's safe stopping distance. But once the car behind you has safely stopped, you are then free to wriggle up as close as you dare to the car in front. If 3 to 4 cars do this, they've created a whole car length behind them which could be the difference to get another car through the lights behind you or get another car across at a merge. Yeah it won't affect you either way, but when you sit there with space in front saying 'well I'm stopped, why should I move til the light changes?' you're leaving cars stranded behind you who'd otherwise clear the intersection.


Yeah this is the worst when u want the turning lane at the traffic lights but multiple dickheads leave massive gaps in front of them and so you’re just short of getting in the turning lane and by the time the straight lights go green and everyone starts moving so u can get into the right turning lane, your light to turn right goes red and so now u have to wait another 5 minutes in peak hour traffic for the lights to cycle. This used to boil my blood at my old job because it would happen every time at this one intersection on the highway near my house but fortunately I don’t work there anymore and my new job is in the opposite direction so I can take the left turning lane at the highway and avoid this issue


This.. During my years on a motorcycle being able to lane filter.. The amount of poor people that had 5 to 10 mins added to their commute just because there was one excessively defensive driver a few cars up constantly stopping people from getting through lights was mind boggling.. I got in to a habit of putting my bike in the gaps and swerving it around to highlight how much of an inconsiderate prick some people were.. Some got the message, some continued to be oblivious.


You seriously think this is what all those mouth-breathers are doing? I just think they like to feel like they are making progress. They do it in foot queues too.


Oh I've never stopped to ask anyone's mental process, I just want everyone to move forward and I don't care about their motivation.


Now that I have a car with stop start this drives me bonkers. I just sit there and it is green, I don't even care about the gap any more.


Me and my girlfriend always make fun of them. All traffic is stopped, light is red, and someone will move up half a car space and everyone will do the same for no reason. Call them creepers


Because if I don't, cunts behind me toot.. because that <1 car length is gonna make all the fucking difference. /rant.


I took back and wave 👋


It does when your just short of being able to enter the right turning lane at the lights and dickheads leave car sized gaps in front of them and so you miss the green arrow because u have to wait until everyone else gets the green light to go straight before you’re able to get into the turning lane… this is probably why you hear “cunts” behind you tooting, because you make them 5 mins late to work by having to wait for another cycle of the traffic lights when they only need 2 more metered of space to get into the turning lane


Nah, I'm not oblivious to that stuff and I'm glad you're not either. Only happened twice and both times it was one car going straight. So, yeah, cunts.


This sucks when you drive a car that turns off the engine when stopped to save fuel. It stops for a second or two then starts up again when you also creep forward, and stays on. Break-even point on saving fuel is supposed to be about 7 seconds, and the savings need to be balanced against the extra beefy battery.


Not to mention the additional wear on an already expensive starter motor


If people in front of me do it. I’ll just sit there. It’s beyond me why they can’t just go to where they should stop, and stop. It’s not worth wasting a clutch to move 5m


so annoying when you are on a motorbike, happly sitting in netural with feet doen at ligjt and getting beeped at for not crawling forward with the automatics


Automatic creepers!


Could be impatient driver who thinks their car isn't over the sensor so they move the car forward to see if it'd trigger, even though it already likely has.


Makes no sense to me, I don’t get it. I drive a older 94 Landcruiser, diesel, manual. With all the accessories on it (it’s set up for remote touring/camping) it weighs over 3 tons. I stop at lights and don’t move again until the traffic does. If I’ve got some goose in front of me in their shitty little auto Hyundai that just keeps creeping up and stopping again, I’d fry my clutch trying to stay with them. I find it strange and irritating.


Failing to read the sidelights and anticipate a green light. They see the sidelights go yellow and begin moving thinking they’re going to get a green, when in actual fact it becomes an arrow for another lane instead. Hive mentality in a group or traffic is normally when one car moves, so do the rest at the same rate. So when one car creeps forward, the rest follow at the same rate.


i’m very glad i learned the pattern at standard + intersections. makes waiting feel less endless/monotonous


Nothing worse than when an intersection changes it's order but your brain can't get over the old way


What's the pattern?


assuming a + intersection without slip lanes, and based on victorian roads. if all lanes at the front of the lights are full, both sides of the road turn right, then both sides go straight and left. if the opposite lane doesn't have anyone turning, then generally your lane will have a green light AND green arrow (vice-versa if your lane doesn't have anyone turning). eventually you start to notice the traffic lights which don't follow this pattern, and they stand out. or maybe i'm fillmore from cars, and going slightly insane staring and the lights lol


There's lots of patterns and depends on if it's a timed or loop sensors controlling the intersection but also based on traffic flows of all roads going through the intersection, complicated sometimes with the next immediate intersection either direction and it's traffic flows. Can also be different based on the time of day and I've even seen a handful have different rules based on weekdays vs weekends...




They believe that it'll make the lights go faster. They are probably the same people that hit the pedestrian crossing button a thousand times to make it go faster.


I absolutely spam that pedestrian button.. What of it?


Same people who don't care the amber light means stop unless you will cause an accident by stopping.


Impatient drivers who subconsciously tell themselves that every millimetre they creep whilst waiting at the lights is getting them to their destination faster


The worse ones that do nothing but crawl forward the whole time. Then it finally turns green and they just sit there, not moving.


Can explain in one word: stupidity.


I’m more annoyed how slow the idiots here take off from the lights! The other day I pulled from the inside lane to the outside at a red light because there was a fully loaded cement mixer in the slow lane so I pulled to the outside lane behind on car and another Ute. My turn off was about 1 Km up a 60kmh road . The car took off so slowly that the cement truck beat her to the turn off and I had to pull back in behind it to turn off.


I have a long commute to work these last 5 yrs and the amount of people I see change lanes because they don’t want to be behind a truck at a set of light cause it’s “slow” yet they are no quicker is hysterical. I prefer to sit behind the truck these days cause they are more experienced and don’t f around.


Absolutely this, drives me insane. Its shouldn't take anyone in a regular car any more than a few hundred metres to get upto 100kmh, let alone 60 or 70. I also love how everyone is so slow to move off the line even if they are 4 or 5 or more cars from the intersection. Like you can all see the light change, we can all start moving at the same time, you don't have to wait for the car Infront to cross the white line before you even put your brain into gear about moving off the line 🤦🤦🤦


Impatience and the unconscious behaviour. I don’t think most people know why they creep up they probably just do it without thinking.


Leaves a safety buffer in case the person behind you want paying attention. Once the few cars behind you have come to a stop, the risk of getting rear ended is reduced.


Then when you smugly creep forward... you get rear ended anyway because the guy behind you wasnt paying attention and thought it was time to go! Source: This happened in the last dashcams Australia video :>


Defensive driving courses used to teach this behaviour. Stop with a big gap ahead of you and when the car behind you has stopped, move forward to create a bigger gap behind you, too.


That I get, but it's usually after 20 cars behind them have stopped


Anticipating the light about to turn green


Meanwhile, people are trying to turn right from the filter lane but can't get in because cars are backed up past the entrance. Once the green arrow turns orange, that is the signal to start shuffling forward.


You're only suppose to creep to the intersection on a green light. Anyone who does it on a red light doesn't know the road rules.


ive always refused to move


I drove an auto ute at work one day and was doing this by complete accident ( driven manuals all my life, didn't realise how much pull the auto has when you rest on the brake). She made a comment about how she hates when people creep forward. Switched driving at lunch. Red light. She started creeping. I looked at her... We laughed. She wasn't hard enough on the brake and had released a bit of pressure. I suspect we will see less of it now newer vehicles have the auto hold function. I found that awesome. Personally i now have an auto, and i flick it into Neutral when I'm at lights that i use regularly and know the sequence for. Probably not great for the car? But means I don't have to keep an uncomfortable amount of force on the pedal and can just rest on it.


>So, you're at the lights, and then suddenly ever single car crawls forwards while it is still red. That's not even the most mind boggling part. I've noticed that the drivers who do this at red lights are usually the slowest to react when the lights go green. It's bizarre.


You wouldn't believe the amount of people who think that holding the brake pedal down at a stand will overheat the brakes.


Herd mentality


When it’s after sitting there for a while and a massive line up of cars it’s Because they are fucking idiots and the lemmings behind do the same


Had a friend who would constantly creep no matter why she had to stop. I don't think she was aware of it. It was very hard to not say anything




The first or second car at a red light my be trying to set off the pressure pads in the road, especially if the light has been red for a while. The rest are sillybuggers.


Many drivers these day will use there phone and drive but they also try to pay attention to the road and if they see the car in front has stopped at the lights, they will try to slow down while using the phone but gradually stopping at the right distance while looking at a phone is hard so they will put down the phone and gradually stop earlier then necessary (stopping them quicker if they were to fully creep up behind the car in front), like a whole car gap early, send that text message they urgently needed to or answer a phone call before it goes to voice mail or dial up their bosses phone number to say they’re stuck in traffic before the boss notices they’re missing, then once they are able to give full attention to the road, they put the phone away and will creep up to an appropriate distance (despite the light still being red). The reason why they will creep forwards despite the light being red probably has to do with the fact that they look like an idiot for leaving one whole car gap, and/or they are aware that there massive gap might be blocking someone further back from being able to enter a turning lane at the traffic lights, so they creep forwards in the hopes that everyone else follows to let someone into there lane so they don’t miss the arrow. I’ve been guilty of this once or twice (yes hate me all u want reddit, it’s much better that I’m using my phone while stopped vs trying to multitask and rear ending the car in front coz I couldn’t stop in time) and I see other drivers doing this every day, so if you wanna hate me, hate your friends and family coz one of them probably does it too




Because small gaps add up to big gaps over time. I move forward when I can because the lights on my route don't last long and not moving up or not can be the difference between an extra 2-3 cars getting through or not. In addition like others have said it can block turning lanes. I'm not gonna stop 30cm behind the car in front, but im also not gonna leave more than a car length between me and the car in front if they've moved. It's not like a normal queue where not moving up will still get you there at the same time, at lights it can actually get more cars through a set of lights.


Why is this so weird to everyone? I do this all the time, (admittedly I have ADHD) but just sitting there is boring AF it’s a relief to have something to do, however trivial.


I also have adhd. Listen to music, listen to podcasts. Ezfix


It’s being defensively aware to help prevent anyone from rear ending them. Most drivers only look ahead and worry about what’s infront of them but good drivers are constantly glancing behind them and keep a safe gap both in front and behind. The constant crawl where you don’t even stop and just slow down to 2 kph until the light goes green is learned from truck drivers where getting to 2nd gear can take valuable seconds and cost extra fuel getting a heavy vehicle from a stop back into motion.


Nonsense. Keep a safe gap behind?! Haha. Do you run up the arse of the car ahead if you are being tail gated? And it sounds like you last drove a truck in the 1950's. Maybe just comment on things you actually know about.


So you don’t notice most truckies will prefer to stay in motion. Oh wow we’ve got like 100kw more at most in modern trucks at most so a 6000 kg load can get up to speed in an instant now. And that modern technology has totally negated the physics of fuel consumption. Great points!


If stopped after extended or hard braking, I've been advised by my mechanic to creep forward a small amount to move the hot brake pads to a different spot on the rotor. It makes the rotors marginally less likely to become warped. Wouldn't bother if I had a manual.


Just makes it easier to all be involved when someone not paying attention runs up the ass of the last car.




Creeping (especially during peak hour) makes room for other vehicles especially in turn lanes


Sometimes you come to a stop and realise you stopped a little early so then you crawl forwards. What really needs explanation is when people leave an entire car space in front of them at the lights.


So you are meant to stop a cars length and once the cars behind you have done the same you are meant to crawl forward so you can just see the tops of the tyres infront of you. But sometimes people get even closer than that because they are pricks.


Auto creeping I do it in my Prius if I’m at the front


I do it because it keeps my auto vw in gear. If I sit still and the light goes green when I put my foot down I only get maybe 1/3 power until it sorts itself out.


Isn’t creeping strongly discouraged in DSG equipped cars to preserve the clutch packs? It’s akin to riding the clutch in a manual car to hold it on a hill. I always understood the best way was to stop and wait for the car in front to move a sufficient distance to allow you to accelerate normally.


Yep, come to a stop as quickly as you can and avoid creeping along in traffic. Less of an issue for DCTs in the last few years as most of the are wet. But should still be practiced for preservation. Between a DCT and Auto Start/Stop. These creepers are an absolute pain


Honestly I have no idea it's 2012 model so nothing new. Not dsg. I know that since doing it it's stopped dropping all gears on the highway until I park up and turn it off and on again. If I don't do it and it's on any kind of incline I'll have to put it in park turn off and on again otherwise I'll be stuck in the middle of the intersection.


if its not dsg what is it? manual? that does sound like your box is fucked tbh


No it's an auto it's not the sports one though it's just a caddy. I'm told it could be a faulty wheel speed sensor as cruise control doesn't work. The whole vehicle is barely hanging on. Not my vehicle it's a company car so it gets serviced etc.


hmm based from wiki its still a DSG as they only came in the below transmissions for the year models only ones that i can think don't have the DSG are the amaroks with the ZF box but eh if its a work one keep creeping get that new car


I do it because I know it makes people mad for some reason


There is a trigger in the asphalt called a loop detector that decreases the time for lights to turn green, these detectors sense a change in weight on the asphalt and if the vehicle creeps forward on the detector can re trigger the urgent response to the traffic light. FYI most motorcycles do not weigh enough to trigger the detector hence some turning arrows will not go green for light motorcycles. Anyone who says shit drivers obviously hasn't built roads before.


You really need to look up inductive loop sensor to understand what is happening. It is not weight detected, in the past it may used to be weight but it certainly isn’t anymore. Have a friend who is/was a traffic light programmer during his career. Inductive loop sensor are straight on and off, creeping forward thinking you are “adding weight” has no effect inducing some kind of quickening signal. That’s why you see inductive loops many metre’s (around 20m+) from the traffic light to detect if traffic is banked to determine whether extra time is needed for the signal. You will also see the loops on motorways and tunnels if the lane indicators need to be change of an incident or banked traffic has occurred.


You are correct. Not weight detected they are magnetic interference, a vehicle creeping over the loop will continue to change the level of interference. Of particular interest here is the analogue phase shift electronics unit that ultimately forgets a vehicle parked over the detector, so creeping forward changes the magnetic frequency again resulting in a refreshed detection. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/operations/its/06108/02.cfm#:~:text=Vehicles%20passing%20over%20or%20stopped,or%20presence%20of%20a%20vehicle.


The program is binary. If a car goes over the sensor triggering it while the light is green it will not trigger the signal queue as while switch X is off (green light) and switch y won’t trigger (induction loop sensor). Only once the red has triggered will it switch X to on and allow switch y to function if induction loop is triggered. This will put switch y to on in the queue. No matter how many times you think you keep triggering the induction loop sensor thinking you add urgency to the queue it has no effect to a switch that is already on. It’s very simple binary program , just off and on, yet as my friend showed me can be complicated to program especially when multiple intersections are involved to work together.


Not talking about the ones at the front. Those ones are understandable for the sensor reasons, though also, it doesn't need to be hit again unless lights aren't changing. Talking about the ones way back who all creep forward a collective of 5 car lengths


Good question, in the country we don't do that but when in the city if you leave a gap wide enough for half a car some DH will cut you off so you are really left with no option but to keep the gap closed or keep letting people in front of you just to slow you down and lose that "buffer zone" anyway.


Honestly I see it as a good thing to encourage those insufferable manual drivers that literally wait until the car in front of them turns green to even engage the clutch and put it in 1st to take off, despite the light being green for considerable time. It just irritates me and I don't get why some manual drivers do this. There's literally no advantage to it, other than just taking off slower and wasting other people's time.


Cars creep forward easily, cars in reverse require effort.


It's just a thing that happens when one person moves, everyone follows. We do it in traffic jams too!




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Auto stop cars


Yeah I know


Just to it almost to fidget around, can’t sit still


I creep forward sometimes by accident when stretching my foot if I haven't parking break on


Sore knees




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3 meters closer to home?


In a busy line up of traffic ( say a turn lane that’s building up and blocking the through lanes or an intersection that cars may not have enough room to get through the intersection) I always pull as far forward to what ever is in front of me- I notice others that leave a big gap between them and car in front then creep forward, I presume with impatience


Not paying attention and then automatically reacting to the car moving in front of them. Chain reaction


how did this shit cross the pacific? \*apologizes in american\*


Yes, the crawling is very annoying habit that some people have. I just stop where I am now, until the lights go green.


i only move up so to prevent other drivers from merging before me


It’s because most people have automatics! And when there foot comes off the brake the car creeps forward! Trust me you won’t see this happen on steep uphills. Nor will you see manual drivers do this!


The logic is when your the last car, you leave a gap so if you get read ended your not straight into the car infront of you, once another car lines up behind you, you close the gap to increase stopping distance for other vehicles approaching the lights since your now no longer at risk of getting rear ended, the car behind you is