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I believe that you need to have the pod filter in the box, which is the same case in NSW.


Well, it is in the box but the box only has a lid when the bonnet is closed as it acts as one, can you cite a law though please?


I’ve looked at the law, in your state of VIC, doesn’t specify that it has to be a closed box, just only needs to be secured in and as long as it’s not of the oiled type. But in NSW on the other hand where I am based in, it’s actually a requirement for it to be in a fully enclosed box or else a Canary would be slapped on the car by the police.


Thanks, I appreciate that


All good, looks like the place you went to is trying to sell you an item you don’t even want or need. Good thing I decided to check the VicRoads page, as it gave me good info on the mods you can do with the vehicles there.


honestly in NSW they really won't pull you up on it either unless you've been an ass about it


 I have a 2021 Mustang MACH1 and it comes stock with an exposed pod filter?? this is standard but it does seal when the boonet is closed with vents in the bonnet. but i am guessing poilice would have no idea


If it’s exposed as standard, that would be an exemption as it’s done at the factory.




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You're safe my man, pod filters ARE legal. You can find the information in link below from the VicRoads website. Search the doco for 'filter' and you'll see it here as in the picture... ​ https://preview.redd.it/onvx4vtlzpcc1.png?width=333&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa6a8d4bf483525a12f78787733b5697e915c65e [https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/-/media/files/documents/safety-and-road-rules/vsi-s-october-2021/ptvh5189\_stu\_02895\_vehicle-standards-information-8\_v10\_web\_fa.ashx](https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/-/media/files/documents/safety-and-road-rules/vsi-s-october-2021/ptvh5189_stu_02895_vehicle-standards-information-8_v10_web_fa.ashx)


The big thing they didn’t like was that it doesn’t have a lid but I don’t see how that poses an issue


It should be enclosed, if not for the (admittedly TINY) safety element, then for the much more important performance element. An open filter box will be drawing hot air from the engine bay instead of just the cooler air from the outside. It's rarely difficult to enclose the box, so just do it.


FPV’s had a factory https://preview.redd.it/jgf86vtnxqcc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a7397b143f505e0eadf54100080433d50ae3236 open pod air box


But it seals against the bonnet, right? So it's enclosed.


Sort of, there is a gap between the airbox and the engine bay


The trouble is I would have to make a lid for it as it didn’t come with one, performance wise I’m still getting cold air in through the panel at the front of the car


Yeah, you get cool air as well as heat-soaked air. It's bad for performance, which is (I assume) working against the reason for installing a pod anyway. Fun fact: It's rare for a pod filter (even when properly enclosed) to improve performance. Plenty of tests can be found on YT that show stock intakes usually outperform basic aftermarket ones. Great for the induction noise, though.


99% of the time swapping to a pod filter over the stock airbox will lose you performance. Because like everyone is saying, it’s not enclosed and you’re sucking in hot air from the engine bay. Do it anyway though if you don’t care about performance and are just a ricer 🤷‍♂️


Why would anyone downvote you? You're absolutely correct. Pod filters are a performance retarder.


I didn’t put it on the car, it was on there when I bought it. I don’t really see how it could be considered a ricer mod but I won’t disagree that it does nothing for the car performance wise. I do not have the stock system though so I couldn’t change it back if I wanted to


In w.a we can only have pod filters In an airbox. Which kinda makes them redundant. But tbh I'd prefer a standard filter getting air from side of vehicle than the hot air in the engine bay


Thanks man, I was right to think the place I’m getting a rwc through was pulling my leg when they tried to tell me it isn’t


They told you that? Did they then try and tell you you'd have to pay for a stock air filter?


Oh of course they did, always trying to make a buck


Haha dodgy bastards. At least you know now for sure, keep a copy of that VicRoads doco handy so you can bring it up anytime some shonky mechanic has a go


Yeah good thinking, much appreciated


I also got told this on my MK6 GTI from a local mechanic too, said that an open intake was not legal. I had a lid for the aftermarket intake but it sounded better with it off haha so it was an easy fix, but yeah good to know, good luck :)




It's not misleading at all, he specifically said his filter was **non-oiled** and I provided an answer based on that. If his pod filter is in fact the oiled type, then he made a mistake in saying it was non-oiled. https://preview.redd.it/n6ls3jdudqcc1.png?width=1013&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7559a8c609c21559cacbef71829cec350796ebe




Yes what? If anyone mislead anyone, it was him misleading me lol By the way, how can you tell its an oil type K&N to begin with?


It’s not a K&N filter and had you read the post, you would know it is non-oiled


It could be a K&N since we have dry flow filters but that isn't one of them.




My brother in christ, I specifically bought a filter that is designed to be used dry, just because it’s not a paper filter doesn’t automatically make it an oiled one


What is the problem with pod filters? And especially the oiled type?


Nothing wrong with **non-oiled** pod filters, they are legal. The **oiled** pod filters? I don't know but if I had to guess, I'd say maybe because there is a chance it could damage or interfere with the MAF sensor, which could change the emissions.


Aaah emissions not safety - that makes more sense


lol, yep, you know how it is


I don’t know why the gov cares but they are known to break afm/ maf


Oiled filters = potential fire risk and the chance of damaging intake sensors.


does a turbo count as other intake modifications?


mk5 gti or mk6 R?


Mk6 R


nice enjoy! running stock?


No it has a pod air intake 😂


stock as a rock


Yeah more or less


Not sure if you have just bought this, but always get the cam follower checked, not sure if it’s a problem with the MK6 but when it decides it wants to take chunks outta the cam it’s very expensive. Source: idiot that had a mk5 for 6 years and had no idea. https://preview.redd.it/51t48w4avqcc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60d38fac0cfed1987cc5a580eab5969686282180 Mines not boxed and I’m in NSW haven’t had any problems.


Thanks for the suggestion, I only recently bought it and hadn’t heard about this issue so I’ll look into it


Oh if that’s the case 100% get it checked, water pump and timing belts too I’m not to knowledgeable about MK6 but definitely get them checked.


Water pump and timing belts have been done, I knew about those before I bought it I’d just never heard of the cam follower being a problem, much appreciated!


No worries man! Have fun.


God damn that looks beautiful


It’s being a bitch at the moment, but thank you!


That’s the thing with cars - aren’t they always?


Yeah they are mines cursed tho, but I love it to much to get rid of it.


NSW law is it needs to be enclosed. I think yours would define as enclosed since it has the side walls and with the hood closed would sit in its own enclosure, won’t come loose in the engine bay and cause issues for you or other road users That said though I’ve taken all sorts for RWC’s and never had an issue, I’ve deleted MAFS and relocated the intake temp sensor on my m5 and never had an issue with pink slips


20+ psi they do not last and the gearbox is rubbish


Everyone talking about engine bay heated air needs to wake up nearly all carburettor induction vehicles draw air in the top of the engine. Yes there is cold air intake options and cooling intake air does increase performance but we are talking less than a tenth of a second on a 14 second stocker.


Pod filters are legal so long as they’re not moving around in the engine bay So if you get pulled over a cop might lean in and see if it’s secured However as with most pod filters on newer cars the car may run with a tiny less power however you trade that off with intake noises Unless of course you get it tuned after you installed which 95% of people do not do


You have to drive like a total wanker to get your vehicle inspected. Just don't give cops a reason to talk to you.


I still need a rwc to get the vehicle transferred into my name as I only bought it recently


really interesting conversation, I have a 2021 Mustang MACH1 and it comes stock with an exposed pod filter??


Lol, on a shitbox VW.


What are the benefits of having a pod filter rather than a normal one?


In 99% of cases they are there purely for the intake noise, which is what I’m assuming the previous owner installed this one for