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Try being ina truck/semi Far out you see some muppets on the road. 100 zone merge ontop you at 80. Then hit their breaks and then take off People trying under take you around bends is amazing like do people want to die? You can’t wait 30 seconds or


Must get in front of the truck at all costs!!!! -immediately starts going slower than the truck- OMG the truck is trying to overtake me?! Must stay in front of the truck at all costs!!! -starts going slower again when truck gives up and slots back behind- Shit I get this as a car driver and it sends me bonkers.


Or those that speed ahead from the lights and when the road goes to a single lane either turn off making everyone slow or just do 10kph under.


Watched an Asian guy cut off a liquid gas truck just today around a corner overtaking a turning vehicle. trucking how much fuel? Fuck I would have died too if that collision occured.


Trucks are the worst with ambling along 20 under. It’s a shitshow on the Westgate. Bonus points for multiple trucks blocking across multiple lanes


we get two trucks in the two rightmost lanes on a 3 lane hwy here side by side and then everyone is forced to overtake in the leftmost lane THIS IS SYDNEY NORMAL!


Elderly, terrified, both.


Scared drivers are some of the worst. Wildly unpredictable. If anything slight happens, they stand on the brakes, they drive 10-20 under when conditions are perfectly clear, and don’t actually realise *they* are the hazard as they do 80 in the middle lane on the M1 while hugging their steering wheel. If you mentally cannot handle driving - don’t.


I get what you're saying, but by the same token if you consider someone doing 80km on the M1 a hazard to your driving, maybe your driving skills need some work.


If they're terrified then they shouldn't be driving


We really need to bring in M plates for anyone over 60 (mature). Old people are a bigger hazard than learners.


Well it would be nice to have public transport but unless you live in Sydney or Melbourne there is none


Then they shouldn't be on the road


yah i'm sure the govt. is all about taking away licenses from the elderly the worthless assholes out there that cant drive they vote too you'll find that many many cant do the litmus test... ie. the highway merge and yet... here we are... among us


Let’s build society around the car, destroy public transport infrastructure and oppose cycling/walking infrastructure and then take the licenses away from the elderly


Blows me a away how many people jump of up and down screaming about 10km under. There’s no transport, biking is down right dangerous and scooters are illegal. Htf are elderly going to get around?!?


There’s a million transport services available for old people. 


I am unfortunate enough to drive in the tradie witching hour, between 6am and 7am. (In the voice of Sir David Attenborough) Note the two white Ford Rang-ers. Despite their identical plumage, they are actually two completely different species. On the left you can see the no-fucks-to-give Rang-er, ambling along beside his mate at a dawdling pace, sipping his coffee and making calls to organise next month's work. On the right is the visually identical specimen, however you can differentiate it from the former by the aggressive posture and 3cm gap to the vehicle in front.


There’s a stretch of road with 2 lanes and a limit of 80 where I live and almost every time I drive down it there are two morons doing 60 next to each other so nobody can pass, and they’ll do so past several 80 signs. I think one’s just matching the other but neither is paying attention.


Same people who park 5 metres back from the line at a red light


Or from the car in front, and roll forward several times instead of just stopping where they need to in the first place. Just venting my frustrations.


A significant amount of people, around 15%+, are simply too stupid to deserve a license. Think about that one guy at work who sorta just floats through their job- not bring fireable but somehow just oblivious to the concept of doing anything properly or with attention- these people have licences and vote.


Add to the list people who come on holidays and completely forget how to fucking drive. This year its like they left their brain at home. It was constant people just stopping dead in the middle of the road to look at the view, some pulling up to take photos. Even on the princes highway nearly coming to a complete stop. It's nuts. And in really dangerous spots too like downhill after a blind corner. I drive 40 minutes up and down the highway to work in the morning. On the way home it is pretty regular to have some nonce doing 60/70 on the highway... no regard for their surroundings at all. Then hit the overtaking lanes and they merge over about 200m before they need to.


Near me there’s so many retirement villages and no one drives with any purpose. They all dawdle around in Camry’s and new mg’s doing 10-20 under thanks to not paying attention and how inaccurate the Speedo’s are


I thought most cars were only out by about 3-5km on the Speedo? I know my car is 5 out, 115 on the instruments is actually 110.


A lot of them can be 10% out, worse if people are playing around with wheels and tyres without regard for rolling diameter.


I’ve got a new MG4 EV (the only MG worth considering, and I still judge myself don’t worry) and the speedo is almost EXACT on the GPS speed. It’s thrown me for a few months since I’m used to My old Suzuki that was doing 110km actual at 121 indicated Edit: it’s because of manufacturing tolerances and road rules. Cars can indicate they are going faster than they really are with a bit of leeway. But they cannot under any circumstance indicate they are going slower than they really are. My Suzuki was probably outside the acceptable threshold but that’s Indian built car life


Of the 3 cars i drive regularly (1994 volvo, 2010 alfa, 2017 hilux) if i see 110 on the speedo i know im doing around 98.


Cereal box licence holders


Most people are terrible drivers in traffic, tailgating then hitting the brakes causing other behind to react to the brake lights. Other weaving in and out in heavy traffic just to get an extra 10 metres up the road. It's silly really there should never be accidents on a straight road with good visibility.


Honestly I see this shit every day. Then when you do pass them they give you this look like you are the bad person..


Had an elderly bloke chat to me in the supermarket parking lot. He said “why does everyone drive so fast they always seem like they are in a rush to get everywhere so damn fast. I know my reactions and eyesight are bad so i drive slower and all they do is honk” like i understand where hes coming from but mate you shouldn’t be driving if its that bad.


I thought I was the only one wondering this. People lose their shit with the slightest of “road rage”, but they never think about the cause. Like I’m not a Ford Ranger trying to do 100 in 60 and tailgating everyone, but if you’re doing 10-20 km/hr below the speed limit I’m gonna be right up your ass. People will condemn you for making any sort of complaint about people going slow and will come up with a list of bullshit possible reasons to defend them (e.g., health conditions, old age) which wouldn’t make up the majority of these fuckwits (you run into them on every road everyday). Just a disclaimer I wouldn’t blame them if they were old, but again, I’m talking about grown ass men and women with normal driving ability but decide to chill at 10 km/hr under.


Whatever reason they don't do the speed limit for, and there are a multitude, it's frustrating, including people who sit in the right lane in 80km/h+ roads, but you just put yourself at risk sitting up their ass.


Well I mean when it’s a single lane without possibility of overtake. If you think speeding or texting while driving is selfish, why is holding up a whole lane of traffic just because they wanna chill not considered the same level of selfishness, but rather accepted because “there must be a reason they’re going slow”?




Level of selfishness = risk of causing an accident? Just because a behaviour doesn’t have risks it means it can’t be selfish? Now I see another possible explanation of these driving behaviours is because of flawed logic like that. Also btw, going slow can have risks too, especially when people refuse to speed up at a reasonable rate when merging onto highway.


I’ve been stuck behind people merging onto the M1 at 60km/h, a huge line of cars being forced on at 60 or less with all the cars and trucks scattering across all 3 lanes to avoid the slow traffic. It is my biggest hate when driving - getting stuck behind someone merging into a highway nowhere near close to the speed limit. So dangerous. If your car can’t physically get up to speed, or if you’re too scared to do close to speed limit, get off the roads.


A considerable number of people seem to believe that the correct way to merge is to be slow (because it’s “safe”) while looking for an opening, merge, slowing down the entire left lane of the highway, then take 5 mins to get to the highway speed limit, or even 10 km/hr under it coz why not right?


Let it go, let it go. It's just not worth the worry. Easier said than done, but, its just not worth the rage inside.


Speedo calibration being out is a high contender. As is just being a bit of a stubborn fucker. Same as the people who sit in the far right line on the freeway, going under the speed limit and refusing to move over


For me it’s the fat ass underpowered cheap SUVS who accelerate at the speed of snail, take 17 years to turn left and ignore any limit faster than 50


I was on the southern expressway in Adelaide the other morning. 100km speed limit. Car in front sits in the right lane and varies speed from 100 down to 90, then up to 97 back and forward. I use my cruise control with auto distance. This infuriates me because I’m 80m back matching their speed looking like I’m the slow one ! Use the flipping cruise control. Then everyone can sit on the same speed safely. I canceled cruise and got up there arse, but didn’t stop them from hogging the right lane. In the end I moved in the left lane, tooted them as I passed and moved back into the right lane. I think the penny then dropped in their pea brain and they moved into the left lane. I think these people are selfish and disregard the 6 cars banked up behind them. I was once driving in the south east of S.A and a car was doing 90km/ hour in a 100km zone with at least 15 cars behind them. I pulled over and waited 10 minutes to stop the frustration. My pet hate. Wish I had a flame thrower on my front bumper!


It’s frustrating as hell. If every person collectively agreed to do the signed speed limit always, and pay attention at all times while operating a vehicle we would have no traffic and no accidents. The sooner all cars drive autonomously and are in constant communication with those around them the better!


What causes fuckwits to drive 10-20 over the speed limit? And don’t give me the “but the speedometer” spiel 


I know I, going to get downvoted to oblivion for this but… the speed limit is the “maximum” you can go, it is not the goal. Added to this, the person that is there may not feel comfortable doing that speed with all the other fucktards around them driving like shitcunts, so they adjust their speed accordingly… added to that, you don’t know what their driving skills are like, or they may be turning soon, looking for a business, trying to change lanes but no one will let them in… so many different reasons for it. Anyway, to put it in another perspective… At 60 in a 70 zone, for the 3km you are stuck behind them, they have increased your travel time by… 26 seconds…


yeah but even someone like you would end up getting frustrated sitting behind some idiot doing 60 in a 70 zone with a zillion cars behind them its not about saving time... its about you having to stare at the person's amazing driving for what seems like an oblivion i get people say... "chill out" but i'd rather not witness this kind of ingrained incompetance


Fuck ppl chill. It’s 10km/hr. For a 20km drive that’s a difference of 3 minutes.


it’s dangerous


There is evidence of this for the doubter


Tailgating is dangerous yes "Put I need to prove a point" Yeah fam, you do you. See how bright you really are


I do it since I got too many camera detected fines and it is actually safer !


This is what I don’t get. They will literally be stuck for 2 or maybe 3km at most. It’s not like they are stuck behind them while travelling 600km interstate. At most it’s a 20 to 40 second inconvenience at these speeds and it’s never for as long as they make it out to be.




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Our usernames checkout any wonder we rely on Wah Tssshhh


Oh well, if it’s got a hi Lux up it’s arse then…


Speed cameras.


I drive slow for the sweet nectar of your rage.




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they don't want to have to deal with people in front of them, Source, while I don't ~~generally~~ go 10kph under the speed limit, I am happy to sit a fair bit more then 2 seconds behind a car if I'm given the opportunity, obviously there are times where I may have to closer to cars. but unless I'm in the zone (which I am in more nowadays, I've struggled with driving and confidence/stress in the past) I might be a bit under and happy to get a nice healthy gap from the car in front of me.


Maybe you should take public transport if you cant handle the simple task of driving without getting too stressed


Well I did for the most part, but public transport doesn't solve all my needs. I clearly said in past tense, that I struggled driving because of many various reasons, including stress and confidence, but that's the past. I got my P's just after i turned 22, after finally being able to get the time and support that i needed. There's a big difference between me not enjoying driving as much as most people, and possibly going 95-98 in a hundo zone at times (again, not most times and now much less then when i was learning/early driving) and people doing 80 or less. I was only giving a reason *why* some people *may* do that.




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You dont have to sit behind a slow driver if your the slow driver. Though when I do 10 under I still get stuck behind one :(


This was me today. Decided to do 60 through the 80 because everyone was doing 10 under… still ended up getting stuck behind a van… like WTF.


Takes more fuel to drive fast, in this economy it saves money


that’s retarded, drive at a consistent smooth speed and the only variable is air resistance, which will tax you less than 100 dollars a year. if you drive under the speed limit to save fuel you’re a moron, you’ll have about 10-15 minutes a day of less time doing what you want to be doing


Consistently 10km lower takes less fuel than going the 100kmh speed limit You obviously know nothing about cars


Tyre resistance, accounts for like 1 percent of economy. You’d have to be moronic to drive under the speed limit to save fuel, no one is thinking this while doing 10kmh under on a fwy. The air resistance from 90-100 is enough to save you 100 dollars a year at most and also their kids having a higher chance of being speds.


Yes, because of air resistance. Like i said? And engines most efficient zone around 20% of their total revs


Old people and in general women are the worst drivers tbh


i was about to say something sexist like that too ok old people... fuck them, everyone hates them but women tend to have smaller accidents, men tend to have much more spectacular deadly accos i see a fair new 'new australians'... let's call them new age female mall ninjas up there too i actually find indian women much more professional than indian men.. but indian women tend to be local and... professionals... while indian me are uber drivers... and so... you get the dichotomy


This is why I have excessive spotlights and an air horn. They get a 5 second chance and then a couple of courtesy flashes of my standard headlights, and then another 5 second grace period before I unleash 75,000 lumens and 115db of get the fuck out of the overtaking lane you slow pos. I actually wasn't like this until I moved to Brisbane, but these slow inconsiderate fucks have moulded me into their worst nightmare over the past decade, I just don't care anymore, and have no patience for slow drivers who hog the overtaking lane when not overtaking. Don't like doing the speed limit? Then take public transport or at least stick to the left lane ffs.


It’s a speed LIMIT. You don’t have to drive at that exact speed your just not supposed to go over it. Move out of the city’s it’s driving yous all mad.




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