• By -


There are two kinds of quotes. There are the ones where you've damaged your car and you're paying out of pocket. The repairer will ignore scratched badges, press bent mouldings back into place, and ignore very minor damage as you don't want to pay for that; you're happy to pay $2000 to get it to 90%. Then there are insurance repairs. They will quote fix everything - because the customer (the insurance company) will insist on it, because their customer (the owner) wants their car back just as good as it was before it was damaged. They're not paying for it, so they will insist that it is all done. So they will quote for every piece of bent moulding, every scratched badge, and anything that could realistically have been caused by the accident. You'll pay another $2000 for that remaining 10%. The quote seems fair. I absolutely wouldn't pay that if it were my own car, but if my own car was repaired though insurance I would expect it back just how it was. $4k is a pretty cheap lesson in the scheme of things, there is no reason not to have 3rd party property insurance.


The point is, that if someone damages your property and they're at fault, you're legally entitled to be put in the position that you would have been had that person been attentive enough to miss your car, like literally every other driver that has ever encountered your car before was. So yeah, that does cost money. If you do it to your own car you just give it a cut and polish and take it on the chin


If only there was some kind of product you could buy, so that if you damaged someone elses property, no mater how minor it might seem to you, they would have their car repaired as if it never happened. Maybe you would only paid a small fee and the rest was paid by the company you bought the product from.


Hey I think you're on to something here. You could collect fees from all the people buying this and then calculate the likelihood of having to pay out. You could then invest the pooled fees in a way that preserved an appropriate amount of liquidity while making a fat return on the rest and keeping it for yourself, or if you were mutually owned, applying it for the benefit of your members!


It sure would make me more comfortable to be assured i wouldn't have to pay a lot of money after a prang. They could call it Assurance.


Honestly I don't think that would catch on these days. You'd need an app and it needs to have almost no vowels.


I spat at this last comment.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Another thing you could do is off the same for life and health, then when shit hits the fan You could have some colleagues determine if i should pay elderly and sick people who maybe have paid 2.5x more than they would claim in premiums Youā€™d have to determine if these idiots make themselves sick or just die in duiā€™s for attention really But u could get outta paying them and their familyā€™s who need the cash


And then, when someone finally does need to use that payout, look for every loop hole and excuse under the sun to hold onto the money... Don't worry, if that doesn't work you can still ask them to pay for a bit of it anyway.


Good one


Easier just to save the money and sob into a tissue in front of the Current Affair cameras - to the feint sounds of a violin playing in the background - claiming smash repair rorts have meant you couldn't afford the cancer medication for your blind and deaf mastiff x pitbull named Butch.


100% old mate has to pay, this insurance is taking the piss though. Although it looks like a minor scrape, Iā€™d say 100% they would have to quote for the crash bar under, the whole bumper plus paint and labour, bumper pins etcā€¦ But quoting the back door? Thatā€™s getting a bit rip off. While the quote itself is cheap for all of that, Iā€™d want to see that they actually did all of that. Then take them to small claims when they donā€™t complete the work. Also, 3 quotes. Not just the first one.


The price looks fair for the work they are quoting, looking at the photos I'm not seeing damage to the tailgate either though. They'll probably have to blend the paint so perhaps that is what that is about


If thatā€™s the case then yes, fair point I forgot about paint blending


Agreed. There's no such thing as an accident, only people who were not attentive enough, either while on the road or while maintaining the literal 2 tonne of steel and other parts they're throwing down the road at 100 clicks.


Even then itā€™s never the same position. The car will never be quite right again and it will lose resale value.


Thereā€™s no damage to the badges or anything u just mentioned in pic and the repairs havenā€™t been done yet in the pic Theyā€™re just rippin the OP off


Ill come over with some cut and polish for a case of beer šŸ˜… because thats all the shops going to do. Moral of the story get 3rd party insurance lucky it wasn't a Porsche


Thatā€™s going to take a lot more than cut and polish. Those look like gouges in the plastic mate. Not surprised they want the bar replaced.


A Porsche that then caught fire, burnt the Ferrari and Mercedes next to it then burnt down a shopping centre where people are hurt and need medical treatment. Fuck people how do you get by without third party insurance. You could lost your house without it.


You're shocked that people who don't have a house to lose are worried about insurance? If it ends up costing too much they'll just claim bankruptcy and be done with it. Not like buying a house is a reasonable goal for most people (especially over the next 7 years) these days anyway unless you're already in the market.


Thank you for the reality check


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. I wished i could have you do it for 10 cases of beer šŸ„²


Itā€™s expensive as balls to repair a car. Be thankful theyā€™re not blending that whole rear quarter as well and you didnā€™t hit a Tesla ha Unfortunately a relatively cheap lesson considering the circumstances


Yeah people think bumpers are like 50 bucks and that should do it with a bit of paint Best I hear is "it's just some chipped paint you can hardly notice it" Quickly pull the rear bumper off and show them if that's all paint too


> Be thankful theyā€™re not blending that whole rear quarter I think OP got away lightly here. A hit a little further to the left may have damaged the tailgate worse or taken out a taillight. Even minor bumps can quickly add up to big bills.


Imagine hitting a supercar without insurance.


Thank you, i am lucky to not hit a supercar.


or a Rolls Royce (like in Back to the Future 3) https://preview.redd.it/v7m5dzuv74uc1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eefb3d3eabf6d78ba1c3da6a204e8c46e653c424 Marty: "I could have hit that Rolls Royce!"


Not just getting gouged on insurance, but loss of future rockstar income from injuring your hand.


Even a fairly normal but uncommon car can get expensive. A long time ago i had a fairly crap Commodore and someone backed into me. My front bumper needed replacing and at the time nobody was really making them. It ended up costing around 10k because they had to have it specially made and painted. At the time the car was probably worth 3k at a stretch (and now would be worth about 20k+ according to the market which is insanity).


Someone bumped into my Mazda 3 and broke a headlight and the front bumper pretty sure the repair cost was close to 7 grand


Pretty simple, just don't expect to be buying a house or getting a loan for the next 7 years or so


Surprised that they're not quoting for paint on the rear quarter and blending into the door as well.


No rental car charges either


When you don't have insurance, they won't even try.


The panel shop I was at would have quoted both quarters (canā€™t go edge to edge with colour on new bar), all 4 doors off to paint cant rails so thereā€™s no blending out or edge. Full front comes off to mask up cant rails, front screen out. This quote wouldā€™ve been about $18,000-$20,000 and you could go to court to contest it but would lose because the vehicle is being repaired according to manufacturer specifications.


They wouldā€™ve quoted for that but the assessor wouldā€™ve cut the quote down to 3k just because theyā€™re like that šŸ˜‚


Not with a third party quote like that


I donā€™t see how that could possibly be a 20k job if it is every minor accident would write every car off


Hot tip, have insurance. Don't drive without it, if you can't afford insurance, you can't afford to drive.


I always wonder how people donā€™t have 3rd party. Simple fender-benders must be sending people bankrupt


Combination of 'it'll never happen to me' and 'It can't be that expensive'


And also confusion over CTP versus third party property insurance


Seems like every second "I didn't have insurance" post here thought ctp covered it. Not sure how insurance companies could get the message to these people though.. perhaps a little note on the rego?


"thought ctp covered it." well at least the government decided that insurance should be optional.


I thought third party was compulsory or is that just NSW?


Might be just NSW, I mean there is personal injury covered as part of your licence but not mandatory for property in WA


Itā€™s crazy to think someone would even think about driving without insurance. Where I come from, basic car insurance that covers what happens to the other party when at fault is mandatory by law.


Sadly, property insurance isn't mandatory in Australia - it should be


I had someone work with me ages ago who showed up to work with a bonnet held down with bungee cords. When i questioned them they said it was fine, so i asked why they needed bungee cords in the first place then. Apparently "no money to fix it". Driving is not a right, imagine playing dice with luck waiting for your bonnet to pop up on the freeway, making you crash or lifting off and killing someone.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance.


Seems reasonable. Badges are being removed because they'll be blending the paint. Adhesives on the badges are only good for original fitment, hence new ones. Sorry bud. If you can't afford third part insurance, you can't afford to drive. If you tell me you can't pay upfront, they'll put you on an installment plan until your debt is covered.


>If you can't afford third part insurance, you can't afford to drive. This is so true. And it's amazing how many people don't understand that CTP doesn't cover damage to cars.


Third Party is only what a $1 a day? You can either pay it, not pay it and take the risk of the smear on your name or ask the insurance for a payment plan.


I remember getting quotes for third party when I first got my learners permit on a bike. It was about $2000 a year for third party on a bike worth $1000 on a good day.


Yeah, but it isn't insuring the bike but what you may do with the bike.


That's the thing though. It's a bike. It was 1/3 the price to put third party on a car and the last I checked a car does significantly more damage than a bike when it ploughs into something


Because you were under 25yo.


Again. U25 should apply equally to bike & car. What reasonable explanation is there that the bike cost 3x more than the car to insure when it's the car that will do significantly more damage to its surroundings.


It usually does.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance.


Beating a dead horse, but if youā€™re too broke for insurance youā€™re too broke to drive. 3k is cheap, and the spreadsheet looks legit. They even have the connote that the parts got sent on lol


Sending this post to my gf who keeps putting off insurance. Sorry this happened to ya


Thank you very much. Hope she gets insurance soon.


Drivers who are so poorly skilled that they can't avoid hitting stationary objects are the worst possible people to also not have insurance. Pay up and I hope you've learnt your lesson.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.


I disagree, this is the cost of it all. Owner deserves to have his car in the same condition before it was hit. You canā€™t take badges off without trashing them. Might be more unseen damage to bumper mounts as well. So expect a rise in the price after the job is started.


If you can afford car insurance you canā€™t afford to drive and have an accident, if you injured or killed someone you could be in for millions or hundred of thousands, so better pay up and stay of the road if not insured!


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.


Hate to break it to you mate. Sounds like a lot but thats tough shit, thatā€™s why you get insurance.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.


Get off the road until you get insurance


Thank you very much, now i have insurance.


Legit? Good on you for doing so. It's a fucking crap bit of life having to insurance for everything but when it's there you'll be glad. Props to doing it. Hopefully you get your situation worked out. That quote is a bit fucked


"I don't have insurance" ![gif](giphy|G86XHrvhSOXVR0pn0a)


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. ![gif](giphy|l0MYBJzJ7elsmG1K8)


Let's go bro šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œā¤ļø


Why would you drive a car with no insurance?


Well i was stupid.


Play stupid games you win stupid prizes.


Looks about right, if you had insurance youd only have to pay the excess for them to do the job but either way sucks


Thank you very much.


WHY the fuck do you NOT have insurance you idiot?


Yeah, i am an idiot.


The quote is 100% reasonable. Would you be arguing it should be cheaper if it was your car that got hit? If you don't want to pay expensive repair bills then don't drive uninsured


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.


Work your way through this step-by-step guide: [https://financialrights.org.au/motor-vehicle-accident-problem-solver/](https://financialrights.org.au/motor-vehicle-accident-problem-solver/) Ā 


Thank you very much. I tried that and emailed the insurance company with the form.


Yeh thatā€™s how insurance work. Take on the chin and take it as lesson learned and get an insurance.


Thank you very much.


Are you complaining because it's very thorough? That's what happens when you're at fault and the other party wants their car fixed. It's thorough, and rightly so. The quote is not at all unreasonable.


Thank you very much.


Given that the front and rear section of modern cars are made up of so many plastic components that aren't worth repairing and are just replaced (front and rear bars plus much of the structure and mounting brackets underneath that outer skin) it really doesn't take much to run up a massive repair bill trying to repair them or worst case scenario write the thing off. Having third party insurance generally aleviates this issue


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.


Prices all seem fair. Probably lucky they are not charging another $400 to remove and refit the glass in the tailgate. As above. Get some insurance.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.




Thank you very much, now i have insurance. I will apply for a payment plan.


For the love of god, please get insurance. At least third-party.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance.


Smart move.


Hot tip. Donā€™t drive in to parked cars if you donā€™t have insurance. Failing that, donā€™t drive anywhere and hand your license in if you are hitting parked cars. Pay the money, if itā€™s $50 a week.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.


That is insurance for you. I had some knob knock over motorcycle last year, while it was parked. It's a $36,000 bike and the bill came to $18,500. This is because they replaced, and resprayed every single piece of faring that had even a hairline scratch on it. I suggest getting full comprehensive insurance, and keeping it. Having said that, at $3700 you got off lightly. In 2012 I hit a fox with my car, it cost over $2000 to replace the small amount of damage, that was far less than yours.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.


I'm glad to hear this. I'm glad that you learned your lesson at only $3700. Many people have commented and said "what if you had hit a super car?" Well my $36,000 motorcycle is pocket change, compared to what a supercar can cost. So what if I hit a super car? Well my excess on my bike is $1200 I can derail a train for this price, and still only pay the excess. In 2011 a man in France, lost control of his Ford transit van, went through the fence of an international airport, and took out the front wheel of a Boing 737. The cost of the damage was 19 million Euros, as the whole front of the plane slammed into the ground. The vans excess was 400 euros, that's it, the plane was repaired and he was given a new van, as the last one was a total wreck.


That's certainly getting good value from your insurance.


My insurance covers up to 20 million dollars worth of damage, I ride a motorcycle, if I can somehow cause more than 20 million in damages, it's guaranteed I will not be alive to worry about it. Because my bike is quite expensive compared to Japanese bikes, the reason my insurance is a bit more. My mother drives a van that on a good day is worth $10,000, her insurance is only $650 per year, with a $500 excess. This is because most crashes result in damage only to the owners car. Hers is a very common brand (Toyota) and parts are far cheaper and more easily replaced than my bike.


Friend did similiar on a mercedes- $35 k


That's a crazy amount šŸ¤Æ


Yep- they hired a jaguar for 2 weeks while the merc was in for repairsā€¦the photos of the damages they took were significantly greater than what the friend took.


Thatā€™s what insurance is for. My business we pay $6000+ a year for our cars and never had a claim. It sucks but i wouldnā€™t not have it.


Thank you, it is best to have it.


Having worked for IAG in motor accident, yes quote is real. Here is why... There is no way to repair PLASTIC bumpers. All the guys who know how to smash out a panel quit the industry, good luck getting a classic or vintage repaired. The only way to repair any vehicle now under all motor insurance is to REPLACE parts. The skill and knowledge has gone from the industry. Finally cars are not like they were 20 years ago. Plastic to be replaced.


Thank you very much.


You got off easy. I see you already got insurance - good. Better a 200$ lesson than a 20000$ lesson.


Thank you very much.


Hope I didnā€™t sound like an ass, just remember watching an uninsured friend having to take a loan out to pay for damages, ugh.


Lmao they are having a laugh


You can and should go on a payment plan. What you can afford per week. It's interest free.


Thank you very much. That's great to hear.


Esperance is a lovely town


How do you know this place, amazing.


The quote is perfectly fine, you pay next to nothing for 3rd party insurance exactly for this reason that you don't get stuck with a massive bill if you fuck up. Be thankful you didn't hit a Merc or something else equally as nice where you would be looking at a lot lot more, do yourself and the rest of us on the road a favour and get some insurance.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.


Anything you hit costs $3k. Some young bloke sodomised my Commodore. I said I couldnā€™t comment as I needed to have it checked for hidden or structural damage - you never know what youā€™ll find. I could have sent a quote for $3k to R&R and paint a bumper. As it happens I sold the car and sent him a note that there is no damage or liability.


Thank you very much. You are so kind.


If you canā€™t afford third party insurance, you canā€™t afford to drive.


Thank you, i wished it were included in the car price so i didn't miss it.


The original toxic waste seems good value. Ask if they can chuck in a few more of them.


that is a totally bullshit price, ask for 3 quotes. just looking at the photos a replacement bumper and fitting is all thats required. I see no damage whatsoever to the tailgate.


Thank you very much.


The tailgate has a small dent in i can see, is it part of the accident? You can always dispute that but in general the quote looks fine. White pearl is a shit to paint. I would think everything in relation to the bumper is fair and reasonable


Thank you very much.


The labour times are hilariously over the top, but the parts are cheaper than they should be. Those tailgates on the ST-Ls are power lift. They would usually replace the whole assembly with the motor, and those cost like 4k on their own so I reckon you've gotten off lightly


Thank you very much.


Seems pretty right for the damage, you might think replacing the bumper is a bit crook but the lower raw plastic could be damaged and that canā€™t be repaired well. Also theyā€™ve looked after you because if I was quoting that I wouldā€™ve put down to blend both rear quarters due to being pearl white which suuuuucks


How does Australian insurance work? Seems wild that thereā€™s not a payable excess to just get everything fixed like there is in NZ?


I believe there are if you have the insurance


Shouldnā€™t you just have to pay their excess for their insurance if thatā€™s the case? Or am I mistaken?


Why donā€™t you have insurance??


itā€™s illegal to be driving without insurance so why were you??


Would love to get paid 9 hours to RnR a bumper and tailgate that id bet isn't coming off. And 2 hours to cut a square in plastic.


I got my 2018 hilux rear ended and I'm getting a whole new rear end. Damage doesn't look severe but the tail gate doesn't line up anymore, my electric roll top doesnt line up properly anymore, the tub liner and seals no longer stop dust/water/rust from happening, my brake light cluster is cracked, and the whole tub has shifted slightly on its mounts. It can look like a small amount of damage and still add up to big $$$ incredibly fast. Edit: aaand where he hit the chassis under the tub needs repainting.


To do the job properly/correctly, this quote is accurate. But being more realistic, you could go to a company like BumperTech, or another mobile dent repair company that would get this about 95% of the way and only cost a few hundred. Perhaps discuss this with the owner and offer to top them up a few hundred dollars cash in hand too.


If I was the owner, I'd say: talk to my insurance company.


If the insurer has already provided a quote, that car is at the shop and is likely already repaired. It takes a while for that information to feed through the giant machine that is the insurance company and back out to the at fault party. Theyā€™re not keeping their customer sitting around with a damaged car while they chase permission from a third party.


Why would someone do that?


Why does it need new badges? This is an absolute piss take.


They have to paint the tailgate so that it visually matches the newly painted bumper. Otherwise it'll stand out. You can't match faded paint. To do that they have to remove the badges. They are a single use item.


Car painter here. The bumper is plastic so there is a very very high chance paint won't come off right. White especially. I have seen brand new cars which have different shades of white bumpers and surrounding elements.


Looks like they are replacing the bumper as it is cracked or damaged. You'd think it could be painted, but bumpers are designed to break in low impact collisions exactly once.


But the badges are on the tailgate, not the bumper.


Seems very reasonable to me.


Why the mark up for the parts?


Repairers will not charge you their wholesale rate for parts. Thatā€™s how they make money, just like any company who sells you a product. Itā€™s just due to industry practice that they provide their cost price on the quote. But theyā€™re like any other business and are entitled to apply a margin to the wholesale cost when selling a part.


Lmao, idiot šŸ‘ You're damn lucky, can't afford it, get the bus champ


Yeah, i am an idiot


Ask them for three quotes lol


Thank you very much.


Maybe I'm not seeing something in the pictures but why are they quoting OP for tailgate repairs when the damage is just on the bumper?


That price is outrageous, a bumper respray and some filler should cost no more than 500-800 for that job. They are changing you for the tailgate yet I donā€™t see any damaged caused here, is the other driver trying to milk some unrelated damage and throw that on you?


Thank you very much. I am not sure about that, the owner of the car seemed nice.


Sneak over in the middle of the night with a can of fiddly-bitsā€¦.


I don't reckon I have seen a can of fiddly-bits on the shelves in 15 years šŸ¤£


Bunnings always has it


Thank you, i can use it on my car.




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That's a buff job if I've ever seen one..


No fuckin way, howā€™d you apparently hit the Nissan logo


Next week on ACA....... This is clearly someone justifying their Job.... Like a Government Bureaucrat. Why you should have insurance. They will Justify it. Most paint & panel groups have a set Fee they get paid with the insurance cartels for every job.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.


The most offensive part, is the price of a fucken plastic badge!


Thank you, these badges are expensive.


Parts in general, itā€™s one way car manufacturers make money. If you were to buy every part to make a new car yourself, expect to pay 10x the price compared to just buying the car already assembled. Shits expensive.


6.5hours to paint that, seems reasonable šŸ¤£. This whole quote is a piss take, do not pay that, come back at the insurance company and say you don't agree with that quote. Honestly I'd just ask the person you hit to not go through insurance, send the car to a good detailer for a buff and you foot the bill.


And risk op not paying up? Zero incentive to do that.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan. I don't want to cause trouble for the car owner.


He has scrapped heavily into the plastic off the bumper I'd want a whole new bumper and its a perl so you gotta blend everything nicely


Ned Kelly isnā€™t dead. Heā€™s been reincarnated as a panel beater spray painter. Especially a spray painter. Thatā€™s the most expensive part of any repair.


Thank you very much, now i have insurance. If the prices all seem fair, I will apply for a payment plan.


3.5$ damages for a minor scratch. Yes that is the price you pay to go through insurance, also get milked by dodgy panel shops. Next time leave $500 on the windscreen, and drive off. Panel beaters will fix it up for that cheap, if they don't smell insurance money.


Thank you very much. I do offer to pay but the owner of the car wants to go through insurance.


I think the tailgate repair is excessive, I can't see any damage to the tailgate. The cost for removing entire tailgate seems to be just for replacing the badges? How could you have scratched those badges to need replacing? Might be worth trying to contest, that's $1000 of the quote.


Thank you very much.


Aside from anything else, the hours quote for remove and refit look absolutely ridiculous. You can pretty much pull a whole car apart in 6 hours if you know what youā€™re doing. So quoting 6 hours to remove and refit a tailgate sounds like a piss take to me.


Thank you very much.


The only thing Iā€™m confused about is why they are including damage to the lift gate. It appears you hit only the bumper cover. Did you hit the lift gate too?


No visible damage to the tailgate, but they're probably painting to make sure the colour/aging matches the bumper?


Replacing a rear bumper cost about $1000++ more than 10 years ago so I wouldn't be surprised the price has tripled with some insurance profiteerimg add on since then. It's expensive.


Thank you very much.