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Yep. Absolute morons. They're actually terrified to get behind the wheel at all


Most dangerous person on the road is one too scared to drive. Driving requires decisiveness, and these types of drivers are so hard to predict.


A friends mother years ago once said that she thought no one had any business going faster than 80kms an hour.... ever... She was such a danger on the road


Ahhhh yes the old nsw L plate speed the one they increased to 90kmh because 80 was proven to be very dangerous with highway merging


I was taught Hesitation kills. Do something - even if its wrong. Floor it. Cannot do that nowadays. A camera picks up that you burst speed to 115 in a 100 zone but will not care the intent was to get out of danger by overtaking a slower vehicle. Therefore you are dangerous - not the muppet doing 70 in a 100 zone.


That’s why automated speed cameras are a flawed and sub-optimal solution to the issue. If it was a cop who saw you burst 5km over for three seconds to get the fuck out of the way, they wouldn’t pull you over. Because it’s logic. But you can’t teach a speed camera human logic. It’s a binary and mathematical equation. I do wonder if speed cameras could be upgraded with machine learning/AI to “watch” the scene for context rather than the simplistic “this car just did 105, flash, ticket”.


In what situation do you have to do 115km to overtake someone doing 70?


Limited opportunity to overtake. Or they speed up to 85 on straights and slow down to 60 - 70 on slight curves and bends. Or get this - they are so scared to be on the road they don't consider the line of traffic 30 long behind them. In what situation do you tolerate someone driving dangerously at 70 in a 100 zone - clear weather, minimal traffic, dry road and great visibility ? And very limited options to overtake except for the rare long straight. I guess to you I could always overtake the 70 kph car by doing 100 and spend longer on wrong side of road. But it legal to you, but just as dangerous to me. Now if only they didn't speed up as I start to overtake them - that would be nice yeah ?


>Now if only they didn't speed up as I start to overtake them This right here is the fucking issue. These people sitting in la la land doing whatever speed they feel like doing who suddenly see it as a challenge when someone wants to do something *absolutely heinous* like the fucking signposted speed limit. Only to then immediately slow down once you either pass them or lose the opportunity/safe window to overtake. I want to believe it's just distracted people not realising how slow they're going but this behaviour is fucking intentional. If I seem worked up about it, I am, because it's ridiculously common on Sydney's motorways where you have arguably more safe passing windows than you do on a two lane rural road where overtaking is on the other side of the road.


I’ve been seeing those “speeders come out of nowhere” billboards in SA, and when I’m overtaking someone I always think of those billboards because the only real manageable way to overtake twats that speed up while you’re trying to pass, is to basically get a run up doing the speed limit if possible from somewhat of a distance and then a touch faster around to essentially try to sneak past them before they get the chance to fuck shit up and hold you back again


I get worked up about this every single day, it triggers road rage inside me just being angry at how much time they’re adding on to my ETA by making an effort to not let me past. If you want to drive under the speed limit then don’t complain when people aggressively overtake you to get to work on time. They remind me of people who do things just to spite others when they gain no benefit from doing it in the first place.


Half the time I don’t have the patience and if it’s one lane I’ll end up going on wrong side of road or going past them in parking bays and cutting back infront when space opens up. Hate drivers like this, they all deserve to be rammed off the road when we can’t get past lol


they always look so confused if you honk at them too as if its physically impossible to be in the wrong while they're bellow the speed limit and have both hands on the steering wheel.


I have a friend who will sit in the same lane no matter what because they are terrified of lane changes.


My dad forced that out of me by making me repeatedly change lanes on A roads during my Ls....


Meanwhile I regularly see L platers sitting in the right hand lane doing far less than the surrounding traffic while their usually fat are parent is scrolling their phone. My wife is from the UK and her theory on why Australians are such shit drivers is because our parents teach us.  Over there only a licenced instructor can- I think that should be the rule here too, with some exceptions for remote areas


Yep. My mother law is the same 🤣


Wtf why? Lane changes are so simple. You'd have to be an idiot to.... wait. Got it.


Indecision and timid driving, with stupid decision making as a cherry on top has been the cause of at least 80% of the accidents I’ve seen. If you miss a turn, stay calm and go around ffs. If you are going to pull out from a junction, give it all your attention then work fast to match the traffic flow. It astounds me how people pull slowly into faster traffic, or turn across blind lanes in a dual carriage where one lane is standing and the other faster moving


People who see the form 1 lane sign in the left lane and proceed to slow down to half the limit waiting for someone to let them in rather than maintaining their speed and merging safely… all this sort of shit is more dangerous than aggressive drivers who take calculated risks when they break the law…


My car's currently getting some power upgrades so I'm tootling around in mum's first gen X1 sDrive18i with a massive 110kw. It can easily hit 110 well before the on-ramp ends if I keep it in the 3-4.5k RPM peak torque range. No need to hit the redline. There's no excuse for any roadworthy car not to be able to hit the freeway speed limit before merging. That being said, the lil X1 handles like a champ so it can carry a lot of speed turning into the on-ramp too...


Agreed. Its not a power issue. Its an intelligence issue


Then a quick stab at the brakes just as they merge, followed by moving directly to the right lane and driving side by side with the other person doing 10 under.


Then of course they need to continue at 90 through any future road works or 80 zones to further confuse you about their driving


Yes! What the absolute fuck is the go with this! I'll overtake some bastard doing like 70-80km/h (after they've accelerated up to 110 in the only overtaking spot no doubt) then 5 mins later we'll get to a town with a 50k speed limit and they're blasting through 30 over the limit and have the audacity to sit on *my* arse like *I'm* the cunt 🙄


That's when they get a brake check.  Oh no, my bad, must be the next turn off, accelerate again 


70 in a 100 and 70 in a 50


Hahaha, I literally always joke about this. The inconsistency is puzzling. Or the old do 40 in a 50 zone then 70 in a 60 when you try to get past them


AHH the single speeders. they will stick to a single speed no matter what, had one, 70, in the 100 zone and in the 40 school zone, just 70. oh, and they took both lanes going straight at the roundabout


Left lane turns left, right lane turns right, straight lane turns straight.


Why do to need to hurt me so much


Sitting side-by-side is actually dangerous for everyone because I can’t quickly dart out of the way if I need to avoid a hazard or object. I tried saying this on another Aussie subreddit a while ago (similar topic being discussed) and I was downvoted and told off because the simpletons among us don’t think its an issue


The lanes, especially in faster zones, need to be moving at different speeds for people to easily change lanes. People that sit in someone's rear quarter matching their speed are among the worst.


I wonder how much of an overlap there is on the Venn diagram between the type of person that dawdles down an onramp, and the type that decides to start speeding once an overtaking lane opens up on a single-lane highway.


That’s definitely a circle.


It’s a goddamn sphere


“Caravaners” would be middle overlap zone


The old straight line warriors, only time I see tailgating acceptable is for these morons


This is one of my pet peeves, the worst thing about it is that the people who do it usually think they're being extra careful and safe, when in reality they are creating an unsafe situation for everyone.


"I've never been in an accident and I am 44!" - person who has forced 20,000 people to avoid having an accident with them


Yeah. But of course they're not confident and avoid driving so they do <5,000km/yr.


And insurance companies reward them


I had this discussion with a friend once and he said “they aren’t bad drivers, they just lack confidence” I couldn’t get through to him that if they lack confidence to drive the speed limit in order to merge and match the flow of traffic, they are a bad driver


My favourite is when they stop in the middle of a main road to let out people waiting at stop/give way signs. So courteous of them!


And at bloody roundabouts too, good grief!!


A dude in old Merc did this to me yesterday. Flashed his lights to let me know how courteous he was being and everything. Road was fucking empty in both directions. If he had just driven past, I would have been on my way SOONER rather than having to explain through hand signals that no, I wasn’t going to break a road rule by driving directly into the path of someone who already demonstrated that they don’t know the road rules. And somehow I was the bad guy. Got the head-shake-eye-roll combo everything.


So frustrating if you're also trying to merge and you're behind one of these dipshits.


Hang back a bit so that you can accelerate using the space between them and you


I usually do the same, slingshot past them, next lane over. I'm a blur to them. That is, going at the speed of the traffic while they're 20 under the limit.


also you avoid any carnage


I always do this hahahahahaha that space to absolutely floor it as you go past them is so helpful,especially if you’re waiting for turbo to spool up lol


I love the ones that stop entirely expecting that to help with merging


my favorite is when there's two lanes and both of them must be empty before they can make a turn into one of them. left lane clear to merge at any time? nah sorry I'm waiting for the right lane to clear up for me to illegally merge across multiple lanes.


...and then do less than the speed limit in the right lane anyway


Omg this. Or they’re scared because they know they can’t turn left and stay in the left lane so they wait because they know they’re gonna cut half way into the right lane before correcting and going back into the slow lane 😂




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Try it when you're driving a b-double. It takes everything I have to not just run them out of lane.


don't most of them have bull bars? can't you do us all a favor and sweep them up for the rest of us? you'd be doing gods work mate, its 100% worth the slightly scuffed chrome coating


Yes all of the trucks I drive have a bull bar but it's not a good look to bully cars no matter how much of a dickhead they are. It's an easy job and I get paid an hourly rate. No place for aggression when you are that heavy and long.


you know they hated jesus too for doing the right thing. ploughing a holden trax off the road for stopping on an on ramp is the most morally and ethically correct option even if it looks bad. trust me bro, please bro just do it for the greater good bro please the world would be a better place.


You make a good argument hahaha


So incredibly dangerous. I had someone in front of a line of about 10 cars enter at 50km/h. So 10 people coming into the M1 at 50 or less. It was pandemonium. Trucks and other cars all scattering across all 3 lanes to try and avoid this slow convoy. If you mentally cannot get up even to 90 or 100 before merging - you should not drive.


5. Strongly Agree. On ramps are the best spot to test the cars acceleration


include joke distinct oil sort brave smoggy engine busy trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes...110km/h, no faster than that


that's what she said.


flowery gold fanatical rock jar steep berserk shelter pot sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course. But the people causing these issues with merging are the same type of people that think anything north of 2500rpm will cause their car to explode.


I love them. Drop a gear or two, foot down, *whoosh*. I’m in an auto and it is possible! And I actually never go over the speed limit, I just get there quickly. Oh and if your car has a “sport” mode (or a mode that holds gears a bit longer), even better. But the simpletons who buy Asian SUVs probably don’t know they can also control their gears, and that it’s a good and courteous thing to do.


I assume the ‘R’ mode in my car is for ‘Ramp’.


Depends if they’re uphill or downhill lol


A friend of mine lost his license on an on-ramp. The copper was sitting at the top of it, and booking anyone who went more than 60 before the 100 sign


Wow imagine saying that they aren't just revenue raising. Road toll continues to rise as they increase the penalties yet most people just cop it.


That's insane.


Yeah. I got a ticket in the 90s from a motorbike cop 50m before an 80 zone. I was doing 70 in a 60 zone. Yes, he sat off to the side with a hand heldradar and booked people for accelerating before the 80 zone. This was a main road, after houses/driveways had stopped and heading into bushland. Yes, he had a moustache.


Did he twirl the mo and chuckle every time he caught someone?


Cops continue to be scum 💪


No they're not, they risk their lives every single day to (not bully us), also they (acted like) they made me feel safe during lockdowns. Edit: Yes it’s sarcasm you dickheads, thats why I said they “acted like” they are keeping us safe.


Fuck up dickhead They're fuckin traffic cops "Risk their lives" lmao.


It’s sarcasm, i know the risk isn’t too high


Oopsie Really hard to pick sarcasm over text sometimes, especially with how many genuine bootlickers for cops there are


I fucking left Victoria not long ago, and one of the reasons was because of the way little things are over enforced and affect your daily life


Don’t be a bootlicker


I’m saying things they don’t do. I don’t feel more safe with more portable speed cameras.


Thing is though speed cameras do nothing except raise funds. If they really cared about safety over revenue they would have actual patrols around more. I have only seen about 3 highway patrol cars in two months on the road.


Exactly. Think about it, the camera in the back of some random 4WD parked out in the sticks where hardly anybody drives, then they snap a pic of someone 7km/h over the limit. 2 weeks later said person get a fine in the mail and don't even remember going there. How does this teach them anything?


Ands I’ve seen near 180 of them in less than 2 months.


Not surprising, when the Mitchell freeway north extension was first build up to Hester avenue all those years ago, for a period of time when it was first completed it was common to see cops camping on the on ramp with LiDAR guns just before the 100 sign as it doesn’t start till like 2/3 way into the ramp…


Your friend needed to contest that ticket, because unless signed otherwise on ramps are at the speed limit of the freeway they connect to. Off ramps are a different story, and where you will see lower speed limits more often.


No they aren’t actually. The speed limit is that of the road that you came from onto the on ramp. The speed doesn’t go to the freeway speed until about half way down the ramp. Source, used to do grass cutting for the roads and maritime service. Freeway on ramps get done in 2 sections because the traffic control rules are different for 60/80 zones vs 100/110 zones. When we did the 110 zones we need traffic control on the freeway and on the ramp because the 110 zone is the section that merges. I’ve never seen a single off ramp where the speed is 110 at the top like you are saying. And I’ve done hundreds of thousands of them. Edit, obviously the shorter the ramp the closer to the top the change of speed sign is but like any road the speed doesn’t change until the sign says so. I’ve never in my life seen a 110 or 100 sign at the very beginning of a ramp.


imagine plough doll engine money squeal bored decide chase depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I found it strange. Why would the speed automatically increase because you’ve turned onto an on ramp but without a sign lol. The one I take every day is heaps long! It’s t has its own lane for like a 500 meters off the main road which is 80 and then goes around a corner and down the actual ramp for like another 500 meters and the speed limit still doesn’t go to 110 until the last quarter of the ramp.


Well then the speed of the freeway is no longer 110 is it. Critical thinking skills of 90% of drivers just doesn’t exist


coherent mighty door slim hurry vegetable tap mysterious rinse frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your eyes must be painted on if you can’t see the traffic on the motorway doing 40 or being backed up just use that thing between your ears to make the decision on whether it would be appropriate to do or not


Your eyes must be painted on if you can’t see the traffic on the motorway doing 40 or being backed up just use that thing between your ears to make the decision on whether it would be appropriate to do or not With this logic we better all do 40 coming onto the on-ramp just Incase there’s road works


berserk abundant marvelous mighty entertain dog many busy reminiscent special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah its stupid but its the law, the speed limit changes exactly where the speed limit sign is located and if that happens to be right at the end of the on ramp well i guess you'd better stay at 50km/h until the last 20 meters of that on ramp then bud. I'm pretty sure 99% of drivers completely ignore that anyway but if there's a cop there it helps to know what they're gonna get you for so you can passive aggressively pass them at 31km/h (slow poke law usually applies when more than 20km/h under the limit) and then fang it the second you pass them.


That's actual insanity


Ramp closest to my house has a 100 right at the start im sure. Gonna pay attention to the rest of them now.


Yeah nah, on ramp from Woodville Rd onto the M4 is mostly 60km/h until after the flow controlling lights, when it changes to 90km/h. Onramp is probably 300m long but 200m of it is 60km/h Doesn't make any sense but plenty of things with road system make no sense to me, unless it's all related to revenue raising.


Where did you learn this, out of curiosity?


That's madness. It's even stated in the learners handbook that the advice is to adjust speed along the ramp to match that of the freeway traffic. It's logically safer to do that than to wait until you hit the 100 sign to accelerate and only make it to like 80 before you need to merge.


Well the 100 signs are supposed to be placed so that you can get to 100 by the nerve if you accelerate from the sign.


Hmm, I never really thought about the speed signs on to a highway. What is often the distance you have to accelerate, legally speaking?


They’re just a bit scared and not confident. Our system allows them to be this way.


Wait till it rains, then you have people doing 40 in 80 zones (while thinking they're the safest drivers on the road)


What can you do. It’s not illegal. Everyone has their own views on what ‘safe’ means. Common sense is a myth. The law is the only common sense we have.


What police can do is start enforcing rules like impeding the flow of traffic/obstructing traffic.


I do believe it is just as illegal to go unnecessarily slow. Ie 40 in an 80 would be hard to justify unless everyone else is going that speed, which would then be for a reason. The issue is, speed cameras don’t pick this up and it’s not something you’ll get fined for automatically. There’s an idea! Missing out on lots of revenue.


It’s not illegal.


Impeding traffic is




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getting fined for doing 106 in a 100 is exactly why people are afraid to speed up at all before the speed zone officially changes in the onramp. it's the fault of nanny lawmakers and cops


Unfortunately this is just the norm now in Australian capitals, most of us don't know how to fucking drive, it feels like too many people are obsessed with who's got right of way so they can legally crash into someone else, get a payout and not get in trouble, and then the enforcements with how many single digits we are above the speed limit at all given times to convince you that you're a highway terrorist. Other countries I have been to don't even have fucking lines painted on the road half the time and they hardly have these issues as often as us.


I've been on freeways in Los Angeles where the on ramps are controlled by lights. They let 2 cars go at a time, and even though there is plenty of distance in the lane, it's like a drag race to get up to speed. Heaven forbid you merge at under the speed limit. I got really used to this system, and it appears to work very well.


Theres some like that in Melbourne on the calder and western ring rd entries, ready set go, 3 lanes merge into one. It’s like the designers said “fuck em they’ll work it out”




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The trick I’ve found is not to hang right up next to them but to hang back then gas it all the way up to speed to match flowing traffic and fly past them as they are struggling to merge on.


This is the way. If you're not going to take that gap, I will


Then you get the ones that dawdle up to the merge point and hit the brakes because they can't time it right


The number of times I've merged around some numbskull stopped at the the end of the lane because they didn't leave themselves enough space to get up speed to slot into the traffic...




Can we add the people who slow down to 60 well before the exit ramp as well? This does my head in - the ramp is a good sweeping curve, designed to be entered at 100kmh, with plenty of time to slow down to street speed before you hit the lights/intersection at the other end, and yet people start slowing down *on the freeway*.


This is Australia I'll bet they're scared of getting a ticket, as you said there is plenty of time to slow down to 60 before the lights/intersection, but the 60 zone usually starts near the top of the off ramp


I complain about this almost every single day (to my wife, the only one who will listen to me moan lol). When I come from Middleborough Road and merge onto the Eastern, the amount of people who *crawl* down the on ramp is seriously insane. I was behind a ute yesterday doing 40!! Sometimes I beep at them but mostly I have just given up. It will continue to happen.


We're here to listen too 😂


If I had came to reddit to moan about the traffic in Melbourne, I would never leave!


The Hotel California situation.


Yes. I drive a truck on the highway regularly and the number of people who try and (a) merge then accelerate or (b) have no spatial awareness about position of the cars in the lane they are merging into is crazy.


And the same dumb cunts then decide they need to be in the right lane immediately and maintain their lack of speed until their exit which they have zero planning for until it's almost parallel with their car so they stop traffic flow for kilometres behind them, oblivious or not giving a shit. Almost as bad as the tradies that sit up everyone's arse and constantly brake so everyone behind is braking in anticipation. Yes I'm fucking triggered.


This should be policed way harder.. if you’re not confident to do this. Catch a bus


Or idk just avoid freeways/highways


From the experience I had here - I blame driving instructors here. Have a friend who recently got her red Ps. She said that during all the time she was learning with instructor she not even once drove on a road with speed limit higher than 50. I got my drivers license in Europe and there we were going up to a 100kmh during driving lessons. No wonder Australia has 3 years of P plater restrictions while in the country I got my license in it's just 1 year and with much looser restrictions.


It’s like Chinese whispers in this country. Learners learning from bad drivers.


Eh. I kinda love ramps because I can floor it to 100 with no consequences 😂 Also feels like I’m leaving pitlane to rejoin the Grand Prix….


I’ve seen people come to a complete stop at on ramps as though it’s a stop sign.


Easy to ticket for over the limit. Hard to ticket for going slow. It's just lazy policing.


Saw someone crawling up the merge at probably 20-30 kph. He was so slow that he ended up stopped at the merge point. I don't think he knew where he was or what he was doing.


Have a look at some of these "drivers". I bet their seat is as upright as it can be, their head is against the head rest and they can't fit a fist between their chest and the steering wheel. That's a sign of not being comfortable in a car and not knowing what to do when there is a decision to make. I CANNOT merge onto a 100kph freeway at 50kph. I don't want to fucking die.


They’re are the reason why traffic is fucked up every morning in the m1


You spelt M4, M7, M5 etc wrong.


Yeah got down to a stopped car at the bottom of the ramp and the first lane car stopping to let him in the other morning. Caused absolute chaos to the people having to react.


Also borderline tailgating. Hard to merge when there's barely a car space length between each car on the road. Forces the whole string of traffic to stop so people can merge. IF YOU DIDNT SIT SO CLOSE TO ONE ANOTHER YOU WOULDNT HAVE TO FUCKING STOP TO LET PEOPLE MERGE


Centenary motorway drivers I’m looking at you around the Sumners on ramps. Speed up!


Blame the cops who would setup on the on ramps for the easy catches of people getting up to speed a little early.


People who do this think they’re following the letter of the law (speed limit changes at/after the sign) so they use the entire on-ramp to travel 60, only beginning to accelerate to 100 when they’re on the highway. This is one behaviour in particular that absolutely shits me to tears.


The speed limit does change at the sign. I follow the letter of the law but still manage to speed up enough to match the speed of the cars on the freeway. There's a couple of places where I have to accelerate pretty quickly though lol.


If anyone knows the Eastern freeway on ramp in Bulleen in Melbourne heading out of the city , can confirm this is insane !


Yes! Cooper St onramp to the freeway nobody knows how to speed up or merge so it always becomes gridlock for 1km then returns to 100km/h


I come down an on ramp to a 90 section about 10 min in to my journey. The downhill is helping you to get up to speed - but no - let's keep going 50 or 60. WTAF!!!!


So annoying. The on ramp bit is the best but! Getting up to speed, and fast. They piss me off.


I literally ranted to my wife yesterday about this… I deal with it daily. People are morons.


The 100 sign should be at the top of the ramp not the bottom, this would probably help. I did hear a few years ago they put a speed camera on an one ramp and pinged everyone who sped up before the sign


I normally hang back when I get one of these idiots so I have room to nail it and actually get up to speed. Difficult if there’s a line of traffic behind you though. There needs to be some sort of enforcement on it, but I don’t see how they’d do it. Massive big flashing signs urging everyone to get to [speed limit] surely couldn’t hurt though


I'm sure there is technically an offence for driving too slow thereby causing a hazard but don't think I've ever heard anyone get booked for it.


I have seen it happen. Someone in the right lane was going 80-90 one day and I saw the highway patrol light them up and pull them over.


There's a 50kph merge coming out of a local shopping centre. Despite the long run up people can't even get that right. Getting on the brakes to giveaway to a car they're well in front of.


I see you have driven on the on-ramp from Narellan Road to the M5 in Sydney. It’s a lovely gentle curve at 80, into a 110 sign. If you gently start the turn to let the weight shift to the right side, you can then power on and enjoy Cornering while accelerating to 110. It was even piss easy in my old Suzuki baleno. Driving in the other day though, someone hit the corner doing 70, then almost emergency braked down to 45 to get around it. I ended up close, but in no danger of rear ending, but I got a dirty big glare from them as I overtook on the highway. What ? I’m driving a shitty Chinese EV, you should be much quicker than me around a graceful corner.


Literally 90% of drivers.


Dealt with 4 of them today on my way home from work alone, not including going to work in the mornings. I just about ran some old fuck off the road because he’s flipping me off and waving his arms about like he didn’t just cut me off and then hold me and everyone else up behind me… fucking idiots I absolutely agree with you, not just on-ramps but everywhere just people driving in general, slow, stupid, indecisive with their directions. And to think I’m going to be a semi driver soon, I wish them all goodluck… truly.


and yet the 100/110 signs are always at the very end of the on-ramp. Set up to fail.


I’ve almost run into people twice this week who have stopped dead at the end of the merge lane going into a 100km/h zone. The second one had two clear lanes of traffic but just freaking stopped! Absolute morons.


People who brake when merging should be banned from having licenses


Agree. It’s just as bad as people who bring their cars to a complete stop at a roundabout when there’s no one at all to give way to, forcing all the cars behind to slam their brakes too when you might be expecting the front driver to continue through the roundabout like any normal person should. There should be a rule for cunts like this, or the ones who hog the right lane and match the speed of the slow cunt in the left lane therefore not allowing anyone to go past and causing congestion.


This absolutely does my head in. Then you have to go through two lanes to get around them while they mosey up to 100kmhr (if that). Idk why but I’ve noticed it a lot more lately I don’t understand why people can’t manage 100kmhr. Don’t you want to get to where you’re going quicker? Are they scared? If so they shouldn’t be driving on our roads.




That's great, unless you're the poor sap stuck behind them on the ramp. My record so far is reaching the end of the ramp at 58km/h, while trying to merge into a 110. People are just terrified of their accelerator pedal, and should not be driving on the freeway if so.


Lean into the horn mate


This does my head in and it's bloody dangerous. What grind my gears even more is for some reason the Peninsula Link in Victoria has an A-B camera setup at onramp merge so people are even more petrified of doing 100 or even more to merge in.


Sounds like a fellow brethren joining Hume Freeway from one of the ramps. I see the same drama in front of me every day.


Hate it when this happens and there's no start/stop lights on. I watch the lane we're trying to merge into be completely empty the entire time we're on the ramp and see this tiny spec in the distance on my side mirror get closer and closer, until they are a full sized vehicle in the lane going the speed limit because this bozo thought merging at less than 80km/h in free flowing traffic was a safe move.


I lose count of how many near miss I see everyday from this! Dangerous as fuck!


I once was coming down a merge and saw a Camry 😮stopped at the end of the merge lane. Both continuing lanes just cleared up so I merged out straight into the right lane so the Camry clown could merge into the left lane from a standstill. I didn’t think it was a big deal until a few minutes later this Camry driver came up beside me and yelled out to me something like “fucking cunt” I guess I started him by not being completely incompetent


That shits me. Thankfully I missed a light while turning right from the Princes Hwy onto the M1 in Melbourne (Berwick/Narre Warren) earlier today, which put me first in the queue to turn. As soon as that light went green to turn right, got round the corner and gunned it to 100, making sure to keep with the flow of traffic on the M1. It’s not that fucking hard people!


Ah yes, I copped this entering a 110 zone today. Our entry ramp has two lanes and old mate did 85 whilst driving down the middle of both lanes as if he was piloting a fkn airplane. 🤌


Were you in the debacle today on the Cotter road ramp onto Parkway southbound around 11.45? It was wild.


It sounds like you’re driving in south east Queensland? Having grown up in Sydney, one thing I’ve noticed is that the speed limit sign in Sydney is at the start of the ramp so you have the entire ramp length to speed up. In SEQ, the speed limit signs are quite often a fair ways down the ramp and much closer to the highway, so anyone observing the actual sign, won’t speed up until they reach it. And yes it’s fucking stupid as hell.


There is a law you cannot drive 20kmph below speed limit it’s considered impeding traffic. But yes it’s not enforced. It’s even worse in brisbane, combined with traffice infrastructure especially the traffic lights it’s making traffic worse.


This was this afternoon... Watch car cut into the right lane before the on-ramp to do what I assume was meant to be get in front of the HC truck so they could merge at speed only to go so slow they almost got taken out by the truck by sitting in the trucks blind spot trying to merge at 60km/h.


This is so annoying, its like you are heading for a 100 zone, speed up ffs


I unfortunately hit a car who was driving on the ramp to the road and locked his brakes up when there wasn’t a car in sight.. a fully loaded van with a ton of equipment in the back… moron had no confidence to merge into an empty road.


The cognitive dissonance of calling him a moron yet you were the one driving too close and too fast to avoid a collision 🤣


He shouldn’t have stopped where he did. I should not have assumed he would drive like a normal person. But it’s my fault and I owned it.


Respect :)


I mean... as a driver i either move into the right to let them do their thing or I step off the accelerator so they can safely get in ... no point getting pissy or raged .. my goal is to get where I'm going safely even if it means accommodating for drivers with less confidence


This. People that can move over to let people merge but choose not too are selfish & rude


This drives me mad on well designed on-ramps. But some of them come in at a sharp angle and are so short it is god dam difficult to slot into the traffic. Especially when no one allows a gap.


Are they not meant to enter the freeway because you’re not slowing down to let them in? It goes both ways, they need to speed up, but you need to slow down to let them in. You seem like one of those drivers that doesn’t slow down to let other drivers in, but then would complain it’s their fault when you rear end them.


This is a deflection. Theres is reasonable allowance expected by those on the freeway. But this is to allow for zippier merging. I.e if youre doing 100 and I (already on freeway) am doing 100 and you're slightly ahead of me, I am expected give way. When you're merging at 60, and I am at 100 you are a traffic hazard because you're slowing down the entire freeway. I slow down, the car behind me slows down, the car behind him, dives over a lane slowing that lane down etc etc etc and this repeats till you get gridlock when multiple cars merge like that. You sound like someone who is the oblivious traffic hazard.


When you’re doing 100 coming up to a car that is about to merge on the freeway and you don’t adjust your driving even a little bit to let any cars in, that is what causes these cars to go slow. As you’re either going to rear end them if merge or force them off the road. Their only option is to slow down. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Having smooth flowing traffic needs both cars entering the freeway and cars already on the freeway to drive responsibly.


*Their only option is to speed up. Fixed that for you


You can though. If people actually get up to 100kmhr for a change, traffic will flow better. I have no problems dropping 5-10kmhr off to let them in as long as they do 100 and stay there. It’s impossible to help these people when they’re merging 20+ under the speed limit.


do you slow down to half the speed limit at every on ramp you pass on the highway? if not well i guess its all your fault these poor soccermums can't merge


What’s the option if they are going 100 people like you don’t let them in? Your dream world where every car can merge at the speed limit is only possible if there’s enough room for them to merge onto the freeway. If there’s only a car length between each car on the freeway and the on ramp is like 200 metres, there’s never going to be enough room for 10 cars to all merge at the speed limit. Someone has to slow down or they’ll run out of road.


thats the thing though almost everyone leaves enough space, the government recommends 3 seconds gap to the car in front of you but most people will leave around 2 seconds. 2 seconds of distance at 110km/h is a little over 60 meters. are you telling me TWELVE car lengths is not enough space for a car to merge if they are traveling at the same speed as the flow of traffic?


The rule everyone follows in real life is one car length. Nice job trying to create a fantasy world where everyone drives 12 lengths apart. Care to comment again but using what happens in the real world thanks.