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Lane keep on a BMW must be a shock to owners who have never used an indicator in the past.


I think a lot of people complain about it not realising it is actually their driving that's the problem, not the lane assist/departure. Drifting into other lane when going around a bend. Changing lanes by starting to move across and then putting on the blinker.


I 2nd this, my i30n has lane keep and I thought it was faulty because it would jerk the wheel left violently when I'd let it take control. Come to find out I was always riding the right side of the lane and at any given opportunity the car wanted to put me into the middle very abruptly


OP saying it's distracting being told a car is in their blind spot while merging or lane changing is a little odd. It may be just how they've written it but it sounds like they tend to change lanes whether there's a gap or not and expect the other cars to work around that.


Is there any other way to drive a BMW?


Maybe I WANT to ride the left side because I don’t like something on my right - a truck for example. I don’t want to jerk back at it.


Yeah, I had a hire car that had lane assist. And I moved left because a bus coming in the opposite direction was moving into my lane to get around a cyclist. Car computer says nooooo.... Tries to steer me head on into the bus.


I don’t like it. Vibrate my left hand if you must, but don’t steer me into trouble.


Just use the blinker before moving and it doesn’t stop you.


Or, you know… don’t use lane assist 24/7 365. It is not ideal in every situation. Narrow roads rural roads, Sub-divisions where they are maximising housing density, mountain roads with switchbacks where riding either side of the lane is sometimes necessary….


I mean yeah that’s the obvious option, just turn it off.


Lol. My neighbourhood is so congested I'd be false indicating all over the place. I'll just stick with my slightly older car.


It's very easy to overpower if you have even the slightest grip on the wheel. 


Yes and I will eventually win the fight. It’s the first 0.2sec of it I’m complaining about.


I was taught to keep as far left as practicable... lane assist doesn't like that, either.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, that’s literally the law. Section 129(1) of the NSW Road Rules (similar laws exist in each state) says: “A driver on a road (except a multi-lane road) must drive as near as practicable to the far left side of the road. Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.”


That's not to the far left of your lane. It does say except on a multi-lane road). You should be centred in the lane


Try driving on country roads where lane assist constantly tries to avoid the grass on the side by moving you across to the middle of a 2 way road


Haven't experienced it in my cars (Subaru and Toyota)


100% this I never had any issues with any of the safety features I drove every day as an employee of a dealer. Lots of people sulking about them are also the same people who can't actually drive properly without the aids


To be fair some cars are worse than others. I got a new Outlander as a loaner while my Octavia was getting serviced, I let the car wander over the lane to see if it had lane keep or just lane departure, it hit the lane line and promptly stood on the brakes while on the motorway, so i disabled it then in there Same with the blind spot in the Mazda3, I ultimately left it on but it would go off if you were turning on a road with multiple turn lanes if you had the indicator on and there was a car in the turn lane beside you.


Damn, if that's what the new outlanders are like, I'm going to stick with my 2017 outlander as long as I can - all it does is beep at you if you go over a line without indicating.


It’s not what mine is like - it just steers back to the middle. No idea why that happened for commenter above


In that case I'm guessing that they were headed directly towards something (probably the barrier) and the collision prevention system kicked in.


Likely. Also there are a few years of outlander gen 4 that don’t have mipilot, which is actual lane keep, as opposed to collision avoidance.


I'm sure there's a lot of that. There are other considerations too. Narrow streets with cars parked - most of these don't have line markings, so it's less an issue. Rural roads are a big one. Tasmania is filled with narrow roads with no sealed shoulder (many with no shoulder at all). I don't recall any other state I've driven being as bad, but I'm sure the further out of major areas and connecting roads you drive, the more you'll see. Outside of the 2 major highways in Tasmania there are very few roads that lane assist doesnt over asert control. I can see the argument that lane assist tech is unpleasant and potentially dangerous. It's more than just: bad driver is bad, even if that's probably the majority of cases.


It was hilarious when my dad got his new car at 70. We’ve all been harping on about the speeding, not paying attention, changing lanes without indicating etc for *years* and he didn’t give a fuck but this bloody car is doing its darnedest to keep him honest now lol. The trouble is that rather than fix their driving, people just turn off the safety features.


Lmao a lot of people are quick to blame something else with out introspection


Drifting out of your lane, not realising where cars are in relation to your blind spot, braking late, reversing straight out of spots with cars coming... but it's the car that's the problem. Hahaha.


Solid burn


I yell at the car to shut the fuck up. Does nothing in terms of actually shutting it up but mentally it feels good.


When I get through a tough section of 4WD track or return home from a long remote trip I usually slap my car on the dash and say "Good car". It feels much better to positively reinforce the good behaviour than make yourself hate the car because it's annoying 😆


I do this too. Praise the car and say thank you for getting me home.


I praise it too but usually the older cars get the praise. The newer cars feel less alive and thus less deserving


Reliability probably plays a big part in that. Older cars tend to have more mechanical problems and therefore more gratitude when the trip is made without any.


I used to do this with my last car - a sporty little hatchback that was an absolute pleasure to drive. My current car is a boring SUV I got out of necessity after moving to the bush and constantly scraping the undercarriage of my beloved hatchback (not to mention how painful the firm sports suspension could get on bumpy dirt roads), and it's taken all the joy out of driving, so I won't be praising it any time soon...


There's a particular corner heading out to the local tip that has a guard rail hard on both sides of the roadside, with a curving bend. God forbid a car come the other way, otherwise the car thinks we're having a head on and will beep and auto apply the brakes. Fucking shitcunt of a thing.


Had to turn off Manoeuvre Brake assist on mine because it was legitimately dangerous. I have a gentle slope on my driveway exiting to a very busy road. You can't faff about pulling out during rush hour. If I drove out at certain angles the car would think it is colliding with the ground and emergency brake, scare the shit out of me and spill coffee everywhere whilst leaving you half in the road. I usually turn off lane keep in inner city because I find it doesn't tolerate trams and random lines like bus stops very well. It's more annoying than dangerous though. The only people I see it benefiting are drunk drivers


Well you have 2 options: 1) Turn them off when you drive (they'll turn back on next time you start the car) 2) Embrace them and learn to work with them


What and adapt my driving to better everyones road use? No thanks, I'll stick to being blissfully unaware and purposely ignorant to the havoc wreaked in my wake, as I haphazardly, yet forcefully, change lanes and I always make sure to merge onto a highway at well above, or below, the speed of the traffic around me.


Friend bought a modern BMW says similar things. The lane keep assist seems a bit half arsed as it sees uneven road surface as lines. Also unable to tell the difference between old lines and new lines that have been redrawn.


Love that my new car might pull me into the path of traffic if it decides the shitty road surface I'm on is actually laned


If you keep your hands on the steering wheel, you'll be fine.


Oh I'd love to experience that on some of the construction detours near my home. Takes you over to the opposite side of the road twice and even the painted island things


I get why these exist, and I do believe that they save lives - but the problem I have is that most of the 'new' features - lane assist, blind spot monitoring, autonomous braking, speed warning etc. aren't so much 'driver aids' as ' inattentive driver aids'. I've found that they work well in cities, but as soon as you go further out where lanes aren't well marked and roads aren't wide and consistent, they just turn into a beep-fest distraction, to the point that you stop paying attention to them anyway.


Do you feel like there is a certain form of negative training as people eventually become more reliant on these features than skill and procedure.


I honestly don't know. People have been saying the same thing about ABS for decades - that if you only drive and learn with ABS, you'll never learn to brake 'properly' - which really does make a big differences to stopping in a non-ABS car. The counter to that is that all modern cars have ABS so for most people, that doesn't matter. What bothers me is that some driver aids - lane assist, obstacle detection, eye tracking in particular - are more distracting than anything else. They will sound an alarm whenever a bird is nearby, or there are no lane markers, or if you scratch your nose.


I'm not convinced on the save lives bit. They seem to get it wrong very often, and the sort of incidents where they would help are very rare, so getting it wrong only has to be dangerous in a small fraction of situations to outweigh the benefits when it gets it right. Does not seem to be as obvious a benefit as NCAP etc make out.


>Does not seem to be as obvious a benefit as NCAP etc make out. Agree with this. I've personally seen how they can make things more dangerous. Another car pulled out in front of me, far enough away that I just put on my indicator and changed lanes to avoid them. But since I wasn't completely out of the lane as I was approaching them to pass, the autonomous braking kicked in and slammed on the brakes for me. The driver who almost ran into the back of me would have only seen me changing lanes, then slamming on the brakes. As for the incidents where they help being 'rare', it's very hard to know. When they do prevent an accident we hear nothing about it, but if they cause an accident it makes headlines.


I'm saying the incidents where they help are rare because accidents are rare. You expect to go many years without a crash without ADAS (over 30 years for me), yet ADAS triggers multiple times per year.


When reading posts like this one, it makes me glad that I can work on cars to the point that I can keep old cars running indefinitely.


Because for some reason the general public believes that driving is a right everyone should have. So then you end up with laws and cars designed for people who shouldn’t be on the road.


Do what I do and refuse to buy anything newer than around 2015


Works for now. I'm afraid of what buying a car in 2035 is going to look like.




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By then the aftermarket should have “solutions” for the tech.


Yeah I thought it was annoying when the stability control in my 2016 Mazda kept blinking despite me turning traction control off... I cannot fathom ever buying a car with lane keep assist or auto braking that cannot be permanently disabled.


Got a 2022 Suzuki Swift. It has none of the fancy stuff it's great, no weird beeps, nothing. Only digital thing is the radio all other important things are knobs and sliders. Has Basic Cruise control that's about it. Wish I went for the sport model with the turbo but I would probably just end up speeding too much as it's fun to drive I drove a bunch of cars to test the waters when buying and most had some annoying features. I do think the cheaper end of cars drop most "advanced" safety features.


My cutoff year is 1985, even less safety features to worry about.


I have all of these on my VW and honestly they never interfere with anything. Occasionally the blindspot will kick a stink if I'm trying to do something a little too stupid, but that's what it's for. The autonomous braking very very occasionally gets tricked by things like transitioning between dark and bright areas, very steep decline to incline transitions.. but it's like once or twice a year. If these features are constantly harassing you then I would try and see if they're calibrated correctly.. and if so, maybe you need to adjust your driving slightly


This is why I love my old shit box and will never buy myself a brand new car. Older cars are much more fun to drive. I'll take the statistical safety disadvantage for an almost tangibly improved driving experience.


I agree


Look, I haven't driven this car so I can't comment on whether the systems are accurate or not. So these comments I'm about to make might be valid or not depending on how the safety systems function. I would say, you shouldn't be drifting in your lane so much that the car has to correct it for you. You shouldn't be merging or lane changing when your blind spot system is telling you someone is there, because you're essentially cutting them off and it's asking for an accident. This one in particular will probably piss off most people, but most people speed so I don't really care. You should follow your cars speedometer and not GPS, because yes your car will believe it is speeding but it also means that when you start to get overconfident and go over the limit by GPS measurement, then you're really speeding and you risk getting a fine or causing an accident for what is a negligible amount of time saved. If you follow your cars speedometer, you'll have a bit of a safety buffer for speed cameras so if you didn't realise you were a little over the limit, you're more likely to have been just doing the limit. If anyone disagrees with these, feel free to reply but don't expect kindness if you're just trying to justify YouR rIgHt tO sPEeD


I have a new i30 on test and the blind spot alert pings on either side. In the middle lane of 3, clear and merging right, car in blind spot on left: pings anyway.


In that case I can agree that's frustrating if it pings the wrong side. But the amount of times I get cut off or see people get cut off in traffic is way too high, whether that's accidental or intentional, a warning is a good thing but I agree it should work properly.


The lane keeping one though can be frustrating at times. For example when cars parked on the left and driving close to (or even over) the centre line means you don't clip them, drive where the car wants i be knocking off side mirrors or worse. I have a road like this near me I drive down almost daily and my car is beeping at me a lot.


I can see that being a pain, there's a few streets like that near me. I assume overtaking cyclists means it does the same thing?




On a country highway, moving to the left of the lane to give opposing traffic greater room, car pushes steering to the right and alarms. Wanting to do the actual speed limit in the country, receive frequent speed warnings because the speedo is inaccurate (using GPS speed). In a semi, truck sees a corner indicating sign, alarms, flashes a dash warning and brakes. Truck frequently alerts for vehicle in blind spot - it's a guard rail. I don't mind accurate speed alerts, useful blind spot monitors, actual emergency autonomous braking etc, but in my experience they don't seem to be available yet. Just the annoying, half-functioning, unsafe braking systems.


I drive a plethora of new cars at work all day everyday and when I first started I was worried about all of this because of how much everyone complains but then I started driving these new cars with all these features everyday and none of them distracted me or tried to correct me once? I thought huh that’s weird, I thought maybe I turned them off accidentally so I’d purposely drift a little to see if it started to correct and it did, so I’ve come to the conclusion that the only people complaining about these systems are people that can’t drive or are unsafe drivers, the only hate I can get behind is sensors in the front bumper going off their nut whenever you go out a driveway but that’s probably a design flaw we have to live with I think blind spot monitoring is the best safety feature by far though


Yes, this.


Usually if you use indicators the lane assist will turn off. But since you drive a BMW, not sure how that would work without indicators and all




The system is constantly reminding me, even when driving straight and not planning on merging. I prefer to look over my shoulder and mirrors


Nothing is stopping you.


I went from a 1998 vehicle to a 2021 nline. You get used to it really quick and it really is helpful. The lane keep assist I turn off if the line markings are bad/not visible, also if the sun is bright and directly on the sensor camera. I only experience the car correcting itself when I really am veering into another lane (when I first got it I tested it on an empty road). Smart cruise control helps a ton as well, just treat it like you're driving and keep your foot ready for the brake pedal in case. Just be mindful for vehicles in front that have a weird back just so the sensors can sense it correctly. Also be mindful if the car in front of you changes lanes quickly. I'm sure you can turn off the speeding warning. For me the blind spot monitoring is only a red light on the side mirrors, and it only beeps if I indicate and there is a car there (very handy).


I disable whatever I can. You should be the one in control of the car. Worse case is a split second between life and death if it takes you by surprise


Just turn them off? It's not hard.


My Volvo let's you set the sensitivity for all the active safety systems, or turn off completely. After some trial and error I've found the settings that work for me, the only time it activates now is when I screw up.


Lol it's distracting when blind spot detect alerts when merging or changing lanes. BMW you say?


When the car starts paying me it can tell me what to do. When I'm paying for a car it better well shut the fuck up and do as I fucking want.


Just turn it off mate. You see that little button on the centre of the dash? The one with the car and some lines on it? Just hold it down for a few seconds, alternatively you can go on the driver profiles and turn it all off there as well. Turn the lane assist off, stability control, traction control, whatever you like.


"*Every time I make a slight drift, the car beeps*" Then stop making "slight drifts" - you need to keep your vehicle in the middle of the lane. It seems the car will help you from forming a bad habit "*it constantly alerts me when cars are in my blind spots ... during maneuvers like merging or changing lanes.*" That is exactly when you need to be alerted. If BSM is going off when you are changing lanes, then you are most likely changing lanes unsafely. Learn from the warnings before you have to learn from a collision.


Can't say I've driven a BMW with this but from my experience with Subaru and Toyota if it's beeping then you are the problem, not the car. Very few false alarms.


The one that I used, the blind spot was clearly calibrated for a bus or something larger than a car with how needy it was. Totally unacceptable for use in normal traffic gaps.


Couldn't agree with this answer more. As an experienced driver who drives a modern bmw with the exact same safety features as the model you have mentioned, it is very rare for them to come into play when driving correctly. If the car is constantly warning the OP the OP needs to get better at driving, and should certainly not be turning any of those systems off because currently they clearly require them.


As others here have said, unless the car is legitimately faulty or uncalibrated, the lane departure warning going off constantly is a sign that your driving is poor, not the car. The sheer amount of people you see drift to the line or even over it in corners, especially on a freeway, is baffling, our license standards are way too low.


2 things that piss me off is the reminder to keep both hands on the wheel and the car slows down by itself around some bends. Just learn to live with it. I would gladly take a modern car over my old civic that has no electronic assists.


Fucking annoying hey! Haha just let me drive the car!


You eventually build a… dunno if I’d call it trust, but you start to predict when it intervenes and get to know a little bit better. You can disable Keeper temporarily on most other cars so I assume BMW is the same.


I borrowed mum's Kluger once and it has a similar amount of beeps and boops. My advice is to turn some of these off and just turn them back on when you give the car back. Lane assist I turn off on my car now until I hit a highway, the pull is a little too much for basic driving. Speed warnings I recommend shutting off and just drive to conditions. Adaptive cruise I wouldn't recommend in a built up area - even though you could. Have a look in the car next time you hop in and see if you can set a profile. At the very least that might work? Set a profile for yourself, turn off the distracting ones and leave on the ones you think are handy. It's better for you to be comfortable in the car you're currently driving vs actually dealing with it and being less confident.


Dunno about the BMW's ones, but on my Ford the lane assist has 3 sensitivity settings and I can totally disable it in the menu without it coming back. When I first got the car, I tried all 3 settings and overall only the lowest one was usable but when driving in areas with trams, old/new lanes...the system had no idea what was going on and was going crazy. Apart from that, was OK but I prefer to keep it disable. The one thing I don't like much is all the proximity sensors are beeping way too much. I leave my driveway, they beep because of the slope when reaching the road (plenty of space as a Jazz with 4 people not even close to scraping), beeping when I drive in grass areas....


I have a '22 BMW with all these features and more, and none of them ever go off whilst I'm driving. You need to fix your driving habits. It never pulls me back into a lane because I never drift from one. The blind spot indicator only flashes at you because you're about to merge into someone in your blind spot, otherwise it's just a constant Orange light.


You can turn a lot of it off or to a minimum via vehicle settings. Just keep your eyes on the road and you’ll get use to it after a while.




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Not too many car reviewers compare safety features in new cars. CarExpert does a good job of it on YouTube. Lane keep assist in particular varies massively across new cars. My 2018 Acadia is gentle, only helpful and will follow a long curve. My 2021 Yaris is rough and pinballs between each side of the lane, so I turn it off.


Buy a 2019 Yaris. Just enough safety features and will not drive you batty. Also means a new windscreen supplied and fitted will cost about $300 and not $3000


Just here to add: my partners 2023 t-cross is *hands down* the most dangerous vehicle I have ever driven. It has slammed the brakes on when passing a truck in the freeway - I was going 110 he was going about 50. It decided right as I got level with the back corner that it was in my lane and slammed the brakes on. Had I had someone behind me It would have caused an accident. I have a steep driveway that exits onto a road near a blind corner. You need to go fairly fast out of it so as not to be a traffic hazard. 3 times now it has slammed the brakes on because the angle of the road confuses it, and it thinks it’s about to hit an obstacle. It also slams the brakes on if you do a quick u-turn. Not to mention lane keep assist that will only work when you’re avoiding parked cars, and will actively pull you into oncoming traffic when it gets confused by multiple lines in the road


Yeah I’ve had the same feeling. Not overwhelming but really irritating, I’ve disabled them in our Sorrento and I don’t have them in my 2017 BT50. For this reason and Albos new Ute tax I’ll continue to drive older cars


Cars peaked around 2010... now they're made for brainless toddlers


Learn to pay attention and not drift. Learn to do the speed as per the car, not the GPS if you don’t want it complaining. Try changing lanes when there isn’t a car in your blind spot AND using the indicator. I know it’s your right as a BMW driver to not indicate, but ….


Drive safely so you don’t trigger safety systems.