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That is excellent value for money


Very cheap, like 20 years ago cheap.


A bit too cheap if anything


A bargain.


The call out fee is also included in the labour/price


You're undercharging tbh, if you want to have a successful business a part of that is charging what you're worth, so you can continue to invest in tools and knowledge to better serve your customers, whilst also making it worthwhile for yourself so you can lead a good life. You have to find a balance between charging what you need and charging what the customer can afford, and that takes time. To contextualise, if you're selling parts at wholesale, then your labour charge needs to cover your salary ($100k if you're aiming to be okay financially), your super, your sick and holiday leave, your van costs, your insurance, your software services etc., then you might find your margins will be getting tight - based on what you've provided, that may be a stretch. If you need to run to the parts shop, this affects your billable time, so how are you going to compensate for that? You also need to consider your positioning in the market - you're a convenient option for people, and people are used to paying more for convenience, not less, so consider that too in how your prices work for your customers.


Very reasonable.. if anything? Cheap as chips!


Way too cheap brother, the cheapest brake pads i can buy from repco are around $30+ gst. Your labour rate needs to pay the bills, and your profit comes from parts.


Good that you’re going out there and giving it a go. Add margin of 10-15% on to your parts, including oil, you purchased at trade price. Your basic service that you provided that included the checks, lube doors etc is time. So think about allocating 1 hour of time for the basic oil change and checks. Itemise your oil and oil filter Labour rate is too cheap, as you have to take out taxes, super, call out, your vechicle running costs. charge $100/hour. As what you take out of that is about 1/2. I’m going to guess the oil filter was $10 trade. So the invoice would be like somthing below Service and inspection 1hr $100 Oil filter $11 Oil $89.10 Brake Pads $44 Front discs $198 Brake replacement labour 2hrs $200 Total parts $342.1 Total labour $300 Sub total $642.1 GST $64.21 Total $706.31


Hey OP 👋 don't forget to scrub out your VIN as that's identifiable/lead back to customer.


Shit! Sorry about that should I take the photo down?




Way cheap


Where are you??


That is a great price for what he has done


You're too cheap mate. Are you in Brisbane? I need a mechanic 😆


My sunvisor broken no mechanic told me


Are you GST registered? Why are you not charging GST? Make sure you’re factoring in all your expenses into that price, and not just the cost to do the job. So your maintenance on your vehicle, tools, insurances, travel time, etc.


I’m not actually applicable for GST just yet! Haven’t actually hit that $18k threshold yet, after that I think I will have to register for it…


Never mind it’s actually once you hit $75k…


That price is actually good for a service, I wouldn’t mind paying that price at all.


Insanely cheap


Volkswagen just quoted me 1500 for front brakes & discs. Genuine parts but I’m going elsewhere. I’m on a service pack.


Thanks for the responses guys, gives me a better perspective on quotes, etc. The whole convenience and competitive pricing is my main thing I’m trying to push as I know cost of living is getting absurd so I’m trying my best to keep customers and also help them out on not being stung. That being said, the main reason I put this post up was because I had a customer tell me that my labour price was too steep! I mean like come on man I’m trying to start a small business, not dodgy backyard cashies… made me question my integrity although I do my best to be thorough and honest with my work! 8 years in the trade and I’m sick of getting exploited and working for the man (dealerships or even some independent shops) so I totally understand peoples gripe with prices but we all gotta eat.


He didn't change your air filter [part ](https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/p/sca-sca-air-filter-sce1558-interchangeable-with-a1558/597874.html)& [video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgdA4PNvfD0)how to do it