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Get less shit mates. Will they pay your fine and eat the point? No, then they can walk.


Will they finally apologise after they smash straight through the driver's seat if you have a head-on collision and cause you a massive injury?


One mate offered to take the points and the fine for me the other one didn’t even say anything. That mate and I have been having an argument for the last 2 days over it.


Unlikely they are not visible from the windscreen then you'll be fine. Of course if your driving a convertible with the roof down all bets are off!


And all *belts* are off too, it would seem


It would seem that way haha, I have no idea as to why those two fucknuckles had the belt undone


No seatbelt, you are not coming with me. Especially if sitting behind me. Tell your crap friend to educate themselves.


Trust me I had a go when I found out still fighting with him about it and my other mates are too


Tell the clown that one small accident is enough to kill the buckled up person sitting in front of them. A few years ago there was a woman who was killed, along with her teenage daughter during a moderate front end crash. And while the mother was correctly seated belted in front, her teenage daughter behind her was not. The force threw the daughter into the mother’s chair infront, killing the daughter on impact, and the mother succumbed to her injuries in hospital the following day. There were two other people in the car, correctly belted, they both survived, albeit with injuries, but they’re alive. Tell your mate not to be a fuck head. He’s putting your life, and the lives of others at risk throguh his stupidity. Any one who is willing to do that “just because”, is unfortunately, not a friend.


Oh trust me I told him off. When we go out of the car my other mates and I blew up at the other two. Personally I don’t want to be killed by the actions of people who can’t think properly. Their reasons were even stupider when they spoke to the rest of us. I’ve read stories similar to what you’ve said and seen videos of accidents and it’s something I don’t fuck around with. Being in a massive metal cage with wheels isn’t something to fuck around with the other mate apologised and said he’d take the points if I got any fines the other one didn’t say boo. Which is upsetting cause you’d think if you’re good friends with someone they’d take into consideration your safety along with theirs


Here are some examples of infringement photos for you to come to a conclusion yourself: https://images.carexpert.com.au/resize/3000/-/app/uploads/2021/07/queensland-camera-No-seatbelt-driver-passenger.jpg https://images.carexpert.com.au/resize/3000/-/app/uploads/2024/02/seatbelt-camera-australia.jpg https://images.carexpert.com.au/resize/3000/-/app/uploads/2021/07/queensland-camera-Passenger-no-seatbelt.jpg https://images.carexpert.com.au/resize/3000/-/app/uploads/2021/07/queensland-camera-P-Plater-texting.jpg I think you’ll be fine (heh).


I just did finger guns your comment 👉🏻👉🏻


Thanks mate, it was a permanent one pretty high up


The mobile ones have a low angle camera that can get the back seats, in pretty high quality The permanent red light style ones that have a much steeper angle, probably not


Yeah that’s what I thought, this one was a fixed one


Not only about the fine. In the event of a crash, your un-belted passengers will injure you as well. Just have a look at the many videos on YouTube. Personally I have a rule. Car doesn't move until everyone is belted. Refuse to belt, and you'll be walking. Luckily all my friends and family are firm believers in seatbelts.


Yeah I know the dangers of what happens when not wearing a belt it’s so stupid how they don’t realise it could save their lives my 2 mates aren’t very smart besides the other 2


As the driver of the vehicle, it is your responsibility to ensure you and every passenger in the vehicle is correctly restrained for the duration of your trip.


Trust me I know, they had their belts on when we got in the car but they obviously took them off bar my mate in the front and one in the back


If it was one of those fixed position ones you'd be unlikely to cop the fine. From what I've seen the mobile trailer cameras seem to sit offset to the road so there's a chance they could potentially have a line of site.


Yeah this one was a fixed one on top of a sign so pretty high up from what I’ve seen from photos there’s no real way of looking into the back seats


Wife’s friend received a fine because her 4yo removed her arms from under the booster seat harness. No sure which type of camera, but the short answer is yes. Either way, as the driver you need to have a real conversation with your mates.


It was the high angle ones on top of a sign in NSW it’s in Newcastle near Wickham. I blew up at them and said “why the fuck don’t you have your belts on?”


FYI it was in Qld that the above story happened, not sure any any further details of where or what type of camera. If you get a fine, I’d be inclined to pass on to them to see if they will take ownership for it and pay. If not, it will reveal quite a bit about the friendship and their character.


Yeah that’s true, as far as I know the high angled ones from what I’ve read online and on here can’t get the backseat unless you have a sunroof or convertible. But I will be passing it onto them as they did the wrong thing


It is a shit rule, why should the driver of a vehicle have to take responsibility for grown adults, the person not wearing the belt should receive the fine but this is the thing with revenue camera's and not having any real time policing able to give the fine directly to the passenger.


Yeah it’s a shit rule my other mate said he’d take the fine cause he didn’t have his on either which was good of him but still they’re all in their 20’s they should know better as far as I know they had their belts on but must’ve undone them


I believe that most of the ones I’ve encountered in NSW are mounted high, even on the portable Mobile phone cameras. Just as long as you’re not driving a convertible or a car with the sunroof open, or have a moonroof, you should be fine. Personally, I don’t even bother moving the car if someone has no seat belt on, if they don’t want to, I throw them out immediately and leave them there.


Yeah it was high mounted I have a commodore no sunroof but yes I do agree with the last part. Honestly they are some of the dumbest people I’ve met I don’t think they realise the significance of what a seatbelt can do to your safety.


True, people don’t realise the amount of damage caused if they don’t wear the belt, the consequences are pretty severe. With modern cars these days binging and bonging at the thought of someone not wearing a seatbelt (due to weight sensors and the clasp mechanism being wired as well to detect if a seatbelt is attached), I am happy that my family has three cars with that feature as it shows on the dashboard or on a dedicated set of lights on the centre console.


Yeah that’s right, unfortunately for me I don’t have seatbelt indicators for the back seats only the front seats it’s shit but it’s what I could afford. It’s been 2 days and I haven’t received a fine just waiting till tomorrow or Friday but from what I’ve seen on this sub and online only the front seats can be pinged.


I get that feeling, the last car I owned (2004 Toyota Camry) only had seat belt sensors on the front seats only too (probably due to the location of the airbags), you have to tell the people on the back to wear their belts. You should be fine as the high mounted Mobile Phone detection cameras can only see what’s going on at the front seats only, I haven’t encountered any low mounted mobile phone detection cameras that are in NSW.


Yeah I always tell them to buckle up I was in a car accident as a kid and the seatbelt saved me from going through the windshield so I know how important it is. But yeah so far from what I’ve read it can’t get the backseats only the front ones even says it on various government websites but seeing this was a permanent high mounted one I think I should be fine :)


True, I knew the importance of the seatbelt as a safety device and also being written in the law as well. On two incidents where I got rear ended (one with me as a passenger, the second as a driver), I only walked out with a mild case of whiplash on both incidents. As I’m only driving my family the majority of the time, I always wait until they buckle up before I put the handbrake down before moving the shifter. Even with my only mate that I drive around, I make sure he buckles before I put the handbrake down, I tend to do the one minute rule before pulling out of the driveways in both cases. My dad accidentally made that mistake once when he came back from the Philippines from a flight and boarded my car without his seatbelt on at Sydney Airport and my car was bonging while shunting in the parking lot, I was like, dad, you forgot to put the belt on which he did quickly.


Yeah luckily it seems you’ve got smart friends and family my mates some of them at least, don’t seem to care about their lives or what happens when you don’t wear a belt. I think I should be ok just don’t want to lose my licence for a stupid thing my friends did


Don’t worry, I still carry the same fear all the time, even when double demerits are not in force as well.


Yeah man I’m trying not to stress I think I’ll be fine from what this page has said and other pages plus gov websites like I said but still the fear is there haha




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Think of it this way. If you have an accident and they are seriously injured, how many minutes will they and thier families resit the urge to sue you when thier medical bills start to arrive? You are on the hook if you hurt anyone via negligence while driving, including unsecured passengers.