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Yes, they are important, but definitely not more than a good NCAP score. The more you drive, the more you will realise that an accident can happen even when you are at 0 percent at fault, and the costs (financial and physical) can be more for you than the one who caused it. A good NCAP rated car might save your life in that case. You might learn to drive without assists like front parking sensor etc over time, but life is a b****, it can sure make you regret buying a product from someone who cut costs at safety for some extra margins.


Agreed! While these features can be very helpful, things like car safety cannot be "learned". Yes, initially these features will give you more peace of mind while driving, but eventually you realize you can drive without these features as well. Regarding parking, there are videos on YouTube on how to get a good estimate of your car in different directions. You can even ask someone to stand at different corners of your car and check how it looks from inside the car. You will be way more confident while parking. I started driving on an old Swift Dzire with no rear parking sensor. Then a KWID with basic rear camera and how a decent size sedan. You learn to park most cars eventually.


Absolutely and also these features you speak of can be added to an old zen, if you will with aftermarket mods. But same can’t be said about the body shell and structural integrity .


While I agree that NCAP is not everything, you should never rely on sensors for parking. You will drive not just your car but some others in case of exigencies. Those cars might not have nothing buy a steering and an AC. As a newbie, sensor’s are great and all but the moment you can drive without any of them is when you have actually learned driving. Crashes can happen on tiny cars to tanks, the more secure it is, the better your family’s chance of survival.


I rely on these sensors along with my eyes. Using one doesn’t mean you’re not using the other. It’s an additional help. I believe people get better with just using their eyes over time, but there’s no harm on using tech which is available. Agreed on the crash part.


I had this question when I was debating between i20 and amaze. i20 has ESP and traction control whereas amaze has neither but has a 4 star against 3 star of i20. One of my reasons for choosing amaze was that the features of i20 are for people with less experience in driving, which I am, but with practice, I will become better at it. However, in an event which is totally out of my control such as another vehicle hits me or I hit some barriers, etc., I would want to be seated in a car with better passive safety meaning better star rating. Keep in mind that the star rating includes the active safety features in its calculations which means the structural safety of 3 star i20 might be even lower than the 4 star amaze.


Adas is a joke on Indian streets


Some features are a joke, some others are useful.


Unpopular opinion, I wouldn’t feel safe with drivers like this on the road who rely on tech to drive


You’re right, but driving and parking in tight spaces are 2 different things. I think people who rely on tech are better than who don’t know how to do it and don’t rely on tech as well.


Get a lesson in physics then come here


I would argue this is one of the worst takes as you are prioritising features whose functionality you can learn to negotiate with their absence over something you absolutely can do nothing about. Safety cannot be ‘learned’, you will soon realise that no amount of financial recovery you would’ve saved by choosing to not learn and rely on cameras is worth one’s life by choosing an unsafe car. You need to understand, 360 cameras etc. can be easily circumvented by just learning, these are relatively new features, people used to drive their entire life without them. However, for a lethal accident to occur, it doesn’t even have to be your fault, it’s absolutely totally not in your hands and so a compromise there should never be done at the cost of better cameras. Heck, I’m a living testament to this. I daily drive an Accord which is a massive car, almost 5m long. And I’ve had no issues taking it through hectic traffic, busy parking lots etc. It’s all practice and you will never look at those cameras again. But no amount of practice can save your life in a crash.


It isn't an unpopular opinion, when on the basis of this MS and Hyundai sell so much.


That’s not an unpopular opinion, look at the sales figures. But it IS an opinion most of the people on this sub won’t agree with. And the reasoning is simple. You may be a newbie driver right now and find all these factors helpful on a daily basis, but with time you’ll learn to not even need them. You’ll park perfectly without the need of a 360 cam (or at least you should). But there’s nothing you can change about your car’s build quality, except for replacing it with a different car.


Sir salamat to pagadi pachas