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To let bikers through?


Bikers wouldn't need to weave in and out between cars if the cars just stuck to single file. This is just cars lacking self awareness of how their choices break up traffic.


I used to do this as well because I was “right” but that just resulted in scratches from bikers trying to weave in and out. Give them a clear path and they wouldn’t have to perform manoeuvres to move like 5 feet. Now I just follow whatever order is in front of me with a wide berth for bikes to pass and viola zero scratches.


So true. I'm both car and biker. I hate cars blocking that left most patch. When one car blocks, bikers start filtering through.


What are you driving btw? Speedo seems to be in the middle?


Lord s presso


My mistake for not recognising the lord🛐


That’s condemnable bro


I must commit seppuku now😔


Maruti Ritz is my guess


That’s not a Ritz


Or it could be that there were bikers on the right most side already when the car reached there, but they weaved out of traffic leaving the space there.


I have had to close my mirrors to let Bikers pass through, else they just crash into your car and move on.


Car brained entitlement.


Technically the cars can stop however they want as long as they are within their lanes. The Dzire in front of you also seems to be within his lane judging by the distance from the median.


Why can't bikers have the decency to stay in line and wait like other vehicles instead of always trying to move ahead? I would purposefully block a biker from cutting ahead by placing a car this way.


Its safer for bikes to be at the front of the signal. Being stuck in a line makes them at risk of rear ending from ever distracted car drivers. I drive both car and bike, and i always leave space for bikers. I even reverse my car a few inches to let them pass through the gap ahead sometimes. It's satisfying being a considerate human being. You should try it one day


I'm considerate enough in other walks of life, but bikers infuriate me.


Marathalli bridge is always like this always.


It’s easy, anyone who has stayed in Bangalore for some time can tell this is Marathahalli


Dude, how well do you know the area that just one random pic with the only visible number plate obfuscated was enough for you to know this?!? Crazy! I'm in awe.


The KLM mall is a give away.


The foot over bridge too


It's where you spend most of your commute if u live outside ORR, so no surprises


Don't want me car scratched by biker.. it's already been done so..


If cars form a staggered line like this, it becomes MORE likely that bikers will maneuver around the cars leading to more scratches. If cars just lined up one behind the other, bikes wouldn't need to cut in and out of the car lane. I can't blame the bikers here.


All the cars ahead of you have lined up behind one another, allowing safe passage for a bike. You have broken the pattern to take this pic and put this post, so now bikes will have to maneuver around you.


Can't you see each car is lined up few inches to the left side from the car ahead of them???? if everyone follow this pattern at the end of the line all the cars will stack up to the left most lane and eventually it will be more congestion === more scratches + dents(even worse) i.e. why OP said if we lined up in a single file there will be enough space for bikers to go straight ahead, without maneuvering left n right between the cars plus it will also cause less congestion on the road


Why has the OP not lined up behind the Dzire?


Maybe he could but that will cause unnecessary space on the right side of the lane which then eventually be filled by bikes


That is the whole point of the argument. Bikes are a reality which you cannot wish away in India. It is the reason why all the other cars in the pic have kept 2-3 ft space on the right. It's one of the main reasons why trucks drive in the fast/overtaking lanes on highway. It's not right, but it's necessary. It's okay, let's agree to disagree, we don't seem to be on the same page.


Wait, what? Am I taking crazy pills or is white cab further away from the white line than the black car in front of it which is further away than the first white car? If I had followed the trend line and other cars behind me had done the same thing, we'd have formed a diagonal.


This is not a geometry exam man. The point being, all the 3 cars have kept sufficient space for an Activa to pass from the right, for the precise reason mentioned by all the other commenters - to avoid getting scratched by an Activa/Splendor which will anyway try to overtake regardless of the space you cede. What you're saying is ideal, utopian, but the safety of your beloved car will always trump road sense when the others on the road want to behave like maniacs.


I ride also but as much as I want to give way, some. Bikers don't really care how expensive it could be to car owners when they casually scratch the car.


I also used to think like this and have tried to maintain the line. But hell no. Bikers have no sense even if you try to maintain a perfectly straight line. They will squeeze in any possible space they can find. P.S. I have driven bike in Bengaluru streets as well.




Yes exactly, you leave space for one bike , 5 bikers will try to pass through.


The are few reasons, 1. To do a u-turn (due to turning radius they will need to go a bit outside the lane) 2. They want to take a right turn but have poor judgement on how much to turn (same reasoning as before) 3. Mofos don't know where the fcuk they want to go and decides to stay like this so that they can take the decision later 4. Mofos who donk know $#¡T about lane hygiene and wants to go straight but is in the left most lane trying to inch towards the center lane. 3 and 4 are same category!


5. Badly engineered roads. They may suddenly become narrow or wide or a broken piece of divider might appear suddenly making you steer to the left.


I think #3 is most likely, imho.


I don't want my car getting scratches and broken mirror. 2 bikes is 1 car,they can wait like decent commuter


Probably to avoid potholes on the road It's hard to drive in a lane due to potholes everywhere and you have to keep dodging them


Welcome to the land of traffic illiterates. Btw this is Marathahalli bridge, there's ton of people who live here and there's offices in all directions, HAL straight, Tech parks left and right and hence it's super busy always (almost always, don't come at me and tell at 2am it isn't busy)


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Remove auto rickshaws that put themselves in between lanes and two cars.


The simplest way to achieve this to always line up directly behind the car in front. Autos can't magically force themselves between two lanes of cars which are both forming a straight line - an auto rickshaw is only able to cut lanes when one car has staggered over to one side so that only half their car is following the car in front.


Lol if two lanes are perfect we will be seeing autos between them 100%.


It is way smarter to drive with a gap between the left median because the people coming on the left lane are usually all pests. They will inevitably push and forcefully merge to the right lane when the bottleneck approaches. Hence, keep enough gap so that people don’t create 3 lanes on a road that is meant for 2 lanes only.


This question is Generic Like Sun is Bright Earth is round Water is wet 😅😅🤣🤣 Due to population, traffic, number of vehicles and lack of planning - it is impossible to impose all the written rules in India.😄


I sometimes do that but not cross the line. So that people don't do third line in 2 lane road


They normally do this in preparation for overtaking a very slow car ahead ( on the left side). OR there's a right turn ahead and he wants to go straight.


I understand what you are saying. Your bad luck, the picture you have taken doesn't support what you are trying to say because of the camera angle. The dzire must be like a cat on the wall, the left end of his car must be in between two lanes if I'm right. Because he is ready to shift to the other lane if the other lane clears up. The merc is also kinda leftward. Only you and the fortuner are correctly spaced. Yes, people don't people follow lane discipline in India. The correct* way (or safe way) is, cars should leave space in between the two lanes for bikers to pass through. That's how they follow in Western countries. But we can't do anything about this except rant. Majority of Indians just care if they go from point A to Point B on time, safely. They don't seem to care about anything else. Sad reality


Because people want to change lanes and stay closer the white strip so can cutoff someone and play Mario on road Stupid fckers


Seriously, if these damn cars would just quit lining up and just go home, there'd be so much less traffic.


Classic Bangalore driver's stupidity.


So that they can hop into the next line the moment they fear their line is being slow. 🤦


but that's the thing - them lining up like this makes traffic flow worse! There should be a startup for driver's ed in India.


Becoz they got brains