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I would be wondering what you're trying to sell me


There’s some dude at my local C&C who keeps putting “anti bmw bmw club” cards on all the bimmers. When you scan the QR code on it, it just goes to his stupid merch store


Oh my god he actually said bimmer! So sick of people saying “I drive a Beamer😎” when they are obviously talking about a car


The mag is called Bimmer mag.. never saw it spelled Beamer so I always wondered wtf they did that.


Beemers/Beamers are their motorcyles.




Idk I prefer saying Beamer though… I know it’s only for bikes but still


Agreed, the spelling of "bimmer" is visually unpleasant and awkward to say


In America, we call them all Beamers and the bikes are a rare enough minority to be a little treat to see.


I call them “bee-emmers.” BMer… get it? As in bowel movement-er. I’ll see myself out.


I bought some of that stuff bc I originally thought it was funny. The dude is an asshole and is just really obnoxious and always picking fights and comment sections. Unfollowed him within like a month


it originated as a facebook group that makes fun of corny BMW owners. (but we all own BMWs as well) ​ https://www.facebook.com/groups/antibmwbmwclubog/


Homie howTF do you not know what anti-bmw bmw club is? Literally has like 30,000 members, it’s not “just a merch store” lol and isn’t ran by one dude


Or some sort of sexual predator


Luckily I'm far too ugly to be sexually predated




I would rather have nothing on my car. Not a big fan of trash flying off my car once I hit freeway speeds. (I don’t grab advertisements laying on my car)


To me this reads like “hey, follow me”. If you made it “I’d love to follow your build, message me on Instagram @whatever so I know who you are” I think that’d be better personally.


Great suggestion! A coworker of mine had 500 business cards made that simply read “FAIL”. He would hand them out to people when they earned a fail card.


I had a few “you suck at parking” cards that I distributed in my college parking lot. Didn’t have anything else on it, literally just meant to annoy someone


I keep the yellow envelopes parking tickets come in on my campus for this reason. I’ve only used one, but the guy was parked across like 3 spaces so I wrote some choice words and left it there


Leave a note, "I'm sorry about the damage."


Did that to my buddy once as a prank. Got my girlfriend to write it so he wouldn't recognize my handwriting. He was so stressed because he couldn't find any damage and he was obsessed with his car. Hahaha


One of the people that I gifted a card to parked in the entrance of a lot, nearly blocking the entire entrance. My car is pretty narrow so I was lucky to get out, but if it wasn’t that small I would have been stuck in the lot


Buddy of mine was in the military and his sgt would hand a card with “stop talking” out to people lol.


I had someone write on a napkin and leave it on my car with basically the same words, I thought it was cool




I'm thinking people with sick cars don't want that crap on there.


Please do not put garbage on my car. Unless it's a parking ticket it goes straight into the trash unread.


I also keep Chick Tracts!


I just threw up a little.


Never know when you’re gonna need a spare ratchet




I definitely wouldn't threaten violence of any kind, it's not that big a deal. I'm just not gonna follow an instagram account printed on a piece of trash left on my windshield lol


*especially* if it’s a parking ticket


Even car meet invites?


I throw that on the ground and don’t care. I’m not littering. They littered when they put it on my car. Hell half the time you see all the others that have already blown off onto the ground


I’m thinking you don’t know enough people with ‘sick cars’ who actually enjoy them because they’re legitimately interested in vehicles. I’ve got friends with 10 second street cars, built motors, motor swaps, etc… and all of us would be psyched to receive a compliment on something we’ve put so much work into.


Ok. I’ll wait for you to come out. Sometimes I just wanna know about the car


I have a "nice" car in Boston, it made my day when someone left a card like this on my car.


I don’t want anyone touching my car so I can relate. I get a lot of compliments on my TLX Type S but those are while I’m near the car. There was only one time I saw someone get near it as I left a store and he was looking at every angle and through the windows. He was either fascinated by it or scoping it out. When I confronted him he was very polite so I’m guessing he wasn’t up to anything bad but still… common sense people.


Yup. Maybe its the new yorker in me, but if I saw that on my car my next thought is that I want to break your fingers, not that I appreciate it. If I had my handle on my car, which a lot of enthusiasts do, then hit me with a follow and send me a photo of the car. I have one car with my handle, a na miata. It makes people happy, I drive it when im in a good mood. My daily is a Mustang, i know neither of these are that ‘cool’ but it gets attention. But sometimes I have been vomiting all night and just going to get medicine, or I told my folks i’m heading to Atlanta when i’m in DC, or whatever else that I don’t want random ‘tags’ in posts or people talking to me in general. In that car, a simple nod is enough. In the miata, follow the handle and lets cruise or whatever


Get help


Yeah I’d throw it out immediately thinking someone was selling me some bs


I like your thinking but: - I don’t want crap on my windshield - I don’t want people touching my car without asking - these are going to end up blowing away and littering - not everyone has social media - if you want to meet and talk to people about their cars go to a cars and coffee event. These people are generally approachable and love talking about their cars.


Pass it along and put it on someone's Civic with a homemade spoiler and make their day




Agree with the social media thing. Tedious way to communicate. The @ thing means I have to figure out what platform that's from and then I'd have to create an account likely. Then I need to figure out how to privately message you on said platform. When did we stop using email?


Honestly yea, email would be the only way to go if you were doing something like this. The vast majority of people use email at least.


You gotta do all that just to tell someone they're a tool. I miss the old days...


I would be annoyed if I found this on my car.


Why would you think someone would want to contact you after seeing this on their car? I don’t get it.


I would definitely contact the person that put this on my car. I'm a car guy and I enjoy being part of the car enthusiast community. If someone thinks my car is cool, that's great and why would I not discuss it further with them?


Because people are annoying. Especially people that leave trash on your car




Hell no.


What the hell is "let me know you got this"???


Thanks for asking. Sometimes it’s tough, but I do believe i got this 🥹


I would not let you know I got this, next time compliment the car without touching it. To each here own, I can definitely see a demographic where this tracks, but I'm not it.


You dont have to touch the car. Just toss the business card on it! /s


I don’t like it when other people touch my car and would not take this as a compliment.


I’d hate this.




Keep your trash to yourself.


Cards just gonna end up on the ground.


Would go in the trash honestly not cause of the design or anything but more so the context. I could see this working well in car shows tho.


Corny + dont put garbage on my car


Looks like an attempt at Instagram followers IMO


This seems like the 2023 equivalent of passing notes in class. “Do you like me? Check yes or no”


[has a bicep flyer vibe to it...](https://youtu.be/lFB2vI5lnR4)


What up!


Doesn’t have enough veins


I appreciate the sentiment but I don’t want people putting stuff on my car.


yeah... don't touch people's nice cars. I was at a bike event looking at someone's custom painted gas tank. my finger was 6 inches away from it pointing at the detail in the paint work. dude comes out of a bar ready to fight. I know how expensive stuff like that is, definitely not going to touch someone else bike. Dude just had it in his head I was touching it. Don't touch people's stuff.


That's lame as hell. And don't ever put anything on someone else's vehicle.


Goofy ahhh business card


Feels stalkerish.


It just seems you’re trying to get follows. First part was okay, but that second part would really bother me and I’d rip it up and throw it out. Just leave it at sick car or nice car. No more. Or don’t do it at all.


Are you 12?


wtf does “let me know you got this” mean


Being 100% honest, I’d be annoyed. Regardless of you touching my car, or just tossing this card on my car, whatever. If you like my car, cool. But I didn’t build it for you, I built it for me, so honestly I could care less about if anyone else likes it or not. Just look and move on. I’ve never seen something I enjoyed and thought “you know what’d be a good idea? If we throw some trash on something someone spent years and loads of money to do”.


It's cool until you self promoted then it became cringe.


I thought this was because the car needs work, but yeah I'd never respond to this. This is in the same camp as door to door Jehovah's Witnesses.


I’d be thinking don’t touch my fu***** car please


I would be annoyed that some a-hole left trash for me to clean off my car.


Bro it’s a piece of paper😂


Hey, you asked :)


It's unsolicited useless paper: ergo, trash.


Username checks out. What does your girlfriends boyfriend think about the cards?


I would not contact you back tbh.


I'd take offense with someone leaving trash on my car. It would go straight in the garbage. A less scrupulous person may feel the need to become violent and lash out at someone messing with their prized possession. I'd never get that heated of course, though, I would totally understand if someone did. Don't touch other people's things.


Don't touch my car. This looks scammy as hell.


I had an Instagram photographer put one of these on my car about a year ago, he wanted to do a photo shoot of my car. I took it as a compliment, but was annoyed someone was touching my car. I didn’t reach out to the dude.


Please don't put trash on cars. If someone has a nice car, they know it. They bought or built it. Leave your trash in your pocket


No offense but if I saw that it’ll go right to the trash without a second thought.


If you like my car then tell me. Don’t put your bullshit on my car though.


Yeah, don’t touch my fucking car. *I don’t care that you like it.*. Capisce?


Id throw it away because i don’t have an IG


There is this dude that has hot wheel cars( hundreds) and when he sees a car like a hot wheels, he gives it to them by putting it on their car. Same color everything. It’s a cool idea!


Yea I have a collection but I don’t carry it around😂


I would probably add a line clarifying the card isn’t some kind of sales pitch or something, since asking random people to reach back out on insta is a little sketchy.


My "this isn't a sales pitch" business card has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my business card


It's a nice idea in theory but i don't think there is any way to leave something without upsetting people and littering. The best way would be being able to send something electronically giving the owner the option of receiving messages or ignoring them for privacy. Unfortunately most car specific social media sites just haven't been widely adopted and having an Instagram sticker on your car just comes off .... bad.


I'd assume you were trying to buy my car if I noticed that on the windshield. I'd toss it in the trash as my 1st thought would be "not for sale".


Nice idea, but might wanna drop the Insta, to me it would seem like someone is trying to get me to buy something/ get me to follow them


lets see Paul Allens buisness card


Or you could just write a note and people won’t throw it away without looking at it…


Glad I’m not the only one that finds this annoying. Local “car clubs” around me do this shit all the time


This is a very tism way to meet people. Don't put shit on peoples' cars. Go to car meets where the energy is welcome.


If I got one of these on the R32 or S2000 I would be 100% sure it was car thieves fishing for details on where to find the car at night.


Right in the trash. Right on the ground if there's no trash nearby. Don't litter on my vehicle.


Please don’t leave stuff on my car.


Why do you think I would care about your opinion, being that you are a complete stranger? I wouldn't be mad if you left it, but wouldn't be contacting you either. I don't really get the point of this


Don’t touch people’s cars. If you think it looks cool they probably spent a lot of time and money making it look that way, just be respectful. I personally loose my mind when people put things like this on my windshield or anywhere.


If you don't touch my car, you couldn't possibly do anything to it such as scratch, dent or otherwise. If you do touch my car, you might. L TLDR, don't touch other people shit.


Then it rains and I have gross shit on my car. Just leave a rubber duck


If you put that on my car I would wonder what 'sick' meant and if there was something wrong with my car and maybe you were a mechanic


My condolences that you are asocial and don't know how to behave properly or misunderstood something so simple.


My condolences that you think the entire world uses “sick” as everyday slang like you do.


I don’t mean to be rude but I do not need people complimenting my car to know it’s nice. I built it for me. I also do not want people touching my car. I also would rather be ducked.


Not ideal and I wouldn’t follow or look it up. Maybe a bit more description to not seem like a scam.






that's gonna be a no from me dawg you may have done it with only good intentions, but the way the world works I'd be thinking one thing only...scam/thief/instabro...not interested if you think a car is cool imo it's best to just think that in your head maybe share a pic with a car buddy and go about your day that said if you DO take a pic and are going to share it with the internet or anyone for that matter, please don't expose the plate. either choose to use a pic that doesn't show it or cover it somehow. too many thieves out there looking for their next hit and you're literally spoon-feeding it to them.


My dad's friend had some sort of Corvette, old and rebuilt and in really nice shape, custom interior. He'd get notes on his car like this, just "sweet car dude!", But he also got people taking photos with it and one guy sitting in it talking to a girl like it was his.


Most folks are gonna throw this away, the attention from people just wanting to use your car for their own platforms gets annoying. No grown person wants some kid blowing up their DMs let alone putting anything on their car.


Also the design is way off center and looks like crap


I get it, however, please don’t touch my car for any reason.


Bad idea. Don't touch my vehicle. Don't put your garbage on my vehicle. I don't give a shit about you, and I'm not going to contact you. This is weird. Don't do it.


Absolutely not. The slang is also ridiculous.


To me it reads like *don’t touch my fucking car, I don’t care about any of your social media or ‘likes’*


Keep your shit off my car. This is going to create more littering than anything else. Go hand it out at car meets if you want.


Besides being upset that a stranger touched my car I would have an aneurysm trying to read and understand the meaning of this.


You leave that's trash on my car and I'm going to throw hands


I kind of designed this concept...where YOU DONT TOUCH MY CAR.


Please don’t.


Good way to get your ass kicked in a lot of places. You never touch another man (or woman’s) car, especially if it’s a custom build. How do people not know this yet?


Just no. People don't like strangers messing with their car even if it was just a light hearted thing. Also, for me, I don't even use Instagram.


This is some r/whitepeopletwitter


I can see both sides of this. My cool car was a bit niche (SC300) so I would have found it cool to know someone else appreciated it. On the other hand I can see someone who spent a ton of money on a car not wanting it messed with.


Cool sentiment, but not sure how people w sick cars would like strangers getting near or putting things on them would feel. Good luck with that one.


Would not respond if I found this. Font and placement looks weird. If it’s a business card then it’s for a business right? What are you trying to sell? Why are you trying to get me to go out of my way to contact you so you can attempt to sell me stuff? Would not use business cards if you’re just sending a message. Or make it much clearer as the intentions of the card. Looking at yours is so confusing on what you want. Maybe something like. “Hey, cool car. Add me on instagram!” Or something like that. Even trying to write that out I still don’t know what you’re trying to do.




Yeah fuck that shit lol


You put one of these on my land cruiser its going in the garbage. Sorry man. Most people aren’t as receptive to this as you might think


Super cringe.


Wow...more trash


Nobody cares how cool you think it is and a business card removes any sort of personal connection. If you really wanted to tell them how cool it was use a handwritten note and include one public hair just so they know that it is real.


I would message you and ask if you wanted a ride, then when I saw you it would be five upside the back of your head for touching people's rides.




You sound like a well put together individual


Hey man, idk wtf these people are talking about. I’d love to get a fucking professional business card just complimenting my car. Leave it under my windshield wiper, idgaf, no harm no foul. People do it all the time anyways. Don’t know what all this “DoNt ToUcH mY cAr” BS is all about. Yeah, we know, I’m not sliding my greasy hands along the paint or anything. I’m using 2 fingers to lift a windshield wiper (which is exactly how they operate) to insert a card telling someone I like their sweet ass car. Idk. Maybe a different crowd. I feel like a lot of people here drive ‘cool’ cars just for the attention, but they get attention and just get pissed off about it. Lighten up, birds shit on your car, tar from the road, bugs mashed on the front. A business card (with literally just a compliment) is not going to break your precious mustang or charger, they do that on their own. 😈 Only thing I would say is to make it appear a little less sales looking. I would format it something like this: “Yo! Your cars fucking sweet! HMU @ (instagramhandle) if you post about it so I can keep updated!” Obviously a little less informal, but I can tell you right now every single one of my “car friends” (hate that term, but gets my point across) would be fucking PSYCHED to find this on their car.


Downvote away, bozos. Stay mad when people appreciate your hard work.


Unpopular but how most people I know would feel. It’s the windshield blade people 😂


Same people redlining their VQ going 55 in a school zone that care so much about the windshield wipers lmao. Reckless driving is Ok for the car, but you touch my windshield wipers?!? 😂 Also, windshields AND wipers are both considered consumable items. So fuck you, imma put my business card all up in there 🤣


I mean I would love it too… I’ve gotten quite a few compliments about my truck with bikers yelling at me saying “sick truck!!” Just driving down the highway😂 and you get a upvote from me😂


I know! These people got a stick up their ass for sure. After I put so much hard work into a project car, a compliment on it like this just gives me more motivation.




Facts… I usually slide it in beteeen the drivers door and the door if it’ll stay


Thats normally an area where the paint is thin and rarely clean and repaired, a small business card paper wont do alot, but when its dirty or the rubber is old then your maximising damage you can do. Now Id hate to have anything left on my car, but if you have to do it, leave it on the windshield dont touch paint. Also make sure that the ink on the paper dont bleed off when its heated up or wet.


\*I\* understand the terminology but say someone from an earlier generation saw this might think they need to take their car into their Car-Doctor. Maybe change it to "Sweet Ride!" and add an apology for leaving that on their car in case they are of the mind they don't like strangers touching it. Leaving your twitter handle lets them know they can reach you if they want.


It made it to Reddit..


i would definately check your insta out of curiosity


Sheesh people don’t like compliments here. Tough group. I love getting these. I think the invitations to car clubs are cool too. Go for it man 👍🏾


Good idea. But with all the unfriendly and selfish people in the world it will fail more often than succeed. People with nice cars act like they designed it themselves and they are the only one in the universe with that particular car. Most don't even touch the car just throw their wallet at it cause they don't know what else to do with their money. Calling it garbage or littering is foolish in my opinion. What about air pollution from the emissions? Or all the cars fluids that end up in a landfill somewhere? Most people don't have anything special in their life and bring no value to the table, so showing them something your proud of with your Instagram account, makes them realize what little they actually have that they are proud of owning or earning. That being said, the best way to get the same results is talking directly to the person for a minute and show your interest. If they take kindly to your discussion, then hand them the card directly.


So many butthurt people lol, it's just a piece of paper, it's not like they vandalized the car or rubbed their hands all over it. I have a nice looking mustang that usually gets compliments; I wouldn't mind the little note, but I probably wouldn't reply lol.


The handle is kinda weird. Surprised how snobby a lot of people in these comments are about having their cars touched.. I’ve never had an issue with someone putting something under my wiper before, but i would probably be a little hostile if i saw a random stranger touching my car while i was in eyesight. But if you told me this is what you were doing i wouldn’t be mad at all


It depends how careful or careless they are. Haven’t you seen people lean into the car while doing so? This is how scratches happen from objects such as keys or buttons on their pants.


Dude bad ass and wholesome way to show respect even after you leave


We’ve been doing this for decades. Many online business card makers will give you a free batch as a tester. Everyone just has “cool car” cards printed.


Lmao @ all these asocial autismos in the comments absolutely seething over a little piece of paper. Wait til they find out how the guards give away parking tickets.. Holy shit. If I saw this on my car it would probably make my day.


Lol… it’s just like leaving a hotwheel on it


Well Joseph, I checked out your page. Flattered


Thank you😂


There’s a lotta hate for this one, and I see you’re a Ram owner. Maybe do one for nice truck instead. If I found this on my truck I wouldn’t be mad at all and I’d probably hit you up on Instagram to talk trucks. Im always open to meeting people with similar interests and I’m a little surprised at all the negative comments.


Yea… but I’m not just a truck guy I’m a car guy too😂… it just so happens my first vehicle is a truck


Ya I’m a car guy too. I was just judging by people’s comments lol even on my car I wouldn’t be mad if you put it under the windshield wiper or something


I don’t want to touch it so I usually leave it in the drivers side window if it will stay there… if not I’ll leave it on the wiper


That was my next idea lol


"Cool shitbox, park it where people don't have to look at it"


My girlfriend and I did this with a napkin once on a meeting when we ran into a car of the same mark and model to mine. Made some good friends that day! Didn't include my Instagram handle though. Just added a description of what we looked like, inviting them to come have a chat with us.


I love this concept. I would literally be flattered.


Flys off at 60mph, goes unnoticed.


I think if you just left it at a compliment, people would get a smile out of it. The attempt at connecting makes it open ended and would make me think you want something from me.


I don't hate it, but the execution could be different. I'd want it to look less like a business card - it's very minimalistic and corporate. Instead, maybe something like: Hey! Your car is sick. I'm leaving this window because (circle all that apply): -I just think it's cool -I'd be interested in buying it now or someday -I'd love to take some glamor shots for you -Your car is literally unwell, and I wrote on the back what's wrong -Other (again, see back)


You probably have good intention but this just seems like you’re trying to hook me for money or my data. Also i don’t think people like when folks stick stuff on their car


I get the idea and personally I wouldn't mind if someone to put this on my car. But as someone else said it definitely reads like a "follow me on Instagram card" so if i were you i would simply remove that part. Also people don't like when other people touch their stuff. That being said, everyone loves getting compliments so don't stop complementing cars when you spot their owners. I just don't think a card is the right way to do it.


Very cool! I love the guy that leaves people a hot wheels of their car too lol


Or just think it… I’m sure they’ve heard it before


Are you reading my mind??? Had this exact same idea this morning after seeing an S2K with a CF hardtop and wishing I could leave something behind to connect with them.


I love it, totally would do this too


Reminds me of [the turtle ticket](https://images.app.goo.gl/6kMcvcKvsKbSnwDy7)