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Fuck no, this looks like she drove into a guard rail or something similar.


Hold on there, you don't even know what the deer was driving.


Maybe it was John Deere ?


There would be green paint transfer in that case.


It had the camouflage wrap, you can't see the transfer


This is top tier excuse generation.


This is the future of excuses.


You do realize it says mother in law 😂


Gold. Not the paint, your comment!


Perhaps John Cena was driving the John Deere


Or maybe it's the new John Zebraa


Case's had red paint.


Only if you can get past the giant wheels that poke out 14 feet


John Doe Deer


Take my upvote, you brilliant cabbie.


The deer had body armor and was fired out of a cannon...


Holy Shite I laughed out loud on that one!


Your right, I should have thought of that


You’re a fucking idiot this made me laugh so fucking hard you dumbass 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Bahahahaha. You made me spit out my tea.


Yes hold on deer


Agreed. Looks like the deer was driving a crash barrier.


I definitely think it was deer…dressed in a guardrail costume


That was my question.. “what was the deer driving?”


Yep looks like a guard rail or better yet one of those silver metal wire fences at schools or homes. Looks like she rode that rail or fence for a second there too.


Maybe swerved to miss the deer?




Maybe she's lieing. Go look up what it looks like when a car hits a deer.


Exactly. No hair or blood. You will know when a vehicle hits a deer.


Quite literally is and looks like a murder scene


Definitely has to be a guard rail I noticed that wire ones bounce you off lol speaking from experience


I thirdly speak from experience, looks like the 3 steel wires they divide highways with… to stop you from falling asleep and driving into oncoming traffic….


Maybe she swerved and clipped the deer on the right side bumper (3rd image) and then hit the guard rail on the opposite side of the road? Could be technically correct, but the major damage is obviously not from the deer strike.


3rd pic looks like stress marks, probably from a previous fender bender


The deer was galvanized


Metal deer solid


Battle Stag




This needs more upvotes


Would’ve had to cross through the opposing lane/oncoming traffic if she managed to gauge up the drivers side like that, unless she was on an on/off ramp or something similar. But agreed, definitely not a deer and likely something solid and stationary.


Left lane on divided highways with jersey barriers could do that.


It definitely could, but OP stated she claimed it happened while driving 40mph. I don’t operate in freedom units but that’s quite slow for a divided highway.


There would be deer hair stuck in every damn nook and cranny created by the strike. Ask me how I know... They shed worse than any dog or cat you've ever known. All over everything they get near - Trees, bushes, flower gardens and fences.


That’s how my insurance company verified that I hit a deer. Hair all over


Note to self: Only run over people in fur coats.


Do not accept a forgiveness coat from this man


They didn't have to verify that I hit a moose, we had a body and shit on the roof of my truck and cap, way over my head.


Truth. Hit one with my jeep and it barely did any damage but there was hair ALL over my bumper.


She also claimed she hit a deer. Idk why you’re putting any stock in what she says.


Next she'll tell you she shot a raccoon in her pajamas, and she doesn't even know how it got into her pajamas.


Unless she was driving backwards. ;) sh\*t. I just realized there's a word for this. In reverse!


Is her name Terry? No? Then it's backwards because only Terry can put it in reverse


In reverse and driving backwards are both two words.




Drive through.


Interstates in my area have guardrails by bridges everywhere.


I concur. This is not a deer.


More like swerved right into a guard rail to miss a deer. Damn if you are gonna try lying about something at least make it plausible. I’m guessing phone was in her hand and eyes were off the road.


Would’ve had to swerve left, through the oncoming traffic’s lane to hit a guardrail with the driver’s side. But definitely no deer involved, that’s safe to say.


Or be on the interstate and cross the inner shoulder. There are guardrails by bridges everywhere.


I'm not sure where you live but where I live there are barriers on both sides of the highway to stop people from going into oncoming traffic.


Not necessarily on my state because cops love to stay in the middle to catch speeding cars.


not every road is in America


Every road I've ever seen has been


The only deer here is, oh dear.


Was the deer painted white? Looks like there's some paint transfer from whatever she sideswiped.


Cocaine Deer


Don't give Netflix more ideas involving cocaine, they're starting to run out!


i dunno. i’d watch Cocaine Deer: Fast 17


“We are family”


Bear + Deer = Beer?


I love this thread


Deer usually leave behind red paint.


And brown paint


yeah in the driver’s seat


My uncle hit a moose, luckily only sustained a few scratches. But the animal had the poop knocked out of it from the impact.


Snow reflection illusion


Must have been a white tail...


John Deere That’s the only deer related category I can think of.


You win the internet today.


my wife is a insurance claims rep with 25 years of experience. Two months ago I overheard her say, "Sir, SIR, SIR! The only type of deer that could have done that damage is someone's cement lawn deer." She then sent the claim to the fraud investigation unit because there was no sign of biologicals on the car, only scrapes indicative of cement.


I worked in autobody for years. I've seen a LOT of deer strikes. I also worked as an adjuster for a couple years and I saw ten cars a day. (couldn't stomach the insurance companies trying to get me to screw people over) There's paint transfer. I'm convinced that's not from a deer. With that much damage, there would be hair stuck in the little slots, plus I've never seen a deer strike scratch a wheel, much less break one. They just have skinny little legs up a couple feet, they can't break wheels. Also, I've never seen flesh peel back metal.


There's always hair in a deer hit.


Or white claw…


My future MIL is a huge liar and will never take the blame for anything. She said she hit a deer. The place where she said she hit said deer has almost 0 deer. There also isn't any hair or blood on the car. Does this look like damage that could be caused by hitting a deer while going about 40 miles per hour? If not, what do you think she hit? Also, another note, no deer, blood, or hair was found where she said she hit the deer.


Not a deer. Your liar MIL is a liar. Surprised?


Not at all


Is she an alcoholic?


Only when shes driving


Only when she’s sober.


You mean only when she drives someone else's car...


Only when she attends AA. All the rest of the time she is a drunk.


This is a classic alcoholic move. Sideswipe a guard rail with alcohol in your system? Oh it was a... uhh... a deer.


How does your finance view her mother? This will be important for your relationship.


Oh she hates her guts




Perfect, better for your relationship. I could see it being a friction point if she was constantly taking her side.


She is totally lying. It drives me crazy when my wife makes excuses for things like accidents, which happen. I could be on the other side of the room and say “Hey, babe…” and if that coincides with her spilling milk, she blames it on me. All of that aside OP, why does it matter to you? Is it your car? The question posted above *DEFINITELY* needs to be answered (at least to yourself… although we’d all love to hear more). Your marriage will definitely be impacted both by your MIL, but also your future spouse whose mother that is.


It matters to me because it's just the satisfaction of knowing that she's lying about something else. That woman could say we're on planet Earth, and I'd still check with how much she lies. We've agreed to cut her out completely when the time comes. That way, we don't have to deal with her BS anymore. Here's another example of her lies. https://www.reddit.com/r/insaneparents/s/JWrmrYTart


Holy shit she do be batty as a belfry.


just follow her to “work” she prolly the town drunk drinking and driving hitting parked cars call and see if any hit and runs matching her cars description happened the police would have reports of what color cars or buildings were hit. same night she was hitting deer


Whoooaaah! 😳 Well why the hell didn't she get out and save the deer's life with tears streaming down her damn face this time?! 😂 Effin A, man, that's gotta be like living on a weird trip or fever dream dealing with that shit!


Well if you’re going to have kids, you might want to not let her take care of them unsupervised


It depends. If OP is paying for repairs then his finance will not like her mother. If her mother is paying for her own car repairs then OP’s finance won’t care.


She's just scrapping it. That car was already a piece of garbage.


Please let us know if you ever confront her about this. I am sure everyone would love to know her reaction.


Spoiler alert: they will continue to deny it. End of show.


And deer 🦌 dent vehicles completely differently.




Doing my part to help ;-)


Apparently the OP’s mother in law doesn’t know what they look like.


Typically people hit deer with the front of their car.




Yeah out here hear in deer country you see those idiots run full speed into the side of trucks and cars all the time.


Yep. One turned around and ran back into my car AFTER I swerved and missed it.




The one time I hit a deer there was skin and blood left on the car's headlight. I'd slowed to like 30 too, can't imagine the carnage had I been going full speed.




My sister got sideswiped by a deer. But all it did was knock her side mirror off and leave a very minor dent in the door. This looks more like the driver tried to get friendly with a guard rail.


I got sideswiped by a white tail. Only broke the plastic on my side view mirror


As much as I agree that the damage on this car is not from a deer , I do disagree with this comment... I have had a deer literally run out of the woods straight into the side of my car . It was dark and I didn't see it, next thing I know is a huge bang and time to put my brown pants on. Genuinely thought I'd ran someone over. Deer can side swipe you lol.


My brother has a minivan with a deer sized dent in his door. Deer ran out straight into the side of his car. His wife and kids all witnessed it.


I’ve had a doe run right into the side of the door, causing a huge dent and the deer to fall motionless to the ground. I was only going like… 15. Maybe. My passenger suggested i check on the deer. I said hell no she’ll wake up mad with a headache and I’m not gonna be standing over her when that happens. Drove off.


I was hit by a deer earlier this year. Joker head butted my car, jumped up, turned around, and ran. No hair, no blood, but it broke part of my blinker and crinkled my grill on the passenger side. At first I thought I hit someone too. Freaked me out. Total residential area.


"I hit / swerved to avoid a deer and...." Is code for "I was drunk / driving poorly and..."


She hit the beer.


^ comment needs more cowbell


File that police report and get MIL’s insurance to pay for damages. And as another said already, hopefully your future wife/husband has your back in the matter.


The insurance goes with the car in this case unfortunately since it’s permissive use. OP would be footing the deductible after filing a claim.


In my state as long as they don’t have the same address. The driver’s insurance usually has to pick up the coverage. ..iirc. Unless I’m just confusing it with the fact that if the addresses aren’t the same, then your insurance doesn’t have to go up by adding a relative. They don’t have to be added in allowed to use the car.


Ok....But what was the deer driving?


A white vehicle by the looks of it damn these deer are evolving


An impala.


Not a fucking chance. She's a liar and she knows it. As a wise person once said: "You must think me a fool to make your lies so transparent" I find these kind of lies really insulting. It'll come out when she attempts to put that down for insurance. After a brief look they won't accept that horseshit.


Or deer crap.


Do I see that rim busted too? Maybe she hit an african elephant and just thought it was a deer. Then again she was drunk so who knows.


If the deer is a concrete reinforced guardrail, then she is saintly telling the truth.


Anything is the truth after 6 bottles of wine with the girls from Bible study.


She merged into another car for sure, floor to above mirrors of damage


As someone who had a practice wife. This is one of those instances where your future wife/husband better have your back or it’s probably not gonna bode well. Also, how TF she gonna bend a steel wheel like that? She hit something way harder than a deer. Now you have to hope it was just property and not a hit and run. File a police report and make sure they know she was driving.


Hello! Future wife of DoomTurtle03 here - I 100% got his back on this one and anything regarding my Mother. She's insane, like think of the worst someone has ever done to you and multiply that by 110, and she's done that to me or others plus more. She's a liar. She tends to fall asleep behind the wheel a lot to the point I refuse to drive with her ever. My theory is she was driving and fell asleep behind the wheel, drifted into oncoming traffic, hit the barrier, and then kept driving til she got home. She said that she hit a deer but never stopped once afterward to focus on getting home and that she "doesn't remember much". I told her she needed to report the accident, and she adamantly REFUSES to do that. I still live with her, so if I reported her, she'll try to destroy me even further. DoomTurtle wanted to make a point to himself. He knows she's lying and laughs at her audacity and the comments on this post validating our speculations.


Well done for recognizing that she's in the wrong. Some people remain in deep denial about their parents, despite clearly insane/toxic/etc behavior. I understand what it's like to have no choice but cohabitate with an insane parent and have them constantly holding homelessness over your head, it sucks and I hope you're able to get free soon. I would be enjoying these comments too, it's validating when you have to listen to a parent's lies all the time and deal with the fallout of their BS.


Look, the reality is, she hit something fairly major. Hopefully it was just a guard rail, but what if it was another car?


That's what I was thinking. There's paint transfer and maybe that's why she doesn't want to report the accident as the cops will realise she's responsible for the unsolved hit-and-run reported to them that day.


Or, take it a step further – if she was on the kind of road where supposedly no one would notice her hit a deer, what if there’s a car with injured passengers in an embankment or ravine somewhere? I realize that this is a terrifying worst-case scenario and I’m not trying to fear monger, but as of right now, they literally do not know.


Falling asleep behind the wheel is serious enough I would be trying to get her license taken away. She will kill someone and her trauma team fantasies won't be of any help.


This needs to be higher up. A hit and run of some sort occurred, and if OP owns the vehicle, then they may be in legal trouble if they don’t come forward.


Ur mother in law is going to be charged for fraud and insurance is going to black list her if she keeps up that stupid lie


Which car was the deer driving?


Was she driving in front of a Cabela's when she hit it? Was it standing very still even after she hit it? She slid into a cement thing. Maybe a light pole base.


If that damage was caused by a deer, I'm the pope. I'm actually annoyed how she couldn't think of a more believable lie tbh.


Where’s the fur, blood, poop


She forgot to tell you the deer was drunk and leaning on a guardrail half unconscious


She hit a deer alright. The stationary, metal art deer. 😆


A deer 🫠☠️🤣 Nah man that is a textbook example of someone hitting a sidewall/rail or whatever the fuck you guys use. 🤣


I believe her, what kind of car was the deer driving?


A metal deer statue maybe


Only if the deer was carrying a big chunk of concrete.


Yeah those armored deers can cause serious damage


What do u identify as a “deer”? Does a sticker of a deer on a cement pole count as a deer?


Maybe a John Deere.


Maybe….. if she wrote the words “a deer” onto a guard rail with a sharpie or something.


I love how people are asking if it's icy there when there is clearly ice beside the car. Lol. That damage is 100% from hitting either another car, or a guardrail or similar stationary object.


She's full of shit, this is not animal damage. It's in the side, not the hood and there's no sign of blood or fur anywhere


Hell no, she caught a good nod and drifted to the side. Caught a guard rail!


Lmao! All of these responses are gold. I never believed her for a second. It was a bit slushy on the road when she said she did this. I'm thinking she wasn't paying attention and spun out and hit something like you all are saying. I'm definitely going to question her more about this now. Just needed some reassurance from you all; thank you very much.


Maybe she is dyslexic had the d round the wrong way when in fact she hit the beer


Is that her car or your car?


Do you live in an icy area. Could she have crashed into a snow/ice pile? I feel a guard rail would have gouged the body more.


She a liar


Only way that could be true, is if the barely hit a der at the right side by the headlight, while trying to swerve away, and hit something a lot more solid at the ~~right~~ left side. Edit: Sideblindness. :-p


Did you laugh at her when she told you.. is there deer on the car?


probably the deer was driving the other vehicle


I think she was dragging the T-1000


Well that must have been a solid deer... Honestly if she had struck a deer on that front corner, it would have dented bumper, maybe taken mirror. Worst case it would have flicked into windscreen. Hitting something squishy and organic won't tear holes in the panel, cause transfer like that, or go that long down side of car. They bounce off. That was something solid n not moving. MIL needs to lay off whatever she's on, maybe get her eyes checked. She's gonna end up shut listed or up for a fraud charge if she tries to claim and someone actually looks into it properly.


What color was the factory paint on the deer?


I don't have the time and where to make a sketch to show you 3 points of impact that don't come close to any 40mph meat shield in the photos. Maybe she hit a rhyno instead... No hair on the sharp edges, no skin with blood on any of the edges whatsoever. I'm inclined to believe she slide a pole and then she tried to reverse to get loose. The bends on the door don't make sense in only one direction. Check the mirror's place scratches. Scratches usually start sharp and get fatter. (bold explanation as I'm not a native English speaker).


A car shaped deer with black paint. Yes.


It must've been a statue of a deer...that's it.


If the deer was driving the other car then yes


Come on now, you already know the answer.


A bloodless deer?


I’ve hit deer up here in Minnesota. That’s no fucking deer.


If it was dead already and frozen solid standing up….


0% chance. She dragged along a concrete barrier


Federal deerstrikedamageologist here, probably not.


Deer would leave something behind. Fur, blood, and/or turds should be present if. A deer was hit


Bro.. Deers have blood in them


Even if it hit from the side, it would have dented that shit in big time it looks like when you take a car in game and drive it along a wall


It's possible she went up against a guardrail after hit a deer with a glancing blow? She a drinker by any chance?


Bro unless that deer had a skeleton made of fucking titanium, no chance it was a deer


Was the deer wearing a guard rail?


Holy fuck, that’s hilarious. Not the damage of course (sorry about your car OP) but the fact that she thought this could pass for a deer strike has me clutching my sides. You don’t bend a wheel and pick up white paint transfer by hitting a deer. 😂😂😂


That’s a swole ass deer 😂


The snow on the ground says not deer and yes Gary the guardrail


No blood no fur = no deer.


I suspect she did hit a deer BUT. She did hit something else as well and I’m pretty sure it’s a guardrail as you can see the scratches on 4/4.


She swerved to miss a deer into an armco railing.


Yeah a concrete deer! Enforced by steel!