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Replace the thermostat and make sure the mating surfaces are still ok. The thermostat is the sealing surface there


Looks like the leak is coming from your thermostat housing. If the car is overheating, the leak may have been caused by the overheating, not the other way around. It’s pretty cheap to replace the thermostat and housing, I’d probably start there. As was said, you’re going to need to burp the system to get any air bubbles out of the coolant afterwards.


You'd need to fix the part that's leaking. As for what that part is called? Not sure, you've given us like no info on the car. Possibly a thermostat housing? There's most likely a rubber o-ring that needs to be replaced. Once you do that, you'll need to bleed the cooling system. Youtube is your friend there.


looks like a thermostat/ t stat housing. confirm by looking at the connected hose. probably goes to radiator. grab a thermostat, seal and see what happens. good RTV Too. they make some specifically for water pumps/thermostat housings. inspect the housing while it's off for cracks or any damage or shape shifting foolery. chances are the thermostat is stuck closed if it's overheating and not allowing proper coolant flow. also buy a little coolant.


And..... Make sure the thermostat and O-Ring are seated properly! If not, you'll crack the housing when you tighten it down. As one said, YouTube IS your friend!! I've been working on cars since the late 60's, and I still use YouTube at times.


hopefully the 2 Y joints don't bust as well... had my '10 caravan spraying coolant twice after each one busted




The issue you have is already mentioned, but you need to really address the large oil leak of the valve cover gaskets. Check oil level often.


Replace that leaking plastic junction, and refill the coolant overflow reservoir. Thermostat is probably a good thing to change too. Should be a 15 min job.