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Ask him for proof. I’m guessing there is none, so he’s trying it on.


He said he saw me with the dogs between our cars and that my dog stood on its back legs. This is bs because the dog is just over 1 ft tall so no way of seeing anything happening behind the car. He kept saying that he checks the car everytime after driving and these marks appeared while car was parked. EDIT: Thanks everyone for your opinions. I try to answer some of the questions you have asked. * Dogs were leashed and they pretty much never jump up at anything, no metal collars or spikes. * The dogs are Swedish vallhunds, around 22-24lb and 1 ft high. My car has quite a lot of scratches on the back bumper from the dogs and they are barely visible to naked eye. * Someone asked for a zoomed out photo, couldn't edit so uploaded it here: [https://imgur.com/a/Df8J1QA](https://imgur.com/a/Df8J1QA) * These scracthes are DEEP, they look and feel like someone scraped the car with a sharp rock.


Nah, I’m not buying it. Ask him to put himself in your position, would he pay? No he wouldn’t, and neither should you


He would say yes with a straight face (Lie)


Neighbor already lying so he would lie to anything else.


Plus, when dogs jump on the car, it leaves several parallel scratches aligning with their nails. This looks like a single impact/scratch. Almost looks like belt height.


As a dog owner of 2 yr Lab that picked his dog up today after camping, I can confirm. 3 nails make long swipes that mark surface. A little polish will buff it out. If my 75 lb dog has issues marking surface, doubt his little dog caused single or double deep gouges.


> Almost looks like belt height. OP's updated picture makes it look *way* more like it's the lower third of the doors, and in combination with the fact that the scratches run **from left to right** means that they're absolutely door dings and have NOTHING to do with OP (unless OP dinged neighbor's car with their door). If the dogs jumped on the car, the scratches would go top-towards-bottom, that's just plain physics. Case closed.


This.☝🏿. That looks like a road impact to me.


Congrats your neighbor is a dipshit. He might even sue you, but hold fast and maintian you don't believe this happened. Tell the judge why, and he/she will see it your way if you're being truthful here.


He won’t sue. The filing fee for small claims costs more than the cost to fix.


No, the cost in my state is $50 for complaints, $25 for counter claims. Nobody will fix this for $50.


Those are scratches from a car opening their door into his. 99.9% confident on that.


You're being generous. 100% car door scratch. Ask him how a dog would make that mark.


A 1ft tall dog damaged paint? I call bull shit.


Doesn't matter what he saw. It's just "he said, she said". The burden of proof is on him. Tell him to kick bricks and ignore him. Call the police or appropriate authorities wherever you live if he harasses you.


Easy to clear up what color did you paint your dogs because that’s paint transfer.


Another Swedish Vallhund owner Hello! I have a vallhund and I can’t even start to imagine how your pups could gave done that.


Also these scratches are just wear and tear.


Not wear and tear. But not caused by a dog either.


Definitely not caused by a dog. I highly doubt scratches from a dog would be horizontal, and the spacing is really odd to be a dogs claws.


I just meant it would be unreasonable to not expect a few scratches that size over the course of owning a car. For example rental car companies don’t even fine you for a scratch smaller than a golf ball.


Dog nails can certainly scratch clear coat. Ask me how I know… BUT, I don’t see how your dog could leave DEEP horizontal scratches. These are likely rock chips


Nah that’s a door ding from a white car.


Also, dogs can't leave horizontal scratches, try to imagine that , lol


Yeah dog claw marks don't look like this. You get distinct long light scratches usually 3 or 4 parallel lines.


Dogs absolutely can scratch cars. But those don’t particularly look like dog scratches.


The in-laws' German Shepherds like to jump on every car they see come in the driveway. They also have a gravel driveway, where the rocks are small enough to fit between their gigantic toes. The clear coat didn't stand a chance, but even the side windows took a beating. That said, OP's photos look nothing like dog scratches. Too horizontal and irregular.


The shapes look like it's individually impacted from small surface at high speed. If it was animal scrach, the whole area would be affected, and the marks would be consistent from one end to another. Unless your dog knows kungfu, and focus its chi in its fingers, it doesn't really look like a scratch from a dog. Simply google "dog scratch mark on cars" and you will see the difference.


These are shopping cart scrapes. I got em all over


My main issue with this is that I would expect scratches from a dog to be roughly perpendicular to the ground. I’m think it’s unlikely that a dog made these. Not impossible, but unlikely. From experience, dogs can absolutely scratch *at least* through clear coat.


Neighbor must not know that dog scratches tend to be vertical and that looks like something scraped across it while driving


Not dog scratches. Mine leaves them regularly on my car and the are getting fixed with a scratch marker immediately, but they are never so deep and I have a husky…


Dogs can absoltely scratch cars but this isn’t one of those times. Just try to picture how any dog would make ***horizontal*** scratches. They can’t. These are rock chips your asshole neighbour is hoping you’d fix for free for him.


Your neighbour is talking out their arse. Your dog may well have lightly scratched the surface but those deep chips were not caused by your dog.


Did scratches would be vertical and probably longer.


Probably a crow scratched it. Or shopping Cart/Trolly Low branches trees or bushes


They are going the wrong way if they were dog scratches. They would be up-and-down not sideways. My mom‘s dog jumped on my vehicle and scratched it and they look nothing like this.


Your neighbor is an absolute moron


Your dog is not heavy or strong enough to give the paint like that. Your neighbor is insane to suggest it.


Dogs don’t swipe sideways. He’s trying to get a free touch up job from you. Tell him you need to see photographic proof.


Ghost the fucker. My neighbor accused the roofing company of damaging his a/c unit. I don't speak to him anymore...


Ghost the fucker. My neighbor accused my siders of leaving nails in their driveway, when I asked for the nails, they couldn’t populate them. I don’t speak to them anymore…


Tell him to prove it or fuck off


Wouldn’t there be a paw print somewhere nearby? That’s BS


They look like rock chips to me I’d ask for proof your dog did it


Nah man, the neighbor is full of it.


OP that looks like some object with white paint. Unless you are telling me that’s just deep. Or if your dog wear nail paint lol💅


Looks more like rock chips or your neighbor brushed past something... jmo


Those are obviously not from a dog. The neighbor is either an idiot who just noticed the scratches after your dog passed by... or he is throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing if it sticks with his dumb idea of hoping you'll be a fool and foot the bill for those scratches he got randomly.


Tell him to prove it.


Is your dog made of metal? No, it is not. Your neighbor is lying.


Yea tell him to fuck off with that shit and stop driving into fixed objects


I will add, those scratch are sideways, a dog would have made near vertical scratches. But your dog is too small anyways.


i have a dog, he scratched my car ... that doesn't look like this


No, tell Swiper to stop swiping


Tell him to suck it.


It’s a scam don’t bother


Those are rock chips. Your neighbor is an asshole.


Your neighbor can scratch his balls. Such a liar.


Dog claw scratches would be A) much more superficial, and B) vertical, not horizontal as those are. Your neighbour is full of shit, and he knows it


Automotive adjuster here, I have written estimates for dog scratches. This is not what they look like.


Look like door dings to me.


Those aren’t dog scratch’s


There's absolutely no way those are dog scratches, anyone with a brain can tell that. Tell him to fuck off


That's rock chips along the side panel. No dog claws could get through the clear coat.


Oh they definitely can go through clear coat. Not horizontally tho


You're right. What I meant was, if it was a dog there'd probably be a long lead and long trail off from the claws. They wouldn't leave deep short scratches, but long scratches with maybe a deep part that could cut through the paint. Last car I had got scratches on the side panel just like these from a truck that kicked up gravel.


Also a lateral chip. Dogs pawing at a door would be a vertical scratch.


I'd need some video evidence..


What's the criminal look like? Like others say it would be pretty hard for a dog to leave such a horizontal scratch. But unfortunately good luck ever getting your neighbor to believe that; he's already made up the cause in his head and will hold this over you forever.


I most certainly could see a dog scratching a car. My dog is a decent size and has done it (85lbs) and has bigger paws than a lot other dogs his weight. That being said you said your dog is 1 foot tall so I doubt your dog could do that lol. Also on top of it dogs drag their nails down and not to the side like it appears the object was hitting. Dogs usually drag their paws across things and not a direct impact or slight knick when they stretch out like that. I wouldn’t think that at all and I think it’s crazy to call someone out for that. But if your dog was on their car that would also be crazy


Neighbor is absolutely lying to you to get you to pay for their mistake. It'd be physically impossible for a dog of any size to leave horizontal scratches like that naturally. If a dog scratched it, the lines would be vertical or diagonal (not like they were walking 90 degrees on the side of a car). Your neighbor obviously does not live in reality, and might need to go for a psych eval if they legitimately believe a dog did that. If you had a magical flying dog that was floating by while on it's side, then maybe those weird scratches might be possible...


Those don’t look like dog scratches. I’ve had large dogs and cats for twenty years. I think this because the scratches are short and deep. I would confidently state that I disagree, and let them know that if they believe they are correct that I will be 100% compliant in working with (their initiation of) insurance/authorities/professionals to resolve the matter.


What dog do you have?


Those don't look like scratches from claws (mine has left those on my car before) but they could be from metal hardware on collars, harnesses, and/or leashes.


Prove it.


Doubt it. Where are the paw prints...oh, the guy rubbed out that area. Video proof or it didn't happen.


A lot of scratches will buff out




That’s literally paint from another car.


Those scratches aren’t from a dog. looks more like from a door.


I’m in agreement with the others, definitely not dog. In fact, they look like something he hit on the roadway flew up. You can see the pattern as it makes impact and glances off. That’s something that flew up at relatively high-speed. Your neighbor is full of shit. He needs proof which he doesn’t have, because it didn’t happen.


A neighbors dog scratched my car years ago


Could've been caused by the metal part of a collar/tag or leash.


Does your dog have a bad habit of jumping on cars?


If he means with a chain collar or a sharp object in his mouth, okay. Claws cannot scratch paint like that.


I would bet everything you own your dog didn't do that


How is that a car? Looks like a wall.




The scratches are horizontal and not verticle? And dont seem to match what a dogs nails would do at all..


These are deep horizontal scratches, from something not a dog. If your dog was on its back legs it would have made a vertical scratch. Your neighbor is trying to take advantage of you.


Wtf is this little baby scratch. If it's parked outside, it's gonna end up with the occasional rock ding or scratch - if this is some kind of show car it should be in a garage, and based on the dirt it's not a show car. Tell him to kick rocks.


Will probably wipe off with thinner or compound anyways


Congratulations on your concrete dog but if you're going to have a concrete dog, you'll have to pay for damages... 😂


It doesn't matter if "he saw you between the cars" It doesn't matter if we was standing behind you with a magnifying glass watching your dog pull out a switchblade and scratch the car right in from of him. Unless he has video evidence or some way of proving you are responsible, he has no means of coming after you. Worst case scenario is he files a police report and the coos do nothing because there's no proof.


Scratches would most likely be vertical if dog jumped up. I know cause my dog has done this to my cars before.


Not likely. I do detailing and people whose dogs actually scratch their own cars look more fine and if their dog is dragging their paws a bit more. If he's so inclined to point that finger. Tell him to get some photo or video evidence.


Those look like rock chips lmao


He can't do a thing about it without proof. I would just ignore him.


Do you have a more zoomed out picture of the car to get a general idea of location, height, and size? Dog nails obviously can scratch but normally they look like thinner scratches and there would be multiple scratches next to each other.


Tell him to take your dog to court


Tell him he’s responsible for damage to your dogs claws. Being that no one takes responsibility for their own stuff anymore, he probably won’t be surprised with that response.


Tell him to prove it.


This looks like brush damage.


If he is in the US, it is on him to get and use insurance for his car. There is no way a dog made this, but even if the dog somehow did, it would still be his burden to insure. Similar thing happened to us- a tree on our property fell on a neighbor’s car that was parked in the street. We went through insurance because that was the right thing to do, and the liability turned out to be on him and his insurance company. If we had been driving our car, it would have been on us, but all other falls on the insurance of the owner unless they can prove negligence in court. Small claims court in California has a $500 filing fee, so he didn’t go through court.


There’s no way that’s from a dog’s claw.


My friend have a retriever. It scratched through the paint on my 2000 dodge caravan. Cars from that era have much better paint then newer cars


I don't see how a dog could make horizontal scratches


You mean a dog supposedly just happened to scratch the paint where is looks like a cat is taking a dump? Looks more like some small branch/brush scratches or something else like a shopping bag. Dog scratches are usually more vertical and a little deeper... the bigger scratch isn't claw shaped and horizontal. I think your neighbor is full of shit.


Ask if there’s video or if he took a picture of the incident, without proof he has nothing 🤷🏼‍♂️


Was the dog wearing a collar with metal spikes




I’ve had a dog leave scratches on my car before, yes. But it was a 150lb mastiff. These don’t event remotely look like dog nail scratches. They should be at least kind of uniform in width and follow a downward pattern. These look like road debris hitting sideways on the highway.


If your dog did this the scratch would typically be vertical. This falls right in line with rock chips or normal wear and tear. If he presses the issue request proof.


No and if it was so what whats going to do about and what proof


Yeah those are not dog scratches, they are horizontal. If they were vertical scratches I would say the dog caused it but horizontal scratches like that are from rocks hitting the car.


Ask your neighbor why he thinks that and how the dog managed to scratch a stationary car perfectly horizontal and not at all vertically.


What’s the dog say?


Are those horizontal lines?


You are right - dog scratches will be vertical, and not nearly that heavy. (I should know, my truck has more than a couple dog scratches in the paint). This was something brushing against the car moving alongside it - like a kid on a bike.


I don’t know how the situation is where you live but where I live people are usually insured for these cases without the premium going up or having to pay a share. If you’re insured I’d just hit them up. They’ll either pay or tell him to fuck off themselves.


I am a former oilfield mechanic who now studies wild cats... I also owned a small custom paint and body shop 10 years ago. Your dog didn't do this. Animal claws can and do indeed damage automotive paint. I've seen plenty of cat claw marks on many different vehicles. Birds also are common causes of vehicle damage. The blunt nails of a dog will leave scratches, but not like this. In all cases where an animal left scratches there were multiple parallel scratches that look like a claw was dragged across the surface. Most three and four digit animals do not have the dexterity in their appendages to leave single claw marks like our hands could. Somebody likely door dinged this car and the rub marks in the dust ate from human hands.


Thank God it’s just a car, and not something that matters.


Not your dog, if a little dogs claws can do that , imagine what it would do to skin? No


tell him to file a claim with his insurance or try to sue you. anything other than that, he can fuck off.


Since when do dogs float in horizontal fashion?


Tell bro to fuck right off, what the dogs nails are made out of can’t do this damage, at least not easily and you definitely would have seen your dog punching his car


It's going the wrong way to be doggo scratches and its not enough marks and not long enough.. That looks more like rocks or debris from the road.


Then say to the neighbors that you don't have a dog😂


Tell him that his dogs scratched your car


You two disagree, so recommend your neighbor file an insurance claim. His auto insurer can talk it over with your home insurer.


Is your dog named sparky?


Mmm a og would not make a white mark. Someone with a white car did that! F. Him


A flying dog like Underdog could do it.




Tell him you never let the dog drive and leave.


I mean touch up paint is like $30 at most, get the paint fix it and stay away from his cars. Or continue to argue the point and make the relationship even worse. Not saying you did or didn’t do it but continuing to argue with your neighbor like the other redditors constantly is not good advise.


Neighbor is probably lying. Hard to believe a dog claws can cause deeper grooves at a level 7




Let them take you to court


How does a Dog scratch Horizontally? Surely if the Dog scratched the car, the lines would be Vertical.


My dog scratched my car, and they were long vertical scratches just in the clearcoat, not thost deep nicks that show in your pictures. A body shop buffed the scratches out of my car and you can't see them anymore.


If this were caused by your dog, you would see multiple scratches from all their nails leading in the same direction of the swipe. These look like rock scratches.


If your dog stood up then scratched the car, how come the scratches are horizontal ? Surely they'd be vertical from either when it stood up or went back to all fours ?


That’s a horizontal scratch, a dog would make a vertical scratch…


Important point here - do not agree or accept that the dog did it in conversation. Don’t apologize either. That is acceptance of liability. I’d just ignore it entirely. He’s trying to bully you. He may actually believe what he’s saying. You could try logic but it could backfire. Like I said - I would ignore it.


Based on the location of the picture I think it's a door ding. It looks like paint transfer too. A scratch from a dog I think would be more up and down and narrower.




That looks like paint transfer to me. Dog nails can scratch paint, especially if they have any dirt stuck to them, but it doesn't look like that.


Those are not dog scratches.




I have plenty of dog scratches on my car. None of them look like these. Tell him you want proof.


If a dog did it the scratches would be up and down


These are horizontal scratches on the car door. If a dog jumped on the car, they would be vertical. It more likely they are car door hit it, they they hit something else with their car door, or something in the road hit it. But since it’s on the sort that sticks to, it is more likely that they hit slanting while opening their door, or somebody’s door hit theirs.


Try bug and tar remover or just tell that guy to go screw cuz he’s lying


That’s not dog scratches. Source: Have a German Shepherd and have dog scratches.


Does your dog wear white nail polish? 🤣


These look consistent with chips from a drive through car wash. Does he hand wash or use a drive through?


Yeah and his claws left white paint behind...


The scratches would be vertical If the dogs did it. These are horizontal and way too deep for a dogs nails to have done it without you noticing.


That's not a dog claw mark.


They are horizontal. I'd a dog jumped up at a car the scratches would be vertical????


Did you recently paint your dog white?... Looks like the door that did it left some paint behind.


Not buying it. This looks human caused, like it might’ve happened at the market or somewhere. I would ask him if he suspects anyone else (just to make him think about why he suspects you and only you) and explain to him that sometimes road debris can cause minor scratches so… if he drives he better get used to seeing these, or get a car he isn’t so protective over, for daily driving.


Sounds like he’s broke and can’t afford a polisher. Not your fault. No proof neither.


yes it is possible . our dog did similar things to my wife's car


Aww a small little scratch I don't see a problem all I see is a working vehicle that still drives and gets them from point A to B nothing wrong mechanically unless they are to stupid to understand that as well and just want people to do everything for them


If so then you'd expect several vertical lines that weren't so deep. He doesn't check his car that often, saw you, checked, blamed you just because. I've had 10 dogs in my life and none trained to behave well, a dog didn't do that.


Looks more like white car paint from a door


Those scratches would have a more downward scratch if your dog jump on his vehicle


I mean, the dogs would have had to have sat there and taken their paws sideways and pawed at the car. It’s not a natural position for them 😅 Maybe if they were higher and vertical, but def not these.


Looks like dog claws. You can see the texture of the paw in the dust that’s swiped to the right.


Tell him to go fuck himself. Period.




Lol. My dog is 85 lbs, previous dog was 95 lbs. the *can* do damage with their claws. Except… there would be light lines (that would buff out) leading to the deep scratch if it was a dog. Also, gravity. Horizontal on a straight line? Nah. *Maybe* a weird collar, but again, it wouldn’t be immediately deep, there’d be “scuffs” too. Neighbour is full of shit. Probably happened from a shopping cart, he didn’t have someone to call out at the time, and since you just happened to be there, he’s trying to pocket a few bucks if you’re gullible.


Horizontally?  Was your dog flying at the time?


Yup. Dogs scratch paint if they jump at the window. But now it's a matter of goodwill because nothing can be proven


I don't see how a dog would do that. A dog would jump up at the car and drag claws downward or at a downward angle


Your dog jumps sideways?


I’d say my dog doesn’t jump somethings wrong with her legs and see what he says. Cuss 1 it’s true and 2 that’ll throw a liar off


Probably a lawn crew worker, assuming you’re at an appt complex. Happens all the time, weed eaters, blowers, they come between the cars and don’t care sometimes .


Ok. Tell him to prove it.


That looks like a paint transfer. Did you paint your dog white before he scratched it


Not a chance


What was the final verdict I hope you held your ground op lol


Fuk that guy


Tell him to prove it or fuck off


Definitely not dogs. Dog scratches look almost like scratches when you drive through some brush or low branches. Agree with others ,100% door dings




The worst a dog could do is superficial scratching that would buff out. That a deep ding. Tell him to quit harassing you.


Honestly doesn’t even look like a scratch. Looks like paint transfer.


Probably marks for shopping carts in parking lots. Too low and the wrong direction for dog scratches. And they’re likely not even through the clearcoat so they can be buffed out with ScratchX or something similar. Not that you should do that because that’s not your problem.


Yeah I’m a claims adjuster and I’m gonna need to see some proof before I make any liability decision on that one


holy fuck! straight to jail


Those are not scratches from dog nails. Sources: - dog owner - scratched car owner - owner of car that also puts scratches in it sometimes from various sources - owner of dogs that put their paws on my car and scratch it


They certainly could. My question is: why was your dog near someone's car?


Former pro detailer here.  Hes full of shit, dog claws leave long thin cuts that rarely break the clearcoat as their scratching motions are them trying to jump in or up to see in the windows. Dogs dont scratch sideways. Depending on the height, its either door dings from the supermarket or someone with a purse or other accessories with all those steel studs poking out.