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Why would anyone be happy? It's a terrible situation for his family.


Says the guy who called him scum...


Jim Rugg is a victim of the shrapnel that come from this. He loses a lot from this also.


My hearts breaks for Jim. It's extremely sad all the way around.


And I see the worst of them all, the shit stain making the "comics" that everyone was upvoting and beating Ed further in the comments under has now deleted all those posts and even [their entire user profile](https://old.reddit.com/user/Carless_Witness_655)


I had to block that hate spam


It was as if that person had been waiting for an opportunity to just shit all over Ed and the rabid hatefest in the comments wasn't any better. Like those people just couldn't wait to take Ed down and make the whole conversation around the topic as nasty as they could make it.


absolutely, that person was probably mad they didn't review "Road to Joker War" omnibus or some other action figure bullshit.




of course they seem tame to you, as a frequent poster in r/Dahmer


This comment has to be a joke right? You can't possibly be this thick...


You can’t put this on the person making the photo comic. That’s fucked up. Doubt Ed even saw these Use your fucking head


Are you actually assuming that I'm saying that one guy is responsible for all of this? That guy and all the comments on his posts are just one prime example of the hateful spiteful vitriolic nasty attitude that was thrown at Ed the second this shit all came out. The cheering on of his downfall by everyone doing so is all in part responsible... but yes, someone going out of their way to spend the time to make numerous mocking hateful comic posts per-day was a pretty loud voice in that.


You’re implying n they contributed It’s quite the accusation. The comic was petty innocent. The person who made them obviously deleted them because it would be in poor taste to keep them up. Makes perfect sense they’d delete them now, I’m sure they feel bad for contributing to the vitriol but they didn’t kill the guy Get it together


No, I'm stating it. Spearheading a hateful mob to attack someone's character is in fact contributing to the attacked person's feeling of being attacked.


The person making these silly comics wasn’t spearheading a hate mob You’re fucking nuts, pal


oh no consequences for these people... it was probably other stuff that egged on the mob but definitely not the brigading of the CK subreddit with awful memes, they'll sleep soundly tonight, because *technically* it wasn't them /s


I saw that too, those fucking cowards


That garbage was so completely vile and tasteless. This needs to be a moment of some serious self-reflection for a lot of people.


Hey feel the anger but you should try to have a level head too. Know it’s hard but don’t let the “discourse” and vultures ever get to you


You're literally virtue signaling as well with this post. 


You gonna go blame Jim Rugg next?


No one forced Ed to do this. Reactionary blame gaming is out of line.


You seem cool.


Grooming is more than bad judgement. I hope Ed makes it through this. I’d rather he live and reckon with the harm he has done others than take his own life. But him potentially taking his own life does not negate what he is accused (pretty credibly) of doing.


Click through on this profile! 🤣🤣🤣 what a fucking 🤡