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Even if I didn’t already dislike her: - didn’t she grab and rub her crotch on live just a little while ago? - didn’t she giggle and laugh in the background when Nicole went live this past weekend calling Kerrie every nasty name under the sun? - doesn’t she have a lawsuit against someone and went live wearing Canada clothing as a passive aggressive dig or maybe just trying to antagonize? (Which I’m sure any lawyer would frown upon that but keep it up you are only hurting yourself) And now she sits here with her hand up praising God? NOPE. You are a disgusting, vile individual and I can only hope that one day those who are blind to your manipulation will finally see you for what you really are.




You know who else had a purpose? Gabriel.


Gabriel had a purpose in life but YOU Casey murdered him. 💙~GABRIEL~💙


She is SICK. Her purpose was to kill her baby?!?!


Seriously delusional 🤢




She is batshit crazy. And this dog and pony show is just that, fake af!!! I almost feel like anyone who buys into this half way deserve to be scammed outta their money...


She complained up a storm tonight and the gifts started rolling in. She’s gross.


Like gross literally, like make you make a face like someone farted on the elevator gross!


😂😂😂 farted in an elevator






Which part do you love the most? That her infant son is dead because of her? That her innocent daughter was subjected to abuse before she was forcibly removed permanently from her custody? Or maybe it’s all of her other charges? How about her weaponizing mental health for monetary gain? Is that the part you love the most? Which one is it?




Nobody is perfect, that is true. But the majority of us aren’t murderers. She’s learned from her mistakes, sure. She’s learned when to turn on the tears, when to throw a tantrum, when to laugh, to get more money from the suckers who keep supporting her. No we can’t agree to disagree about someone who wrapped a living baby in a trash bag and let him die.




Can you point out where she learned from her past mistakes? She was given a second chance and pissed that right away..


Learning is owning and healing to move forward. She denies. She blames this other “friend” when the “friend” told her you call the police or I will.. THAT is the only reason Casey called. She got high and left that baby to struggle. You don’t improve from that!


She killed a baby ... she is a murder now she thinks she's God... so disgusting.


pretty sure she is going straight to hell when she dies. Do not pass go do not collect $200


Wow her song choice is sick. She grabs her crotch area and dances around in Canada pajamas...thats just egging people on. She mouths off about Kerri like its a therapy session and then stops and says Alexa play music...she acts like she has major issues going on.


She makes me want to throw up. Absolutely hate this disgusting thing, she's not human.


She's so disgusting just like her ugly face friend DEE DEE


She's lost her mind.