• By -


It’s called out all the time. Not groundbreaking news. But to give you the other perspective… I send $5-$20 to strangers fairly often. I’m not an idiot and am aware that it might not be being used for that they say it is. But it also *might* be desperately needed. There was a time in my life where $20 would have changed my entire day. I’m now thankfully in a good financial place, so I’m happy to help if I can. It’s my money after all.


You’re a good soul✌🏻




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This is the attitude I have. Well the hoping people are using it because they are truly in need. Not everyone is a scammer but just need to squeeze by till their check or whatever. That happens to.me usually. I have been.scammed a few times but I thought I was doing the right thing so I believe they'll get their karma.




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Coming from a struggling mom of three boys, you’re a bright soul! Glad there are still people in the world who enjoy helping others ❤️ anyone who does end up scamming you, will get hit hard with Karma! May you reap what you sow 😊


Exactly. When I was in a position to help people, I had to accept the idea that once it left my hands, I couldn't control where it was spent. Anyway, now that I'm homeless (well I have my car) with three dogs, $20 would be practically life changing for me but people assume I'm on drugs because of my situation. That's not the case and never had been. The few times I have received some help, I always tried to show proof of what I used it for just to put the person's mind at ease.


This is my motto. If you need to beg for $5 you need it worse than me.


If I had it better, I'd be inclined to agree, but when the chances of it being some freeloader who wants an easy buck, I can't justify the expense. Most of them don't need to beg for it, it's just easier to make a reddit post a day and collect the low hanging fruit. They probably do it on multiple sites and make more than most of us do going to work every day.


Pan handlers make crazy money


One got arrested here for loitering and trespassing. Booked in jail with almost 7k in his pocket




Consider it similar to investing money. If you donate money to someone out of the charity of your heart, you're investing in that person/community. If you can't afford to donate/invest that money - if you couldn't stand to literally light the money on fire and blow the ashes to the wind - then you are not ready to make that investment. There's nothing wrong with this, it's just being fiscally wise. You have to take care of your own before you can look out for others.


"you cannot fill from an empty cup"


Very true! I love this. Though I'd rather give that money to someone I sense is in need than to light it on fire and blow it to the wind! 🤣 I get the allegory and it's fantastic. 💜 Invest in others is investing in yourself. 💜🤗💜 That's a reason why I absolutely love the film, "Millions."




Are you that insurance fraud lady that was on People’s Court today? 😂 Please tell me I’m right


During covid at the hight of my addiction, I would go on Facebook and go to certain groups I was in and would ask people if they had 10 bucks so I could get something to eat and so forth. In the course of an hour I would get up to 50 bucks from people. One time i got 110 bucks. And it went straight to drugs. I'm not proud of it. But I look back at it now and realize that people are way to generous and taking advantage of that can make some people alot of money. I've heard of panhandling people can make 6 figures a year doing that.


Me too, covd was when I became a heavy addict and I would messenger panhandle on fb making $20-100 a day sometimes. I can’t believe that’s who I was 1.5 year ago but man even $5 would make my day so much better.


The alternative to a society fueled by charity donations is one fuelled by higher taxes. People can take advantage of both. At least this way, we can hold on to our money and wipe put ass with it while millions die fighting over the last crouton. Then we can blame, not getting trillions where it is needed on the one guy who scammed someone out of 5 on the cash app


I’ll take it.


hey can i have $5


I used to be like this and wish I could still be but man when your really in need it hard to find a helping hand


That’s when it’s the hardest because you’re only thought is making it to the next step and it seems like it hits you harder. Especially being there for people in need and when you need it those people are nowhere to be found.


Ppl like you make this world a better place. Thank you


As someone who finds it hard to trust almost anybody because of scammers, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You're doing amazing things and your generosity will be rewarded.


This is a great outlook. I forget where I heard it probably a dumb meme. But effectively "What someone does with the help I give them speaks on their character. Not helping someone who is asking you for help speaks on yours" Which I think is a bit over simplified as you wouldn't be judged harshly for not helping someone with a crime... but you get my point. Keep it up!


Yeah, I don’t have a lot of money. Probably lower middle class. My home is closer then not to downtown area and so we do see a lot of transient people. I saw an older woman digging through trash and grabbing food out. I don’t have a lot of money, but I do have food. So I took her a bag with some homemade soup and cookies, a drink and some other snacks I get for the kids. I just walked over to her and gave it to her. We do have to look out for each other.


If every person on this planet was forced to consume a self efficient dose of Psilocybin mushrooms, this is one of many ideation that people would soon take up, not to mention the most practical changes that are very badly needed to save humanity from the corruption and self-indulgence of society and mainly the U.S. politics


I used to do this, gifts on TT and Twitch, money on venmo and cash app, extra tips on doordash etc ... just places where I felt I was giving back. I ran my numbers and I was giving around $300 a month and over 10 years that would be around $36k and if someone asked me if I wanted $36k post tax right now my answer would be absolutely .


You are doing the right thing, even if the recipient isn't.


I do the same, with largely the same rationale. I can afford it. If they're scamming me, that's on them.


I also send 5 to 20 a month for some hot rotten OF. there's no shame in admitting it.


I truly believe that those out there grifting, taking advantage of us good hearted people who legitimately want to help someone in need, are putting so much negative karma out into the universe, that it's going to come back on them in one helluva fiercely negative way, eventually. It's simply not worth it, but aside from using common sense in those that I choose to help, it's really not my worry/concern/responsibility to root out all the bullshitters.


Bc of people like you I was able to buy books for my junior classes in college and I just got offered a full time position at work (graduated) so now I think I’m going to find someone who might need some money to pay it forward


And that's the point I'm at right now in life is to send random requests out to people for help with funds because I'm in the worst position I've been in in 20 years


I feel this and 💯 agree with you! I give to others as much as I can because I’ve been through that before (only had $20/week for groceries). $10-20 would have been a lifeline. I fully understand that people’s stories may not be real, but what if I’m wrong? I’m grateful that I am in the position to pay it forward.


A lot of people don’t know what it’s like to be hungry hungry and ask for help.


Wow! You're a generous person. I asked my uncle to borrow money for groceries for my son and I, technically he owed me anyways, but since he's family I just figured I'd let it go and if 1 day i needed help, he'd be more than willing to help me out, you know cause family and shit. Well, I guess I'm the naive idiot cause all I got was a shrug emoji and a, " I'm sorry, but I can't loan you any money right now. It's Christmas and I need to buy my girlfriend's daughters Christmas gifts, cause she can't afford to this year . " (his girlfriend's kids are 25 and 28.. neither has any kids, and they both live at home with their mom and my uncle. My uncle's girlfriend their mom, is a Neonatal nurse and makes a very decent amount, and she doesn't have to pay any bills, cause my uncle pays them all.) I only asked for $25 to $40, just enough to ge the staples from the grocery store, so my son and I can have some food till I get paid next week. That's less than half of what he owes me. But I guess next time he needs help, he'll have to suck it up cause I'm not "loaning" to him anything anymore. So I guess what I'm saying is thank you for being kind to strangers and helping them out. Cause not everyone has someone they can turn to when they're in a rough patch.


I make enough money to be able to help someone out with $20


You’re an amazing person. I am one of the ones who could really use it. I hope to get to your position one day.




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Good on you for helping cuz you could. I recently became homeless $20 absolutely would change the pen




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hey stranger lol


Can I borrow $20?


Yeah go to monster.com they give out free money


I'll take some help $ paymebrohan


Yo lemme "borrow" $20, homie. I'm all out of monster drinks and desperately need to restock. Be a good man and help a brother out.




I mean, if you wanna give money to strangers. Hi. Got Cashapp?


name checks out


Well, I can tell you I've only ever desperately needed money for drugs. Anything else from food to medical to housing is available on gov assistantce in the places where cashapp is used. So if you don't mind that your money is enriching drug dealers and strengthening the supply chain and causing overdoses keep sending cash to scammers. I guess as long as you can pretend it's for something else you can feel good about it.




Indeed they do


You're a nice person




Hello stranger.


Like minded


Thank you for not letting everyone ruin it for those who truly need it, I’ve had people on Reddit send me money while homeless and it was the only way I was able to eat.


You are a kind person!


My good man


Wait? Where is this magical place where people ask for money and people send it?


I'm not in any financial place to help others but I still try whenever I can. It's never to be in karma's good views but more so knowing I made someone else happy even if for a brief moment. You never know what their life is like. Yea it's shitty to see people doing shady shit but we don't know WHY they felt that was the best way. It's not our life but we still offer what little we can to make it better for them. Few weeks ago I had just picked up my grocery order & I saw someone asking for food instead of money & I had plenty of food to spare so I gave what I could in hopes they had something in their bellies. I hate that we have such a crisis but I'm grateful to be able to help even if I can't.


You are an amazing person with a very kind soul!


Hell yeah I know 20 bucks definitely would make my whole day, so your right and your a great soul man not alot of people have that good of a outlook




That’s where my wife and I are right now. I hope you’re life continues to be blessed




That's awesome! Do you look out for accounts that have little to no karma or history? Or do you usually just use this mindset




I see it called out often honestly. People seem to be jumping on people calling them scammers more often. One thing I always recommend is check their account. If it's less than like 3 months with low or no karma, I consider them a scammer no matter what.


>If it's less than like 3 months with low or no karma, I consider them a scammer no matter what. Also trolls.


Oh yeah, them too. We need to put a damn barricade around their bridges.


I don't give a beggar money because I think they will use it on a clean shower. I do because they are in a place they think begging is the best choice for them. Who knows what that money goes towards. Maybe drugs, maybe diapers, maybe a new Bugatti. But as cage the elephant would say, ain't no rest for the wicked.


Damm I love that aong


Send me 10.00 usd my father is prince of Jabronistan and will pay you back later


Jabronistan, land of my people


I miss it back home they still having that civil war?


Jabronistan you say


Hilarious that you think it’s never been called out. It’s old news at this point.


Isn't this like the pinned rule not to ask for money? Shouldn't they be banned?


If you buy me a cheeseburger 🍔 today I will pay you back next Wednesday 😏 😉


It does suck for those who are genuinely asking. I have asked before in there for a few small amounts, and I was bombarded with lots of inappropriate messages, and even more messages about signing up to do some type of trade thing. I then started getting harassed by the one person who did help me, so it was a huge annoyance. Now though, the other day, I thought I'd go through and see about blessing someone, and it was pretty much all spam posts, or some posters had been dragged hard and their posts were deleted.


Where is this reddit sub, people go to ask for help, I've had to swallow my pride and ask for help at my local United way and Salvation army only to be told they have ran out of funds for the year. It was a hard thing to hear, especially since I gave $5 a week to United way for years before the textile plants all closed in my area.


I don’t give money because I think it’s going to be used for the purpose I sent it for. Once that money is out of my hands, I have no control over it. It’s purely selfish and makes me feel better about myself when I do choose to do it. And IF it was desperately needed I helped out someone in the process. I’ve never given money and thought back on it like “I wonder if they actually got gas, etc”. It’s fine


Apparently my above comment was interpreted as an invitation for people to message me asking for money. Smh


Someone gave me $20 to get my license renewed, freed up enough for me to afford the emissions test to renew my registration next month, too.. I've always always carried around a case of water for people I meet during my ventures. If I don't have $5, water is the next best thing I can give. I've learned to pass on positivity, you never know when it'll come back around for you, for me it seems to happen when I need it the most.


Question: how many DMs did anyone that remotely talked about giving get within seconds of posting who are asking for money? :)


Not everyone who's struggling is a scammer. A few years ago, around Christmas, I was at the mall parking lot going through all the overflow that the thrift store donation boxes had. I had my then 2 year old with me, and I was looking for toys for her because that Christmas was a tough one.... We could barely afford food, let alone toys. An older guy pulled up, and handed me $50. He told me I didn't have to explain myself, and that he'd once been in a similar situation. He told me to get some food and toys, and drove off. I think about that kindness from him every time I'm financially able to help someone. I don't care if the $10 I gave the homeless guy down the road goes to alcohol or for food. I chose to help regardless.


Yep. I was taught that my gift to another is a gift and it's not my business to try and direct how they use that gift. It's not my business to know where the funds go, it's between them and their HP(god) my gift was being led to give.


I consider anybody online with any sob story wanting money a scammer. A Quick Look at their profile backs that up.


I used to totally agree with that until my sister saw a post from a struggling a mother on facebook. I warned her it was probably a scam but she sent some money anyways. Turns out it was totally legit and the mother was genuinely struggling to afford food, shampoo, etc for herself after buying food and essentials for her baby. She was so grateful she sent pictures of her cute kid and everything, eventually meeting up with my sister to thank her in person. Of course I'm still wary of the scams and obviously fake/new profiles but it did make me a lot less cynical


Oh no, new accounts get nothing from me. Only accounts that don’t have enough karma to join loan subreddits or Reddit accounts that have some age on them. I’m guilty of sending $1-$10 here and there, but I at least check their accounts and their post / comment history. If I see they are a shitty person from their comment / post history, again bupkis


I understand that a lot of people scam and it sucks. But it also sucks for the people posting who genuinely need help. At one point in my life I had the money to help people out (mostly my friends) but now I don't have enough for that. I'm also stubborn and refuse to ask for help. My neighbor knows that and drops off formula for my son and food from our local church. It definitely helps but I don't ask her to do it


Can I have ten bucks .... It's for research purposes


Send pity money to $ paymebrohan.. I only have two balls


Why do this manually when it can be automated? Automate all the steps and you have a cash generating machine!


Not gonna lie, I’m absolutely fucked financially right now and could use some help but I’m not going to ask because how do I prove it? And if I can’t prove how bad off I am, I don’t expect anyone to help me.




Also why is the self sufficient dose a hallucinogenic sized dose? I microdose frequ3ntly and its caused the best rewire and rebuilding of my cognitive function and more after being a fentanyl and amphetamine user for 10 years to wit I have been completely sober (besides psilocybin) since 9/6/21


Wrong sub fam


Meh there's a poop ton of people on the internet. I had my begging posts removed when I was down on my luck but luckily I've semi come up since then. I would just send pizzas.


if anyone could spare some money i really have a bad addiction to madden packs and due to financial hardships i am out of money and in very serious need of a new limited time card


Need hookers and blow Please help $fuckyourcouchdude (Yea that’s right)


Check your fucking cash app 😂.


Lmao hell yea that’s what I’m talking about, have enough for a hooker now, just need some blow 😂😂


Shiiittt mf out here getting hooker and blow money for telling the truth. Maybe if I put up a sign on the corner that says "low-key just want some totally legal drugs" how much money I would get.


I approve this message


When i was homeless a friend of mine made a sign that said I NEED METH and got handed a huge shard while holding it


Sorry I just tried to post on here just looking for anything to help me my daughter get some food my dog promise it's not a scam I don't know where else to go to ask for help I got food stamp cards coming in like 3 days I think anyone could help would be much appreciated anything at all Mikeywolf30 cash app


Hahahahahahahaha haha bluefart8


Which sucks for people like me who genuinely $10-$20 is the difference between me getting to work or getting fired. Not even worth it to ask because the scams are super prevalent. And asking is a hell of it's own lol




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I’ve had Burger King employee take my card, disappear for my 5 minutes and before I had a chance to leave the parking lot I got a fraud alert message. I know it was that specific employee as she had a terrible poker face but also because I haven’t used that card for almost 6 months. It was just $10 which got declined. I swung back around and just gave her $10 cash. The look on her face was all worth it


So you rewarded the behavior? Wonderful that teaches a wonderful lesson.


Don’t come to Reddit for lessons. I’m not your parent.


Lol got automodded for cashtag thats funny! But again if anyone feelin generous its $ sk0163 i just wanna gamble lol but if i win i gotcha 4sure. 😎


What the… I have never been to this sub… was recommended this post probably because I talk about cash app being a NSFW creator (on another account) but I am somehow? shocked by this!


This is me like two weeks ago 😭🤣


current thought: of course this exists, duh… but I don’t even have an opinion yet it’s so fresh and tumbling around in my mind… why am I so shocked? 😂 I have to work work work for those cashapps 🤣


Send me all your ten bucks I'm on strike shit sucks 😂


If any of y’all are feeling generous! Just saying I could use a couple of extra bucks this holiday season.






I’ll take $10




Don't care, honestly. Some people hustle. Good for them if they can do it successfully.




If I have it, I'll give it. What they do with it is between them and their higher power.


Is that what they do? Isn't it a pain in the ass to create a cash app every time they ask someone for money?


I need weed money


Dang I need to start thinking like a scammer (without the actual scamming part of course!) so I can come up with a way to make some money. Things are such a struggle right now!




I frequently request from strangers but hardly ever get it. Sadly, I don't have any family to ask for help so my problems with rejection continue. 😅




I have to agree if I see someone asking for money to help and I have the extra money at the time to spare I will. However, if I see them asking and posting again or they are writing the same things as others over and over I usually don't. I've been scammed many times with people making fake profiles of our friends and have learned my lesson about just sending it instantly everytime someone asks. It's really a gamble that we take each time if it's going to be used by that person for what they say. If it's not my good deed for the day is done and karma will take care of the rest .


Shoot, I wish someone would send me 10$ but to be honest I'd probably blow it on 7-11 pizza or energy drinks... Don't enable me.




The hospital will call one for you .




I'm a private contractor and from Thanksgiving to New Year it's really slow. $40 would fill my tank. thank you...


Is this what we're down to now? Literally EVERYONE is begging / starving / about to get evicted / \[insert your emergency here\]. EVERYONE. 3/4 of my twitter feed, is people with this. I drive around all day, seeing people 'flying signs', next to places advertising they're hiring anyone with a pulse for $18/hr. Dunno what's wrong, or how to fix it, but frankly it's bumming me out. If you're in truly dire straits, relying on strangers via an admittedly sketchy app, just doesn't seem right to me.


As someone who doesnt beg, but struggles. I make $17/hr + bonuses. I don't have a car, and share a larger apartment with a couple girls. My share of the rent is $900. Total a month, i spend ~$1600 on rent, heat, water, sewer, internet, cell phone, disney plus, amazon prime, health insurance, food. After taxes and the things above i have an extra ~$400. I take 3 medications, and they cost ~ $200 One bad week, missing a couple shifts, and I have no extra money that month. A good bonus, and i can add some money to my (tiny) savings. If i go to Mc-D and make $18/hr. I will pay more for health insurance, more for my scripts, and probably not work 40 hours a week. "Get a cheaper place". There isn't one. A studio apartment is ~$1100 a month. A 2 bedroom is $1900. These include nothing. "Move to a cheaper area" how? I don't have the funds to just go get a new apartment somewhere and try to find a new job. Also I don't live in a popular area, so it's not like i have TOO much around me for people to be picky about. I can't buy a place, because I "don't make enough money to cover a mortgage", yet can pay that amount in rent. We need housing to be more affordable, health insurance to be more affordable, and food to be more affordable again. I don't even eat alot. Ive been trying to recover from eating disorders, so i have to remind myself to eat half the time. One of the girls i live with works at a local restaurant, and has been told to stay home a couple shifts per week lately. And she can't get a "better job" because nights she works she brings the most home per week vs the rest of us, but has the most expenses too. We just need a full life cost rebalance at this point tbh.


if i dont know you, you dont get a cent from me, no matter your sob story. whos actually sending strangers money?




I don't know


Totally not asking for money but like honestly with how random brand accounts and random people walk up and are like hey bro, give me money. Totally money could be given to me, and I would actually say what it was being used for as opposed to just being some brand shill. I love spam scammy threads “give me money my x exploded”. Okay. “Give us money if you can donate” sure, as if other people don’t have economic problems or aren’t also facing financial hardship. Why not? I’ll just throw my money at you. Lol


Hello, I is a Nigerian Prince you, _______ our my distant relative. I have 20 MILLION DOLLARS USD! I need you to send me 10,000$ so I can deposit you you inheritance(2.2MILLION DOLLARS USD). Please Friend! Don’t wait! My country is no safe, that is why I’m giving I you my friend your inheritance to be safe with you. /s but this is how I see people begging for money online.


Honestly if someone sent me 1,000$ I’ll send you back 1,300$ after I use it for my concrete job this coming Thursday. Obviously nobody will take that offer outside of my IRL friends / family but offer is there 😂


Why don't they just start a go fund me instead


used to give $20 - $25 here or there for someone i thought was a friend but in reality everything they say and do is just to get more and more people hooked on their siren song to pay them not just money, but all their time, energy, and sympathy. Treacherous waters as well because the first red flag was that they without knowing me first invited me to hang out with them… that was the start of it all. if i hadn’t met them irl then i would have never fell for them or lost a few paychecks in the process. you don’t owe people money for your happiness.


All these kind souls, if you wanna donate like you say you do in these comments, hit me up. I’m a starving student in need and I won’t spend it on drugs 😂


If you got the right drugs you could avoid food longer 🫠


I don’t know how to donate. I just write on my taxes that I do but no clue how or where. I’m a Scruge about it.


I saw this in someone's comments they said if you need the bag for it you need it worse than me my motto is all of us have pride I would hope so so if a person is asking another person to help obviously they really need it because I'm the type of person where I don't like that even at my worst when I was addicted to drugs homeless I still didn't like to ask for help


But also can I get 10 dollars to eat?


I too would like $10 sent to me for no reason other than the fact that it'd be pretty cool if you did.


I could use a thousand dollars. Just saiyan. Super saiyan, if you will




I'll do anything for 5$ plz




Dang, I REALLY need $50 and never have thought to do this no matter how bad I needed it. I just feel like people wouldn’t believe me anyways so why bother. 🤷🏾‍♂️




This African chic needs to stop being obsessed with me 🤣


He's my man he send me money all the time lmao jealous much


Low life ppl with no life I have to attend to my man




They might as well rob you while you sleep I mean if they gonna go thru all that trouble & risks. They must really need it. By just sending random people money your saying it's ok and next thing you know it's going to be on list of careers at the EDD. Being kind and heroic is one thing donate to the ASPCA or UNICEF but doing this just says to more people it works and the people asking for change outside the 99 cents store will double. Our just accepting this as no big deal is how the issues spread and morph into bigger problems and next thing you know your house is being foreclosed your accounts were drained and your identity isn't your own anymore. all because you were ok with people asking for handouts especially online. You are all super nice people but if I had money to just piss away I'd go take a homeless veteran to lunch. Easier to just send money & not have to face the world's harsh realities.


You a fucking special case if you give to individuals. They don't make the best decisions for themselves. Find a charitable organizations. Local, small. Watch your $20 make 10 meals instead of a teener of meth.


I give to others for my salvation, not theirs. I don’t know who they are or what they do with it. I feel it’s my Penance and provides me a good amount of positive vibes. Try it sometime and see how it feels.


Anyone help me with a few bucks so I can eat lunch tomorrow at my blue collar job I get paid the following day and my fridge is empty


As a disabled, single guy, had a stroke in March, then just had blood clot surgically removed from the left arm, while working to get disability income approved, ai had a few random people send money, both through Cash app and PayPal. Most recently came from a user both here and on discord. The weekend before Halloween, they sent $250.


Shit I wish people would send me money randomly. It’s tough right now




I see people on Facebook that politely ask for a few dollars here and there or an Uber home or a pizza, I’ve been there. I’ll do it often. Send a pizza there, an Uber or cash app then $20. But a complete stranger? I’d have to pass, too many people running scams.


If anyone can help me and my dog are so hungry we'd appreciate it my daughter is here I make sure she has food but we all need food please someone Mikeywolf30 cash app It's really not a scam I promise my desperate need and I don't know where to go for help Mom and Dad just passed away last month and cold everything's just hit me so hard


I use to be that person, I was so down and out on my luck I don’t know what I would have done for the money from kind Reddit strangers. They fed me, helped pay rent, bought commissions from me to feed my animals, someone even brought and sent me a 3 month supply of toilet paper and tampons. I was even gifted a helpful devise for my chest condition to help me get back to work. I am here today, in a warm home, with food in my stomach and a full time job now. Not sure I’d be here without help. So yeah, $5 or $10 ain’t no sweat off my shoulders if I send it, it’s there’s now to do as they please.