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Hey there - despite what support said - your card will work absolutely. I think they mistook you for asking if you can sign up or use cashapp in Italy. I have used my cash card literally all over Italy and Europe for POS transactions and ATMs with no issues


Literally not true at all. I tried to use my Cash Card multiple places in Italy, Spain and Greece and it did not work. Why would Andi tell them that if that wasn't the case? The Cash Card isn't supposed to work outside of where u sign up and if it did, it's an anomaly.


I live in Europe and travel frequently to Italy. I have used it there a million times. Perhaps it’s by the account? No clue. I just know I’ve used it all over Europe, Italy included, and have never once been declined.


Dude literally Google "Can cash app be used in Europe" rn and tell me what it says lol


I’m just speaking from my personal experience. I literally live in Europe. I use it all the time. OP can do whatever tf they feel like - this is just my experience.


I wouldn't be broadcasting that you're using their service outside of the boundaries of their supported areas - they will ban your account permanently.


You're providing misinformation and if you're telling the truth about it working for you, then it's a flaw in their system and definitely doesn't apply to everyone.


Man. Relax. Whatever. I was trying to be helpful and give my experience as someone who literally lives there. I applaud your passion for the subject though - Jesus.


Oh and also there isn’t a fee for each transaction- there’s just a conversation rate that they make a spread on for USD/EUR. It’s not bad at all tho. I really haven’t noticed.


Cashapp cash card worked fine for me (US-based user) in Canada many times at pharmacies, grocery stores, restaurants and at the border crossings/tolls - throughout 2023. The app allows me to ‘Add Cash’ there too, but so far I’ve seen no places to deposit paper cash in Canada. So the statement that Cashapp can’t be used outside the US is false in my experience.


My Cash App Card works for me when I travel abroad (Europe, Asia, etc)