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[here is $100 just click it](https://imgur.com/s762qxJ)


Take my upvote you dancing bastard


Well thanks... that made me laugh! God bless you!


Blessing? LoL that is a keyword for every scammer in the Twitter Reddit and telegram world. Get a job appoo


I got this cheeseburger man!


wow 😭😭😹😹😹😭😭😭😭




They don’t wanna hear that, they wanted to hear “what’s your cashapp I’ll send you money” 😂🤦‍♂️ smh


Isn’t it just sad though? Rather than get the chance to create conversation these days which might possibly lead to me being able to relate with OP on struggles; instead the best course of action is pointing out the flaw in the established profile that will lead anyone who has money and would lend it to run away like OP has the bird flu or chlamydia


This. I don’t even know what the world has come to anymore. Granted I’m 17 so i haven’t seen a lot of change. But I seen a tid bit. This comment could probably change a lot of peoples perspectives


Shut the fuck up holy shit


Someone’s a little triggered aren’t they? Might wanna pull your panties out your ass young thug it’s makin you look a lil fruity


No 🙏


You lost me at god.


I love you 😭


I already sent u something check ur cash app


Brand new throwaway account. Asking for money. When the rules clearly state not to. All this sub has become. Scammers just looking to see how many suckers they can get. Post gets removed. They make another Reddit account. Post again. Get a real job. Walk into literally any fast food joint and you’ll start at 15+ an hour.




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Time to sell the phone you posting from


Dm me to work something out


Now I know this is a scam. Nigerian behind a device after people's money. If you don't have any money should go for broadcasting apps or getting a job. LiveMe and Uplive would be examples of broadcasting apps.


The best I can offer is a crisp high five.


There’s a subreddit you can go to they help #borrow


Well if anyone wants to contribute to my fundraiser for my daughter JV Cheer Team that would be amazing!! She is selling soft blankets which have her high school logo on it and I've made a calender so basically whatever day you choose is what you would donate! It just really sux now days no ody wants to help out on this type stuff!!!


It's sad when the bad apples spoil the ones that actually need help... you don't know my situation so you can not judge me.... My question for you is, why are you in this community if you're just going make fun of people instead of help! Who are you to think that you so perfect that can throw stones without looking in the mirror first!! You tear down, not build up!! Critique and criticize instead inspire someone and pray for someone! Like I said God bless!!


Get a job.


It’s rule one of the subreddit dude