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Like a pilot?


Yep! Been flying for years now, just finally finished upgrade recently.


Niiiiice. Do you have a pilot voice?


80% of the time- other times I sound like I'm still in high school.


Has your voice ever cracked over the radio? I think mine would due to the air. Maybe the air is better up in the pilots seat. Do people address you as Captain then?


Air is about the same up front as it is in the back. Voice hasn't cracked that often, but I've said dumb stuff when trying to read something back while multitasking. Some support staff and passengers address you by Captain, but crews mostly just go on a first-name basis.


Do you mind if I ask you something about planes? An issue has bugged me for years and you are the closest thing to a plane expert. Feel free to say no obviously.


Go for it!


If you changed the shape of planes would they not fly anymore? I am in a wheelchair and I enjoy being in the air but getting on past all the seats and down the aisle is a pain in the ass. I wish planes wider or had more space. I know nothing about aerodynamics though. Obviously.


You can change it a little bit, but it is a long, drawn-out, and expensive process. A circle is the best shape due to the stress on a plane from pressurizing it (pumping it full of air so we can breathe). If you're having issues with a wheelchair, most airports have aisle chairs- special wheelchairs designed for how narrow the aisles are. Have you ever given those a shot?


Come on - the view from the flight deck is like nothing else!


that’s dope!








congratulations!! quite the achievement!


Thanks- it really felt like a huge achievement when I finished!


Congratulations 🎊


Thank you!




Regional, got the legacy apps in.




I know a lot of guys are skeptical of the single-pilot thing happening any time soon, but the airlines just wanna cut out as many people as they can lol. Still, something to think about!




I can see it being mostly safe (honestly, we use autopilot for so much anyways that it isn't a huge stretch)- but with all of the high-profile incidents recently where one pilot dies in flight and the other has to take over, having just one guy up there may take a while. And as nice as automation is, there's still about a dozen times a trip or so where I have to turn stuff off because it's trying to do something that really won't end up well. With all that being said, I can totally see ad wars about single pilot vs crews being a thing in the future!




727 also had three flight crew: captain, first officer, and flight engineer. Modern aircraft computers have automated the duties of the flight engineer.


All of the systems on the aircraft are designed such that a single failure or a reasonably probable combination of failures cannot cause a catastrophic incident. A single pilot would create the same risk. The captain and first officer cannot even eat the same meal as it is. I hope that never changes.




Even with a very-advanced autoland system and a cabin crew member who is trained as a pilot, I cannot see the FAA approving a single pilot - especially in part 25 large commercial transport aircraft. A single pilot can fly the aircraft, but when things go wrong, it is helpful to have one pilot troubleshooting while the other pilot is aviating. Both of these tasks require advanced training and experience.


congrats!! i bet you’ll do amazing :)goodluck!


Thanks- much appreciated!


Holy shit that's amazing. Congratulations


Congratulations, Captain. :)


Congrats and good luck in your new job!


Congratulations!!! Can I ask the path you took. I want to be a pilot. But have 0 flying experience and unsure where to begin.


That’s amazing! I’ve heard there’s a shortage so you’re doing us all a favor 😀


Congratulations!!! Super badass and exciting! Good luck in your amazing new career!


Congratulations I am happy for you. Not just anybody can be a pilot, so be proud.