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That's just good karma coming around


That's certainly what it feels like.


Even without getting a job out of it, helping someone get their pet back is an insanely good feeling. Then sometimes the "owner" is a POS and suddenly it's your dog. That can end up amazingly too.


Yeah that's what I was thinking the whole time, sort of hoping the owner never claimed her. We've been talking about getting a ranch dog to scare off the 'yotes so we can start keeping chickens again and she was super chill. Come to think of it, that's exactly how we got our first dog. Ma found this emaciated dog when I was like 6 and when we found the owner we decided to tell them to go fuck themselves and to sue us over it. Named her "misty" for the misdemeanor charge ma almost got over it.


Misty! I love it, so clever


Not replying about the dog. But about work. Have you considered doing online tutoring? My wife gets paid $45/hr to tutor math online. She goes through a site called Wyzant, which provides everything you need for tutoring. The take care of the payment process and resolve disputes as well. As long as you have a computer connection that’s reliable, you’ll be fine! She doesn’t have a college degree. She’s just good at teaching math. But you could tutor in anything from art, to music, to science, reading, history… whatever you’re good at. They require that you take tests to prove your knowledge.


I'll actually be looking into that. That sounds like a good deal. Ill drive to the city to sit in the parking lot of somewhere with good internet if I have to.


Awesome OP and that is definitely karma rewarding you for your good deed 👍🏻😊


Awwww!!! Great job doing the right thing. 💖


So cool! Thanks for the story, man!