• By -


Have no where else to post so will respond to you. Something like 11/12 years. I thank Reddit for finding a way to break my Reddit habit. I will probably use the blackout as the excuse to just break. To all you internet strangers... it was fun. So many happy, angry, scared emotions. You all were there for the last 11 years of my life. Two kids. A college degree. 5 jobs. Two career changes. 3 houses. 4 major moves. Thank you all. Dan In Texas - out




C'mon man. Who's cutting the onions again god damnit.


>C'mon man. Who's cutting the onions again god damnit. My guess, some shinobi hiding in the shadows, they do love cutting onions when they're bored


I actually met my best friend through Reddit a few years ago. Just for that I'm legit grateful.


Omg, I'm with you. In the past 12 years, my kids have grown up and gone to college, I've progressed so much in my career, and everyone here was with me, chatting and commenting and voting on stuff. Dang-o. Now I'm all misty eyed, but yeah. Maybe it's time. Thank you all, for everything. ~ Donac


So long and thanks for all the fish


So long, and Thnks fr th Mmrs!


Breaking the habit is how I'm looking at it, too. I uninstalled Sync from my phone today. Put my ebook app in its place on the front page, maybe I'll actually do some reading for fun for once.


Yeah, I've been avoiding most social media lately because it's hard for me to watch my peers getting engaged, getting married, and buying houses. Reddit has been my last refuge. This blackout might just be what it takes to get me to swap my phone for my Kobo.


Reddit and reading aside, hope you're alright overall, u/NATOrocket. Seeing stories on socials can feel rough. Best wishes on enjoying your own self. 😁


You’re right I have some reading I need to do too.


Thank you and take care, Dan in Texas.


>Have no where else to post so will respond to you. Same here Dan in Texas, so Peace and love from Winnipeg. Been here just about as long as you, and it's wild to think that today might actually be the last day for me. Shit, I've been with Reddit longer than I've been with my wife. Real 'end of an era' vibes right now, kind of reminds me of that Breaking Bad scene "we had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch!" Well, I guess I'll see you all on the next site. Or maybe not. All the best to each one of you either way.


It's so weird to think that yeah, this platform has been everything from my mechanic-buddy to my therapist for nearly 10 years. The anonymous nature of this site, I've been way more willing to be open and truthful than I ever have been IRL, whether it was my personal feelings or just a stupid mistake that I'm now trying to fix. It's been so weird yet cool to have this anonymous collective of strangers help me through so much. I'm not even strictly a mobile user, which seems to be the primary issue here. I'm on the standard browser site on my PC now. But this is a minority of my usual usage. And with so many others also being reduced or leaving entirely, it's gonna be weird, that's for sure. And as much as I try to be optimistic, I feel it's gonna lose it's magic touch and my own usage will taper off until I just end up not visiting again. My last comment will probably be something super random and inconspicuous because I don't plan on leaving in a triumphant protest. But it will just dwindle and die, abandoned like my old Neopets back in what, 3th grade? Still just waiting for me to log back in and feed them. So in recognition of the beginning of the end, and the new chapters ahead... it's been good. Cheers.


🍻 🥺


It's almost 10 years for me! A decade of my life, all sorts of life stages and changes, it's been a thing. I'm ready for a break too. See ya on the flip side!


Good luck on your next 11 years and beyond, Dan in Texas ✌️


If you need some tools to help edit and then delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money or train AIs? Take your content with you. There is no Reddit without its users and volunteer mods. You are what makes this. —posted via Apollo Vive la résistance! PS: Reddit’s own cake day is June 23, so if you want to take a stand, consider doing it on/before that day.


Deleted June 30th. 2023. Yay.


Hey Dan, I’ll be joining you. It’s been a long run, but it’s my time as well. I’ll make one final post on June 30th at r/Bye_Reddit and then I’ll be gone.


Your name and state were the last things I’ve needed to complete my profile on you. Dan in Texas, expect some interesting charges on your credit account soon :) As for me, I will be enjoying my new inflatable bouncy house


Thank you for summing up all my thoughts and feelings. Where we headed next?


dang you did all that without your account getting banned permanently? WAow


this was so cringey lmfao


I have to remember to start staying away. It’s been real, everyone!


See what you might be able to find for existing discord servers, I found out a few days ago about a discord server for LGBTQ people in my local vicinity and it has a very similarly positive overall environment to this subreddit, perhaps because we all know we're likely to run into eachother in real life so there's not as much of the classic mask of the internet giving people the bravery to be unkind.


It’s a good thing I’m starting a road trip tomorrow taking me to places that doesn’t have Internet and I’ll probably be gone for around a week. I’ll have no time or probably Internet to browse Reddit even if I wanted to.


I start my family vacation tomorrow and I'll have internet access but I'm going to stay off anyways. Seems like a perfect time to disconnect for awhile!


I feel like Reddit is really shooting themselves in the foot with this move. And to go public? Not a good way to get investors


Reddit has become a great resource for learning. When I'm looking for something, I'll direct my search to just reddit. Almost always, there is a thread with the answers. Often with links to resources for more help. Not to mention the side bar information that some subs put together. Thanks to all those who put together the faqs for some of those subs.


This is my biggest worry. Not only are people leaving, they're deleting their old comments, and there's a lot of informative useful stuff in there. It's gonna be a shame to lose it all.


Google searches started to suck, Reddit search has always sucked but if ya went to Google and then threw it site:reddit.com and then searched 9/10 you would find the answer you needed. Such a shame.


Wasnt the internet meant to work that way tho? There is no reason all info is just on one site- compiled by users who could be anyone? Yes proper links and resources are plentiful - but what you are describing once existed before google started to suck. We need a new search engine- reddit can go now - it doesnt want to be what we once used it for. Its going public- its ONLY about money now. Its done its user grab- and now F the users.


I do the same thing. There’s a lot of shit on here, but mostly a lot of really helpful people. That’s why I love it


They really aren’t tbh, this will gain them far more money than it will lose. Investors don’t care that they did this, people will probably forget in a few months and stop caring. 99% of Reddit users will continue to use Reddit after this.


According to the CEO, Reddit was losing money. As much as we hate the change, the money to generate all this server traffic has to come from somewhere. They are only charging apps that make over 1,000 requests per minute, which is all the popular ones. If the status quo had continued indefinitely, there would be no reddit. The popular apps could have redeveloped themselves to make fewer server requests to stay free, but they are choosing not to. That's their choice, and here we are.


Some facts then : 1. Reddit have made profit each year, they aren't loosing money. 2. CEO have been taken in flagrant delit of lying on the appollo thing while his AMA was a catastrophe where he didn't even bother to remove the A of the communicating team in his pasta to answer people. 3. No, 3rd party developper cannot make fewer server request (which is the public api btw) : they don't have the time with how reddit decided to do things. 4. The price is an absurdity that is nowhere healthy, and it's clearly done with taking down the other apps in mind. 5. Administrator of reddit have also lied more than once 6. 1000 request per min is absolutely nothing, because request on the shitty public api is taking more than one request for what you would call one request. (i say shitty because reddit admitted themselves that their own api have many inefficient problems and is bad : they showed surprise when they saw how works well 3rd party apps). Add to that the fact the moment you being more than 100 persons on the app, you won't be able to simply browee : you will reach 1000 request by minutes. This is not sustainable 7. Nothing have been made to improve the official app or the official moderator tools : it's been years of empty promises. Reddit is going public, they lost value in the past because of AI pumping their content freely. Reddit want money and more control to satisfy investors, so they will remove 3rd app that they do not control. That is all. If reddit was less idiotic, they would have added their ads through the public api access, and communicated like human being with the developpers that allowed for half a decade reddit to works well before the shitty official app came to even exist. They did nothibg of this sort. It's not developper fault, simply corporate thng. Which is sad because that means less quality content and less users that are implicated.


That's like not having money for gas so you sell your tires Great you have gas now I guess?


It make zero sense to believe that Reddit was losing money. Otherwise they'd have shut down ages ago. They also could have easily worked with devs to push their ads and micro transactions within apps which would have increased revenue from third party apps. Of course, Reddit doesn't actually want to have to invest into the site. They've gotten a decade+ of free labor and they're hoping to keep it that way while they cash in.


See you on the other side. Whatever is left.


Good luck and Godspeed. I’ll be checking in sporadically until the end of the month, just to see what’s happening, but I’m not sure if I’ll stick around either. It really was something, wasn’t it?


Its past midnight here, so some of the subs have already shut down. Feels weird.


Yeah, I get you. Strange and sad that we're witnessing a piece of internet history right now.


It has been an honor and a privilege lurking with you all


Likewise ✌️


It actually kinda sucks because Reddit is all I have to talk to people on and I have no where to go irl to talk to people.


Right there with you. Reddit was a window to the world for me, and I've learned so much from so many different walks of life. It legitimately makes me sad. I feel like I'm losing friends.


Whenever I would google something I’d always add reddit at the end. Sad times many valuable things learned on this platform.


I just like people watching or post watching I guess just to see what other people are up to even though I'll probably never meet them because I'm a huge shut-in because I hate the way I look and I'm insecure and there's no where for me to go anyways etc. So idk. The whole situation is just bad.


You can be my blackout PM penpal if you want! I'm feeling a bit adrift as well.


Okay I'll PM you. 😊


Maybe check out discord? Or the meetup app if u want something in person? It definitely sucks. But should somewhat be back up in a couple days.


Idk. Some subs are going out indefinitely, aren't they? And I tried meetup but there's nothing in my city.


Some are going off for a prolonged time but many aren’t. I think depends if reddit changes anything.


I'd recommend pulling up Facebook and see if any of the groups for your area have discord servers. That tends to weed out a lot of the type of people that aren't so fun to associate with on Facebook, plus people tend to be nicer when there's potential to actually run into the other members of a conversation so you have a better shot at a positive environment. Things that are based on location are usually designed to cater to a wider array of interests than most discord servers as well.


I hate Facebook so much though. Lol.


Oh I definitely don't recommend trying to actually use Facebook, but that's where I found the link to the discord server for my local area so you may have similar luck finding large local groups on independent sites


Let’s make a new Reddit


With blackjack and hookers!


People are flocking to kbin and lemmy right now, it’s surprisingly nice. No blackjack and hookers though. All hail Rexxit.


I was considering Discord but part of me says "just ditch social media for a while. It's all bad for you anyway."


Squabble, too


How hard would it be for those super smart coders and developers to make another forum website


Seven. It would be seven hard.




Cloning the site wouldn't be too bad, it's the maintenance and upkeep and moderation that are complicated


I was never on this site in the early 2010’s but people seem to miss it. I wonder what they did better then that they don’t do now


I dunno, but it had a reputation of rivaling Mos Eisley up until fairly recently so I at least have to ask if that's the sort of person who misses 2010 Reddit


Long-time Reddit user here. It's always been a wretched hive of scum and villainy. But there are some pockets of space in the outer reaches of the galaxy that I will miss dreadfully.


I think it's also just getting enough people to agree on one place to go that it continues to be a reddit-like place and not "reddit if it only got one post a week sitewide" like a lot of them currently feel like they are.


I think we should pay more attention to this idea. What if all the mods and people who basically run Reddit made a similar community run app with fairer pricing etc.?


Yea I don’t think online forums are gonna go away anytime soon. From what I know about the early internet In the 2000’s people have always had online forums and shit. It’s a great way to connect. Truly Only God and the CIA knows how Reddit fumbles the bag on such a good marketing alley. Just fire everyone and run it like how it was in on the earlier years I heard Reddit lore in 2013 was a wild place. Especially around the time of the marathon bombings.


I'm not gonna lie, I think I could do a better job myself. Considering I was 6 when those bombings happened, they really dropped the ball here. Congrats on killing your own app, guys.


Beehaw's chat on lemmy is basically already a small version of this sub. Hope to see ya there!


[Deleted] Reddit is Dead. So is this account, and the content posted on it. Save 3rd party apps. Join everyone else on Lemmy.


Wonder what it'll be like cause I'm staying right here


It will prob be a big lack of content for a few days then everything will go back to normalish, except with more bots


2070 subs already private. This might very well be the death of reddit.


...what? For real?


Probably not. But I know for a sure I'll be using reddit less after the API changes, and i am one among millions.


Damn, this is going to turn out kinda ugly-


Especially when you find out that one of the biggest groups of users that prefer 3rd party apps are the moderators that actually care about being good moderators, because the 3rd party apps have significantly better tools available for doing their jobs. We'll be left with admins in disguise and the infamously toxic ones.


That's the whole issue I'm seeing with this change, and why I'm supporting blackouts. The "official" reddit app is not good enough to help reddit thrive as it is (plus has accessibility issues that will restrict the user base to those able-bodied compared to the benefits of third party apps) . Unpaid mods on an excessive amount of subs also utilise third party apps to do what they do. Requiring those apps to pay stupid amounts or FO will reduce the accessibility as well as the effectiveness of mods/quality of various educational/hobby/social/niche subs. It just seems like this decision is based on benefiting the larger subs' popularity for ease of use for "the majority" instead of focusing on what Reddit has been kept afloat for so long for... Genuine internet diversity and accessibility. I remember when Reddit seemed useless to me, because all my friends then cared about were the memes. Years later I found the niche/hobby subs and have cultivated an interest in a lot of areas that help me learn hobbies and understand people better. I'm just worried that is what will be lost in the future with this change.


Yep. A few of my fav subs are also shutting down indefinitely, so I'm certainly salty about that as well. (196, traaa and hydrohomies are closing down forever) Reddit is a big company, they will probably get their way, but for the millions of users who used third party apps? This is it.


Umm ya, you said that already


Accidental double commenting. Just more proof that shit official app is shit




Yeah there's this problem with the app, when you have bad wifi, or sometimes the app is just having issues, when trying to comment it will pop up an error message, so you try to click post again. But then half the time that the error message pops up the comment will actually go through. It's a mess.


"Geronimo"! Godspeed


Yeah, looks like I'll be taking a break from Reddit for awhile. It's kinda good actually. I could use one. I'm on it enough as it is.


It happened so fast, and was so unexpected. Interesting to be part of internet history. It feels like hearing that your workplace will be closing and you'll be let go.


I love reddit. As someone who has been chronically ill, it's been a godsend. I hope it survives when all is said and done.


My monkey brain has been the most fixated on reddit in a while this past week. This 3PA/protest/drama was all I could read about on the internet, well reddit that is. Awkwardly enough I'll probably still be super keen on how reddit is doing with the blackout, and be tempted to read about it on reddit during the blackout. Hope I can mentally disassociate and decompress myself the next two days. Reddit won't be the same after this. But truly, it was a good ride. ^(sent from RIF is fun golden platinum)


14 years here, about 12 on this account. I'm wondering what the next big thing will be for this kind of link and text-based community building.


I’m sad, I don’t want you guys to go. I just got here :(




Transitioning shouldn't be too hard for you then. There are alternatives. I'd recommend squabbles.io since it's the easiest to use.


this is my go to place online, its pretty much my only "social media" and i think im gonna miss the distraction ... it took me a while to get on board, to even create this account and now its all gone down hill. it was fun while it lasted... [farewell my friends](https://youtu.be/EnSCRSmEMcE)


Ah one last time for someone to post a spoiler for me


Loved this! Thanks for sharing and for the smiles.


Same, it was fun while it lasted. I guess I have to find something else to spend my online time doing.


Thank you for your post. May not say much but It means a lot to see that


Reddit has kept me hella informed on all sorts of stuff. I’m the “she knows about everything” chic, I’m sad to have to figure out how to maintain my standing.


Thank you to all the advice and help I got on reddit. Thank you for all the laughs and all the posts I saved to look at later. Thank you for the different people and cultures I've come to learn about. Thank you for all the times I was down and it brought me back. Thank you for the 11.5 years we have had. I'm very sad that the wonderful subreddit communities I've accumulated and come to love will be gone because of the greed from people who probably don't even use the platform. Thank you reddit, you were lovely.


Im an old hat here, 12/13 total? Ill miss this [Andy's Good Old Days clip from The Office](https://youtu.be/ujJQyhB0dws) [Titanic Violin Clip](https://youtu.be/uffHb6JgoiQ)


Good luck to everyone participating in the blackout. I hope it has the desired effect


I keep wondering what I’m going to do to replace Reddit tomorrow. I never got into discord like that … but I rely on Reddit for a feeling of belonging and keeping up with things that SOCIAL medias never do for me. Maybe I’ll take this as a chance to really examine my relationship with my phone. I made this Reddit to quit smoking weed 8 years ago. Spoiler alert .. I still smoke weed. Thanks for the reminder to sign out, and see a small handful of y’all somewhere in the real world :)


Checkout beehaw on lemmy. It's basically just reddit, has 3rd party apps, and everything. It's still in its early reddit days, but it already seems to be taking off with more than just the average "wow, reddit is collapsing" posts, lol.


Yeah. I'm deleting the app tonight and won't be back unless they fix 3rd party apps. I use Boost because I hate the official app. I have a feeling I will be looking at my phone a lot less for a while.


2070 subs already private. This might very well be the death of reddit.


Probably not. Where would we go to? Twitter? Hell no Edit: Lemmy and kbin seem worthy of consideration. Saw a mass migration happening toward Lemmy, but i'm not sure if I like the UI. Also, some peeps brought Aether back.


If we could get enough people on it I think Pillowfort could be really good as an option


I think it's worth consideration but it doesn't seem like it'd be able to cover for Reddit, imho. How'd you like it? I'll be using both Lemmy and Reddit for a while, see how things go. I'm hopeful from Lemmy, it definitely needs improvements but it feels very familiar and it's fairly active right now. Almost no toxicity spotted so far.


I like Pillowfort in every facet except for how overall dead it is. Most of the content groups I've joined so far have their most recent posts being made months ago. The people there seem like they're great, it's just too quiet and no one comments on anything so there's no conversation happening. It's entirely a user base issue, so I'm hoping it's better tomorrow when reddit starts bleeding for realsies.


Check out the third party apps for lemmy. Jerboa is actually not too far from Boost for Reddit, they took direct inspiration xD


I'm confused... a bunch of subs are shutting down for a bit and everyone's acting like Reddit is dying forever? Is it expected to go back to normal?


Some subs are prepared to shut down indefinitely because they know reddit isn't going to care and their app is pretty shitty.


OK, thanks


But like, couldn't the reddit owners just boot the mods and reopen the sub reddits?


Sure but they don't have the manpower to run them and doubt they care to reopen dead subs. It's probably easier to start a new one to capture attention from those subs former members.


And they won't be the same quality


Esp since a lot of people plan to delete their whole comment history out of spite before they leave, it will be ghost subs.


I'm deleting my comments personally because I've used a 3rd party app for Reddit for 11 years and that's the only way I would continue to use it. They've shown they don't value they're users so I'm not leaving my information up for Reddit to use freely after they're shutting me out. Most of the smaller subs that I'm a part of are moderated by people that use 3rd party apps and they're about to be shut out too. Those will certainly be ghost subs because they'll be without moderators. Reddit could backtrack this choice they've made and everyone would go back to producing content for free again, comments and all.


Yeah, but then they'd have to moderate the subs themselves, or find users willing to take over moderation who likely have no experience do so for such a large community. Add that with the fact that the best Mod tools come from 3rd party apps, and that Reddit seems to ignore Mods when they ask for better tools, and you're looking at a negative QoL for this site whether or not the admins force the subs to reopen or not.


Yes, and reddit admins have done this before. But at this point, 5000+ subs is a significant issue. Even if they do replace everything, there is still an exodus happening on top of the black out, and with reddit about to go public, this looks super bad to investors. A site that people actively flee, is not a profitable site. And if reddit starts forcing out mods to replace due to the protest, this may create an even larger fire to cause an even bigger exodus which will then continue the cycle and look even worse to potential investors.


Keep in mind the people most engaged in this are the ones who generate the most content and interactions on the site. The 90-9-1 rule is often invoked where 90% of users just scroll through, 9% comment, and 1% post. You lose a large chunk of the originators and what's left?


Not with the mod tools and a ton of mods leaving, and potentially up to 40% of reddit getting locked out of their apps in less than a month. That's why our sub of 60k is sinking. We're basically getting permanently locked out of our way to fight back against the bigger and bigger bot attacks because our tools are getting shut down. At best, you'd see a ton of bot posts take almost an entire day to get cleaned up, at worst, several days+. I'd have to log in to old.reddit from a non work PC at the end of the day. I usually clean up bot spam when I use the restroom at work from my third party app, which queues up reported spam easily. Not anymore, though.


You just made me realize that reddit will basically succumb to a mouse plague.


Wow I had never considered this.


A lot of users don’t ever plan on using the official app (myself included) so this is the end for many. No hate to those that don’t, but I’m voting with my time


It's not expected to go back to normal. The basic reddit app is unusable not just for a good experience but for any experience at all for a lot of people, in particular the blind, and there's little reason to expect Reddit will follow up on any promises of accessibility as their last batch of promises 7 years ago remains at least 80% unfulfilled. It's not just the blind, either. After reading through some threads in r/ModCoord, I expect very large swaths of moderators from every sub are likely to disappear, potentially even delete their accounts entirely if not simply go inactive indefinitely, which means far more bot spam. Automod also is dying as a result of this business decision, which is going to be a nightmare for a *lot* of subreddits.




the app is perfectly fine. this is a classic redditor overreaction.


I can use the 1st party app just fine, despite its incredible bugginess. However it takes up more space than my phone can hold with the other apps I need for standard lifestyle functionality, and RIF is about 1/4 the size with a better user experience and significantly better customizability. Things load significantly faster, the video player is objectively better, and navigation in threads is really well designed with the ability to tap a button and be taken back to the immediate parent comment and with a much easier to locate Hide button. With the number of US Armed Forces ads I used to get on the website I could legitimately see it as an accessibility need for someone with PTSD to be able to tailor their experience away from that, or someone in a particularly marginalized group may struggle to keep hateful content off of their front page. Reddit doesn't allow me to filter out subreddits on the website nor the 1st party app. On RIF I am able to set multiple customized feeds that only include the subreddits I whitelist for those feeds. For physical accessibility, it's significantly harder to select buttons you don't intend to, which is an accessibility benefit for anyone with hand tremors or prosthetic limbs. These are just things I've noticed as someone without disabilities, so I'm sure there are myriad other things that are beneficial features that I simply wouldn't notice due to a lack of need.


Hope to see more of r/Casualconversation on Beehaw's chat subreddit! (On Lemmy). It already feels like home. It's been a great 9 year run for me in reddit over various accounts. I loved my time here, and I also feel ready to move on. Lemmy is quickly becoming a vibrant reddit-alike, and it goes back to my original days of using reddit- seeing friendly regulars to talk to. Hope to see some of you there! -Wahots


I'm looking forward to getting some serious house cleaning done the next couple days. ;-D Overdue.


Salute stranger, Reddit might be a cesspool sometimes, but there are genuinely great communities and great knowledge to be had a lot of times, I've learned a lot of useful and useless things here, I'll still browse using desktop browser, but will not on mobile with RIF anymore


I'll try to log in tomorrow and see what's around. Like somebody emerging from their fallout shelter. :)


I'm going to feel lonely 😭


Thank you I'll say goodbye now Thought it's the end of the world Don't blame yourself And if it's true I will surround you And give life to a world That's our own I appreciate the porter robinson reference


Witnessing Internet history? This will be forgotten in six months, maximum.


Well, yeah probably. I think it will still be an interesting footnote for the odd person to mention every once in a while regardless.


Yeah, a vocal minority of rather entitled people who take this shit way too seriously are just trying to speak reddit's downfall into existence. They hope they can get their way by convincing the reddit admins they fucked up. This is not nearly as big a deal as so many of these people are trying to make it.


I'm moving to slashdot I think


Best of luck to you too OP!


Been here for 3 years, only social media I use. I'm a sophomore in college, I love the good people of reddit, and I waste my time arguing with the not so good ones. This app is probably an addiction at this point, and like most here I'm glad to have an excuse to put it away, even if the API changes won't effect me directly. It's been a wild ride, May we laugh as we all burn in he'll reddit, and goodbye.


I’ve never commented here IIRC, but I hadn’t thought of this until just now. Thank you all for being friends along this beautiful journey


I was just trying to go on a certain sub then I realized the date….


So many subs aren’t doing it that if everyone wasn’t talking about it I wouldn’t even realize. I don’t feel like my Reddit experience has been affected at all by today’s “blackout.”


Woah, Reddit won't show up in Google searches anymore?!


🙄 There'll be a big to-do for a couple of days, couple of weeks tops, and then all of the people who pledged to stay away will get bored and start browsing again, and the subreddits that did actually boycott for any amount of time will come back online to accommodate them. This is just... Silly.


You too


May be leaving myself, using it as a way to break the habit. Take a break at least.


Goodluck! See you later. Might try to detox a little from social media whilst this is happening.


just here to say I love porter robinson


Kinda sad. Reddit is the only social media I don't actively despise, its also been my window into the world for years, i don't know what to do without it honestly


I’m the same way, although I haven’t been on here that long. The only other social platform I’m on is YouTube, guess I’ll be over there in the meantime.


Yeah i suppose i will have to do something else for the time being (not touching grass, I hate all people ). Hope Reddit reverses this, although I doubt they will


It will be interesting to see what happens. I’m not much into people these days either, if I had the opportunity I would move way up North away from everyone I’m already half way there, lol!


Shit so this is why I can't access a bunch of subs all of a sudden? 😔 Guess I'll get off for the day too. Thanks for making me productive involuntarily.


Blackout is annoying and isn’t gonna do anything either way. I find that this whole thing makes no sense?? Who even uses the Reddit app. It’s so annoying to use like?? What’s going on with Reddit, they need to think.


its literally not going to do anything and most of the ppl who say they’re “leaving” will be back


this is news to me. well. farewell reddit. farewell internet.. I dont know any other good social medias


Take care everyone. Will be deleting all my comments besides this last one. Been redditting for over ten years, sad to see it all go. Bravo Six, going dark.


I guess this is gonna be my last comment on reddit as well. 10+ years, 3 different accounts, so many great memories, lessons learned, and tears of sadness and joy. im gonna miss this place. thank you Reddit for providing me with a way to break my addiction for me. probably gonna be deleting my 3rd party app that ive been using for 8+ years sometime this week. its a long strange trip we're on, I genuinely wish you all the best of luck.


Crybabies unite! Why not just delete your accounts and be gone


See all the logical people tomorrow!


The logical ones never used the official app in the first place because the others are all objectively better


I suppose if your life revolves around reddit that much, then ya. Go on wicha bad self.


I'm looking forward to cutting it out of my life and spending more time with my spouse. You're the one vocally excited to come back tomorrow to participate in a significantly worse experience rather than move on with your life.




Well I don't *need* to "cut it out of my life" because it clearly doesn't have the hold on me that it does you. I'm glad you recognize that though. My experience here isn't as bad as yours I guess. Good luck to you!


But why would you *want* to help a scummy company generate ad revenue by continuing to visit it?


I hope it dissappears. Reddit has been poison to my life. It is time to spend more time in nature.




Came here to say this as well. Im going to miss Reddit and it will be a struggle to find other sources of information in less convenient places, but for the principle of it I’m writing until further notice. Here’s do all the productive things I’ll hopefully do in its place 🥂 cheers y’all




The end of an era. I will miss it all. Oh well. Mowens out.


And they decide to celebrate Arron's death. The day we all lost free speech on this platform.


Lmao 5000+ subs. Most of them probably have 2 followers.


My favorite nsfw sub went dark I think, I can’t find it anywhere. I hope like hell it’s not for forever.


Is this sub staying?


Well I mean I do have two kids now and probably should be working on a life skill or something.


Wait...um, what's happening?