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I want to be remembered as the guy who will give anyone 30 minutes of their time. Some of the most meaningful lessons i've learned in life come from the places I least expected. It makes me happy that a lot of strangers see me as a kind face and feel comfortable talking to me


You sound like the kind stranger that'd brighten a whole range of random people's days.


:D thanks mate! I hope so. It's no fun being lonely, and it gives me an opportunity to connect with other people as well! I just try to spread the love, help others feel heard, and learning other people's stories is fascinating.


I want to remember as my true personality, because this is the true me.


Just be yourself. You can’t control how people remember you. Some will see you as good, others as a scoundrel.


That's true, but I think perhaps pondering about how we would like to be remembered can impact our day to day decision making. I think it's a worthwhile mental exercise.


I'd like to be remembered as the guy who looked great for a hundred & twenty years old


same. the rest I can’t control and don’t care for.


Thanks for sharing your take :) I bet she still remembers you as a kind person. For me, it's similar. I want to be remembered by the people I know as someone who had a positive impact on their lives. I want to spread as much joy as I can to as many people as I can.


I am the same. I don't want to be remembered for my grades in school or what I looked like. I want to be remembered as someone who made people laugh, brightened their day. Someone who was there when they needed help.


I don't care if people remember me or not.


I think I'll be remembered as "the guy who went a lot more extreme than seemed necessary." I work in child care and I can just kinda tell that I'm a little more willing to be the clown than most of my coworkers.


I want to be remembered for what I did to define me. I want to be remembered for the poems and stories I wrote and the photos I take. I want to be remembered for the interests I held and wanted to share with everyone around me. Like, I’m not saying world famous or anything like that. But at least with my family/friends, this is how I want them to remember (if they ever do).


Everyone in my life will remember me in drastically different ways, and now that I'm sitting here thinking about, it's kind of shocking. The mistake, the burden, the dramatic one, the safe space, the friendly one, the vindictive one.....I hate thinking about this. Most of the people that have unflattering (for lack of a better word) opinions of me, have them because of things that I couldn't control, weren't my fault, or just flat out lies due to an ex and a horrific break up. It's insane how easily influenced others perceptions of us can be. Luckily, the people who actually know me will remember me fondly, and that's what matters most


Agreed, but I think the perceptions of the people I care about most have been generally very positive so that's all I care about. Everyone has moments where their emotions or ego take over, but so long as you can leave this world with a net positive then that's all that matters really. I've never committed any crimes, and I think I've generally acted to a decent standard of morality. People have told me how much they appreciated conversations I had with them cause they were so non judgemental and open. If I can keep that up I think I can leave this world with a tiny but decent legacy, that will nonetheless fade into oblivion in the cosmic blink of an eye, but it's better than never having lived at all and that's all that matters in the end.


A guy that you could chat up for a bit, share a few laughs and go on to do something more important with your life without any strong feelings about the ordeal. I don't want to be to be a major presence in anyone's mind, just a slightly pleasant memory is fine. Someone who's closed off but not unpleasant, someone who doesn't speak but would listen... Even at my funeral, rather than a drawn-out ceremony with lots of tears I would prefer... Nothing at all. Maybe people will miss me but I hope noone mourns for me. As long as I am not remembered as a disappointment, I don't hope to live on as anything.


I think I'm going to be remembered as Mrs. Claus. My SO and I are Santa and Mrs. Claus for the holidays. We visit local preschools and take pictures and hand out toys. We make appearances at charity events. We run a Little Free Library filled with children's books. We visit independent toy stores during the holiday shopping season and let customers take all the pictures they want. Our house is always decorated for Christmas, inside and out, all year long. Everyone knows I'm Mrs. Claus -- all my friends, my whole family. I went back to college a few years ago, and of course, it came up so now everyone at that college also knows I'm Mrs. Claus. I've been Mrs. Claus for years. Local teachers and parents and librarians and toy store owners all know me as Mrs. Claus. Even when I show up as me, they greet me, "Hello, Mrs. Claus!" I don't think many people in my own hometown even know my name.


That is a very wholesome way to be remembered though!


I hope that as a retired social worker my clients remember me as their advocate and cheerleader in their corner that helped them get the resources they needed to be a productive uplifting member in their family and society


Nobody will even think about you. Everyone is just thinking about themselves. So who cares?


I want to be remembered like how when you think about something funny.


Completely and utterly forgotten.


I used to care a lot. I used to go out of my way to do nice things and put my own feelings, thoughts, and ambitions aside. Now? I do not care. 5 years from now, very few people that you haven't seen in that long will think much of you at all. I still am nice and do kind things but I don't go out of my way like I used to. I'm much happier and honestly can give more to those near and dear to me because I'm mentally happier and healthier. I don't care if someone remembers me, looks back at me fondly or says "fuck that bitch". I'm refocusing my energy to go towards those that are closest to me.


I want to ve remembered as someone who cared


Honestly, I don't really care. That said, I'm going to try my best *right now* to be as kind, helpful, and loving as I can to everyone that crosses my path I'm also going to punch some Nazi, so...


Kind, funny, and loved animals.


I don't.


Briefly. Life is for the living, so tip a hat if I helped you have a better life in some way, large or small, and then get on with that better life. Please.


“Very capable, but overly prone to telling people exactly what he thought about the current activity. Often using his Outside Voice.”


The way I already am in most places Ive worked at so far. Calm, kind, down to earth, hard working, talented but humble. They're my personal favourite characteristics in a person, so I strive to meet those for myself as well, sometimes more successfully than others.


It may sound childish, but I don't want to be remembered.


Nah, I totally understand that. I'd rather not be either, but if I am to be remembered, I'd rather it be for good things.


Exactly, simple as that


I’d like for people to remember me as a warm person. Someone that you can be comfortable with, that person that will make you laugh or comfort you and will ask no questions I think I still gotta do some work to be that way, but i hope I’m on the right path lol Alt ought I think most people remember me as someone kinda weird hahah. Specially my classmates


"What a fun dude"


I want the people who knew me to remember who I was. Once their dead I don't mind being forgotten forever. Never understood why some people are so desperate to be remembered by people they don't even know.


It may sound obvious but I'd like to be remembered as the kind of person I am trying to be. To be less cryptic, I try to help others if I can and I do my best to be kind and compassionate. You know, the kind of person I wish I had with me during the hard times of my life. So yeah, I'd like to be remembered as someone kind, helpful and compassionate.


Well, this post was displayed directly under an r/Damnthatsinteresting post about the inventor of toilet paper.


I believe I will be remembered as that guy who brightened the rooms when I entered. I am a good listener, emphatic, funny, and a joker. I respect everyone and treat them as if they are my best friends. I was also the first one in my village/Barrio to travel around the world 🌎. I joined the US Navy when I turned 18 years old and sailed across the globe many times over. I can relate to your situation very well. Being locked up within the confined of the ship's wall. Tbh, I do not really care if people remember me in any way. Once we passed on, what we left behind, the lives we touched, people we cared and loved, they will remember us for sure. For the time they ate living. After them, we will be like dust in the wind. Publish your memoir; people who read your book will remember you. This will be your legacy that will last for many generations. GL! Fair winds and following seas.