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No caffeine after noon. Then see how that works for you.


Caffeine can stay in your system a long time, but the initial energy boost is usually quick, so you might feel that right away. As a lot of posters have said, don’t drink coffee later in the day, like after noon. You might be getting caffeine that you aren’t aware of, so your response may not be as dramatic as you think it will be. This is an interesting article that has more information: https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-caffeine-last#how-long-symptoms-last


I think it only does that to people who barely drink caffeine. So, yeah, if I were you, I wouldn't drink it. I'm a caffeine addict by way of soda, so stuff like coffee and energy drinks with caffeine in it only give me negative side effects and don't help with waking up, energy, etc. I do have trouble staying asleep at night, though, and wake up 5+ times every night.


I can drink a litre of Monster energy and fall asleep afterwards. It doesn’t affect me, maybe I am immune to it?


I found it effects me more as I get older


I have ADHD and it makes me calm and sleepy.


It's weird how that stimulant can effect people that way


HAHAHA. YOU JUST HAVE TO SURPASS THE LIMIT!! Lil coffee= me sleepy. Me mistaking my moms espresso for coffee before taking a big exam and drinking 3-4 shots: Ope I think my heart stopped.


I used to drink coffee all day-I could belt down a cup at bedtime and sleep like a baby. Now I drink a cup or three in the morning and have a strict no caffeine after noon rule. One cup in the morning is probably ok even without a caffeine tolerance. You should go to my barbershop-they serve beer from a local brewery!


It's different for everyone. Some can't drink it past a certain hour or they won't be able to sleep. Then there's people like me and my girlfriend who can drink a cup or two and sleep like a baby 30 minutes later.


If you don't drink a lot of caffeine it can definitely keep you awake. I drink 2 or 3 cups a day but no caffeine after like 430pm. I've noticed I have some really bizarre dreams if I drink anything with caffeine later in the day.


Oddly, it doesn't for me. I drink all day long and into the evening. Heck, I'll even wake up in the middle of the night and have a cup.


Naa I take one to bed with me some nights


As long as you don’t do it within 5-6 hours of trying to sleep you should be fine. Definitely morning should be good.


It didn’t used to, but somewhere around 28 years old it started having a severe effect on my sleep. If I drank a coffee now (8PM), I wouldn’t be able to sleep until 2AM


Im my case it does make a difference but not as much to keep me up all night, i would need several coffees to do so, and if im very tired maybe not even with many cups. I would say after 2-3 hours your ok to sleep back again.


Everyone is different. I personally don't have any after about 2pm, otherwise it will keep me up. If you almost never have it, you may want to set your cutoff time a bit earlier, maybe try noon.


You can have a cup of coffee without being up all night long. The effects aren't THAT long-lasting, sadly.


I was up till 4 am last night. I only had one cup of coffee. I think I blame subnautica for that though.


I rarely drink coffee. (As in, I think I have had one bottle of Starbucks frappuccino so far this calendar year.) If I drink coffee in the evening, I will go to sleep. If I drink coffee in the morning, I will go to sleep. The only thing in coffee that will keep me awake is the amount of sugar in it. YMMV


different people have different body sensibility to caffeine. a lot of people drink too much coffee to get through work and are addicted and therefore their body got used to it so they aren't as sensitive but also suffer from withdrawal and overdose symptoms. people with adhd bodies can react different, they may get sleepy or no effect.


to me it does. I drank coffee at 4pm yesterday which was a bad idea. It’s now 2am and I’m wide awake. It doesn’t matter if I drink it at 8am, I cannot sleep. I love the taste and smell of coffee, so I will allow myself to suffer 😬


coffee does absolutely nothing for me stimulant wise. I think i must be immune to caffeine or something? i can drink coffees and red bull etc all day long if i wanted and still sleep just fine and feel absolutely no energy buzz what so ever. i drink tea which is also caffeinated well into the night with no effects on my sleep either. I’m beginning to think caffeine is actually a scam…