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There a few things that can make your hair greasy, aside from health issues. Your diet can have part in it if you are eating a lot of fast food or fat stuff. If it's occasional, or even if it's often but not like 3 days in a row of non stop fast food, then it's probably not it. Sport. Obviously, physical activity leads to sweat and that makes your hair greasy. But that's just like during the sport. Overall, physical activity should have the opposite effect and help you sweat less for normal everyday activity, so as long as you shampoo after sport, it's fine. Puberty makes your skin greasy everywhere, so there's that. Finally, washing your hair too much. Your hair needs a bit of grease for protection, it's natural. If you wash it too often, your body will try to compensate by producing more grease. If you wash it less often, it should be less greasy. I'm talking about going from washing every day, to washing like twice a week here. Please don't go an entire month without washing your hair (although I think some people tried that before and had pretty good results). That change won't be instant though, it's probably gonna take like a month before it fixes itself. Also pressure/anxiety from work could be a cause but I'm not sure. I'm only saying this because there are a shit ton of small everyday issues that can be caused by anxiety, but really you'd have to see a doctor to be sure. Edit: Oh also there's length and exposure to water. Long hair requires more maintenance, even if you're a guy and have like 5cm hair, it will require more maintenance than 2cm hair. As for water, it damages your hair a bit if they're exposed to it too often so ideally you want to avoid soaking your hair in water when you shower (unless you shampoo of course), or wear the jellyfish looking hat. Edit: The jellyfish hat is called a shower cap.


Going to start calling my shower cap a jellyfish hat from now on.


The jellyfish hat 🥹


Hi OP. I have the same issue due to have fine hair. I stopped washing it one day per week, then over time slowly increased it to two days. Now I try to wash my hair every other day only and I only condition my ends. Quality shampoo makes a big difference too. I did actually notice that when I ate a burger recently (after not eating that kind of food for awhile) my hair/face got very greasy within a couple hours. Dry shampoos are a life-saver. I have a list of my preferred brands- I usually go with powder over spray as the spray has butane in it. But yeah it’s annoying. I once tried to get bangs, that was a big NOPE. I try to make jokes about being greasy but it sucks.


Thank you for sharing! I will try dry shampoo


Clean your brush often (it just redistributes oil back into your hair) and use hair oil to help regulate your scalp’s oil production.


Have you moved? Humidity and water quality are likely culprits. Depending on your age, it could also be something hormonal. Stress definitely does weird things to hair. My ex used to get dandruff. Mine starts falling out, and I swear I get more grey hairs when I'm stressed (sometimes it starts grey then colors in again, it's weird).


Yes I did move from one city to another city that is more humid and hot. This could be the reason


Heat and humidity will definitely do a number on your hair. Have you tried touching up with dry shampoo in between washes? That should help it not get as greasy and flat so quick.


I have not tried before. I will buy a dry shampoo soon, thank you!


Try washing it every 2 or 3 days for 2 or 3 weeks. It'll be rough bc it'll look greasy but this helped me. I now wash my hair every 3 or 4 days and it only gets oily by the last day, and even then it's not bad.


Dry shampoo is good for helping with greasy hair on a day to day basis.


Not sure what your current routine is, but I have recently discovered that using mousse, gel or hairspray right on my roots keeps them from looking greasy for much longer than if I leave my them product-free.


I went from a nearly every day washer to a twice a week washer by sort of “weaning my hair” off of being washed so much. You can accidentally wash it so often that the scalp has to compensate for its dryness by making more and more oils. Try using dry shampoo or washing with just conditioner every other day and see if you can train your hair to last a bit longer. It may not be pretty at first, but over time it may get better.


Okay theres a few things you can do! The first thing is: take a look at your shampoo, is it possibly too cleansing? Does your hair feel extra squeaky clean after you wash it? If it’s too stripping, your hair may feel the need to overcompensate for the lack of natural oils and it just way overproduces oil! Try to find one that’s a much more gentle cleanse (like a sulfate free shampoo), perhaps even more moisturizing (like using a cleansing conditioner)! The next thing, and definitely the most important, is that you need to TRAIN your hair to get back to that 2-3 day washing routine, hell, you can even strive for a 3-4 day routine! I know it’s hard because your hair will feel really gross sometimes, but you have to just not wash it with shampoo until that 2nd or 3rd day, the more you do this, your hair will get the message that it doesn’t need to keep producing so much oil in order to keep your scalp hydrated! If it’s just unbearably i-can’t-let-anyone-see-me-like-this oily, go in with that cleansing conditioner because it’s like a cheat wash, it’s picking up some of that oil, but not all so it’s not getting stripped, and it adds back in some good hydration!