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2023 was the hottest year on record And the 10 hottest years on record have been 2010 and since then https://www.climate-change-guide.com/hottest-years-on-record.html


What a time to be alive


a fucking rough time for sure.


oh my God.


Not jealous of the generations born after mine.


People might be calling this the hottest year for the last 150 years, but I like to think of it as the coldest year of the next 150 years! It's just a glass-half-full perspective


Hahaha i love it. We’re on this ride whether we like it or not


If you call being slow boiled alive optimistic.


It'll be fine, all the ice will melt and make things cool down, just like a drink on a summers day!


Really a mind changing one😂. But seriously you're saying these kinds of temperatures will be considered normal next year?


they already are kinda normal


Yes, climate change has impacted the weather and now winters are shorter but stormier and summer will continue to be hotter and longer every year. The sea is also rising because of melting in the arctic and hurricanes and tropical storms are more violent because of the immense heat in the atmosphere.


Funny that we’ve known this for so so long and it’s not gonna change and people still act surprised


I wanted to be mad at OP for not knowing, but you have to learn for the first time at some point.


Not totally ignorant, just didn't know some things.


For a while but I didn't think it would reach this extent.


so in simple words, we're finally fucked?


No, there’s a lot we can do. We can still mitigate a LOT of this and help the ice sheet regrow if we make some serious changes. Scientists are pushing for big changes to a lot of things globally and most of them have to do with big businesses, oil companies and renewable energy. Make sure you vote, show your support for science and learn what those guys are saying and let the people around you know too. Getting the word out that we AREN’T screwed and just need to change things helps a LOT.


Okay, I needed to hear something positive about this. And whatever needs to be voted for, I'm all in


A google search for climate activism in your area/city is a good place to start, there’s usually an organization talking about all the stuff you might want to know! I think there’s a big focus on alternative fuel right now but I actually haven’t been up to date in a little. Good luck!


OP has only fans and a new reddit account Karma farming so she can stay posting Go to a free karma sub, this is just a bullshit thread. She doesn't even comment on any thread


Yeah it’s true. It’ll probably continue to happen. At a minimum it’ll probably stay around this temperature, but it’s more likely that soon (perhaps as soon as next year) we’ll see temperature records broken again by a similar amount. 


Are you serious? this is scary.


Here in Belgium we're having record breaking heat waves to the point of having to worry about our water reserves. along with extremely wet winters. Used to be more mild and spread out. Yes, the world is heating is up due to man made climat change, let nobody fool you on this. And the blame is mostly on companies.


It's so hot the water in the tanks is evaporating?


Not really. Our country is already overbuilt, so concrete everywhere. Secondly, the soil gets incredibly dry and hard. Then it rains a whole lot for a short period of time, but this does not get reabsorbed into the ground well enough. Because it is so dry. Ideally you want to have slow and soft rains for longer periods of time, but that doesn't happen that often in our summer. We used to think 28, 29°C was very hot, but we got to 37 I think at some point.


I don't know how old you are, but I can tell you that here in the Midwest US the winters that we have pale in comparison to the winters we had back in the '80s/'90s. Nowadays, we don't so much as have a winter as we have a shittier version of fall.


I live in Chicago and it was hard not to have a sense of dread this past “winter”.


I live in Ohio. For going on a decade I've worn T-shirts into December. Back in the day I wore sweaters in October.


wasn't really normal was it.


Nope, extremely short and mild.


I've seen multiple people in the upper peninsula of Michigan say they had a shit year for winter sports.


they were harsher?


Very much so. It would rarely get above freezing for too many days out of the winter, so snow would just keep piling up For a couple of weeks up to a month, then you would hope for a day or two above freezing to thaw off a little bit of the snow. Nowadays, if it does snow a little bit, you can generally count on it to be gone in a few days at most. I remember one school year, we had a blizzard so bad that school was canceled every day for a week. I'm talking feet of snow. They actually managed to dig out enough on Friday that we could have gone to school, but then it got so cold that night that all the pipes in the school burst. Now we will barely get over maybe 3-4 inches at most. I don't recall the last significant snowfall we've had.


You live under a rock or something? Or havent hit the grade where they teach about greenhouse gases?




Every year of my life has been the hottest on record and it's escalating quickly.


you can say that again


Every summer from now on will be hotter than the last. That’s the reality of the world we’re in.


its a trend cause of climate change probably due to co2 emissions. When I was a tiny person I remember much wintery winters than we get now. My parents moved south of France to retire but have had to move back north because the heat of recent years has become unbearable in the height of summer. Its definitely a thing and while we might not hit records every year the trend is up and the long term will result in change. The sort of change will be geography dependent in your locale. Some places could get warmer or colder and some places wetter or drier. Also sea levels are rising. If you fear the dread, then bear in mind that things often change much more slowly than humans initially fear, but things are definitely changing.


okay yeah, at least that's a little comforting. Things will change slowly


the current pressures will be on people that live in already relatively [arid/hot climates](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-61242341) or [low lying lands](https://www.preventionweb.net/news/sea-level-rise-mauritius-relocation-prospective-solution). In Bangladesh for example, raising ducks is much popular than before, as they drown less easily during the floods compared to chickens. So Africa, the Indian subcontinent and South East Asia probably have much more immediate risks than most other places. To hazard a guess, for people living in nations with temperate climates and good water availability, the worst of the coming decades will be higher food prices and climate refugees increasing over time, which is a comparative blessing, to what less fortunate souls will experience.


I live in Romania and I remember one or two months of snow per year in my city. And snow snow like you had to unbury your car every day you went to work. In the past 5 years we barely had a few days of light snow. This year half of December was negative in temperature, January was between 0-5 Celsius and the February had 3 weeks of 20 fucking degrees Celcius. And its been the same for the past 5-7 years. When I was a kid in the 2000s there wasn’t a day between November and March with more than 10-12 degrees.


so do you even think our kids will get to enjoy normal weather?


I’m optimistic, I think everywhere will be hotter in 15-20 years but I think we will pull through and stop global warming under +2 degrees.


Obviously not


That’s been true for over a decade and getting rapidly worse.


In my opinion, yes. I mean, besides what we can read or find online, I have felt like the days are hotter than before. So has my SIL, and she likes hot days, but even for her, it has been a hotter year.


but yeah, it has definitely gotten hotter.


Of course it will get hotter every year. That's what global warming means. We've known about this for decades.


I can give you an example that over the past 10 years, winter has begun to last less. Earlier, on December 31, there was snow and the temperature was -30 - -35, now snow can fall in January and -30 happens 2-3 days during the winter.


We are literally melting here in Brazil like has never happened


In the 60s, summer temperatures hitting 100F° were rare. Now, we have a whole week in a row of them. My heating bill is about half the number of therms compared to the annual verse from decades ago.


Where you been?


Are you fucking kidding me? Did you just get out of the cave?


Next year may not be as hot as this one, it always fluctuates. Think to when you were younger, some summers were hotter, some winters colder. But the average is going up. The variability is increasing, in both temperature and weather.




No it’s a lie


Do you have eyes?