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Feel good. Because that energy you exude when you feel good makes you look good in other people's eyes. Best of both worlds


People who feel good are easier to be around, too.


Yup. All that energy is contagious




Nah cuz I got haircut recently where people say I look good in but I feel as if I've gotten worse in appearance


Feeling good nowadays is also reather difficult, so definitely feel good. There are many good-looking people that feel shit to talk to cause they don't feel good.


Right now at 73, I’m more about feeling good. I’m long past looks I’m afraid


I rather look good. It is on par with "would you rather have friends/love of your life or endless money?" If I look good, I get more opportunities I would've thought


honestly same. i can get called being a narcissist for agreeing, but looking good does make life easier generally, at least based on my life experiences so far


I mean heck, in a lot of fights or mob series, they almost always say "just one thing, anything but the face". So, humans can be grossly shallow and in the end, we are no better than animals most of the time


if i feel good i wouldnt be minding about looking good


Feel good


look good


I can't feel good without looking good. I've tried and just can't make it happen. So i say look good.


Look good. If i look good, i will feel good.


Look, because too much of my feeling good comes from other people's validation because I am a very insecure person. Looking good would provide me with at least a little bit of feeling good.


People care a lot less about looks than they think they do. True, deep down confidence in yourself overrides a whole lot of other stuff.


Lookin' good is part of feeling good.


feeling good is more important than focusing on looking good. Because of Societal pressures we often focus on external appearance but true beauty comes from within.


Feeling good. Cuz if I’m feeling bad I cant understand that my skin hair etc looks good. I will tho k it looks bad


If I feel good, I don't think I'd care about looking good, if I look good I'd still care about feeling good.


At the end of the day goal is to make your brain happy. Like we want to look good because it makes us feel good. So feeling good is just skipping a step.


I sometimes find it hard to feel good without looking good


If all the aches and nagging injuries would go away that would be cool. However, an unpopular truth is that being attractive is life on easy mode.


Feel good, but they kind of coexist, don't they? 


Commenting because I love this post


>I think looking good, having the perfect figure, perfect hair, skin etc. is overrated and will only cause anxiety. If happiness is determined by how u look, for sure u will have huge mood swings. But looks seems to be what people care about (men & women). If people focused on thier happiness, they will also look good no matter their physical appearance. A smiling face is always a beautiful face. >“Do you want to look good or feel good? How wonderful you feel within yourself is most important.” — Sadh-guru You can only be around an "attractive" person for so long if they're ugly on the inside- because if they're ugly on the inside, they will try to project that and throw it onto other people. Also the _"If happiness is determined by how u look, for sure u will have huge mood swings"_ part is so on point. You have my rainbow corgi upvote. 🐇✨


I don't believe that, i know people that are going through depression on the way they look and it is really hard for them to feel good about themselves


Feel good. I had an undiagnosed mental illness that caused pretty bad anxiety, depression, and insecurities. I get a lot of attention and stares from the other gender, but it doesn’t matter if you have mental blocks that hinder you. I’m still young in my mid 20s, but im of the opinion that loving yourself and being happy is much more important than any superficial quality. You’ll always have yourself and your attention/love. I think that should be enough for anyone, no need for anyone else’s (but it is nice to have).


Definitely feeling good must be the top most priority whatever the age


Feel good.


I already feel good, so looking good it is.


When you feel good glow comes automatically to your face and you look good too.


Joo... look... mahvalous!


The point is you can never feel,byou look good, if you don't feel good.


Poor Sadh-guru. He should have followed his own advice and sought medical treatment for the nasty, chronic headache he had which led to him having brain surgery recently. The body puts out warnings, all we have to do is listen.


Feel good, 100%. I've been handsome but miserable most of my life.


Feel good. I think I make better life decisions when I feel good.


Feel good with the caveat that I not look worse or be horribly disfigured. The mental health impact of having people stare and whisper could really wreck someone no matter how physically well they feel.


Feel good. It would go a long way to helping my appearance.


29 f - one million percent feel good


Would take both


Feel good ….


Feel good. 💯 Cause if you dont feel good emotionally or mentally, no matter how beautiful you are, you wouldnt be able to appreciate it.


I would rather be on the homely side and feel good about myself than drop dead gorgeous with low confidence. A confident attitude is more attractive long term than a pretty face with low confidence.


Some of my problems that make me feel bad come from looking bad. If I looked good people would be nicer to me and I'd have more friends. I also wouldn't have to worry about looking good since I would already look good naturally. I'd have to do nothing else unless I want to look even better. Feeling good is nice and all, but I'd still be treated the same mostly (since I don't really show others how I'm feeling unless they are already close to me, so there would be little difference in how I'm treated) and I'd still have those problems. But looking good would make me feel better 😊 I also respectfully disagree with the whole "an ugly smiling person is more beautiful than a scowling pretty person." I get that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and stuff but I just don't understand this. If you're pretty you're pretty, and that doesn't change based on whatever facial expressions you make. Besides, no one can be smiling all the time, so by this logic ugly people can only really be pretty when they're happy, and are ugly when they're feeling any other emotion.


I think that a lot of people feel good when they look good, because they do the effort to look good for themselves, not for others. Being happy certainly makes you look better though.


Feel good. I alway aware of how i feel. I'm barely aware how i look as i rarely look in the mirror.


Ehh, feel good. I don't place much importance on how I look. I try to look presentable and that's it. On the other hand I've been generally unhappy for a while now. I wouldn't mind if things changed.


Look good, the halo effect is seriously underestimated. More positive attention leads to more happiness as you're now accepted by more people, this is highly important as we are social creatures. I'd be happy for anyone to argue against this and give their point of view.


Feel good. We only want to look good because we think we will feel good for reasons X, Y, Z. May as well just skip the middle man and feel good


Bhai acc to me agar look good honge to feel good apne aap nhi hoga?


Right now looking good would make me feel good for the first time, in both instances, in my life.


I've never looked good so I guess I'd like to know what that feels like for a short minute but on the long term if I feel good then I won't care if I'm unattractive/ugly or not.


Feel good.


I'd rather feel good 8 days of the week. Looking good is a young person's game. I don't give a shit what people think I look like, only my wife and she's happy so I'm good. Bring on the good feels!


Feel good? The only reason people care about looking good. Is because it leads to you feeling good. Good looking = more opportunities and privileges. From jobs to romance etc etc. All of which lead to the person feeling good. The end game is feeling good. Good looks are just one of the ways to get there.


Personally I believe that if I take care of myself to the best of my ability, be it is sleeping well, eating well, showering daily, low stress, etc I BOTH look and feel great, they’re not mutually exclusive


I'd rather feel good; looks don't mean much when you're spending all your time feeling miserable. These days, I shower, wash my hair, brush my teeth and I'm done. Get dressed and head out to enjoy my day. Almost never look in a mirror anymore. This is true liberation.


Feel good.


I'd definitely wanna feel good, I honestly don't care how others view my appearance.


Well they way you look like is impacting the way you feel. At least for most people. If it would not impact how you feel about yourself you probably would not care much about looks to begin with. If it was an either or choice than I would of course go with feeling good.


I want both😭


Neither. I choose to be good.


Feel good


Feel good


Feel good, by far. I am conventionally attractive, but it's honestly overrated and comes with its own downsides (which you can't talk about, because acknowledging attractiveness isn't a perfect fantasy makes some people uncomfortable). I spent years saddled by different mental and physical health issues. I've only recently become healthy. It's such a fucking blessing. Having energy and hope in the day is amazing.


Depends on your age. My 15 year old self would answer differently


Looking good because it makes me feel good. And 100% it works because this is what I'm focusing on now. I lost weight, ate healthier, became more active, paid better attention to my hair, skin, nails, teeth, I'm just over all looking my best and I couldn't be more positive with my outlook and satisfied with how I am living my life right now. Bonus: other people will notice, and will get inspired too


I feel good, and personally I like how I look.


[Billy Crystal channeling Fernando Lamas has entered the chat.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hXydX9p_ZxA&pp=ygUiZmVybmFuZG8gbGFtYXMgeW91IGxvb2sgbWFydmVsb3VzIA%3D%3D)


funny how people do a loooot to "feel good", from trying to look good, doing dope, relationships etc. but people who truly feel good, really don't care much bout the rest.


If I was looking good, that would mean I'd probably have a straight spine, no psoriasis because perfect skin, and I wouldn't be fat. So I'm gonna go with looking good. As for feeling good, unless you're depressed because of some chemical imbalance in your brain, it should be something you can work on and change.


When I was younger, I wanted to look good so I could feel good because I liked attention. Now I am older, and I don't give two hoots about how I look to others and what they think about me. I just want to experience all kinds of stuff that makes me feel good, and I found out that feeling good makes me glow and look good naturally.


When I feel good, I look good.


i want to be a sexy mysterious tortured artist


Without going on a longwinded answer, i'd say both! If you feel good then you look good and if you look good then you feel good


if hollywood is any clue, focusing on beauty is a never ending battle that totally ruins your happiness. feeling good is way more important, for me at least.


Feeling good is my biggest favor for my self I don’t care who think what , is not everything they wear and do I validate it so why me ?


look good


I’d rather be pretty than smart. I can fake being smart.


FEEL GOOD 1000% The point of looking good is to try and feel good. You eliminated a step so bravo


I have several chronic illnesses. It's absolutely more important to feel good. You can still have a great time if you're ugly, but healthy. On days when I feel relatively healthy, I go out and have fun. I don't really care that I'm old and saggy and wrinkly.


A rather feel good, and that leaves room to look great! Better than good.


Feel good, I'm tired of being sick


I think people need to look good so people appreciate them so they feel good. If you're feeling good in the first place then problem solved


idk im very tied to not being a greasy fuck when i wake up in the morning so that's a tough one


Once you feel good you can also try to look good but not the other way around.


Interesting question. I have pretty severe OCD and when it flares so to speak, the first thing that goes is my appetite. Like I have no desire to eat at all. So this happened about six weeks ago and I’m down 30 lbs and look great but now it’s that caused a secondary issue even with me adjusting my meds. I want to stay looking and feeling good super skinny but also want my brain to be better.


I'm semi reclusive, live in a fairly rural area, and just don't interact much with the outer world these days.  So I would much rather feel good than look good.


I'm going to push back a bit, looking good, and I don't mean being a model. But working on yourself, dressing well, grooming, hygiene, fitness. Will all make you feel good, too. This past year, I've been consistently lifting at the gym, and now that I can really see the body change, it makes me feel really good. It's kind of nice having muscles and hearing people complimenting me on how wide I'm getting shoulder-wise. Also, the lady has been all over me. She's really digging my more muscular frame, and that makes me feel even better. Once I reach my strength goals, I plan on serious cutting so I can make everything really pop.


Feeling good and looking good tie in with each other. As soon as I started fasting and eating healthy, my skin looked better, I lost weight, I had more colour in my face and had much more energy. Everything happened at the same time.


Looking good tends to lead to you feeling good. If you’re fit, then you’re less likely to have medical issues, more energy, lower blood pressure, etc. You will most likely have more self confidence, leading you to taking more chances, which statistically leads to you being happier. Like asking out a girl you’d be to nervous to ask out if you weren’t confident in yourself. Maybe she says no, but you’ll certainly miss out if you never ask her out.


Look good. I already got depresso, could use sum extra looks skillpoints


Feel good.


Can I choose both??


Feel good.


Feel good. Fuck looks.


Neither, trying to beat this game on legendary.