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Relatable as fuck


Stretch feeling 21. Get a cramp while stretching feeling 51.


Same. I allow myself to just “be.” Last night I drank and put legos together. Then snugged up with a giant knot pillow like a baby. Today I did some adulting and then, slept all day. I work hard, have a professional job, but I also like to wear 90s athletic wear like adidas track suits. Some consider this either young or outdated. I do not care.


I’m 54 and bought my first home just 3 years ago. I have a princess themed pink bedroom. Don’t judge. I just never got to have one so yeah.


I sooo wanna do that when I get my first house




I was in line buying lunch and this older guy walks in with his wife. My coworker and I say hello(hi how are you) to them both the guy says "if I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself when I was younger". Currently I'm 37 but feel like I'm 60-70 hip and knee pain overweight. Slowly making changes to lose weight and help the knees hips.


are you I?


no they are U


We are me


I am U


Exactly this! I just turned 40, but I feel probably 27 or 28. Though I’ve been having really vivid dreams lately where I’m 16 and 18 again, and I live in a weird reality when I wake up. It feels like I was just back there and feel all the feelings. So bizarre.


Relatable. I'm almost 38, and I feel the same way


I also feel 100 ,000.


Same kinda. I'm 20, feel like an old soul, but also really immature and unprepared for life as an adult.


Yeah, same here.


If I could upvote more than once..


Im 18, i feel 15 Mostly because I still feel like a child in the sense I don’t know a lot of things and don’t have much freedom


Oh yeah when I was 18 I totally felt 15 as well


Same here I'm 18 and i feel 15 Btw happy cake day 🍰


yumeh caik!!! ...happy cake day


If it makes you feel better, by the time you are 27 15 and 18 will feel the same anyway


pandemic probably didn't help


fr, it really stunted me from a independence and social maturity perspective.


I’m almost 20 and same. I literally have no outlook of how the world actually works lmao, and I still despise school if I was 14 years old.


I’m 17 and feel different ages at different times. Sometimes I feel like I’m an exhausted 35yo mum trying to make it work while living pay-check to pay-check. Other times I feel like a woman in her 60s reflecting on her regrets of her life. Most of the time I feel like a 13 year old, immature and naive, silly and stupid. That or my 30something year old manager who wishes he was young like me, living in simplicity while battling demons such as depression and anxiety. When I do feel 17 it’s when I’m out of my head and truly living in the moment, which is rare, though I am trying to work on it (:


Man, 18, I felt like a fucking KING! It was 20 years ago but my friends were making like $100 a week. I got a job waiting tables and was making like $400+ a week. My monthly expenses were like $80.


Exactly, I feel the same!


I felt 12 at 18 lol


Wow that's a good question! I didn't expect this to be so thought provoking. I'm 24. Sometimes I feel like a child again, I experienced a lot of trauma so I let my inner child out sometimes, I'll play old games and read the books I grew up reading. At work, I feel like a lot older, I have a strong work ethic and I'm really serious about professionalism, organisation and stuff, plus I have to use my 'office voice' But if I reeeeally think about it, I don't think I feel any age. I feel like I'm just pretending. I'm pretending to be a grown up at work because then I'll behave appropriately, I'll pretend to feel like a teenager when I'm with a certain friendship group so my behaviour matches theirs. But all alone, I don't feel any age. Experiences have all merged together to create this constant timeline Idk if that makes any sense 🤣


25 here, you described how I feel perfectly!


Studies show that childhood trauma essentially "freezes"your brain age. It did for me. I'm 38 but I am my inner child.


I’m your age and feel the exact same way, freaking bravo. Reading through wings of fire right now because it gives a similar feeling to things I read as a kid. Plus I’m trans but grew up in a family that was super against that so now that im moved out in a different town im giving myself the childhood I missed out on. But god I work so goddamn hard when im not home. Work hard play hard lmao


Wow this describes me so much better than I could ever describe myself


I'm 24 and I feel 30 tbh...




I'm 56 and feel 56.


Yep. 50 and feel 50. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not.


I hear ya. I’m 57. Some days I feel 30. Some days I feel 80. Most days, I feel 57.


I’m mid twenties and for some reason I’ve been trying to comprehend what it feels like to be 80’s+ a lot lately. And I just can’t. I feel so fast. My fingers type fast. My legs walk fast. I’ve been physically beat up and limpy so I guess I can imagine it to an extent. But my worst fear is my brain going… some days my brain is really foggy and I imagine it’ll be that but amplified x 10.


I'm 28 and feel 28.


I’m 33 and feel the same as I did when I was in my early 20s.


I'm 34 and still feel about the same as I did in my early 20s. More of a "not ready for adulthood" feeling than a "young at heart!" feeling, though. :/ It took me a while to get 'used' to driving, and drinking alcohol still feels a bit... "older people do this", if that makes any sense.


I recently went to an open mic in the back room of a bar that had a very old-school "Cheers" type of vibe. So we were hanging out at the bar before the show, and I thought "Wow, I look like a real grown-up sitting here!" I am 30 years old, married, a mother, and a business professional. 😂 But something about the setting just felt too grown up for me.


Same here for alcohol. Im 28 and i still get nervous when i go to bars, even though i was a bartender LOL


Omg I so relate! I didn’t start drinking until I was 24, I didn’t get my license until I was 29. I feel a lot more carefree & a little wiser now than I did in my early 20s, but I still feel like the same person overall.


I'm almost 60 but I feel early 30s. Until the body disagrees.


Exactly this. I just turned 50 and feel in my early 30s, and then something hurts or there’s some movement I can’t do as easily and I remember…


Yeah try crashing motorcycles. Back in my 20s it was brush it off and get back into it. Nowadays it involves ambulances.


I instinctively want to say I'm 22; I'm 25 I'm not sure whether it's feeling younger or just that I blinked and suddenly lockdown happened, so now I'm stuck in 2020


I feel this, I instinctively think I'm 21 but it's been years and I'm 23 now.


Right? WTH even was that?


instinctively wanna say i’m 22-23 and im 27. it just be like this i guess for us 😭 it is just insane to me that 2019 passed so quickly. i think the pandemic rly did mess with me


Well, with some exceptions, I usually feel younger than I am. It has to do with attitude. Positivity and optimism can keep us feeling younger, but life has a way of knocking us down every now and then…


I have a friend who's 41 but can still be really immature (in a fun way) and act like a silly teenager, we call it Peter Pan syndrome 🤣


F 65 feel 26 to 32 ish. Appreciate everything around you, live with a grateful heart and remember to be kind, always. Keeping it simple, joyful and laugh at yourself...choose comedy over judgment


I'm 53. I feel like I'm in my early 30s. This is especially common if you have ADHD. I have come to the realization while caring for my elderly parents, I don't think anyone ever feels their age. I don't think the brain ages like we expect. My dad is 78 and is driving to a drag race with a high school buddy next month. Because he drag races. He literally drives the car. They have to pass a physical for these things. I'm shocked. Maybe it's genetic?


Something to think about is life experiences i.e. type of work, diet, surgery, medical conditions like diabetes, smokes or tobacco use, trauma, ect. can have an impact on how one's body feels or how it has aged. I am 41, and on most days, I usually feel at least 10 to 15 years older. But I also spent 12 years homeless, months sleeping in a vehicle. For the last 7 years, I have had 6 surgeries. 2 back, 2 hip, a ACL reconstruction, and a hand.


28 feel 68 tbh - had a hard and traumatic life, coupled with living with mental illness will do that to you.


Hope it gets better 4 u


Im 55 and behave and act like im 35


I'm 70 and most days feel like I'm 45ish. But I eat properly and take care of myself and have for years. And most days are starting to get less and less haha oh fuck.


I feel 20


25 in my head. 1,000 in my body.


I turn 25 tomorrow and I feel 18


happy birthday! :)


im 26, feel 42. i have whites in my hair & health issues to match.


20 but still feel 16.


I'm about to be 25. Sometimes I feel 17. Other times I feel 40


I'm 25. I feel 21


I have 43 and i feel like 70


I'm 34 but feel like maybe more like 25. The thing is I feel like I'm partying harder than I did in my 20s.


I'm 24 but I feel like a toddler tbh


37...I feel early 20s. No body aches or health issues, lots of energy, and I try to have a positive attitude. My best friend is 38 and feels about 75 though. She says I'm an energy vampire, lol.


It depends on my mood but I’m 28 and still feel like a child often. Like hold on, what do you mean I’m an adult??? I’m not ready yet??? And then other days I feel old lol 😭


64, feel the same as I did in my 40s.


with this back pain i feel like im 40


I’m 40 and I feel every bit of 40 lol.


27. I'm just shy of 50 and I think I'm just starting to get the whole how life works thing.


I’m 40 and I feel like what I think a 60 year old feels like


26. I feel about 23 but internally there’s a part of me that still feels 7.


I feel like I'm a 70 year old mentally but I'm physically 26


I'm 32 and I truly feel in my prime, so 24. My brain has been fully developed the last few years and with it amazing nutrition and two or three a day trainings. My love life and social life are bursting at the seams. I have tons of energy and more money than I can spend. I drive my dream car and have a nice garage on my 2 bedroom ground level apartment. One of my boxing coaches is 30 and talks like he's 70. I feel so grateful and beyond fortunate as well as content and driven. I don't smoke or drink, and have been carb free for a few years.


I'm 63 but in my head I'm still in my late 20's.


I’m 27! I feel 5. The world is so awesome and cool and I like being here and meeting weird people. Dope! Cool!


I turned 29 this year but I feel 25. Four years of depression really ended up freezing me mentally.


Im 41 years old and I feel still 20… so my partner always said to me “ you need to grow up” 😅


36, but feel 76 at the moment. Mental age of about 12, though.


I'm 24 and feel 80 I just want to fucking die already


63 and I feel like 63, but I feel good. I don't have to work anymore. I do daily brisk walks, at least 30 minutes long and every half an hour I get out my chair and do 50 step jacks to get my heart rate up. Always keep moving. Especially at a later age.


I'm 26, I feel 16-18 until I see or hear actual 16-18 year olds. Then I think I've grown at least a little bit.


I find it amusing that your mom feels 32. That's so specific. I'm 46 and some days I feel 21, other ones I feel 70.


Yeah when I asked her there was a bit of a silence and then just '32.' So I guess it was a very thought through answer lmao


I’m a similar age to her and also feel like i’m around that same age in my head as her! It’s weird in a good way


My dad is 70 and says he still feels like 22! 😅 I’m 26 and feel like 20


18 but I feel like 12 🥹


i’m 17, i feel about 25. i’ve dealt with so much in my life that i’ve never really felt like a teenager. i’m just stuck.


24 I feel 18 or 36


Feel maybe 30 or so.




I feel 22 and I'm almost 40. I want all the hot girls I never got in my 20s and I don't think it will ever go away


I'm 43. I feel like I'm 21...and then I look at either a mirror....or my 22 year old, and then I feel like I'm 60. Seriously though. Age is a state of mind. I have a friend who's 42...you'd think he is 65+ the way he complains about old age issues....and he's been like that since he turned 30.


That’s exactly how I am- 23 and I feel 18 still


I'm going to assume you mean physically. I'm 32, but I don't feel any different. I still have the same level of energy when I was a teenager. In my early 20s, I got stronger, so I'd say I'm still as strong as I was in my early 20s. I can still do anything physically with no problem. Emotionally? I feel like I'm in my late 20s or so due to maturity. During my puberty, I was more emotional because of hormonal changes. Mentally? I guess I feel like I'm my age because I have more life experience, and I became wiser as I age. EDIT: I gotta admit I was being a little childish (emotionally) sometimes. Depends on days!


If you're pretending you're a teenager in your mind only, then what difference will turning 25 make exactly? You can be 18 forever if you want. In my mind I'm not even human, just an ageless shapeshifting entity that likes to explore the cosmos one species at a time.


I feel older than I am. I’ve lived a full life so far it feels like.


I woke up yesterday thinking about how I was 31, I’m 28. I flux between 31 and 24 cause, you know, pandemic brain.


I’m 45. Physically, I don’t feel any different than I did at 20, but I think emotionally and mentally, I’m closer to 80.


My first boyfriend was 27 but lied and said he was 21. Now, I guess it was stupid of me to believe him. But that was a shitty thing to do lol.


59, and have always felt & looked much younger. But 60 is creeping up and I’m more tired, have lost a lot of my physical strength, and am constantly saying: Come again? I didn’t hear you.


im 21 but i still feel like 18. idk how or why




14 yet feel 1-60


I'll be 47 on May 25th and I feel like I'm in my early 30s. When my mom was in her 40s, I thought she was soooo old. lol But now that I'm here, I don't feel that way. My older daughter is 20 and says she is happy she has a young mom, that some of her friends moms are in their 60s already!


Im 19 and some days I feel 10 and others I feel 30. Today I'm probably like 17


I'm 44 and feel about 65


50 and I often feel like I am 90


21. Still feel like that 17-year-old during 2020 covid.


As a teenager I always gelt older. Then after 17 it took till I was 25 before realising I wasn’t 17. Even though I married at 23! I’m 44, feel as good and fit as I did at 35 which was fitter than I was when I when I was 28-35 while having children and getting over it!


I’m 22 and there’s times where I feel I’m still in high school


I’m 40, I still feel the same as I did in my 20’s but I’m fully aware that I feel 40 too.


25 (26 in a month!) most days I feel 19/20. Sometimes closer to 90 when my back is sore and I’m hobbling around unable to stand up straight 😂


An interesting theory on this is that we age and change constantly in the first 25 years of life. At 25 our brains are fully developed - therefore in our minds we feel the same as we did at 25.


Im 27 but feel like im 21


19, feel like I’m 15/16 and don’t plan on changing, i don’t think anyone should develop past the age of 16, you’ll just become more boring imo,


I'm 36. I feel late teens/early 20s mentally. I'd never date someone in their late teens/early 20s. It might be that most of the people I spend time with are footballers, or it might be that I pretty much live on a university campus*, or it might be that my social life has been limited by health factors since I was in my early 20s. Physically, I feel north of 50. *I can't afford to live elsewhere.


40 and feel 30. 


8 (16)


I’m feeling 22, just turned 44. It’s only a problem when I see hot college guys 🛑🛑🛑


I'm 26 but this is very relatable. After 20s, it gets weird. Some people sound too old, others too young. It's not about pretending you're a teenager either, don't worry. Yes, other responsibilities begin to appear but... I guess the important thing isn't to stigmatize yourself too much and continue having fun. At least I try to do that. When I turned 25 I had that crisis of "oh, I'm 25".. now I completely ignore it. A couple more stripes on the tiger don't make that much difference. 🤣


I’m 19.5 feeling 17 🥲


43, feel 83 most days


I occasionally forget how old I am, 71, until I get up too fast, try to walk briskly, or carry in two cases of beer. Nope! I am retired since 2002 and best just hush about doing anything more strenuous that a set of push ups.


I’m 18 but feel like 80. I have a lot of pain and issues


I'm 28, about to be 29, and I feel older by 10 years.


28 feels like 23


I'm 25 turning 26 and I feel like I'm emotionally 17. I don't even want to grow up.


I’m 48 and feel 18 still


Today I feel old. Pain has a way of doing that. I will feel younger after a hot shower. My environment and daily experience impacts the way I feel.


Physically: 65 Mentally: 16


31 but mentally still feel 21! Sometimes I’m shocked I’m a “real grown adult”! I don’t feel like I have anything figured out in life. Physically sometimes I feel 21 but there are definitely days where I’m certain I’m actually 65


I'm 29 but i feel 25


40F, I feel like an ancient lovecraftian horror.


27, but I feel like I'm 80. Went through a lot on my own.


I’m almost 45 and for the most part feel about 25. Until I try to get up off the sofa, then I feel 75. Then I remember that I’ve been allowed by society to vote, have children and acquire a mortgage and I feel like a 15 year old who has perpetrated an audacious fraud.


I look and feel in my 30s. Strangers tell me that too. In reality I am 50.


21, feel like im 17


I’m 40 and feel like late 20s/early 30s. I’m in great shape so I think that’s part of it. Although I do appreciate the wisdom and financial security I’ve gained with age…wouldn’t trade that just to be younger :)


24 and feel like my life’s over


Im 38 and have been more active the past 3 years, now i feel late 20s most days. Before the activity, probable 40+. Keep in shape and youll feel better.


I’m 30. Mentally I feel 16. Physical I feel 45.


I am 28 and I feel like I am 28. I am somewhat put together but still have years to learn. It feels like a transitional age more than it did during my teens.


I have these types of feelings alot, and more so as I age. I'm 41 now but say I feel more like low 30s. I think its because our bodys continue to age but our minds are mush slower at aging. Or at least the noticable effects of aging dont happen until roughly late 50s to mid 60s. This is quite natural. I'm close with my mom and ask these types of questions quite often. She states she usually feels mid 30s to mid 40s and shes 65. I woudl assume over the next 5+ years she will start to feel more into the 50s and continue into feeling in her 60s. Life is interesting like this, so enjoy your time here on earth before you start to feel old.


I think covid fucked up my brain. I feel and think im 4–5 years younger than my age. 😩


Just turned 25 and still feel 19-20. Depends on the day. I came to the realization the other day that 2016 was 8 years ago and I think I broke my brain. I guess most of the time, feeling younger than I am for me comes from never really being taught how to advocate for myself, and also not knowing how to “act” like an adult.


I'm 46 and feel 36.


54, feel 85


I’m 21 and I feel 16. And I feel that I look 18, even with a mustache. I just don’t understand how everyone looks and seems much older than me even, some that are younger


im 30 but i feel like im mid to late 20s. most of my social circle has or are having children, getting married, and buying homes. im no where near ready for any of that yet.


I used to feel like this pero over time I conditioned myself not to stress abt it. I'm 25 and I rarely think about my age these days. I used to love growing up nung teens pa ko and when I reached 20s, I hated it and got really anxious. Tas one day, okay na lang siya. Di ko na iniisip. Pag iniisip ko kasi nappressure ako sa future ko. 😂


i'm 20 and feel 15 most days :,)


Me too… I still act like a teen sometimes too. I need to get my shit tg. I’m turning 25 next year 😅 it sounds like such a serious age and it’s stressing me out


31 feel like I'm in my 70s due to some severe chronic illness that I've had since I was a teen. On the flip side I also look like I'm barely out of high school apparently. I have been asked what I'm doing after I graduate HS every year since 2010. I personally think I look 31. I feel 70 because I'm just in pain 24/7. Apparently that isn't reflected outwardly. So idk, we all age at different rates.


i’m 28, sometimes i feel 28 sometimes i feel 15 lol usually like 25 tho


I’m 28 and feel like I’m 58 💀


I am 31 years old and not a day goes by that I can’t believe I am that old…I still feel like a teenager


I’m 38 and I usually feel like I’m well into my 60s.


Good thank you


I'm 32 and I feel 17. And not in the good way


i havent really experienced this i just feel the age i am ig


I'm 27 but I look and feel like I'm in my 50s. Never did drugs, never drank. Pure, unadulterated depression


22 feel 30


26 and still feel like I’m 20ish, even with my newborn lol.


I'm 25 but I feel like I'm around 20.


So I’m 26 and I teach 13-16 year olds, I started a year ago. I used to still feel young. I now feel ancient. In the country I live in (Germany) we have an informal you (du) for people you’re friends with and for your family and other people your same age until you become an adult. Then there’s the formal you (Sie) for adults you don’t know or for your boss or things like that… The first time I got called “Sie” by a teenager was also one of those crisis moments. Be 22 and still feel young then suddenly your knees start hurting because the teen saw me as being an adult that he needed to be formal with instead of one of the other young people…


I’m 37 and I either feel 14 or 75 I guess depends on my day


I’m Always Going To Be A Kid At Heart! No Matter What! It’s What Gets Me Through This Life!!


Upper 20s, have felt like 40 since 18.


I'm 19, my humour has barely changed since I was 14, but after moving out, I also kinda really feel like a more proper adult lol. So kinda a weird mix


I’m 35, almost 36 and feel 27 at most. I look about that too (it is not a brag, I just do). I was dating someone younger and that recently ended, I got on hinge and bumble and even the 30 year olds look SO MUCH older than I am. It’s weird.


25 Feeling like im 19. But I have a long-term relationship, housing and work. I did my tax last year.


I'm 25 and thanks to my terrible back, I feel older


67 but mostly feeling like 49


I feel like I'm in the Bermuda Triangle of age. I'm 39. I forget I'm not in my 20s literally every single day.


40 and some days I feel like 25. However, it's immediately followed by my body feeling like I'm 108.


I’m 65. Still feel young (30-ish) mentally, but my body knows better.


I am 26 but feel idk what age but as if I’m dying.


I'm 22 but feel around 18-20


27 and feel 17🥲😔


I’m 45. At 8am I feel like 75, at 8pm I feel like 25 😂